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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2009-02-09 04:56:11

need any details information of meh ?

or you want a picture of meeeeeeeeh ?


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-09 07:39:50
hi to all!!!

happy early valentine to all!!!
wish you guys have a happy valentine..

btw, anyone wanna be my valentine? XP

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-09 08:11:41 (edited 2009-02-09 08:12:36)
Oh great, valentines day greetings .(T_T).

Anyways, how are you lot? I feel so frustrated over Financial Management 2 subject~ I always get friggin mistakes >_<

Holkers, that's why I wouldn't bother putting up pretty stuffs on the board. In the end some vandals would make them ugly. You play tennis? *highfives*

Muhurhurrr, Friday 13th is upon us~~~~ nyerhurrhurrrr!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2009-02-09 08:58:43
But my mom said there's a certain date for it to come out. . . and Its not out yet?

Anybody knows if the borang UPU is out yet? T_T

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by DeAngelus on 2009-02-09 09:24:34 (edited 2009-02-09 09:26:26)
Hi Hawzzz !!! Me is back from teh dead -timasu (But digging mahself out and through cement ish hard XO)

Sorry for being 'dead'- uhh , I mean inactive for a short-uhh I mean a wery loooOOOOOOoong time -timasu . I'm still finding a PC so that I can resume mah 'everyday , I glue mah face in front of the monitor with Gajah glue' activity , especially forumming XD

Now , I'm here ... HAIIIII ~~~ -*SMACK* [you already said 'hi'] ..... ahahahaha , I'm such a dumbo XD

Anyways , I saw lots of newbie Malaysians here , WELCOME TO THE THREAD !!!!!!!!

Since you don't know me -*DUSH* [of course they don't know you . How long you 'died' already !?] lolzzz ..... okies , back to teh topic ! Let me introduce mahself :

I'm Angelus , formerly known as 'hmmmm' < - don't have to know that one , it's been long forgotten :P
I'm genderless and ageless ..... /RANT/ Of course I won't break mah identity that easily XDD
I'm of course , a Malaysian but I live in Mars right now . So , you don't know where I am if you go there XDDD ... Kidding :P . I live in *BEEP* < - Guess ?
And yes , me ish the founder of this thread (President ..... or GOD to put it simple XD) , or should I say the person who gave this thread a second chance of appearing due to some ..... *AHEM* issues :P (if you're the curious one , go ask your senioritas here ^^ . I can't on that often nowadays :P)
Also , if you don't mind , do read the rules on the first page please (PWEASE ! I BEGH JOO ~) :P . I do not (and the rest of the senioritas here too) tolerate any bad things happening here again , nya ? If any of you all do so (I know you won't ^^ , just saying only) , trust me , I can label your idiocyness in bold and in colour (depending on mah mood , I can be much more Kejam ~), and report it to the admin (I won't for now , too busy , but the others can ;) )

I think that's all for mah introduction . If it's not that in detail , I think the seniors here could explain it more XD (If they want to XD)

At least me ish glad this thread is somewhat active ^^ . Very happy ^^ . Keep it up , nya ^^?

And yes , sorry again for mah long dissapearance . Not say I don't want to visit here XO , just that I just can't find the right time to do so (hectic timing) . But I'll try to on more often , nya ??

So , a token from me ..... a piece of drawing from me XD :


Need descriptions ? Do tell me , because right now , too lazy to type as long as I used to already :P .

And yes , this one was done right before I become 'WAY too busy' :P .

EDIT : I'll post this one in the 'U Draw' thread , just not for now ..... need to comment all of their works too (no time right now XO)

That's it for now , later ^^ .

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-09 18:26:07 many posts before me..o_O..

