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Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-03-05 17:46:21
Lawl i don't think so Rasty >3<
I'm actully confused too~

I know that it has something with friendship cause i saw a episode of Bob square pants about St. Patrick... and bob gave chocolate for all his friends~

lawl XDDD

neither way~

Ppls in the end... What is THE Theme?

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-06 00:43:19
yeah~I feel so confused too~~ @_@

because I didn't have any ideas about ST.Patrick day..@_@

Can I join this contest and uses ONLY green schemes?

I wanna to join this event @_@

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-06 01:35:15
Everyone~ Just stick with the color scheme if it's better

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by Renma on 2008-03-06 02:44:33 (edited 2008-03-06 03:01:33)

And.. Question again D:

500x100 Is the limit right? I mean,, We don't have to make our sig to be that size right? (Please don't >.> I already made it in 400x100)

@Dfy lol XDD Funny =/ mine has some sort of Friendship theme inside as well...

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-06 02:58:10

[1 Full CG Wallpaper]
DETAILS: 1 character of any anime series. The direct file for .psd will also be sent to the winners for editing.
NOTE: CG mostly takes 1-2 weeks so pls wait patiently

[1 Full Animated Profile Card]
DETAILS: your own info card with full detail animation made in CS2.
NOTE: .psd file will not be sent this time. Size is also limited since bigger size affects the output size[kb].
SIDE NOTE: You can also choose this option [PROFY COMMERCIAL 500px x 100px]
NOTE: Just want to clarify things, the winner in this event will only be 1 [ONE] the selective winner both from animated and non-animated will compete for my prize.
I have my own set of judge that will choose whether the winner will be on Animated or Non-animated section. Have to point this out so there will be no issues
regarding the winner. The criteria is also the same but the main point here is the STRIKENESS of both set. GOODLUCK!!

lol that size is on my own xP actually thats the max size for sig..
since 600-700 is so unpredictable =,=

You can visit me there!!

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-03-06 04:00:37
Okay...i've read that....
BUt who should i send my entry ? The judges....(all of them)?

Anyway....i know nothing about St.Patrick i just use the green color.

Btw, did we permitted to send more than 1 entry for each category (animated/non-animated)?


Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-06 04:22:09

if im not mistaken, I think its
Sayu who would receive all the
avy and sig. and also you
are only allowed in ONE SECTION..
choose either ANIMATED or NON-ANIMATED xP

You can visit me there!!

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-06 04:30:47
the prizes are interesting^^

time to work hard and make the avy and sig!!

btw why my name wasn't listed? :3

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-06 12:38:42 (edited 2008-03-06 12:40:54)
Ich~ I sent you a PM with the avy details, but just surpise me with the animation. And if you can't use the pic I sent you (A new pic) then just surprise me. ROFL Many people are joining to get's Ich's extra Prize, I wish I could join but sadly can not

Renma~ No that's just the limit it doesn't have to be 500x100, so your's is okay

Red~ Please read the table it directly says in there "Me".

Eon~ What do you mean your name isn't listed?

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by freyadragon on 2008-03-06 12:52:53 (edited 2008-03-06 12:53:13)
The contest sounds interesting but I don't think I'll enter this time. :D
I actually have no idea of what to make for this contest plus I'm not the great at making sigs either. I figure that I'll sit this one out for now XD
For now I'll just practice on developing my photoshop skills and maybe try a few tutorials too.

Good luck to all of the contestants!!

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by Renma on 2008-03-06 17:16:02 (edited 2008-03-07 01:50:08)

@Freya Awww,, Why not Joining? =/ To be frank,, My PS Skills Improve a bit because I join this contest :3

@Sayuri okay ^^ Thanks

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-07 00:35:59

where do you want to join?? at the CG club??

You can visit me there!!

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-07 01:03:31
@ich i want to join too ^^ your tutorial and this contest make my skill improved to like renma said ^^

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-07 03:33:48
Ok. So what's happening here?

Ich, cool prizes but for what event?

Sayu, how's your contest going??.

Honestly, I think you don't need me here that much. So, just PM meh or check me on chat if you need me. And I'll stop by here everytime to check up on you, guys.



Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-07 04:42:25

[1 Full CG Wallpaper]
DETAILS: 1 character of any anime series. The direct file for .psd will also be sent to the winners for editing.
NOTE: CG mostly takes 1-2 weeks so pls wait patiently

[1 Full Animated Profile Card]
DETAILS: your own info card with full detail animation made in CS2.
NOTE: .psd file will not be sent this time. Size is also limited since bigger size affects the output size[kb].
SIDE NOTE: You can also choose this option [PROFY COMMERCIAL 500px x 100px]
NOTE: Just want to clarify things, the winner in this event will only be 1 [ONE] the selective winner both from animated and non-animated will compete for my prize.
I have my own set of judge that will choose whether the winner will be on Animated or Non-animated section. Have to point this out so there will be no issues
regarding the winner. The criteria is also the same but the main point here is the STRIKENESS of both set. GOODLUCK!!


for Sayu's event...I wont make the next event after Sayu's event
coz I have to maintain the CG club...and this time this will be
the very last for me here xP but dont worry ill make sure to
pass by here ^^


thanks ^^ but to be honest, I cant just accept you as a member
in the CG club...but if you really insist then send me some
of your works through PM then answer my question honestly.
the Team club have only 10 slots per team so I really need to
review everything first..hope you understand..

You can visit me there!!

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-07 06:21:50
I don't care where ever you put me xD
As long as I'm with ya ;3

So the max Sig is 100 height x 500 width??

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-07 09:24:03
Ash~ It's going very good

Inx~ Yeah that's the max

Ich~ You must sent me teh Link when you are done with that thread I must join, just like Inxeh's reason

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-08 19:18:23
That's good, Sayuri.

Btw, here I am. Just checking up things on this thread.
There's someone requesting for an avy. It's requesting for an animated one. Who would like to take it??..just tell me.

/.I can't do it since I can't do animated ones so, yeah./

Take care.

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by ve_krin on 2008-03-08 19:26:01
I like ama club, but I don't think I am good enough yet...

Anyway, just pass by to give credits to my current avy-siggy.

It's by DFly xD

Dream ends when we wake up and life ends when we die.
What's the different?

Re: ~AvaSig Club~
Link | by on 2008-03-09 07:05:08
..holy crap..i been missing for like 2 weeks due to internet problems and HECK..what happened?..

o.O is there a competition going on?..
@ICH ICH..i cant use my photoshop...T.T apparently my laptop hangs everytimes i used it..T.T sobs..


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