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Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-26 10:47:06
lol, you can try at least. :3


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by on 2007-07-26 10:47:07
pame pame pameeee~! that sounded like what i had for my internet too!!
my internet said it was ONLINE but i couldn't browse through any websites!!

and the people i called didn't help much either-.- it took me like 5 hours to call them back and forth and it was STILL not working. so i waited till morning and it worked again! :D

*pokiessss DA hubby*~ u should know the song~! or have u forgotten? loll!

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by on 2007-07-26 10:48:53
Oh Noooo...we took such a long time...err..well...I took such a long time...that DA have forgotten the name of the song! bUaaaaaaaaaaaa

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-26 10:49:05
Sakura? It's been like 4+ months since I last requested it. XD
I still can't find the .doc for the list of songs you guys could've tried out, although before, FA said they were kind of hard since they kind of went against your vocals.

It would've been fun to add "Tri.Angel". XD


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by on 2007-07-26 10:50:50
zomg it HAS been 4+ months o.o waaaah sowwwwwwwwwwwwy~!!!
and no worries pame!! it's not ur fault!~! ^^
at least we'll have it sooon!!! hopefully!~! *hopes REAAAAAALLY hard* teeehee ^-^

Triangle?~ ahahahah!!! it'd be funny trying to sing that song!! and rap it too!!~

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by on 2007-07-26 11:35:52
LOLZ!! I saw da harry Potter naive of Harry not to know what what to know of how to know what to know see to know how!! xDDD

Soooo...what's been goin' on while you guys mercilessly left meh in da dust...again? TT__TT


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-26 12:06:09
» FA, lol, you were like shocked when I told you on MSN.
You were whining, complaining, crying, etc. >XD

You guys can do it. It's worth a try just to fool around anyways. :3


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by on 2007-07-26 13:12:29
hahaha i knowww DA~!! ^^
i didn't know u liked korean songs as well~~ and PLUS, not a lot of guys like DBSK~ but girls on the other hand....*has no more words to describe it* heehee~!

but it WOULD be fun tho!~! rapping like a dumbo!~ haha!
wonder what pame will say! LOLL~!

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-26 13:29:22
Okay before you can call me a fangirl and try to compare me and you, relax there wifey. =^.^=

Truthfully, I think Tri.Angle is the only song I have of them, heard of them, whatever.
Oh, there was another song, too. Rise of something.
You showed it to me one day, a while ago too, when you were talking about some dance you and your friends were going to try out.

Did you forget about that as well?

About Pame, who knows. I never heard her liking Korean songs before.
That's totally all you... *points at signature to start*


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by on 2007-07-26 13:38:26 (edited 2007-07-26 13:38:46)
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh Korea songs??/ I know a group named kISS-wITH this sad sad video...I liked the song a lot...

And Boa is if FA shows me the song anD I think i'll be able to pronounce korean...then We can give it a try! Wohooooooooo

Dark: Hugs Dark!! Me misses you a lot!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by on 2007-07-26 13:49:44
@DA hubby~~
suresure you're not a fangirl..err's ok to admit it ya know ^-^ LOL~ jkjk ^^

OH!! it's called Rising Sun!~! LOVE that song soo much!! and no i didn't forget about the dance we were suppose to be doing..notice the "suppose to" loll, never rly gotten to it-.- been soo busy and stuff..and lazy too, nyaa~! ^0^

we might try another that we can ACTUALLY do loll cuz we can't break dance to save our lives.

oh AND u should check out some other songs by them hubby~!! you'll totally love them!! loll~~

the song by KISS was soooo sad!! it's called "because i'm a girl"
i'll show you the song pame!! on skype~! whenever you're online *cry* u're never online~~ loll

OPPA~!!!!!!!!!!! *huggles and bonks* ^^ welcome back!!!

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by on 2007-07-26 15:10:21
Yessshh the Because I'm a girl video is sooo sad...I cried like a baby the 1st time I watched it T-T Such a beautiful korean video and song!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by on 2007-07-26 19:48:51
Video... where? eh?...

@FA: Did I read break dance? XDDDD... I'd pay to see you doing that ^__^, that goes for Pame too XDD

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by on 2007-07-26 20:18:07
woW~ O.O;

@FaMe: soo.. new song?? soon?? >.< eheheh~

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by on 2007-07-26 20:24:25
hahaha ok the last post was pretty random, sorry about that lolz.

but yes a new FAME song will be the best! it's been a while since last time I heard one, also you had your own thread for posting them! I hope it still exists there in the music thread ^__^

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-26 20:58:36
The only thing "new" about it is the "release" of the song.
The song itself, is mildstone old! XD


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-07-27 08:01:56

~_~ so lost here...

What's going on??



Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by on 2007-07-27 10:31:54
T-T Sorrryyy DA~! It took such a long time...and they will re start my modem today So i can upload the song@ Wohoooooooo

DN: We were talking about FaMe and how FA wanted to brake dance with her friends! Hehehe

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by on 2007-07-27 10:45:39
YEY pame~!! ^^ /why restarting modems FTW~!! hehe~

break dancing = not my cup of tea T_T which sux cuz i wish i COULD break dance~~~

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Reloaded
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-27 12:47:17
» Pame, sounds great. Can't wait.
Will you guys be too busy to still take requests?

» FA, I can imagine you break dancing.
It's like if someone does something wrong, it's one of those comedic scenes in Azumanga Daioh (show had a ton of 'em).


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