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Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by kuhraziemike on 2011-06-07 23:40:42
Uhm, hello!?

Uhm, okay.... It seems that things seem to be PRETTY slow... and pretty silent.....

Anyways, I have no idea if anyone of youse remember me but yeah it's me.

In any case, I was just wondering if any of you live around K.L or P.J... I wanted to share with you guys about this place at The Curve.

I'm not sure if you guys know about this but there's this 'MAID CAFE' at the Curve. Yeah, you heard me... A MAID CAFE! I've been there once and it's REALLY NICE. Of course, you've gotta prepare yourself with some money first.....

The name of the joint is 'Tenshi no Cafe'.... I know, pretty cheesy name for a Maid Cafe but izzit? Nope, no-eye-deer.

Anyways, just wanted to share this.. Oh yeah, it's at the LG floor of 'e Curve'. You know that part of Curve where the cinema is? The one with Tony Roma's? Manahattan Fish Market? If you know, well then that's fine... I'm just sayin'.

I might come here to this thread again to post something.... But not so sure, cuz' I'm probably gonna be ranting about the state of politics in this country anyway..... I know.... Malaysian politics is just so pathetic....

I mean, we have PAS & Perkasa doing some crazy stuff once in a while, & Barisan accusing the DAP and opposition of this and that...... Really saddening......
I also read The Star.. Mostly for the World section.....

Anyways, sorry for intruding..... I AM MALAYSIAN..... Just not very proud of being one because the country is so filled with corrupt politicians and MAD, CRAZY ones at that... Also, not fond of National Service and the teaching style and examination style, if you know what I mean. (Pretty backwards if you catch my drift... I'm just sayin')

But, the people are quite nice.... BUT I'M JUST SO SICK OF GARBAGE EVERYWHERE... Everywhere I go always have garbage.... Sheessh.......

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2011-06-08 06:00:05
it seems that we all have the 'garbage' problems
Discussion on politics in this thread is actually forbidden. You could rant whatever you want but just try not to discuss anything related to sensitive issues (politics,religions etc..) ;o

Nay, you are not intruding xo
Welcome to the Malaysian Club -- where we focus on rants(about life of course!) anime lovers gathering, CF and don't forget our some 'meeting events'(we have some people to work these events out,really and they earn our respects xo)

Just try to relax and have fun here
doesn't have to take things so seriously..
here, it's relaxing xo!

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by aratta on 2011-06-09 09:22:57 (edited 2011-06-09 09:24:09)
Woah woah woah. Now that's something I didn't see it coming.
I saw some people posting here quite often,but the replies..ehh. xD
Lately making a trip to the arcade,just wanna play Blazblue CT/Guilty Gear,Time Crisis 4. (Boy that was tiring.) D<


Woah woah,it's indeed going on pretty slow in here,good thing that seeing your post makes me wanna post in here too lol.
Hoh,I do see you around at the forums though,so yeah. Not here,but still I remember ya. Somehow.

Tenshi No Cafe,do heard about them before. Wonder if my money is worth to spend on that place,I kinda want to experience something like that.
...Maybe gonna ended up wearing helmet when entering the cafe though. >.>

Ah,politics! Never encountered this kind of topic here before,usually these days posts are mostly one-liners and blahblahblah,so yeah. As Adeline said above,it's the rule for not to talk about sensitive issues here.

Though politics talk is always entertaining,it's a delicious troll material I should say. Well,we can never have good things all the time,ey? Man,I couldn't type what was I'm going to type now because it will derailed the thread WAAAAY badly.

So might wanna leave it at that.
Ah,and also,welcome to the thread as well. (Might gonna say that first,but politics talk really got my attention first. xD)
Do enjoy yourself posting when someone else posts,it's kinda dead lately,people went to Uni and such. They've been busy. x3


I mean,woah,good thing you're here often. :O

Rants about life,wasn't it like the main focus lately?
Woah,not saying it's a bad thing or anything,but still,that'll keep the thread alive. For a while. x3

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2011-06-09 10:42:17
adel's not coming? so.. its only me and kaga again this year?

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by supernood on 2011-06-09 19:32:17
its been a long time......>.> although I often on Gendou...
maybe I planning to life as a simple person after all, I'm not a studying type >.>
about the CF I might attending
I knew about the curve maid cafe also.

My house nearby also got maid cafe and is called Moe de Cafe

hmmm....well that's all >.>
nth to say much

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by kuhraziemike on 2011-06-09 23:28:07 (edited 2011-06-09 23:30:33)

CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG.... But, from what I heard from Lite. Fm.... It seems that the Government intends to block Megaupload... Is this for real!? Seriously man....

I can only imagine that I'm never gonna be downloadin' my anime again.. Or even fan-made manga for that...

