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Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-06-28 06:23:40
@MIzuki: what's for dinner?^^ *stomach growling* i have yet to hav my lunch.. i know! only 3 songs from rei-kun! three! & him being one of the senior member of

@Kattdesu : thankies^^ *blush* i'd love to hav a car + blasting those anime + j-pop songs everywhere i go..i'm still deciding whether to take driving lessons this summer since i wouldn't hav much time later on i just turned 17 recently yay^^ btw,i don't think there's an internal mic in my desktop hehe

i didn't really like the original version of Forever so i did some 'alterations' to it..will re-record again coz i didn't like certain parts in it..but the song's pretty catchy eh? i started singing it in the shower nowadays

@Yinzhao: pretty voice! *thumbs up*! yeah the japanese language definitely ruleZ! + i sound weird-er in english..your singing has a nice flow in them and your mellow voice is beautiful i feel it goes with anything!

@Rei-kun: thanX^^*pokes* lol u hear us? (Mizuki-san +me) only 3 songs from u ~wah~ + u hav been here the longest i think.......

@Engel: rest up rest up! comment again when your energy store is restored^^ *hands over cuppa coffee* hot or cold? (ps: just sent u a lonnnggg mail enjoy reading lol..) are u still not well? *hugs* get better soon..sleep early!

@Erkun: ThanX..i still needa work on a lot of 'parts' tho lol..have I really been that inactive? I thought i posted a reasonable amount..i;ve seen u here since last month i think but then i stopped going on9 much coz of exams, maybe that's why^^ u'll probs here more of me from now on! (ganbaruzo watashi!)<-dunno how to word it properly
i clicked on the putfile link.......and i thought u were Gackt himself..u hav a great deep + flowing voice! this is the 1st song i heard from ya..*APPLAUSE*!

@Neon: hav u decided who ur gonna do the duet/trio with?


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 06:32:31
Rea: anyone who wants~! if you want then let's wait for the third member of the trio :)

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-06-28 07:01:39
@Neon: ok^^i'm up for it, it'll be fun! who's next?

check this out..i was browsing stuff on anime expos when i came across this
'06 Karaoke, Haruka Kanata

too hyped up! lol, i feel the tension watching him scream


IS PAME-chan's competition like this??--> Looks great doesn't it??
Nice atmosphere^^ but i really can't imagine me as a participant..stage fright! *shivers down spine*+ struck dumb
...PS: "nights of Fire" karaoke was the only one in tune in the whole video lol + the girl at (8:00)


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 10:40:06
I am. XD If I can do the mixing and if I can actually sing the song o_O.

Erkun - o,O it's GACKT! sing with me sometime >_< !
hmm I actually had my bro sing Redemption and Longing from Gackt loool mixing it was sooo fun.. it has all these weird effects in it. XD

aand yeaah XD japanese > english songs XD
tho english is the second language I learned and only know about japanese since the last two years I sing better in japanese loool XD

Rea - that guy int he youtube vid is awesome XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD rofl

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by kattdesu on 2007-06-28 13:26:21 (edited 2007-06-28 13:33:32)
@ Yinzhao- OOH, the Japanese version of Once Upon A December is even prettier than the english, I really loved it!! Your voice= beautiful x 100000000. XP

@Erkun- That was really well done!!! Yay, for Gackt!

@Rea- Haha, I'm 18 almost 19 and I don't have my licence I still have the like "beginner" licence, so I can drive but...XP I should really get on that. But yes I do BLAST Jpop and anime songs wherever I go! ^.-
That vid is hilarious!

Well, these are just quick recordings I did last night. I really wanted to sing the opening from Kyou Kara Maou but I couldn't find a karaoke track (anywhere!), so I just sung it without music. I did 2 versions the first is normal and the other is kinda cutesy...XS, but yeah it is just the opening so they are only about a minute each...


