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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-13 15:59:29
i love it actually XO

you're welcome ^^

thund did what? she must be a rori O.O

you deleted it? XO

boring but fun? weird. lol
because those 2 are liek complete opposite XD
go massage yourself! XD

LOL i dunno /whistle

and you're welcome. lol i dunno why though XD

if i were to DL like that i can't DL more than 3...uber slow connection D:

well i stayed in hostel until form 3 only...>_<

oh and the copying works! but now i feel like a waste because i'm already in disc 2 of SOTET. LOL
i copied the 1st disc only since i only have 1 DVD-R >_>

i need some other games too especially Xenogears >_> but i dunno where to find DX

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-13 21:30:34
again m off on sat,too bad,not sun..
Phew,its more than a week for meh..n there so many pages..x.x
hope to reply all.

o.o,wat r u working now?
sure nice huh..did u do anything on cgm?

woo,u sure heard tat phrase from some1 then..x.x
or did i say it b4..umm,no rite.XD

/poke..cny is sure fun for all..but tired me out abit..n my angpau getting less..why ia tat.ha3
actually,its the same every year..x.x

so sad..some school students.especially when its come to 2 session.they dun appreciate it,such nice decoration.
they dun understand wat is a warning..haiz..they r jealous..

o,yup is so bored when no one got injured..ha3.x.x
i juz finish my f5 last year..waiting for result..
so im 18..on nov

oo,glad to hear always k..o.o
cgm is on 9th feb..past oledi..
for me,is 1st-vege,2nd-reunion,3rd-normal type,visiting.

hyeeee,nice meeting u again.x.x
wow,tat drawing of urs is nice,make it so

*.o,how r u??miz chu
btw,u might see me then.i il rush over during working juz oposite pwtc..*the mall*
if i got the time,u'il be seeing me stalking u..ops,not tat.its,saying haloow to u..
hope to c u then..umm,hope ur around by then..

upu,i din apply for it..but i think the form is not out yet..kinda late
im apply in mohe oni..

okay,i think tis is all
hope to c u all sooner..x.x..gonna make time for myself too
btw,i heard my fren say tat spm result is coming out 12 march..but is on internet.
duno whether its true.stll,m nervous..

last but not least,HAPPY VALENTINE..

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2009-02-14 02:11:00
Happy valentines day everyone. :<

@Jo: Mishhh chiuu~~*coughs* so, eah, I hope you can recognize meh. I'll be wearing blue-black/black blazer later. I'll be at PWTC from 18th till 21st of feb. >D

ps: I have to continue with my work. x_x. I have to re-format again my pamplet that i had done for 4 days. T___________________T i just realised that it is in letter size, not A4.


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-14 02:58:29

February the 14th..that means that's it's ..

Wani's Birthday!!!

me → ←Wani Happy birthday &hearts~~

Anyone Baked a cake for Wani?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-14 05:18:03
Wani's birthday is todayyhh?!?


Uhh... also to those who are in the mood for love~~~


*resumes listening to Depeche Mode*

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2009-02-14 07:06:29
man.. ive been absent for some time & im lost alredi.. too many sudden college work & assg to do.. X_x
& not got too many to reply, i dont think ill manage to reply all atm, so spare me kay.. XD

actually i also not really far from ur working place.. my college is really between ur workplace & chow kit.. & actually ive go to ur workplace b4 too..
3 weeks ago.. but i dono ur working there at that time, so i cant say hello to u.. XD
& sorry.. i DO wana go visit u this week but i still have 4 assg to finish over this weekend.. so i have to postpone my visit till next week laa..

i MAY BE going to PWTC on saturday (the 20th).. sry, but my class pretty packed everyday..
the onli free timasu i have is on weekends..

happy bustday.. ... .... .... umm.. that sounds somewhat wrong.. XD
ok.. jz joking.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WANI-CHAN~

lol.. fsn/fha vn..?? nope.. dont have those.. do u have em also..?? O_o
and btw.. where do u live..??

happy V-Day to u too.. ;)

hai2~ its a promise..

everyone else
tell me if i missed to reply ur msg.. too many to read since my last post.. >_<'
have a nice day~

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-14 16:41:02
happy birthday waniwani! though belated >_>
and happy friendship day! LOL

i see i see thanks!
i don't think i can stand veggies on 1st day of celebration XDD
lol i'll try to always smile...i hope XD

cuai sangat! XD

take picceh when you get there!

i dunno how to bake a cake. lol

mine! but hey i forgot what was i talking about LOL

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-14 21:31:05

lol, slow? how come? dial-up?
- well glad the copy works, well good luck copy-ing from now
- uh well got my ar-tonelico2, but damn it laggy while played, so make a copy right away *sigh* pirates stuff.......

i dont hav them but oji-sama got
- i like far awaaaay north, kedah!