Fala serio....... (Portuguese for "Talk serious")

P.S.: Let's just hope & pray that the Gov's not seriously considerin' blockin' this website, cuz' if they do... If they do.....

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2011-06-10 10:44:56
OH GOD....




yeah...i hear too...

lots rakyat malaysia are mad about this...they disagree about what govement to do it...

my question to govement,why they want to block megaupload and others?i think govement dosen't think decision without any thinking to rakyat....

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2011-06-10 18:47:03
Nyaaaaaa~~~Esther is back posting once in a while~~

Harro everyone. Hope you guys are fine fine as always. :D Well, I've seen a maid cafe in Malaysia. woots~ but never went inside because thecustomersareguysonlyisee and the waitress ( are they called this?) are so kawaii. Well maybe someday i will go with holkers. nyaaa~

Anyways, lets meet up for CF. Ramai tak yang pergi CF? wohooo~ I'm thinking of volunteering but meh~ :x

Is anyone from here going to volunteer during CF?

ja ne~

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by aratta on 2011-06-11 00:02:46 (edited 2011-06-11 01:24:42)
Woah woah woah,it seems that most people were butthurt about the blocking news lately. Well,it's not like it could get any worse,why don't just people take it easy and see what the future unfolds for Malaysia?

Imagine,where there's no anime,no download site.. WOAHAAHFAHFIOQWHFO(Still got DVD cetak rompak,lulz) :v

Ah also,reply.


Woah woah woah,GM,hold it there. Probably not coming to CF this year.
(Or even if I come to CF you wouldn't probably see me anyways. x3)
Don't worry,I shall sent my stalked pics of you guys there. =3=


Well,if they do decide to block it..
Just don't block MF please. ;w;


>Do decision without thinking of the rakyat

Well,first things first,you can't simply just argue with "hey no blocking mah site i wanna download movie-" or something,right?
They could go like "Lol why download instead of buying/lolz you think people maek movies/song for free?"

Then again,I would frustrated as well if they do it anyway. But for me that's not the point to "no fk you gvernment" or something. x3


Estheroestheroesht- I mean,why you don't go inside?! D<
It's not like we guys only go there for the maids- (Oh well. We do went there for the maids. Don't judge us. Please. ;w;)

Pergi CF,eeeehhh probably tak. Got shytload of work at uni(probably) at that time,also got to focus. :v
But if I go then I could stalk you guys,like I did on the previous CF. x3

Welp,there's nothing to do here,I shall post another day then. Till then,do keep updating about news lately. It's fun to hear these kind of things often. x3

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by kuhraziemike on 2011-06-11 05:19:29
OMG guys, just what on earth is CF!?

Oh wait, I GET IT, it means Comic Fiesta ain't I right?

Hmm, for the record, I've only been to it once, and that was last year at Times Square... It was REALLY awesome. I bought a mug with Hinagiku & Nagi on it wearing maid uniforms; oh yeah, the color's pink.

Anyways, when's THIS year's CF anyway? Come on, come on guys, don't be so secretive... I wanna go too... =3

Also, WHERE will it be held? Will it be in Singapore? Or will it be here? Or will it be in the Philippines? I dunno, I haven't been watchin' ANIMAX lately cuz' they keep showin' Korean dramas & the same old, same old animes; plus, most of em' are usually shounen animes with just too much fighting against supernatural powers & yada, yada, yada...

I mean like, come on; can't you guys at least show animes such as Angel Beats!, Clannad, Highschool of The Dead, Great Teacher Onizuka, the To Aru series, Evangelion or even Naruto... Sheesh... Oh well...

Licensing, licensing... Copyright, copyright... 'Fukou da'...


ALSO, I wanna posit some questions... Uhm, do you know these guys on Youtube?

Ray William Johnson
Peter Chao
Epic Meal Time

So, do ya guys know em'? I know em'... I watch their videos and all... Their videos are really funny, I'd say...

Oh well, school's a' reopening in TWO days time... MAN this sucks big time...

Man, it is times like this that I feel like I wanna just drop outta school and just live in America and study in the house.

Oh yeah, that reminds... According to Malaysian law, ONLY ELEMENTARY education is compulsory... Middle & High education is NOT compulsory... And of course, university is ALWAYS optional... But then again, who wouldn't wanna go to university anyway... Unless of course, if ya don't really like to study...

One last thing, were you guys able to watch any new movies? I've been missin' tons of great shows... Fukou da... AND, Kongsi is pretty funny... LOL... Izzit really true people from Thailand speak Malay that way? I can barely understand a thing...