*Also, I am with mizuki and rea...more songs rEi!!!*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-06-28 14:34:08
*****!!! !!! Paris~Nord ViLLePinte !!! Japan Expo

my family have booked flights to Paris on the 11th of July !! :(:(

nooooooooooooooo....................only found out bout the Japan Expo today, gotta check out whether i can fly on a different date ~wah~ :(:(:( u guyz think anyone would still be able to get tickets? you can buy it at the entrance without booking right? plz tell me so...
Nana Kitade will be there too on Saturday! !!!*****
(although i'd rather see ANNA TSUCHIYA like last year when she had a concert in France)


@Yinzhao: awesome nee? lol English is my second language too and i started singing J-pop etc etc around a few months back^^ now im totally 'obsessed'

@Kattdesu: nice^^ the cutesy version is really cute :P me still needa apply for provisional first -sighs-this is gonna take AGES for sure


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 16:42:04 (edited 2007-06-28 16:43:27)

~woooooooottt.. i am up early in the morning~ness...

what did i what..??? what???? ~weeeeeeeeeeeee... no songs from me...
'cause my mic is a LITTLE BIT broken....and i am trying to record using my phone...
and sick? (just kidding!!!!)

@yinzhao: woah... japanese version~ness anastasia~ness... ^_________________^
i am trying to find the karaoke version~ness of that... hope i can find the time
to search for it.... ~weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

@engel: ~nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..... don't die... teh ebil~ness under teh wings must
not die.... ~kusssshh..kusssshhhh...kussssshhhhhh... (sob) in teh darkness...

@erkun: omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgogmgmomgomgogmogmOMG!!
gackt~tooooooooooooooo song~ness..... *ebil laugh* ~erkun nice energyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
*thinking about ebil stuff again* YEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! ERKUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!
i'll stick on the comments... i am not good with critiques~ness....

@dangel: nice of you to come and drop by here... it ish so rare
for you to post and comment... /peaceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... ^^

@rEi: =O_O=

@neon~ness: how about teh japanese version~ness of powerpuff girls... uhhh..errr
*thinks* i will think of another song~ness.... count me in the trio/duet...

@rea: woah the vid ish nice..... yeah.. i teh tension~ness...ish there!!!!!!!
(to shorten up...stage fright!! O_O) ^^

@kattdesu: GO FOR CUTESYYYYYY!!!!!!

there's a lot of blowing~ness here... TT.TT
i think this is one of the last 3 songs i was able to sing using
my mic....

comet cloud ~shortened~ness

*back to morning chores~ness*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 17:52:59

XD shit.. i might be going to paris too this summer vacation but not that date blaargh! that really sucks..

mediaputfile doesnt work for me now.. grmbl cant listen

kyou kara maou is too coool XDD

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 18:01:51
wow!! a Gackt song!! and....OMG!!!!!!!!! u are great!!! I should let my gackt fan frens listen to u sing!!! OK... wait... they might hate u... >< but I love it!!! But... where did u got the karaoke ver from? or u made it?

I went to bed earlier than usual but it seems that it arn't enuf... I'm so gonna sleep my butt in over this weekend... weekend quick quick come~~~~ ><
Hahaha... the guy sung with so much energy... and he is awesome... (the Haruka Kanata)
PARIS~~~ i wanna go too~~~ >< pack me in ur luggage bag and bring me along... but wait... that means I've goto fly to ur side 1st... I'm too sing to fly w my wings... and anyway my wings can't fly (see siggy)do take alot of pics... and speak alot of french~~~ and get to know a nice french guy and tell him... ... ... ca va~ hahahahahaha

Nice!! though I prefer the cutsy version more... maybe coz I feel tha t that cutsy voice is more suitable for this song (though I've nve heard the original b4)

awww... I miss ur singing~ maybe coz i haven't been listening to the songs in the past 2 pages... and I'm too tired (and lazy) to do it ><
though thr is lotsa blowing... but is still great! *cries*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 18:33:11
.. engelwings- why is putfile working for you and not for me <___<

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 19:29:17
@Erkun: nice singing ^^ and nice song ^o^

@Katt-san: lolzZ~ cutE! xD

@Mizuki: niceY~ woah..