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-14 23:05:20
Hello again malaysiannnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2009-02-15 04:10:05
lol.. gomen.. but its quite hard to retrace back the post since i dont have much time to on9.. >_<'
any yessu.. i also 4got alredi wat were talking abt.. XD

Kedah..?? 0_o yeah.. thats far.. X_x
oh yeah.. i almost 4got that bk-sama also hav it.. >_<' (i remember he told me abt it b4 too..) XD
but guess ur rite, onli 1 CD/DVD for trade is kinda.. wasteful.. but cant be helped, i cant re-stock much new goodies here.. T_T

hey there.. nice seeing u here again.. but then again.. if not mistaken, ur last post here also like this..
try post something more (or poking into the random topic we talk here) next time..
if u post like this every time, it may look like.. umm.. u post onli to raise ur post number & not really for joining in.. (or SPAM-like, to be exact..) >_<'

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-15 17:46:06
exam still going on?
lol both of us forgot! XDD

yea like dt said..

not dial-up but i always exceed the DL limit of my package which is 2GB...>_>
i keep DL psp games. LOL

thanks! i just need to stock up loads of DVD-R now XD
now i'm stuck at the 2nd disk which freeze at Gemity >_>

mine isn't laggy...tried on my bro's ps2 neways. not sure what happen if use mine instead (the fat ps2)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-15 20:18:46
hardly can online these days..busy week..but after today..after today..i will be free at last...wahahaha..
phew..its feels good after releasing my feelings

where are v talking already..?
(imma looking back to the previous thread..) busy too lately..

kira has 2 ps2..? o_O..
its some time i dont play the ps2 game already..
lol..miss my tales of abyss..

yo..dean..u can try talk like us here..a random conversation is alright..
why dont u start by taliking with


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-15 22:53:10
hey! same stuff different day.....

- i only got the cg's collectioin of the fsn vn
- why youre asking me where i live anyway?

there're download limit? such thing exist? who limit it? streamyx?
- i already wtch tales of abyss anime, its......good! somehow it feel like they dont translate it themself since the subtitle is same with game's script sejibik....

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by holkers on 2009-02-16 00:59:52
hey guys 8D
just coming in.. xD
so.. ermm..
chiao xDDD
no la..

hmmm.. so many post, lazy to reply xDD

so urrm..
imma start my story 8D wish me luck on the contest
if i won tht money or laptop imma share with u guys, deal? 8D
in return we go search Esh 8D


I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2009-02-16 01:40:04 (edited 2009-02-16 01:40:57)
@wani: happy belated birthday~I was thinking about to sing you birthday song when I called you that time. :3.

@kira: i just realised when the TEACHER asked me," aina, awak buat in letter size or A4? " DX

@dt: comeeeeeeeeeeee~~ if you can meh~ kays? x)

@Holky: LOL! /is searched. xD

i'm not going tomorrow, but at 6AM on wednesday.
mhmm. and i'm staying at Hotel Putra ( my friend told me that the hotel is kinda 'buruk') x)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-16 02:42:49
lol Holkers,good luck =D

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by DeAngelus on 2009-02-16 07:04:04 (edited 2009-02-16 07:05:16)
*reads DT's post*

Dean , I'll rape you if you do that again ! (In other words , last chance for you . After that happens again , I'll report to the admin for breaking the rules [instant messaging style is not allowed here])

Do introduce yourself , please ?? Is it that difficult to do so ?? =____=*

Yuppies , really long =__=* ..... too busy nowadays .
If you want to , then I'll consider joo a noob *ebil grin* ;)
Well , as long the thread does not grind to a halt , I'm fine with that :)
Well , at least you can draw XDD . Like singing too , everybody can sing (even babies can sing Heavy Metal song XDD)
I missed mah usual self , don't know how to put long post short XDDDD .

Hi-haws , Kira XDD . Thanks for teh comment ^^ .

Hi to you ^^ . Welcome to the community ^^ . Hope you'll enjoy here ^^ . Thanks for the comment ^^ .
O___O* , owmegawsh ! Joo did that ?? Really , really good ^o^ . Grafiti (it looks like one to meh bad eyes XD) ??

O.O , hawt XDDD .

Thanks for teh brief comment ^^ . Greatly appreciate it ^^ .
O-O , cool siggy ! Can I steal it XDD ?

*prod* Yes , you can XDD .

Ho , Jo XDDD !
Thanks for teh comment ^^ . It feels real , but it's 'fake' XDD . (All thanks to mah humble pencil and eraser sets of mine XD)

Happy birthday to you ^^ . Mah present for joo is ..... a Heart-Shaped Pantsu !!! XDD (kidding :P)

Good luck , nya ?? ^^

To all who got GF/BF or AF (Bukan Akademi Fantasia , tahu ? Gua tak suka rancangan itu , 'American Idol rip off' . Any fans of that show here ?) :

Happy Valentines Day !

..... my bad day - Me no AF !!!

*cries while running away like a 'pondan'*

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-16 08:35:47
Angelus @

... *reads all*
omg .. Heart pantsu shape? !

where did you get that heart-shaped pantsu ? i want to buy it too

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by DeAngelus on 2009-02-16 11:01:10

*Answer with a shy tone*

I stole it from H-H-H-H-H-ard Gay .....

Anyways , I'm still doing some thread pwnage XDD . But sadly , the thread is locked :P . So , want me to post all my pwnage here , just to entertain you all ?? (Don't know if can or not :P)

Eeeek ~~~ , Hard Gay-su ~~ !!


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-16 16:51:16
o_O..what contest u are in,holker..?


u will scare dean away by saying that..
anyway..nice to meet u..


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