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Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-03-07 14:14:58
Oi There. Happy Birthday Jomunga, it's my friend's birthday today also! *sigh* sick again today, and my dad took the day off to take me in for my eye exam. He was pissed off that I was sick and thought I did it purposely so I wouldn't have to go to the eye exam. God, if he honestly thinks I want this he is sooo far from the truth it isn't even funny. He was close to dragging me out of bed and strapping me in the car. I told him that if he wanted puke all over the dash board to be my guest. XD haha he can be such a loser sometimes. Again Happy Birthday Jomunga!


Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-03-07 14:50:48 (edited 2006-03-07 15:59:07)
happy birthday jomunga!
and was MY mailbox that he hit...

my dad lost his job kinda worried about him...

edit....i'm worried for a stupid reason. Alyssa is not moving away, and i am so very thankful for that...but she just told me that she will be going to France next year. and im really worried.

but why? i have no idea! its not till next year! she'll probibly only be gone for a few weeks, a month at most! why am i so worried?

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-07 16:11:39
Possbile answer: You're worried because it's bringing up your worries about her moving. You want her to stay, or at least have her stay with you, so when she is gonna go to France for a brief time it brings up your old (but not gone) worries of her moving.

And I am well aware he hit your mailbox, I said it like that because I was viewing it through his eyes (an odd habit, I'll admit) XD

Pardon my boredom in this post, my enthusiasm has collapsed due to the fact that I am very hungry... I need food XD

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-03-07 16:15:41
I am hungry to...I haven't ate anything but aimal crackers and rice and Ginger ale the last couple days. I am hungry but nothing appeals to me.

I agree with Sachiel. I thought about that by who post the exact same thing? 0.o


Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-03-07 16:18:16
By the way Sachiel, I ahve always wondered what your picture is. So...What is it? I see some white thing with a bunch of greden XD I know 'tis pointless but it makes me wonder and I wish to know haha ^_^


Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-07 19:06:02
Bwahahaha... feast your eyes on the great Sachiel from Evangelion! (And he gets totally owned in the only episode he's in! XD)


Compare with my full size avatar:

Bwahahaha, I am the great S-a-c-h-i-e-l! Again!

I didn't use thumbnails because both of the images are ~46 kb, that's not bad... is it? XD

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-03-07 19:13:20 (edited 2006-03-07 19:14:39)
Sachiel, First song, then dance, now hunger, your living a party thoughout a day. Next you'll wake up in some strange alley with a bearded man next to you. Don't ask.

Oh, and by the way did you recently add the blink to your avatar. I don't think it was there before.

Jomunga, I laughed at the irony. Tell me how the game works out, it'll determine when I buy a 360.(not if but when)

Before I foget, hope your birthday goes something like this.

Nightmare, hope your dad can get back on his feet. Losing two jobs in a couple of months can devistate a person.

As sachiel said you're simply moving fears from one event to another. You're affraid of detachment, possibly due to past expiriances that help to constitute this fear. That is the long, more confusing, way about it. Sachiel's is a little more concise, but they mean the same.

Schala, it's the angel sachiel from EVA. The more complete picture looks like this:

Or Sachiel kicking the UN's butt:

Or sachiel as a toy:

Edit:Dang, saciel you beat me while I was looking for pictures

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Kotuso on 2006-03-07 19:23:00 (edited 2006-03-07 19:24:41)
I'll throw in my two cents in then nightmare.

You see,the way I figure it,nothing is clear cut. Even simple things like walking. You could go a thousand years thinking one thing,like war being wrong for example,and then it ends up as something good.

Or as DNinja put said on the love thread,"I don't care cause how long do highscholl relationships last, oh wait some do for 50 years. Darn gonna' have to rethink that now."
Althogh that was probably intentional,that shows that not everything is how it appears.

Now to the point,you might think that since the first action is over and done with,that it can't come back unless a similar action happens again. Going to France is similar,even if it is for a short amount of time. Nothing is straight down the line simple,there is no such things as simplicity in this world.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-03-07 20:05:11
thanks, sachiel...that is very good advice...and a exactly is that thing again?

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-07 20:11:38
If the "thing you're talking about is the dude that acts as my avatar, then it's Sachiel, the third angel from Evangelion. He/she/it's the coolest one out of all of them, except maybe the 13th or 14th, those two are cool, too. But I'll go with Sachiel XD

And no problem for the advice, I need something to expell my energy on. I just had an orange, some oreos, and pretty soon some ramen and some water... I NEED FOOOOD!!!

@Dirtyninja: Bwahahaha, I came prepared; I already got images of Sachiel on my comp so I didn't have to look XD

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by on 2006-03-07 20:19:11
I am already losing blood, and I am wearing black because we're supposed to be mourning for someone. Tell me, what else is there to do?

*blip* *blip*

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-03-08 03:56:31
Woah, woah, early birthday. Its on the 23. My fault for not specifiying.

Yes I am going to be 19. I never thought I would live to be this old. I guess I punched adversity in the face.

Thanks to everybody you congradulated me early, it may be good that you did... I could still died before it comes. Why I could die right now...
*Looks around, checks for hidden assassins hiding under sofa.

Ha! I found one of the little bastards.

These damn spiders are always trying to bite me to death.

Horray for Sachiel taking a shower, Horray for good hygiene.

