Registered:2007-11-02 11:03:48
Latest Activity:2023-06-27 07:52:43
Forum Entries: View All (118)
Buddies: has 26 buddies in list, is on 12 buddy lists
Song Ratings: View (4)
Contributions: 2 pending, 0 accepted, 0 rejected
Uploads: 11 uploads, 0 pending, 6 points total
Battle Stats: Wins: 18, Losses: 19, Ratio: 48%, View Standing
Polls: 1 votes
About Me: Nickname: HeavenRider
Real Name: you wont pronounce it, but You can ask me
DOB:July 23rd 1988
MY QUOTE : Heavenly Rider .... Ride along or Ride against , in the journey called life.. Ride on ... do not stop too long... enjoy and move along.. never stay too long.. for we are bound by time and tide ...that no Rider can hold on.....

i like to make friends , an meet new people , travel , read books, manga, watch anime , movies, and love to have good food!!!!!!!!

My Signatures -----> ken sig Photobucket gaa

My Avatars ----> Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket
ken sig Photobucket

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