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2011-06-11 05:45:29
/hugs and squeeze(joking about the latter part ;x)

yeah..main focus
there is not much of the things we could talk about, after all -- everyone will ended up talking about their lives
so pretty much this thread is so random xo

well~ as long as they did not ban our precious Gendou site *wink*
don't feel bad with all the 'no anime download' 'no download sites'..please don't..after all, if we confess that we are using the sharing sites for these, it won't do us good - and that reason enough is why they think that 'banning 10 sharing sites' are 'the right thing to do'

oh well..i think piracy will still keep going even without the internet and might be rising(i do believe however that internet is one way to eradicate piracy -- but no one believes it since they think that internet is one channel that how they take source from) which is pretty sad and devastating because there is some truth in it..
however..i am not really mad with their it is alright ;x

GM is coming with Kaga-o?
that is great. remember to take some nice photos or upload vids : share with us ;x

Correction: it is not just 'intend' , it has been executed
they have banned '10 sharing sites' including Megaupload

don't worry about it so much - there are many ways to bypass the ban to visit the sites (you just have to find how *wink*)

CF? we are not intend to be secretive about it at all ahaha
it just that the one that actually promotes all of these are 'MIA' (missing in action)
it is rare not to see 'this person' to post our recent activities ;v
/blames Holkers for not coming to this thread orz..(joking)

SG will be AFA; Phillipines i think will be Animefest(or something? i don't remember)
Malaysia will be CF(Comic Fiesta)
so every countries seem to have such event xo

i heard of Peter Chao @_@..
are those comedians?

hmm.. you mean home schooling?
America ..isn't really that good as you think it is ahaha..~_~

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2011-06-12 08:54:27



mmm...sometimes your right...

but i nt fk to govement...but i really x3 dispointed to govement what they have done...

sometimes,kalau nak ambil tindakan,fikir dahulu...not take action rakyat tertekan...

we as rakyat not against the govement,but they really x3 make them dispointed what they have done to rakyat....

now rakyat is pening now...haizzz...


ask Jo,she volunter CF last year...

yeah,not too much our member come to CF last year...hopefully i can come to CF this year...

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by kuhraziemike on 2011-06-13 00:47:16
SO, I'd thought that I would you now, practice my Malay here... I mean, like come on... We can't possibly it all right? RIGHT?... =3 ;3

Jadi, sekolah-sekolah di seluruh negara (kecuali sekolah antarabangsa) sudahpun berbuka untuk penggal kedua!

Seronok? TIDAK, tak sama sekali.

Mengapa? Sebabnya, saya takut. ---___---

Apa yang ku boleh buat... Gred peperiksaan pertengahan tahunku bukan begitu memberangsangkan... Untuk Bahasa Malaysia, saya dapat gred C... Bahasa Inggeris, gred A; Matematik pula, gred B; Kimia, gred C...

Aduhai, aduhai, aduhai... ----_____----

Tapi, tak apa... Daripada kesilapan yangku buat, saya dapat membuat penilaian kendiri dan mula berusaha untuk menjadi lebih riang dan gembira. Memang betul, jika kita ingin kehidupan yang selesa, aman dan tenang... Kita haruslah bergembira sikit... Walaubagaimanapun, perkara sedemikian susah untuk direalisasikan... Hidup bukan senang... Ada masa kita bersedih, bermurung dan ada masa yang kita bergembira dan penuh dengan rasa sayang dan cinta...

Jadi, satu soalan. Adakah kita mampu untuk berusaha mendapatkan kegembiraan yang kita ingini sejak dulu lagi? Pada pendapatku, kita mampu berbuat sedemikian tetapi keiniginan mesti ada. Apa-apa yang kita usahakan takkan menjadi jika kita tidak mempunyai niat yang kuat dan pendirian yang teguh dari awal lagi...

NOTA: Jika kalian terjumpa sebarang kesalahan tatabahasa, sila 'reply' kepadaku di forum ini. AHAHAHA... Seronoknya berbahasa... :)

So, what did ya guys think? Was, that good Malay? I mean, I may have the basics of the grammar well-ingrained since we were kids but I still find it a bit TOO much... heheh... =3 I don't really know THAT many words either... But, I am quite fluent. Are you guys fluent in Malay?

You know what, perhaps I'll start posting replies in Malay so that things a' improvin'. I mean, look at those other threads made for the Indonesians and Filipinos... It's like they almost always post their replies in whatever native language. (Though they probably'd turn it into something so informal; just like how we butcher our Malay... ---___---)

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by supernood on 2011-06-13 06:08:41
hmm its look like I can't eat prawns now becoz my skin is sensitive >.>

anyway its June now still have 6 month to SPM and CF, hope SPM will not crash CF DX

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2011-06-13 09:17:51
Waa, it's good to see the thread getting kick-started again. =D

@ kuhraziemike

Hmm, BM? I'm rather fluent in formal and informal BM. Rojak pun boleh! Orang Malaysia beb! =D

That aside, kesalahan tatabahasa awak tak banyak, tapi saya rasa yang penggunaan 'aku' dan 'saya' dalam mesej awak tak begitu konsisten... Saya rasa lebih baik awak pilih sahaja satu KGND yang awak rasa lebih selesa untuk digunakan. Yang paling selamat, pakai sahaja 'saya' untuk kes-kes yang biasa. Barulah nampak lebih lancar. ;)

Itulah pendapat saya. Dan berusahalah! Tidak mustahil awak lebih berjaya nanti kalau awak terus berusaha. Bak kata saya, (chewah. =P) usaha itu tangga kejayaan!

