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Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2006-02-03 12:40:11
Darn mines... *whips hands* Dud Justu! *all mines become duds*

What are B&Gs if I may ask?

The Paper

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Nanaya Enix on 2006-02-03 19:20:20
*a letter comes appears*
HI, guys! I know that I haven't posted in a while, I'm traveling right now. My rampage is still on, so i carried it to maple island that is far, far away. hope the restaurant is well.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingLaharl, the Overlord of all. I rule Netherworld Restaurant as well. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingEtna Photobucket - Video and Image HostingFlonne

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2006-02-03 20:13:18
All is well... and I am somewhat keeping an eye on your bar, by the way,
tks for the general tso's.

The Paper

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-02-03 23:15:37
All right Sero lets spar.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2006-02-04 08:49:04
I liked the other one better...

The Paper

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Kotuso on 2006-02-04 16:28:52
Stupid mines! These ones are really ...the old one went boom,these go KAplow!
OKay lemme see....
*puts some KAplow mines on hands*
Who wants to fist fight!

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2006-02-05 07:08:50
No mines in the bar!

The Paper

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Kotuso on 2006-02-05 09:42:09
there not,thier on my hands hehehe

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-02-05 10:38:23 (edited 2006-02-05 10:38:58)
Are your hands in the bar. If they are they're comming off.
*chops hands off with speceil hermetrically sealing knife, so ther's no blood*
There we go now you have these.
*hands(heh-heh get it HANDS) Kotuso remote controlled chop-sticks*
Try opening a door with those. Or straping a mine to them.
*disposes of hands in my dimension, the unatianable demension to those with out a last name spelled out in a line on the keyboard*
Sory no unsheated swords in the bar either, consider this place like the palace in edo(with less drinking), drawing a sword in the shogun's(critic's) presence is considered a capital crime, and punshiable by Sepiku.

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2006-02-05 10:53:16
I see the bouncer is earning his keep... great job ^^

Everyone can hack each other to bits at the arena. Me is thinking about
a tournament in honor of the arena, suggestions?

The Paper

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-05 10:57:28
*raises hand*

Be realistic; Don't go through the entire fight without receiving any bit of damage. Get hit once in a while.

We could use levels to determine strength, too ^_^

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-02-05 11:06:28
Would'nt you guess the guy with the level twice that of ~75% of the users would suggest using levels, I'm all for it. Promote donations! Even though I can't make any!

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2006-02-05 13:03:40
There was a valid reason why you couldn't hit me, it wasn't just because
I am making myself impossible to hit.

I had the idea of doing it in teams. People make up their teams and offer
others to join. I'll keep a list of all teams. Then we can sort out team
matches from there...

The Paper

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Kotuso on 2006-02-05 13:33:14 (edited 2006-02-05 13:43:58)
I'm not opposed to getting hit.
Well,heck i've been KOed twice in the arena(my plan never works,gah!)
But I suppose a organized system of numbers and set events could make things very...interesting.

Maybe we could have a set amount of special skills or abilities,unique to each person. You tell which abilities you have,what they do,their requirments(like what level,more on that later),their restrictions(like after using it an X amount of times you cannot use it anymore),adn so forth. Well,that's my two cents,anyways.

*Note on requirments-If there is such things as requiremetns I think we could take it as far as sayin what kind of temperature it is,what kind of shape your character is in,personality,etc.

*detaches chopsticks*
*inserts forks into wrist socket*
That's right!Go Team Western!
*Eats Spagetti o's*

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2006-02-05 13:41:10
Ok, so we'll orginize teams here. If that's your official team name,
I'll put it down on my list. A team won't need a certain number of
people, it can be just you or inf. # of people. I'll get to work on how
the teams are going to operate.

The Paper

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-02-05 13:51:26
I officialy form team "not Team Western." Ok, I need a real team name. Hmm, mabey team "Ron Jeremy" no that won't do, team "Spagetti O's," no not that either, team "№♫₧₪," Yea that's it team "№♫☻₧₪."

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-02-05 13:51:34
cool sounds good ^_^

who knew the arena would be such a great hit ^_^

good thing it is its own thread

Light and Dark

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2006-02-05 14:54:48
Yeah, that is a good thing. A heads up to everyone, don't make a thread
for this tournament, it will be held the arena already posted!

The Paper

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Kotuso on 2006-02-05 17:58:33 (edited 2006-02-05 17:58:58)
Okay,my team will be called:
Team Southern!!!!
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Kotuso the 2nd(the gentle wind):

Special ablilities(awaiting permisssions)
requirments(awaiting permission)
restrictions(awaiting permission)

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2006-02-05 18:05:42
Kotuso, your team has been entered. Now for the Rules and stuff. If you
have any suggestions, please let me know...

Critic’s Bar Arena Tournament Rules.

I’ve decided the easiest way is to do this like Final Fantasy. Each
team has a turn and in that turn every team member has one turn to do
whatever. There are some differences, if you retreat, you are allowed \
to reenter the battle. Other than that, last man standing wins. There
is NO God mode. You have to fail to dodge at some point and you can’t
be invincible. You have to announce your health number and once you
have it, you cannot change it.

Damage values: Since health is random and some people don’t even have
it, this is how were going to do it. All blows will be considered
equal, be it a punch, kick, whatever. But since there is more to it
than that, there will be some differences like this. This list goes
from least powerful to most powerful.

Body Attacks (20): Any kind of attack that uses just the body.
Close Combat Weapons (60): Where you use something be it a bat, a
knife, a sword, whatever.
Other Combat weapons(70): Guns, bows and arrows, basically, any
projectile weapons.
Magic (100): White or black, dark or good, but beware, if your attacks
have no effect, you’ve wasted a turn. You can’t be a little resistant,
you can only be completely immune or not.
Energy attacks (200): Anything along the lines of firing energy at your
Combo Attacks (20, 60, 70, 100, and/or 200 + 20, 60, 70, 100, and or
200): Body and CCW doesn’t count, if you combine body with energy
attacks, you add one to the other increasing strength by said amount.
There will be NO summoning. You can do Gemini moves if you wish.

Counter: There is no counterattacking, only countering. With body,
magic, and energy attacks, if you counter, you will only receive half
damage. With combo attacks, you MUST use the exact same combo and then
you will receive half damage. With CCW, damage is reduced to 10.

Dodging: I couldn’t figure how to regulate this. The best way I can
come up with is just letting someone know when they’re dodging too

Health: You can pick any health you want, as long as it doesn’t exceed
999. However, I am going to pick a number between 799 and 999 at
random. If you go over this number, you have to pick a new number for

Reward: This isn’t as good as freestyle arena, but if and when we do
this, I will have a picture of a trophy waiting for the victor.

Who goes first: I will pick a number between 1 and 11, then the leaders
of both teams pick a number. The correct one or the one closest to the
one I picked will go first.

Number of members per team: There can only be a maximum of four

The team list will continually updated.

Team list

Dirtyninja’s team.

Kotuso’s team.
Team Southern

The Paper

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