/hug adeline..good to see u here~~
happy valentine to u too..imma sending chocolate and bear bear to

oh..i yours ps2 is a thick 1..O_O..
ya..i heard that too the spare part of it is hard to find nowaday..
XB 360..? i think of buying that too instead of ps3..but..jus a little ragu-ragu coz xB360 is famous for its 'notorious' news lol..

wahaha...dt going to b my town guide and i not paying one cent..
so,anything interesting place dt want to introduce for me in kl..?

/stfu about consider me..?lol..


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2009-02-09 21:26:04
well.. if u dont mind.. some more info & pics is appreciated.. :)
but well.. for the pics.. no fanservice shoot please.. XD

umm.. i dont rly celebrate V-Day, but hope those who celebrate it enjoy the day.. :)
all choco's for me is welcomed though..

same as always.. bored.. so i jz go on jln2 & watching anime..

its out already.. if not mistaken, my lil bro alredi fill it on9.. umm.. i better ask him for confirmation tough.. ~_~'

wb.. its been a really long timasu~!
ish me considered noob here also..?? XD
yeah.. me also really glad the threads keep goin on active.. altough its not so active in the weekends & holidays.. ^_^'
nice drawing.. if compared with me.. mine looks like a kindergarten kids drawing.. T_T
and u saying ur lazy to type long post..?? hmm.. i think ur "short" post still long.. but yeah.. missed ur usual almost-half-pages-long post.. XD

well.. i dont mind free tour.. but the fares (for bus, lrt, taxi etc) u have to pay urself la.. XD
umm.. i also seldonly go jln2.. the place i usually go is.. umm.. maybe.. mid valley, klcc & times square..

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-09 23:14:34 (edited 2009-02-09 23:16:06)
wth i missed many posts! XD

so liek...i'm back! miss me? lol

didn't pass? better luck next time...near accident? that was a close one O.O glad nothing worse liek, be extra careful! XD

not uberlah but she's scary when i defy her >_>
lol maybe so...XDD
/hugs XD

and wth big red letters XO

that's...shocking O.O
and i just realized teh name. lol sounds like kiwi XD jk

i have he best equipment! *insert the bgm Gothic Neclord from Suikoden or Suikogaiden* lol

it taste like air masak XD

hmmm...since i'm slow i bet if i take it i'll do worse O.O

like 2nd day, 3rd day, etc...and when's cap goh mei? lol
and thanks! i'm ok now XD

i don't see a ruined thing...or is there? O.O
and wth accounts in majong paper? XD

tennis? whoa wish i could enter. XD

and cellophane tape? XDD
correction tape is the one like liquid paperlah! XD

cheating case? or what? O.o

that's so DX
luckily my class isn't shared with any afternoon session class :P

hmmm depressed? don't be. be happy! or at least try to...

ohhhh in a cage...i someone bela that one hmm...
yea bagus XD

that's why i said mixed...because i also dunno much XD

thanks! i love you! lol
i'll try that and see if it works...hope it doesn't take too long...
my psp is broken so i'm kinda feel sad DX i was just playing tales of the world radiant mythology II DX
so yea i was hoping if i could play star ocean III again because i miss the game XD

unpleasant stuffs? hmm i wonder...ever since crunchyroll removed user-submitted videos i'm too lazy to watch it...i'll just wait for the DVD or when i'm quite free i guess...
and yesh! tear is love! XDD

well i've been balik kampunglah...still haven't solve the problem many more problems wth...if we live at melaka i bet we have to do it everyday >_>

so...*drumrolls* results~
jk...don't be sad ok? hope you got good results ^^


sadly i won't go to PWTC D:

so what are you doing there? i guess not JUST a leisure jalan-jalan trip...O.O

i don't think i got it DX

and lol the apek-looking emote XD

lol no thanks XDD

welcome back! whoa that's one cool drawing!


