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Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-15 02:34:13
*catches the flashdive*

wow! another flash drive. i should add this to my collection.. lol

throws an harddisk at the next poster.

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-15 02:48:32
*catches* Now I have a b'day present for my computer crazy friend for his next b'day! 8D

*throws KC members dancing Hare Hare Yukai vid at the next poster (not that that happened yet, but still! xD)*

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-15 06:14:37
ouch!! lol

throw a big frying pan at the next poster

~I will Kill all who Stands in my Way~

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-15 11:44:59
Woot~! I've got it! I've got it! *gets hit on the head with the frypan* x.x

Throws the alphabet at the next poster! XD

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-15 13:44:12
Ermm...this is A..umm...B...err..what's next after B?

*throws a colouring book to the next poster*


Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by Mystic Deadman on 2007-09-15 15:52:44
*catches and gives to little brother* now if only he hadn't eaten his crayons... >.>

*throws a bottle of Vault to teh next postah*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-15 18:08:10
*catches and drinks it* Time to build a football field! lol^^

throws myself at the next poster~ (like anyone would want me ;~;)

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-15 18:43:41
O_o grabs SK-san and dances tango with her.. oh well.. >.> and then finishes off with a nice

throws a box of Swiss Chocolates at the next poster.

~I will Kill all who Stands in my Way~

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-15 19:06:50
*eats chocolate* *munch munch munch*
*pulls out speakers out of a car and throws it at the next poster*

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-15 19:27:53
*Catches speakers and connects them to my car's head unit and amps*

*Throws a grumpy old toothless man at the next poster*

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Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-15 22:13:39
*keels the grumpy old toothless man* >_>

*throws a smoothie at the next poster*

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-15 23:17:48
smoothie!! sweet! *starts drinking ^^*

*throws ramen at the next poster*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-15 23:26:47
RAMEN! *eats it* 8D Imma hungry.

*throws ice-cream at the next poster*

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-15 23:46:49
*gulpp~~* yummy~~

throws Lance of Longinus to the next poster*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-16 03:12:30
*kills him*

Throws a Carrot at the next poster..

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by Kenpachi on 2007-09-16 03:38:57
Munches on the carrot.

Throws Jesus at the next poster.

Still busy,
but trying to
stop by more.

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤎𐤐 on 2007-09-16 03:39:16 (edited 2007-09-16 03:39:44)
OMG JESUS~~ D: throws a mouse at the next poster

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-16 04:26:43
wow! a mouse.. my new pet! XD

throws a cake at the next poster

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-16 08:18:49
Yay~! Cake! Happy Birthday to... Nobody!

Throws Skittles at the next poster!

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-09-16 08:24:17
*Cathes the Skittles and eats them in one bite!!! ^^*

*Throws A Snickers at the next poster*

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