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 20:24:33
Hmm...Maybe there is some kind of block on ur PC or server? can u access the page or does it comes up with a "page cannot be found"?

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 20:36:51
well sometimes it work but most of the time the page loads but the music won't play.

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 21:36:02
I'm kinda scared of soundclick's strict rules... So I'm sticking to putfile, sollys Yinzhao ^^; oh yeah btw, I can't really sing the One Piece song without the bg... Can I send it to you with the bg?

^^ Prince of Tennis Fan presents...
Oshitari's Kiss of Prince Image Song!!!


sorry Mizuki, but Ima steal the use of your word right not and label this piece as ebil... EBIL.... EEEEBBBIIILLL. okies, done now... Wow I'm hyper today... ^^ ok sorry, I still need time on the crazy lyrics song... so yeah ok I'll stop rambling now, I'll listen to songs in like 10 mins, byes!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 21:57:44

~nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.. yinzhao can't play~ness... teh song~ness.. in putfile... TT.TT
i am with mystuhmusic... scared of teh soundclick's strict rules.... *hides
in teh darkness*

@EBIL mystuhmusic: ~nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... this ish not.. ebil!!!! this ish full of
ebil~nesssssssssssss...ssssnessssneeeesssss.... just kidding... woah.. your song
is GREAT!!!! ~kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa... >_< ~lalalalaalalalaaaaa ...lalalalaalalalalaala..
...lalalalaa.... >_<

after listening to this...kyaaaaaaaaaaa.. my turn to put up some very ebil~ness
song~ness...... ~bwwaaahhhhaahhahahhahahahaha... >.<
*ebil laugh!!!!!!*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by MONIQUE on 2007-06-28 22:16:16
hi all...
i'm new in this thread...
i have listened to most of your singing...
and you all sing sooooooo damn good....^__^
kinda makes me lose my confidence to put my singing here
but i'll try anyway
here it is.....

Sakura Biyori~Monique

just realized something.....
my voice ish funny....... me ish sooo embarassed
*hides inside the closet*

oh...don't forget to wear some earplugs....
or you might get some serious ear damage~~

no siggies needed

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 22:18:03
mystuhmusic - nope .. need only your voice otherwise i can't mix it
you know how it works.. sing along with the song while using earplugs - and if you can't hear yourself, use only one earplug.. and record only your voice.
and then send that voice.. to me!!! mee!! XD

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 22:25:38 (edited 2007-06-28 22:34:56)
@mystuhmusic: cOOliEs~ I love PoT songs ^^ maybe i'll try to record one later [edit]maybe[/edit] xD

@monique-san: welcomezZ~~ and.. your voice isn't funny.. maybe.. the mic.. that's all ^^ and.. your other songs are good too ^o^

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 22:31:28 (edited 2007-06-28 22:33:34)
Whoas, uh, new girl, Monique, WELCOME!(mind if I call you Moni or something? XD)

You sound damn good yourself, but the mic makes it sound a little funky... no probs, it doesn't matter, I like your voice. (Wait, that is your voice right??? XD)

@ Rei
Awesome, You have any of the musical songs? I have a few and maybe if we get enough people, we can mix those too!!! Lol I am like the PoT Song Archive, I don't think there is anything I don't have... Or my Collection isn't complete!!! NOOOOO That Can't Be!!! so yeah, ok... too much sugar...

Wows, I'm not even going in order anymore. Anyways, ok I'm get the voice to you then! I can't do the one earphone thing, cause I use big studio earmuff looking phones. I can't hear crap from this... So that poses a problem. The voice I have now sounds kinda funky, but Ima tweak it a sing it again to polish it. Time To Go Polish the Coal Into a Diamond! OKies that was lame... Byes now.

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-28 22:36:19
mystuhmusic: well.. I only watched until dream live 3rd xDD and.. I don't think there're karaoke version for the musical's songs.. or.. there are?? O.O;

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