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by holkers on 2009-02-09 23:24:49 (edited 2009-02-09 23:54:14)
Dx bad week..
sorry late post again Dx
the thing about tht board.. ._____- I dont know what is happening now..
so we just continue do our skool stuff :D

DT: rofl xD
D: wat.. my teachers ask those who are hard work put those things..
which is me and some others.. and which is ... DDDD:
well.. we did a big big long warning sign.. they ruin the sign too..
._____. i was irly in anger.. but i cold down once skool session started >w<

Esh: You need a lot of rest.. and ALOT OF EATS.
:< u need those engery bar..

DT: lol two times..
which one? :?

Wootos: well i once put a naruto artwork made by me which is big like two artblock..
then the other day they stole it.. Dx
i cry hard and hard and hard.. all of them said to me they stole it..
but we were to busy we didn't confront with them Dx
it was a sad thing to me Dx
*highfives* i did.. at the titiwangsa.. too bad they wanted to change the location.. the practise location only the wakil can play there..
all juniors have to play at the skool D:
the skool is lack of place.. plus the tennis court isn't a big nice tennis court at all D:

Kira: U post to fast before me D:
kira there is D: the lion dance got ripped..
the warning sign got ripped too.. they just ripped everything DDDx
xD hey the teacher ish a good teacher ok.. xD
she (yesh it's a she :3 adel saw her before).. ish a hard-working teacher :D
xD i did enter it a few years ago..
xDDDDD omg lol kira xD the one with the ring one and then u can stick it.. xD
xDDDD LOL kira.. xD yea la.. want me to show one ah? D:

Thar i show it.. next time dont tell me u dont know what ish correction tape again xDDD.
cheating case? wat cheating case? D: did i said it?

Edit again (omg twice edit i totally forgot to add something Dx -- dah nak jadi cam datuk..)
Angelus: welcome back :DDD
i'm holkers i juniour here :3
x3 ... omg.. i did tht.. nvm xD
nice drawing :3

so imma post the "Hari Asas" halloween theme then :3..
buwahahahah LOL..
the quality quiet sucks.. so no complains.. xD

So enjoy~ :3 D:< no stealing my ideas :< LOL...

OMG double edit :3 /winsss

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2009-02-10 05:00:39

1st picture: Side view of me.
2nd picture: My FACE!


btw, the pics are BIG in size.sorry. >D

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-10 15:59:32
@dt,its a promise..ok? lol..
i,m having a really hectic week..and i dint like it one bit..T.T

lol..i thought kira ad dissapeared from gendou for good..( jus joking xD)
so,where have u been lately..?


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-11 00:23:46
I WON! lol

lion dance...i see D:

and adel saw her? that means adel lives near you? O.O
or you showed her? you should show me also lah! XD

a few years ago? so how was it? lol

read carefully lah...i didn't said i dunno wth are those things XD

and nevermind that! i said it outta blue i guess o-o

nice hari asas thingy...if it's me i bet i did somehing err...weird. lol

awesome! >D

i will stalk follow yoooooouuuuu~

lol they're not too big XD


i went balik kampung, like i said to ES or neige in case you haven't notice XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-11 01:47:56
Errr I'm going to greet an early Happy Valentine's Day cause I'm not going to post on errr Valentine's Day(Internet's down at home). Nothing special for me but I'm working on spriting.

@Kira Maann, I heard you got your AT2. So which path do you choose(Luca, Cloche or Jakuri)? Loool longest post?

@Esther Welcome Back! How's stuff?

@Holkers Whoa what's with the correction tape? Well I'm not a fan of correction tape but I like the old liquid paper. Whoa nice drawing on the Hari Asas xD I think I just saw some Hollow and Ichigo's Hollow masks. Lol.

@Serge I know. 3ROD is plaguing the Xb360. Last few days ago I went to an arcade place and I saw Tekken 6. My impression for Tekken 6 is like "Wow, this is awesome!" and my brain can't stop thinking about it... Yeah thick PS2 is hard to find lol. Besides the repair bill will cost much more, like RM150-300. x_X

@w00t0s Friday the 13th? Lol Jason xO

@angelus I'm running on borrowed time so I just give you a simple description. The drawing is good and feels fantasy(magician no?). The little character looks cute too. Overall, it's a cool drawing. Keep it up~

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2009-02-11 19:38:14
@Kira: Dude, stop stalking following me. You are Reimu, not Aya. >D MWAHAHAHAHAHA.

