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Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by freyadragon on 2008-03-20 12:55:29
Hi guys!!
How's it going lately? :D
In case you guys are wondering I do both animated and non-animated avys :D
Sorry for not posting often, but I do try though when I'm not busy with college work.

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-20 15:41:51
seems like most of the members are out >,<
just passing by...

You can visit me there!!

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by Renma on 2008-03-20 16:18:13
@Shinji Yeah Sure ^^ I'm Still accepting Requests...

=/ Seems like not many members are here...

Wonder with the contest...

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-20 17:57:49
i think its better if Ashley will remodify this
club so that responsible members only would be left

You can visit me there!!

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-20 22:47:55
I'm closing this club for the meantime. I'll will make announcements if the contest will still push through. I will talk to Sayuri about this. Sorry about this. But I think this club is not working how it should. Previous members will need to re-apply when I open this again but I will make sure everything is okay when I re-open this thing. I will be asking special privileges if possible so that our club will have full privilege about avy-making. I will do my best about this.

Ich, can I talk to you? I need some suggestions.
Inx, if you can talk to me as well that would be fine.

Take care.


Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-20 23:04:28
ashley TT.TT
nuu~ why you close this club.. maybe some of the members are being busy..

TT.TT sorry,i rarely active in this club nuu~

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by Renma on 2008-03-21 00:02:43
Ah... Too bad.. It was fun while it lasted ^^

I had fun here Guys.. Thanks for letting me in Ashley...

(Wait.. Sounded like we won't meet again.. We will meet again, Won't we? XDD)

Well.. Anyway.. It's fun to be working with you guys ^^

Till next time then...

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-21 02:16:58 (edited 2008-03-21 02:17:17)

sure just PM me anytime...
you have 2 optins to resort regarding this


1. Close this Club for the meantime then Re-open it with full
modifications. [THREAD LOCK]

2. Let the club open while modifying the club.

If your going to ask me, ill go with OPTION 2. Clean up all the members
by having them to reapply, you can make it through PM, no REPLY means
that they are busy or something. And btw if somehow you nid some help
bout your mainpage design like the CG Club, I can help you with that
since I can code it. But before I do the coding, make sure that you
finish first all the necessary information ok? so that I can make it
all in one shot xP... and btw I think its better if you let the event
be finished first since all the participants mostly sent the entries

You can visit me there!!

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-22 17:22:18
Ash~ I think you should do the second option since we might get more request or something if we lock the thread.

Inxeh~ (late reply) Oh are you sure you won't be able to get it in by Tuesday?

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-22 22:44:03
Yes, Renma. We would meet again. I guarantee you that.
And you can still post here for suggestions and comments for the Club Modification.

Yes, I'm allowing the contest to push through.
And I'm going with option #2.

Don't worry I won't THREAD LOCK.

Ich, you'll help again? Thanks but do you think I should help you with it?

Sayuri, yes. And yes, you could push through with your event if you like. ^^

Take care.

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-25 07:10:26
oh..btw renma!...XD could ya really help me with my animated avatar?..
thanks!..i'll pm you the information about them...zzz..

sorry...have not been active since they start of school..sobs*..sorry...dont worry...if i can last until end of year..xD...IM GONNA HAVE PLENTY OF TIME TO PLAY THEN..[after my VERY IMPORTANT O level exams..sobs..*]


Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-25 10:17:05
The submissions are now closed and here are the entries

Ash~ BTW I can if you want fix up the first page with all of the members and stuff and then just PM you the code

Animated Division

Judges & Scoring

Quality: ------ 50%
Uniqueness: ---- 20%
Accuracy of borders and other technicalities: ---- 10%
Creativity of Animation: ------- 20%



Non-Animated Division

Judges & Scoring

Quality: ------ 50%
Uniqueness: ---- 20%
Accuracy of borders and other technicalities: ---- 10%
Eye-catcher or Striking~ness: ----- 20%





Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-03-25 10:35:04
> Got pwned... DEFINILY!
And it is my impretion or i submited a wrong size!?!
D: I Suck...