Lol, ginger ale. Not gin no kaeru?

The elder scrolls game comes out the 21, I have it preorderd. I am getting it for the pc though, I wont know how the xbox360 version will be.

It is hard to visit France because they won't speak English unlike other "more friendly countries." Maybe if she is visiting Paris it would be easier, I just know France is harder to visit than Italy or Germany.

I ate bratwurst sauerkraut for dinner, back to my original roots. Now I am hungry again thanks to Sachiel.

*reads Jaylons post.

Okay, so did you cut yourself? I would stop, it isn't gonna help. So who was it friend or family? And how did they go. If they went peacefully than all is good. If they still had last wishes or regrets, do something that would of wanted you to do. Dying isn't bad at all, so mourn but don't let sadness get to you. The only ones having it hard are the living. All you need to do is remember them and know you be dead soon also. So give it time, give it thought, make it a part of you, and enjoy the rest of you life.

If I ever die, I don't want people mourning over me. Just a fancy funeral and people to remember me.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-03-08 08:34:16
who cares if we gave an early birthday you are still having to spread (a new) tradition, HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE! Yes I hate spiders! That picture Lady Rin put in her post in another thread scared the shit out of me. I just don't like them.

Yes Gingerale. I nearly spewed everwhere when I saw all the "floaties" in it from two days of drinking out of it. It was the litre one you know? Gin no Kaeru? Is kaeru frog or am I confused? *scratches head*

I agree Standing ovation for good hygiene! Speaking of which allow me to shower...

I jsut finished soup I am good for food. I was going through a growth spurt but with being sick I won't for awhile. I had been packing on pounds for a bit in preperation, but now I lsot 10 pounds from being sick. Even more than I gained... *sigh* It'll take forever to gain it all back in the Lhealthy way.


Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-03-08 14:25:10
yea jaylen...whats the mater? we wanna help!

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-03-08 14:33:58
Sachiel, sorry I don't have too many pictures on my PC. The ones I do have are from my various trips arround the US. No too many anime, or any realy cool ones. Unless you count my "hat."

I just realized the whole "stoping missles with the hands" thing is quite popluar with the Angels and EVAs. First Sachiel then Unit 2 does it.
Sachiel was my favorite angel too, but 14 (Zeruel?) took it. That whole killing Unit 2 in under 60 seconds, drlling into central dogma, blowing into the geo-front, surviving an N-2 mine, ect.

JayLon_EX, I would say something but Jomunga "the spider killer" asked everything already.

Jomunga, don't come to my house, we have tons of spiders. Did you know, you swallow 2-3 spiders nightly. Have fun sleeping. *evil grin* That's along the same lines as hotdogs are leagly allowed to contain 1% human hair.

Schala, thanks for the lovely images of "floaties." I don't think I'll be able to finish my bowl of Cheerios, or maby I shouldn't eat a gallon of them.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-03-08 15:39:36
Sorry Dirtyninja, didn't mean to gross you out. I am eating Dill Pickle Chips and they are hurting my wind burned lips T_T

Actually I did know about the 2-3 spiders thing, but I didn't know about the hot dogs... Ewwww.

Anyway my friend is gonna be in shit, we were throwing snowballs and my other friend hit his wiwndow and busted only one of the panes. His mom is a total physco so I told him if his mom didn't notice I would pay him 5 bucks. We were in a good mood before because we jsut got back from getting popcicles. Mmmmm Cherry... But, it was funny, I jsut hope he doesn't get in much trouble T_T


Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-08 15:45:10
Bwahaha, Zeruel is uber1337. Unfortunately, there is already a Zeruel Angelus (who has an extremely high level, BTW) on this site. Besides, I starting using S-a-c-h-i-e-l already XD

...Whoa. Sachiel sounds little and weak, while Zeruel sounds.... Tough. Bwahaha, too late for me XD

Dude, Jaylon. Saying half a sentence like that and leaving us hanging is worse than a cliffhanger in Bleach T.T

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Menos Grande on 2006-03-08 16:11:29
Here I am, laid bare, at the end of my rope.
I've lost all hope. So long Molly Connolly just broke up with me over the revealing nature of the posts.
You goddamn kids had best be gracious with the merch money you spend
because for you I won't ever have rough sex with Molly Connolly again.

Here I am, laid down at the end of my rope, wishing I had not been born.
Now I've spewed too much. I can never shut it up.
I thought you should be warned and I Implied black sky took the needle to my eye and sucked out all its glow.
Ohh Ohh! Molly Connolly ruined my life,
I thought the world should know.

I can't stop thinking about what she did wrong to me.
I can't figure out just what I did wrong.
I'll kill myself thinking about the things that you did to me,
Molly Conolly.

Can't stop thinking about what she did wrong to me.
Just can't figure out just what I did wrong.
Kill myself thinking about, things that you did to me,
Molly Conolly,

Just can't figure her out.
Kill myself thinking about,
My Molly, Conolly.
I'll kill myself! I'll kill myself! I'll kill myself!

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-08 17:50:20
And the point of that is...?

Depressing stuff like that isn't a good thing to have with people that want to commit suicide...

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-03-08 19:32:51
well sachiel, the best poetry is written when your in point, Edgar Allen Poe... my best stuff is wretten when im sad...then again, im alwayse depressed, so i guess im a great writer!

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