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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-18 21:12:55
ou! genki?

lol, ramon razor hard gay, its been awhile since i heard/watch thing about him^^, he's good guy what.......

maxis? no wonder then
- i watch GG subbed

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-18 21:23:17
yea i think in my area celcom is better...but the modem price!!! so cekik darah DX

GG? lol iunno much about sub groups ^^;;

speaking of you watch any latest anime?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-19 00:14:02 (edited 2009-02-19 16:20:20)
hmm, new anime yea.....but i jump right away to the latest episode...

toaru majutsu no index
tales of abyss
white album
clannad ~after story~
sora wo kakeru shojou

thats it i think, rather than collecting im more just randomly dwld 1episode of any anime that seem interesting......

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-19 09:27:02 (edited 2009-02-19 09:30:02)

What meds? lol.. Why do you want to imagine a man wearing wig,mini skirts+high heels when you can go to CENSORED and see for yourself? xDD *joking joking*

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Karuichan on 2009-02-19 21:16:15
***If any of you all don't do a proper introduction , but you just say 'hi' or 'just passing by' , it will be considered an instant messaging (or spam under different cases) and you'll be reported .

(><;;) KIIIII! Did I did that? Anyway...

Thanks~ You can call me Pokebeach / Keichan, Keichan is my new penname I'm gonna use since I regret using Pokebeach (=__=)

Kufufu... Dari Sabah le nie~ Baru nak Active nie~


Well, I not really searching for one ;;

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-19 22:49:53
kat mana? KK? ke Sandakan? ke kat mana-mana? lol

i wonder if you already drop by the it's been a while since i went there for long these days >_>

meds for high fever! lol
hmmm where is this CENSORED? XDD

the 2 bottom on the list...i don't think it's my type of anime XD
i'mma watch Valkyria Chronicles!!! XDD
and Slayers Evolution-R XDD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Karuichan on 2009-02-20 00:21:30
I did drop by... ^^ anyway, I'm at KK...? You're in Sabah too?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-20 00:30:58
try panadol o_o..
if i can tell you,i wouldn't have to [CENSORED] it ?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by *-* on 2009-02-20 01:50:18
huh? it is? T_T *sob* *bids goodbye to sig with heavy heart* *sigh~*

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-20 03:00:28 (edited 2009-02-20 03:20:25)

haha, dont just think! make sure of it! go watch it NAW!!!!
- well... sora kake girl is not recommended.... but clannad is highly recommended; just throw away your ego of not watching drama genre for a while ^^. if clannad not good it wont stay for 7 consecutive weeks in here

ive been referring to the board for long time to decide which anime to pick or not... their discussion were more specified compared to *cough*this*cough* site anime thread, which mostly ramblings........
add 1 more to watched list

kurogane no linebarrels

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-20 06:33:11
Hello malaysiannnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how are you all?..hohohhohohohohohohhohooho here i'm didn't see angelus around...hohoho...anyway i just passing by and just want to greet you all...XP

thanks for that information angelus! now i understand bout it.I didn't expect that instant message can cause danger to a thread...but you won't rape me right?(are a man or woman?)...

>keichan you has change your nickname huh?hohohoho......

hello there..i'm dean..i watch linebarrel to..what your opinion bout that anime?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2009-02-20 07:05:05
This thread has been over-happening since I disappeared.
Just popped in to say Hi.
Yes, I was bored and tired of coloring things. So I did a random 5 minute sketch of Gakuppod <3
Meine liebe~<3

Because I'm too lazy to look up things, heard about the meet-up from dear DT/Yuki-chan but I can't make it.
Have fun to whoever that's going.
I'll prolly see you in GACC.


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-20 09:16:23

Konnichiwa ~


lol... Hello ~ i am fine ~~ welcome back o_o


nice to have you back ..

oh..i just realized Angelus preference is on Male
be careful..guys

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-20 15:19:40
LOL! about angelus

panadol >_>
i dah muak. lol

just tell me where is this *bleep* place XDD

gakuppod! XD
nice XD

nao? i'm too busy wih hw atm DX

i'll try to watch clannad when i feel like it XD

and what's that anime about?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-20 20:27:42
oh~ I'm baaaaaaaaackkk!!!

*sigh again*
life is sooo boring right now.
Study, study and homework and koko activities.
Next week shall be very hectic week for me; tuition test, koko stuff, homework, folio, phamphlet bla.. blaa.. blaa...

~Baby Holkieee:
*dropping me mouth, rolling me tongue out*
What?! You want me to explode, you think its better that way??
Then who's gonna replace me to fight with yah?
.... No one! /singing Alicia Keys - No One
one more thing, there's no such thing as what-so-ever pills you said..
Zannen desu~
Bagus la mcm 2. baby holkie x yah menang competition 2.. /evil laugh

Hisahiburi desu ne?
Wow, nice sketch!!!
you've been gone for such long time these days
you must've been very busy..
well then, ganbare!!

genki datte~
no, its not hari sukan. my hari sukan is bulan 7.. lambat lg..
it has something to do with Hari Unit Beruniform Malaysia, I think.

My school life is a mess.
still fighting my life for addmath and physic
(cos thats the subject that I hate most)
and Bio has too many theories, not that I can't cope its just that it have too many link wif other chapter in the subject.
eg; lymphatic system ade kaitan dgn leucocyte(lymphocyte),
blood clotting dgn plasma bla..bla..
x ingt.. rase mcm amik course doctor plak.

panadol- oh, bio again..

gtg.. me mess life is waiting to haunt me again.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by holkers on 2009-02-21 09:39:12 (edited 2009-02-21 11:26:26)
Wow so many post :OOOOOOOOOO
So here goes..

