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Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-12 22:41:08
Holy mother of GOD... you guys are all incredibly good!

you all deserve to be the Nº1... now it's when Judges have work!... awesome

I listened to all of your entries... Perfect!

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 01:19:08
I think I have the right of feeling scared now. D8

But group A no minna-san... that was great! Awesome! 8D

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 07:00:47
@Risena: hehehe well, not that I wonder why... lol good luck! ^__^

As I said before, the judges will have a hard work from no on... I can't wait too see what they think of this group' entries.

Just exactly how many people advances to the next round from each group? and can we vote like we did before? (after the judges decision, of course)

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 08:30:34
@Kei-kun:: If my understanding is correct, 6 will be chose by the judges and 1 by Gendourians from a total of 15 contestants (from both Group A & B) to go into the finals!

*panics mode*

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 10:31:00 are right...6 will be chosen by the judges and 1 will be chosen by the people...semifinalists can vote also...^-^ Either for themselves or for someone else ^-^

Reviweing the judges reviews for Group A...there are a lot of I might change the number to 7 moving on and 1 people's at the end it might be 8 finalists...who knows...we'll see what happens...

And the division of the groups don't matter as I said before...I also chose the names randomly...hehehe ^-^

So good luck everyone...

Judges revieews for Group A will be up in a little bit!!


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Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 11:50:36
semifinalists can vote for themselves? XDD
oh gaah.. I'm not going to do that XD.. I know who I will vote for if that person doesnt get picked already =D I have one big fav.. but i think he/she'll get through anyway ^^

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by ICD on 2007-09-13 12:20:54 (edited 2007-09-13 12:34:11)
Oh I apologise for my entry being so short. The problem is that I have always come back to school since ages ago so it is sort of impossible to find time for me to record now. I had to then choose a song that I had done before and I have never really sung the whole of any songs so.. T_T

Anyways... The semifinalist entries are pretty cool =D Some sang songs that I really love again haha.. Not sure whether I should post up a crit for each entry or not o_o That'd make me sound.. mmm D: (Coz I can't critique lightly.. never)

Anyway back to work.

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 12:44:18
*gurgle* critique loolz
ICD if you have time feel free to critique me lol
but its not that necessary.. I know of a lot of flaws in my entry and tried to do it over but.. apparently I suck XDDD cuz whenever i try to rerecord it it just sounds.. BAD to me.

your entry was really different than what i've heard of you before haha lots of falsetto and also low notes o_o really cool ^^

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 12:53:39 (edited 2007-09-13 12:53:53)








Good job Group B!!

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Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 18:16:23
o.o omg i see my entry

Lots of critiques coming~

GROUP A!!! the hardest of all...@_@

- Erkun: Awww...i am SO in love with your voice >.< *falls for guys with soothing voices easily~* hehe :P The song you chose was very sweet...I loved your recording!! The pitches were perfect...I dunno what to say T_T Great job!!!! <3

- ICD: o.o what song is this? (btw i loved the way you made your voice in the beginning...nice!!) it sounds so eery~ It's 3 seconds short though...isn't it? T_T oh well~ it was pretty nice, but the high notes were hard weren't they? o.o; because of those evil high notes that were just slightly 'scratchy' i think you sang it very well!! high notes kill me...nice job! O_O

- Benfok: o.o it's a chinese song. i think i've heard it before. the recording quality wasn't the best so i couldn't hear your beautiful voice that well T__T it think the song fits you though ^^ nice falsettos, and you have a great voice ^_^

- Ryoko: OMG you sang that duet song so well by yourself!! I loved the harmonizing parts!!! (you're a natural =D) it does seem like the song could use more power, but it was very sweet ^_^ very original~

- Kouji: o.o you sure love to sing difficult songs. Akatsuki no Kuruma is too high for me...x_X OMG...your voice fits it so well...soooo pretty!!! you have a natural gift of a wonderful voice...glad you used it well ^^ great job~! the emotion was truly shown in this recording

- SUK: it's ready steady go!!! ahahahaa...i loved the 'live version' effect xDD omg you sound like Elvis xDD i loved it!!! it seemed a bit too low, but you covered the voices pretty well!! omg that means you did that in one recording didn't you? o.o if you messed up you'd have to start over o.o amaaazing~ (where did the rest of the song go?)

- Yinzhao: Flavor of Life!! it was a great cover...i think it fits your voice well ^^ now what's this saying your singing sucks? XD

@ bear: o.o i could hardly hear you >.< add more power to it!!! the world is yours when you sing ^^

Group i am so dead @_@

@ Kero: need a bit more power. it was a good cover, and the notes were sang well, but remember the world is yours when you sing...make it happen =D

@ Tkuz: LINK!! i wanted to sing that, but the notes were low at times. you sang with great emotion, and your voice fits =D beware of high notes in the chorus though~!

