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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by on 2006-11-29 11:39:22
Yea,, i like L.. he is smart,, and he is a weirdo XD

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by on 2006-11-30 22:00:23
I like L. I never thought that this guy who always walk barefooted, loves to eat sweets, stoops all the time and looks like a freak outside is a genius and good at sports! How cool is that?!

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by on 2006-12-01 01:05:42 (edited 2006-12-01 01:06:14)
BUT, why L have to die. it makes me hate raito, because L knows raito as his friend. (oh L)

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-12-01 01:09:14
yeah l might look weird but he's cool! so is light! man those two are smart...

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by ~ SakuraTenshi ~ on 2006-12-03 11:16:07
L is the best! No one beats L! I "inspired" by L to sit like him... Lol... It is not as uncomfortable as most people would think...

By the way, you can buy a Death Note! Like me!

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by elin on 2006-12-04 21:48:51
Ya.. it's so sad cos L is dead. But I can't believe dat Yagami really did dat since L already told him dat, "U are my fren..". My poor L died in hands of his first fren... T_T

--> Rain... such a good gift from God but sometimes a bit troublesome when it doesnt want to stop... ne???

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by amethyst_grrl on 2006-12-05 01:13:11 (edited 2006-12-05 01:20:05)
L is dead? Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!

I only watched the first two eppie of DN. The anime, is SOOOOO COOL!!

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Smittycal on 2006-12-05 20:09:22
Death note is probably my favorite series right now. I've been watching the first half of the live action movie and cant wait to see a sub version of it.

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Pansori on 2006-12-05 21:20:05 (edited 2006-12-05 21:21:40)
Owns Death Note. -___- All hail to Ebay! *shot*
Man, DN is like, my favorite anime of all time. x3 The story is just too good.
But it's getting less fun and more serious these days. =-= I read until volume 12 through internet *owns the manga pages* but ain't gonna spoil for those who haven't. :P
The first movie was awesome. >_> They didn't stay on the manga a lot, but still they modified it real good. Ryuk looks...real... o-O; I can't believe he's a machine...Technology these days.. Man, I want to watch the second one~~~ D:

WHY THE FRIGGIN HECK DID LIGHT KILL L?! ;-; I hate him after that. ._. *grudge* *cough*

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by on 2006-12-06 07:32:58
I like Kira over L because he's wicked sick. Except in the end of the series, for reasons I dare not state. But on an overall, I'd say I think Ryuuk is the best... I mean, it all started with him.

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by tomomasashoryu on 2006-12-11 09:52:34
Mochiron!!! Watashi nee...
L wa DAISUKI!!!(>.<)

雁国の王-延王尚隆 しょうりゅう

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by riou-zero on 2007-05-20 02:59:37
I've watched the anime and I like it so much. I've always wanted these kinds of storylines, friends turned enemies, vice-versa with ideals clashing along the way, disappointing part is it doesn't show much of L's identity (and his real name, unlike Mello) Is it also same as in the manga?

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by on 2007-05-20 03:31:10
yeap.. DwathNote ish great..

the anime ish good.. but the manga ish a lot better [for me] ^^

the drawing style.. it's just great ^^

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by riou-zero on 2007-05-20 04:22:48
And also, tragedy... ~Fin *grins*

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