@ES: Ohaiz. Thanks anyway. I'll drop by at KL next week. mhmm.

so, who is going to PWTC next week ?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-11 21:34:55

woke up feeling tired today, wonder what did i dream....

current download....

haha, i dont think anyone could enjoy tsukihime vn without idea how dark it is, do you got fsn or fha vn?
- trade only tsuki with 1 of your = x balik modal lah! the express mail envelope is already rm3, rugi la postage fee lgi mahal from the posted thing itself...

aww, instead of saying thyanks you should say sorry for making me explain trivial stuff like that LOL!
- ow yuck, love? go love somebody else! GAY!!!
- that tales of the world radiant mythology II DX is english or japanese? i didnt find the english anywhere so do for ar-tonelico2.....did you got the false info for the release?
- ah well im so into tear now that im downloading the latest episode of ToA^^

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-11 22:09:40

so many Dls O.O

LOL ok sorry! XD

and i was just kidding at the love part XDDD

ToTW RM2 is japanese...just been released 29th january lol btw it's psp. lol

and ar tonelico 2 already english! i even got a copy! :D

stalking is my side job since i don't have any donations >D

hmmm i dunno who should i choose 1st playthrough XD
and yea longest XDD i rarely make a long post O.O

and btw good luck at teh spiriting! maybe u could show me a thing or 2? lol

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-11 23:09:36
wei, posting on school days! how lucky! at your age i was stuck in hostel at this time....

if you say that much already many, then you're really not a hardcore leecher^^.
i alredy being moderate there limiting to only 5 since the speed is not really good....
- ok, going to garb it later.......

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by holkers on 2009-02-11 23:24:18
:D gaiz.. i just did an awesome soul artwork 8'D
U gonna be envy :D

Kira: /lose.. D:
yea.. still i haven't get the lion dance down yet even though CNY is over x'D
LOL adel isn't near me la..
i showed it to her and also shin :'D
LOL NO i wont show it to u.. xD jk jk..
maybe later la.. :{D imma have to upload the picture again.. xD
totally.. BORING.. but fun :3
last practice the teacher told us to bounce the ball with the racket until u get 1000 times Dx non-stop.
i hurt my hand after tht. Dx
xD oh orly? LOL i must have misread tht :'D
LOL u thinking something eh...
lol kira.. well thnkies >3

ES: xD oh i see.. lol i am a fan 8D
i thought kira doesn't know wth is correction tape so i show him one.. LOL
it's true, u have a good eyes 8D
I did put ichigo hollow mask tht the chinese word >3<
just some prefect touch up to the fonts :D

Esh: U coming to KL. wow >w<
to bad i can't go out.. >w<
to much work in school i have to do.. >w<

so artwork paste eh?
LOL.. xD
so imma start doing this story tht i have skipped it many times..
i even backspace alot D:
i dont have any body content to write just some theme and description :/
so anyway.. Happy Day :DDD

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-12 00:54:15

awesome ;_;.. i can't draw like this..


aww.. i need that


me → ←Kira.. thank you ;_;
._. AND kira.. no.. i am not living near Holkers..
she let me showed her picture in gendou before..
ask gendou users they saw her too..
thund even asked Holkers to send her via package to him ._.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-12 21:42:04
happy valentine day,everyone..(sigh..i celebrating it alone lol..)imma eating chocolate..wahaha..

@kira asked d question where i ad knew the answer..

tekken 6 huh..?well..i dont fond of that fighting game much..D..
but i like its had released on xB 360 too..?
o_O..then,if u want..u better buy a new set of ps2 lol..


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