@ Hikari: TSUME!! my chose an impossibly hard song (in my opinion xD) to sing!!! it doesn't fit your voice >.< if it was ballad version, that would be different...but since you attempted it, you have my applaud *applauds* XD

@ Atashi: hmmm...i don't think this song fits you...maybe your voice is better with ballads and soothing songs? it was a great attempt though ^^ you hit the notes most of the time with the right power =D

@ Engel: OMG i love this song!! why do you always choose songs that i love? @_@ the song fits you well...but sometimes at the end of notes you lose your air~ uhh, that didn't make sense. some notes (i think) coulda been held out longer~ it was pretty though!! i would never sing that song...too hard >.< nice!

@ Suzaku: YOU ARE DEAD PERIOD. (i am so morbid xD)

@ Rixena: i've never heard this song always choose good songs ^^ it's a really pretty song...(ugh i hate this buffering problem >.<) your voice was a little soft though...the emotion was great though ^^ the notes were hit right...great job! ^^

It seems that i had more harsh words for the people in my group then in Group A T_T I'm sorry if it seemed like it was intended, but that wasn't done on purpose...

*runs away~*

*stares from the corner* o.o

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Re: Singing Idol
Link | by Daniel on 2007-09-13 18:52:46 (edited 2007-09-13 18:55:36)
yeah i lowered it a few steps... Hyde's voice is kinda... er.. high.. lol (haha Tetsu sounds like a giant)

and no some parts weren't one take o_o;;; i'm not very good with recording technicalities ya know? and i'm far from being a stellar live performer =(

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 18:57:46
I don't feel that it is my place to critque anyone here because I can hear many contestants who are better than me. I don't think I will be lucky enough to move on to the final. You all people are really good.

@ICD: you did pick a very difficult song but you really came through. Great performance.

@Yingzhao: I love that song. You did a great job singing it. It is one of your favorite songs? I know what you mean about flaws. I can hear flaws in my song too. But that was the best I can at the time. I want to download you song and listen to it on my phone. Can I do that with Soundclick?

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 19:08:58
oh GOD you guys!!! you wrote out critiques for everyone *dies*

I want to say a couple of things for everyone too but I can't <_<
it would be lame because I liked everyone's songs o_O and some a little bit more *grins* XD

engelwings - thanks =DDD and yeah.. I was screaming my heart out when singing this song but i recorded bad so it sounds really sharp and stuff.. I tried to redo it, and it sounds better in emotion then but .. not as powerful <_<

suzaku - thank you =3 its just that .. I really hate how I have to TRY really hard to sing good haha. while some people can just sing and it sound gorgeous.. just like that XD

Ben - it was my favorite song at the time when I sung it =D right now my fav song is the theme for Crisis Core XDD
if you're a member on soundclick you can download the song from there =D
btw. gaaah your chinese singing <3333

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 19:17:17
@Yinzhao:that song was my favorite when I was growing up (still growing, btw XD) I hope you like it.
I guess I have to join soundclick to get your song. You sing so well.

@Engel:You song is already in my phone. I will be listening to it everyday. Sweet voice.

Susaku and Rixena:you both sounded very nice. Don't be too hard on yourself. I love your voice and singing.

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by Kero on 2007-09-13 20:25:49 (edited 2007-09-13 20:26:08)
DX I knew I should have recorded a new song! I hate you, final exams... OTL

@Engel: You remind me of Nakashima Mika! Much loves ♥♥♥

augh no time to listen to everyone!
shall listen tomorrowww~

* * *

My blog :3

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 20:43:39
wooh. mika nakashima is love.
IF i get through to the finals.. Im entering with a mika nakashima song. Only If tho <_<


Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 20:52:58
OMG i just realized o.o If it's only 6, maybe 7 people moving on plus 1 person voted by the people, that's including all the semifinalists O__O

I'm so dead X_X

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Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 21:39:24
OMG!!! Group B is out!!!

@Yinzhao:: I know what you mean... is always so hard to get the "perfect" recording... there always seems to be some flaws here and there. It'll take me forever (if that even happen in the 1st place) to get a recording I'm truely happy with.

@Suzaku:: Ya... Some of the notes were just too long and my lungs arn't that powerful to hold them strong... =(

@Without you: OMG!!! U're too sweet!!!

@Kero:: hahaha... Mika... then u should hear my next song... that is, if I get into the finals. If not I'll post it in the Karaoke sharing thread anyway~

Well... I don't think I'm a good enough singer to give good comments but I'll like to think that if my comments will be able to help ppl improve (though i can't promise that my comments are right/accurate all the time)~
Hope you guys don't mind this Judge wanna be wagging her tongue (erm... or shld I say typing away on her keyboard)~~

Anyway... I've got to go visit the dentist now... I'll be back to comments later....

Hope Pame decide to get a total of 8 into the finals... but that again... it'll mean real tough competition!

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by Erkun on 2007-09-13 22:11:23 (edited 2007-09-13 23:21:36)
Semis is on...!
I don't want to comment on the songs because one of those are mine hehe...

I still haven't listened to the songs yet so how could I possibly comment in the first place.. *bonks self*

Listened to some songs...
(No critiques hehe)

Woah I like to sing Link too but its too high for me... great job singing it!

Love your song!

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-09-13 23:19:44
I can't wait to read what the judges have to say. Maybe I should think about which song to sing for the final. I am hoping for the best, expect the worst and take what comes.

I seem to me there are more female singers than male singers. I could keep track but that's my impression.

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