Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
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by Broken-Stomach
on 2009-06-10 19:21:16
well you see not only does it have great drawings and amazing also has the power to keep the viewer watching and watching i dont think any other sort of media would have that effect on me (television shows,movies and so on). It takes the person to a whole new world where he/she can relate to the characters and feel the emotions that are expressed in the anime laughter, sadness, love, revenge, sympathy and the list can go on and on. Makes you wanna live in that sort of world....*sigh* maybe thats just me but still im sure people will agree with me...In conclusion anime is great and i just feel like its a good to way escape from reality. |
Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
i think because anime is so cute and anything would not happen in our world will happen in their world.alsoit can realize many ppls imaginationand also influence ppl
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anime has things possible which no movie or actors in real life would never be able to portray. the powers , the hair color, the body structure,they could create an entire world an it would seem almost believable(who am i kidding , i believe almost all of the plot of all anime i see, well xcept for a few) so in short anime makes the impossible possible, it makes fantasy seem like final fantasy get It!!! |
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I LOVE Anime because it is apart of me and my life and I use it for inspiration to write my stories and I just absoleutly LOVE comparing Anime to the real world! XD It makes everything seem to come together in my life and I view my life as great, because I feel as if I'm sharing the world with anime! XD So to sum it all up, ANIME IS MY LIFE!!! XD And if you think there's something wrong with that, well you need to either: #1) Check out more Anime #2) Look at how big of a fan other people are #3) Get a Life! #4) Think more often and frequently I'm not saying those to be rude, I'm saying those because there are other people who are Otakus just like ourselfs, but SOME of us just Fail to see that. And FTW, There's an Otaku inside everyone, if we all opened up more to Anime. . . ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
i like anime because... there is lots of impossible actions that can be carried out in anime (different from reality shows)
- the geass is in my eye -
Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
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love it cause of the art style ![]() |
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i find my answer to be the same as the others. even so, here's why we love it: 1.) we control our own imagination. it's just there to make it better 2.) reality sucks. we need a break once in a while 3.) it's something everyone enjoys/can enjoy and by far, nothing is wrong with that 4.) you see life with color when you love anime. nothing is a dull moment that is for certain. ![]() |
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i know.Because,hmm.Idk.i just love it! there is just somthing about it that I love! |
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1. It is a way to escape our painful or boring lives. 2. It is often an imagination outlet. 3. The caracters are amazing 4. All the plots are so different, it's not like literature when all the plots are the same old boring thing. 5. It is so artistic that it just captures your eyes and you don't want to look away. ![]() |
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1. Great graphics. 2. Great storyline. 3. Great characters. Anime girls, lol. 4. Just great in its own way. 5. Comes in different styles and genres. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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i think, because anime can portray the amazing story which movies can only dream of dipicting!! and boy those silly moments will surely be awkward when done in movies!! imagine actors doing the sweating on the back of the head, and running around (miniature version) .. |
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I would have to say that a reason so many people can love anime, is because unlike cartoons in america for younger kids, television series for young adults, and then eventually tv series for adults, anime can range throughout multiple age groups based on the content and story. While it may start out seemingly based at younger audiences, anime can be aimed at older audiences as the story progresses and evolved with the audience. Anime, unlike most American animation, portray the same thing American television with real actors can. To the Japanese, anime shows are the equivalence of ( examples: ) Smallville, Angel, Scrubs, Glee, Gilmore Girls, ER, Las Vegas, NCIS, Law and Order, etc [ I tried to range them, haha ]. Most Americans however, view anything with animation based at little kids. Luckily, I was introduced to anime at a young age, and as I have grown my range and taste in anime has grown to include all kinds. That's why I can say to friends who don't think anything of it, that anime can be as good as any show they watch. You just have to find the right ones. |
Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
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The reason i watch it is for the storylines, artwork and the availability. Plot-wise, anime tends to be more intresting to watch compared to american cartoons for the same age group. American cartoons focus more on getting in as many sexual inuendos and political humour as possibe i find >_> Then the shows that are non-cartoon here usually have like 4 genres to choose from: comedy, romance, reality and sci-fi... i have yet to see a good fantasy, adventure/action show come out in america T_T Artwork of anime is pretty self-explanitory.... sorry but american cartoon artwork is not on-par with the eye-candy that anime can come up with Finally anime, as i do most of my watching on the computer, is FAR more available and flexible to watch! yah you can watch some american shows online, but they are hard to find and usually have weird requirements before you can even watch the show >_< Anime is watching what you want and when you want to sorta thing |
Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
I love watching anime. I don't really know exactly the reason other then it makes me feel good watching it. The stories are all different but all make you feel like your apart of it. I guess that is what I enjoy about it. :) |
Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
It is because anime is like another real world that makes as feel happy (or sad, depends on the storyline and plot) and makes us laugh (or cry). We can compare ourselves from the characters of anime. And anime have an amazing artwork. There's a thing that can only be done in an anime (NO CAMERA TRICKS!XD) And after all, stories of anime are great, awesome and wonderful! Although anime are but imaginations, it'll never be hated by anyone. Anime has a wide range of ages that can watch it. Man or woman, old or young, as long as it's a wonderful anime, everyone can watch it. Finally, anime can make our feelings become well for a second at the moment we watch them. It can make us happy at the moment we are sad. It can make us smile at the moment we have a frowned face or make us laugh at the moment we are crying. And of course, musics, songs and soundtracks of anime had some very special sound that can make someone feel good at the moment he/she hears it. I REALLY LOVE ANIME!!!! |
Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
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by shiroi bara
on 2010-05-29 21:05:11
bcoz its usually hilarious Or if it's not,it has a really good story plot Ah,and the chara designs too!! ;)
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Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
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Hm, I would agree with you. It's a nice way to relax and take a break from reality. I like anime better than most young adult books because all the dumb books for females are all stupid high school romance stuff. GIRLS LIKE TO READ INTERESTING STUFF BESIDES WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A "NEW RIVAL" MOVES TO TOWN, TOO. And fantasy is all starting to look the same, and it's so cliche. It's disappointing really. I find that for the most part, you can find interesting characters, but the thing that sold me was that it was storytelling and visual art. I absolutely love art, and while I like regular literature, art + literature = win. Also, there is a range of generas for different ages, and I think that many people like it because there's something for every one =)Pr ![]() |
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why do I like anime...? well, i could go into a long-winded story, but i dont want to bore anyone. anyway: I like anime because when i was first introduced to it, I was going through hard times, and I wanted to escape the hell of life, and I refused to accept reality. Also, it fuels my imagination, helping to inspire me and the little world in my head so that I can be among friends and have adventures, even when I'm alone and stuck in the seriousness of life. |
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Watching anime help you a lot in many thing at least thats what i gain or learn by watching anime i am able to think things better after i watched anime i increased my english even thought i didnt even study for english lol And also anime is interesting from what i know there are no one who stopped watching anime after they watched some anime xD ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
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by maria083093
on 2011-07-03 06:35:48
Simple. its because it brings us happiness, that's why we love anime! :) |