STFU Rin Set! So kawaii <3~
Empolini!!! Your set is soooooo kawaii <333~


 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by Renma on 2008-03-25 10:43:02
[last post before sleeping]


XDD NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! /stfu I'm the one who got pwned XDD You rawk Hun don't forget that and... Come to think of it.. The sig's size is like decreasing from the top XDD ROFL

This is gonna be a battle Between three awesome setmaker,, Dfly, Quack and Empo.. I Guess I'll just watch from the sideway XDD *Step aside but not withdrawing from the contest XP*

Nighty Night Peeps ^^

[/last post]

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-25 16:17:01

Awesome!! seems like im going to find a hard time judging
from this one ^^;

I already have my guess on who's the winner but I think
I have to think twice or thrice bout it xP


[1 Full CG Wallpaper]
DETAILS: 1 character of any anime series. The direct file for .psd will also be sent to the winners for editing.
NOTE: CG mostly takes 1-2 weeks so pls wait patiently

[1 Full Animated Profile Card]
DETAILS: your own info card with full detail animation made in CS2.
NOTE: .psd file will not be sent this time. Size is also limited since bigger size affects the output size[kb].
SIDE NOTE: You can also choose this option [PROFY COMMERCIAL 500px x 100px]
NOTE: Just want to clarify things, the winner in this event will only be 1 [ONE] the selective winner both from animated and non-animated will compete for my prize.
I have my own set of judge that will choose whether the winner will be on Animated or Non-animated section. Have to point this out so there will be no issues
regarding the winner. The criteria is also the same but the main point here is the STRIKENESS of both set. GOODLUCK!!

You can visit me there!!

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-25 17:02:52
Well, some of the sigs here are better than I expected (I'm really losing my touch here)

Oh well, time to do my job. With how I am, you'll have the results within 2 years if I work faster.

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-25 17:32:28
Ash~ I just did this out of fun for the first post you made, just let me know if you wish to use it or something.

Avy Makers Association

Welcome to the Avy Makers Association or the AMA. You don't have to be the best avy maker to join you just have to be interseted in avy making.

If you wish to join just PM me with these details.


Nickname: [What you wish to be called]

Division: Animated or Non-Animated or Both

Sample of Your Work: Avy + Siggy or Avy or Siggy

Afterwards you will recieve a message from me.
Requesting an Avy

If you wish to request an avy from one of our members just fill out the needed requirements and sent it to me or post it here.

Avy Maker: [Your favorite Avy Maker]

Name: [On the Avy]

Font: [Color, Size, Etc.]

Animated or Non-Animated:

Matching Siggy:

President: Ashley

Vice-President: Inx

Organizer:* Sayuri

*The only hand-me-down job

Those with the asterisks have already become the organizer in the past, members
who have already been organizer will not be it again unless,
all of the members have gone through the "pain", or if they wish to do it again.

AshleyLacus [Kertoz]Viena
AmarMizuki [Mizu/Nyu]Shinji
Kei9FreyaDragon [Freya/FD]Kira [Nitro]
Ichvon [Ich]*Renmazuo [Renma]Suzaku
KyuMija [Tomoyo]Kei-Kun
Sayuri [Sayu]RinDragonfly [DF]
JcDarkyKarou [Ru~Ru]
Inx [Inxy]DuoQuack
Kira2EonSenna [Sen]
Kira7392 [Kira2]Lockey [Key]Yat
AolasRedLatino [Lat]
Trademark of the Club

<img src="" align="right">
Criteria for Judging

For both Division:

Quality: ------ 50%

Uniqueness: ---- 20%

Accuracy of borders and other technicalities: ---- 10%

For animated:

The remaining 20%

Creativity of Animation: ------- 20%

For non-animated:

The remaining 20%

Eye-catcher or Striking~ness: ----- 20%

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-26 06:33:45
actually the trademark there is the old version
this is the latest [although its not made recently xP]

<img title="AMA Trademark" src="" align="right/left">

You can visit me there!!

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-26 08:46:01

"ouch" hahaha -> same like ich on the previous page ^^;

well i might not be that active in the thread (well considering the post i'm made ^^;)
it just that i don't know what to talk ^^

for avy request well i'm open and the first one who ever asked me is misha ^^;
though it's not that great of a result


what else to report ...


Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-26 15:02:34 (edited 2008-03-26 15:02:59)
@Sayuri: Thats really a good idea~!
And the avy and siggys are so good, I knew that I wouldn't win xD
Or stand a chance.

Are you sure I'm the vice-president?

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

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