Haha. It's been such a while since i wrote or typed in BM. About a year, i think. T____T I had fun lol.

@ all

So all this talk about file-sharing sites being banned, it's for real? Ergh. Not good, not good. MegaUpload used to be where i get all my good stuff T____T

Good luck to all to-be exam candidates, be it for SPM, PMR, blablabla...
Erh, from what I see, SRS is gonna be sitting for SPM. Yang lain apacer? =P

Those going to CF, have tons of fun! I will most probably never be able to go to the CF for my entire life. (slight tinge of exaggeration there, but yeah. *sob*)

Jya ne! RL chores beckoning!


Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by aratta on 2011-06-14 05:39:18

/hi5 and kicks- Wait the latter part is also a joke. :v

Welp,at least there's something for people to talk to lol. It's better to be random than dead for quite some time,no?

Well Adel-o,regarding about the banning,I don't feel anything about it. Really,not mad or anything. It's very,very amusing to see that the government finally take some action. Also I do enjoy the reactions of people(well,seeing people go "NO MAI DOWNLOAD SITE BLOCKED NOOOOO" or went mad or something) really,really perks me up.

Haha,we'll just have to see what's in store for Malaysia then. Just sit down,grab a cup of tea and enjoy the rage. <3


Well,I don't think they HAVE to consider of doing something good. Really.
So tell me,is downloading stuff is right at the first place? Ever consider about that? Do you really think it's legal?

Woah,I'm not in the position to say this,really. Might look like a hypocrite atm,but hey,I do think that the reactions of the Malaysians know. Melampau tak bersebab.

>Download barang copyrighted/movie/lagu/etc
>Marah bila block,mula bagi taw hak asasi manusia
Hak asasi? Hahahahahahahaha,buat benda salah,hak asasi? xD

Also. Pakai shieldtox ar bro,lagi berkesan mengalahkan nyamuk.



Well,it is true about what you've heard,so yeah. Can't do anything about that lol. xD
Hmm,exam lambat lagi,rasanya somewhere around July kot test. Thermodynamics sem ni macam killer subject. ;w;

EUFO WAI YOU NO GO CF- I mean. Well when you come back here then you can go CF. D:
Oh,and good luck for your exam/tests or whatever that involves brains.

Welp,I guess that's pretty much it. Later then.

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2011-06-16 09:40:49
@ kaga

LOL. I was here all this while prowling around Gendou's threads, but never really took the trouble to post. Sorry! /kowtows

*reads early part of the post again*

You enjoy watching people raging? Wow. An 'it' with a capital 'S' is here! =D
Oh well, like you guys were saying earlier, getting what you want all boils down to being resourceful. Ahem.

Naw, I don't think i'll ever be able to go CF-ing. Okay, well, not this year, at least. Dates coincide baaaadly. =(

P/S : Stuff with 'Thermo' in their name are never fun. I would be able to attest to that. =P

Kay, laters.


Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by supernood on 2011-06-16 22:25:10
hmm I dislike Karaoke.Why ? coz no anime's songs DX

and I shy when I holding a mic and sing DX

btw , SPM is coming soon >.> still got 6 month DX and CF as well~

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2011-06-20 18:36:41
i got invited as a guest artist to make an artbook for this year CF, it such an honor ;^;

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by holkers on 2011-06-21 06:22:37
Ahh.. This thread went active again!
Well just stopping by.

I have some bad news to give out.

To those who are going to Comic Fiesta 2011, you may not meet me in person.
I would have to start my 2nd sems soon. And I have to say, majoring in art is hard work.

Thus, I might not be able to come because of assignments.
My very apologizes for this short notice.

And my very apologizes to those who have couldn't wait to meet me.
I'm not an interesting person to start with xD

But, if time allow us, I shall come and treat ya'll lunch.
What do you say, Malaysians?

Since it's going to be in KLCC, I shall treat ya'll Pizza Hut which is close to the con.
Also, if time allow us again, I would love to hang out and chat and take photos :3

So shall you start praying!

Gimmick: Congrats, I shall get a copy.

SRS: You're coming? Ah! That would be awesome. Since this year, there's a lot of users in here are having their SPM.
Hmmm, it would be good to have CF2011 and SPM meet xD Harhar.

Well then, off I go do assignments ; ^;

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

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