*pokes dean, mini pepsi, vincent* hehe tht's my greetings for ya, i know it's late but... duh tht statement xDDDDDDDD

Serge: Oh My God, You dont know what ish MPH?
serge it's a bookstore in jusco xDDDD
silly dont check the dictionary.. :<
dont ask me either but i somehow just made the story xDDDDDDDDD

kira: i rereaded the contest prize..
and it says tht i will have a subnote-book (if i win)
above 18 age will get a laptop DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:
which ish an AWESOME PRIZE.
after the contest is ended i will post my work in here and gave ya guys to preview it.. ;DDDDDDDDD
the theme ish "Staying and Leaving" dont ask me too are confused.
/smacked.. xDDDDD

Angelus: Yush Here! *raises hand*
ahh well thnk you >333333333333
xDD dont ask me either..

Adera-chan >3: *dropping your mouth, pull your mouth out* ROFL
nah if you exploded then.. well.. .______________. i dont know
wtf why does everybody say no one they will started to sing no one by alice keys? DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:
nani? D: urgh..
pastu adera-chan x dpt sebahagian duit itu.. /evil laugh

ok so everybody ish asking about the contest of tht i am competiting.
Theme: "Staying and Leaving"
Contest Prize: Above 18 got rm5,000 and a laptop
Under 17 got rm2,000 (omg imma use tht to buy a kakashi cosplay clothes tht i long to buy and wear >3) and a sub note-book

So anyhow.. since someone just posted they artwork.. then ish mine turn to post too.. D: imma try to find a forum tht ish post your drawings.. Dx (ish malas punye holkers, nk post kat sini jugak)

Anyhow please visit my dA and check out the journal part if you have been labeled.. >33333
I label well.. a few people imma add adera-chan inside.. xD
/stfu adeline you have to see ett.. i have labeled you ALOT

So anybody curious if i label them xD just check out my dA page xDDDDDD

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2009-02-21 10:15:01
Dropping by to say YO to:

AHAHAHA. I'm not back for good for now. I'm kind of really stuck doing my finals, so you can't really hope for my return until April comes : )

I missed jooooooooooooooooooooo~
Now where is my banner? : P
And yes, Gakkupod! I've been sketch crazy lately. Am preparing my artworks and cosplays for GACC and CF : D
Right now, I'm searching for my Gundam Group and Dolls Group for 2010 XD;; Tough, yo.
Thanks so much. Make sure you do come for CF this year! XD;; I could hand over the Jehuty I did to you.

Sankyu. That was a fast sketch I did in five minutes to relieve myself of the pain I have to do for my finals. I refused to do anymore CG Coloring that day, so yes, quick sketch! D:
Sorry, I've been away for so long. I'm busy preparing myself for a lot of things, and right now, I have to prepare my artworks for a lot of stuff, catching up with deadlines on college and writing 6 short stories which may determine my life after that (that is if I do win Asian Region or get to go to UK orz)
So *hugshugshugshugs* for neglecting you T____T I promise to be around when you need help with your homework!
I'll do my best : ) Let's talk some other time.



Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by holkers on 2009-02-21 11:25:46 (edited 2009-02-21 11:27:04)
oh and one more thing i dont know if this true but..





*jumps off*

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-21 16:15:34
otanjobi omedetou gozaimasu!
i don't have money to spend either *coughnodonationcough*

wtf is that face? LOL!
i bet hol buy some fod from secret recipe liek everyday! XDD

subnote-book? the smaller one ar?

yesh! preview +_+

if you're confused too how are you gonna do it? /smack with harisen >D

me toooooooooo~

ack your banner is in another pc...please remind me later :"D (right now i'm using dad's laptop)

do the Kagamine Twins! XDDDD
i want more of Meiko's fanart though >D

why gundam and dolls? you wanna cosplay? lol

i'm too busy this year >:
just put in your DA and lemme DL it! >D

speaking of koko...though i can't do any sports the school still ask me to come latihan rumah sukan...i was like wth? i'm doing N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!! it's a waste of time! and i have so mnay hw to cope because my absent days increased when i haven't even finished the earlier -_-

phamplet for club? event?

oh yea and wish me luck and healthy this tuesday! lol
i gotta be a class representative to a contest. LOL

here our hari sukan is next month! after holidays zomg >_>
before the holidays there's first exam...sheesh

hari unit unifrom malaysia? i guess your school is prestigious w/e the spell
i never heard of it before. LOLOL!

those two subjects...yesh haters! /hi5 XDD

here bio is so dang i never paid attention and always sleep behind the book. seriously though...USE A MIC! >_>

i forgot if i did reply you or not lol
i'm not from KK but my cousin lived there before XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-21 22:05:15
yoh, another day

eeks, 1 and half month more till i went out again *sigh*, havnt even take driving license yet....

- like i say (did i?), i just pick an episode only so not much could i comment. well, graphic wise id say its neat, characters and mechs were properly drawn. bgm not really exhilarating. storywise....its deviate from manga but said kind of better from the manga.....who knows

- on different note, gender is irrelevant to angelus thus no matter which gender he'll rape you anyway.........

what is 'hw'? homework? secondary school got homeworks now?
- seem like you didnt even know clannad?
how i love this pic.....wish to turn it to sig or something

- just look for the 1st season, its comedy,romantic,drama,slice of life gerne.

loneliness = freedom!!!!

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