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Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2006-07-27 22:41:45
Yeah, it did seem kinda outta place. Anyway, the next game isn't even gonna have Sora or anyone, and it's for the PS3 so it'll be a while before any of us see it...specially if Tetsuya hasn't finalized designs and if he also has to work on FF 13...Oh well!

Maybe Donald will be a pimp in the next one! Fingers crossed!

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by Kosuke on 2006-07-27 22:59:55
Heh Donald being a pimp...XD

But No Sora?! PSP?! Aw man...

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Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by See ya! on 2006-07-28 18:26:42
Yeah, so what's Goofy? A hooker?
Riku: Awww, Gawd! Kairi doesn't like me, Namine doesn't like me! What the hell did I do? I've got the hair, and the shoes, and I kick ass! I'm just gonna hire a hooker.....
*chick gets in car* *ten minutes later*
Riku: So, how much do I owe you?
Chick: It's on the house, Riku.
Riku: I never told you my name. *shines flashlight at chick* OMG!! GOOFY?!?!

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2006-07-28 18:46:06
Lol Yes, they're all very skanky. Here's an example!

(Sora wakes up in a big pillowy bed)
Sora: Oh my much did I drink last night?
Voice next to him: Oh Sora, that was incredible...
Sora: Wait, who are you?
*Voice takes blanket off*
Chip: It's me, Chip...
*Sora coughs up fur*
Sora: Holy crap!! What did we do??
Chip: Mmmm baby...we did everythang...

Moral of the story: Remember kids, don't get drunk and end up sleeping with a Disney squirrel.

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by See ya! on 2006-07-28 18:49:44
OMG That was great!!

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2006-07-28 18:51:04
lol Thanks!

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by See ya! on 2006-07-28 18:52:42
Dude, you should so get msn! OMG that was so great

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2006-07-28 18:57:34
lol Sure, I have MSN, check out my profile to get my screen name! Add me anytime.

I'll try to think of some more stuff!

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by See ya! on 2006-07-28 20:50:56
'Kay, that's weird. I can't view your profile. What's your nickname? I thought that it was roqstar14, but I can't find it. O.o o.O

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2006-07-28 20:54:07 (edited 2006-07-28 20:56:18)
Oh I'm sorry, I meant click on "ROQ". It'll take ya there automatically. Enjoy!

EDIT: Here's the link:

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by See ya! on 2006-07-29 10:49:32
*Ending of KH2*
*Sora and Riku plummet from the sky*
Kairi: Sora! Riku!
Sora: *giggles and swims towards Kairi*
Sora: We just risked our lives for you. Fought for two years straight for you. I ALMOST DIED FOR YOU!! And you won't even come in to see me?!
Kairi: Sorry, I can't come in. I'm wearing my brand-new leather shoes-- they'll get ruined!
Sora: O.o o.O

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by 破壊 on 2006-07-29 18:54:38 (edited 2006-07-29 18:56:18)
Hey wasn't Ansem the heartless's fake name because the guys name is Xehanort right? Xehanort descrabbled is X-noheart hmm. well back to the topic. Here goes!

well This is from the secret ending at the end.. ill try to make it make sense..?

SpartanHaloKeyblademaster1: look its 3 keyblade in the middle of the horizon set apart from the other millions of keyblades.

SpartanHaloKeyblademaster2: Uhh, which one should i pick? from the middle or from the million others?

SpartanHaloKeyblademaster3: who cares. Just pick the one in front of you..

SpartanHaloKeyblademaster1: Can you both just shut up and pick it up?

SpartanHaloKeyblademaster2: So uhh which is better wielding 2 SMG's or 2 keyblades?

SpartanHaloKeyblademaster3: One question! What game are we in...?

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by Kitty on 2006-07-29 19:13:44
Let me try! Nyaaah!!! (fyi, I am a YAOI fangirl, and there are some very mild hints to Riku/Sora-ness...just thought I'd let you know, so if this isn't your cup of tea, then you can move on along. ;D)

*in the "white world" place at TWTNW where you fight black/white Xemnas*
Sora: *helps Riku walk
Sora: Hmm?
Riku:...Is it just me, or are you totally groping my ass?!?

*later, at the beach where Sora is practically dragging Riku to the shore cuz he can't walk*
Riku: Dude, ease up on the gropage, you're giving me a frickin weggie!
Sora: *drops him* Well, sor~ry, you can just walk your own crippled - though incredibly sexy - ass to the beach yourself!
Riku: FINE, I wi-...did you just call my ass sexy????

End? (maybe) -_-;;;;;;;

>^_^< ~ Meowchi!!!!

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by Kosuke on 2006-07-29 22:22:32
LOL that was classic people!

*at Twightlight Town when Kairi was with Roxas's friends)

Axel: *comes out of the portal* I knew I find you here, Kairi *walks towards her*

*Pence and Hayner tries to stop him but he dogdes*

Axel: C'mon *pulls on Kairi's arm*

Kairi: NO! *swift kick at the nuts*

Axel: O.O! owww....did not see that..coming...*falls over*

Pence and Hayner: O.O

Kairi: Serves you right!

Olette: Oh my...

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Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by tina on 2006-07-30 13:37:56
you guy are soo freak'n funny!! so creative hee hee

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Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by See ya! on 2006-07-30 15:10:47
*'Kay, mine is also in the "white world" where you fought Xemnas, but I can't take complete credit for it, Schala came up with this one when I beat KH2*
Riku: I-- I can't, Sora...
Sora: It's not over. It's just not!
Riku: Even if we could go on-- look where we are...
Sora: Aww, c'mon Riku! You've been hanging out in darkness to long. You need to think positive ^_^
Riku: Sora, you lead.
Sora: *nods and grabs Riku's belt to pull him up*
*music starts playing mysteriously*
Music: You put your hand up on my hip, when I dip you dip we dip! I put my hand up on your hip, when you dip I dip we dip!

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by See ya! on 2006-07-30 16:12:31 (edited 2006-07-31 10:13:31)
you guys all have to watch the kingdom hearts "Random Dubbing" "Kh just for fun" "Kh knights of the round table" etc on you tube. It's pissing your pants worthy.

Also, please check out the kingdom hearts parodies on!

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by See ya! on 2006-08-08 17:32:54
Oh My GAWD!! You guys are letting this thread die again, and I don't want that to happen T_T!! Please, come up with something!

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by Kosuke on 2006-08-17 20:44:52 (edited 2006-08-17 20:51:10)
Wow haven't been here in awhile...well I do have something but it is on would have to put dancingflamesaxel on the search and click on which kingdom hearts guy is gay....made it myself ^_^

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Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 humor thread
Link | by imppy on 2006-08-17 22:49:11
Roxas: "Mm....."

Olette (sp?): "" *licks*

Roxas: "Yes...more...more!!!" *keeps licking*

Olette: "It's so sweet, Roxas!"

Roxas: "Yes! Mmmm..!!!"

Olette: "Oh, Roxas...this is the best day ever!"

Roxas: "Yes! Mm..!! uh..!!! Seasalt ice cream tastes sooo good!"

People: "....."

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