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Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by kira-sama on 2005-08-28 02:47:39
I like death note very much.
Yappari it's the ingenious work of obata takeshi-sensei and ohba tsugumi-san.
In favotite manga threads i often see death note manga, so there should be many of DN's fans here...
My favorite character in DN is Eru-san(L) and his succesor Nia-kun (Near).
Justice will prevail! na, minna-san!?

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by atsuka_kun on 2005-08-28 02:55:08
kira, lend me the manga...
i think L is cool, but i don't like his eye, because he never sleep...

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by kira-sama on 2005-08-28 03:00:44
sou ka? i thought he is very unique that's why i like him. Raito is too perfect, a boy like yagami raito-kun or i can say mr.perfect. We can find any where in anime-manga world. am i right!?

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by atsuka_kun on 2005-08-28 03:05:41 (edited 2005-08-28 03:06:33)
i don't say if i like raito right? ^^
just say i don't like L's eyes...

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by kira-sama on 2005-08-28 03:07:20
it's cool you know! i like starring those eyes, when i read the manga. blank eyes! (it's remind me to irumi - killua's brother, he has those blank eyes too..)

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by atsuka_kun on 2005-08-28 03:21:30
yeah.. his eyes is like irumi...
it's horrible..

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by chizuru_chan on 2005-08-31 01:09:28 (edited 2005-08-31 01:09:51)
you know kira-sama...when I first read the title of this thread I was like.."Okay, this thread must be kira's ,he must've made it up"
and see what happens?

Life starts simply , why change them?

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by luxifer on 2005-08-31 01:51:42
cool! both of them are cool! but the ironic thing is, we can't see L as the protagonist and Kira-sama (i mean raito) as antagonist. we just split it up!

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Rukia_chan on 2005-08-31 05:02:46
i also like L very much...he's cool...and totaly SMART!! Gezz..
how can someone be so smart..when i read DN i sometimes get confused..2 many words..hehehe..
n L ..he got that typical sitting position..
But 4 a brain genious like him..dont u think he looks a bit..umm..stupid? hehehe

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Requiem on 2005-08-31 09:55:42 (edited 2005-08-31 09:55:53)
I like L's eyes. They make him very cute. But he's attractive because of his quirks. Like the way he holds things. And how he walks and sits. And his obsession with stacking. And how you almost always see him eating or drinking something. I'm surprised he's so calm when he puts ten sugar cubes into his tea. O_o Whoa.

Rai scares me. XP He's much cuter when he doesn't have the Death Note to let loose his . . . pyschotic . . . behavior. Any YGO! fans will instantly notice that Seto and Rai are almost exactly alike. Right down to the black-haired younger siblings.

Near is cute. He's always building sets and doing puzzles and the like. It's sort of scary, because all these people (L, N, M, ya know?) have some kind of compulsion. L's stacking, N's building/solving puzzles, M's (Mello's) constant munching of the choclate bar. It's like they're obsessive compulsives or something!


And that's the rant I've wanted to get outta my system. Good day.

Why is it that whenever something appears to be fun, it nearly kills me?

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by chizuru_chan on 2005-09-01 18:22:18
ne, rukia-chan
you watch DN?
I never knew you did

Life starts simply , why change them?

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Rukia_chan on 2005-09-02 03:17:09
No i never watched it
i read it..

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by chizuru_chan on 2005-09-03 01:32:52
Okay, now I get it

Life starts simply , why change them?

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by atsuka_kun on 2005-09-03 05:02:43
ne, rukia chan..
i think you watch it...

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by kira-sama on 2005-09-04 01:43:49
baka atsuka-kun! yare-yare, rukia-san must read it, not watch it.. i never hear about dn in anime...
am, i right? rukia-san?

ow, yeah. i like nia when he playing with his puzzel! nfufufu..and i kinda like mero too, although he is freaky..

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by chizuru_chan on 2005-09-04 03:45:11 (edited 2005-09-04 03:45:23)
ne, ne...kira-sama!What about irumi's eyes?

Life starts simply , why change them?

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Rukia_chan on 2005-09-04 04:57:06
Yeah ...kira-sama u're right,
i never heard about a dn anime...i'll definately watch it if there is one ^_^

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by kira-sama on 2005-09-05 00:51:21
irumi's eyes just definately looks like L. blank and black..

Rukia: sou desu ne, me too - definately watch it!

Image hosted by tsuzuki asato - yami no matsuei Image hosted by hitsugaiya toushiro - bleach Image hosted by allen - d dray man

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by kira-sama on 2005-09-05 00:55:56
by the way, who'll become L's successor in the end? i think it would be nia. (he is L's clone: his hair - totally mess up, his siting pose - wierd as usual, etc) but mero may have a chance, he is very ambitious (at the first sight, i thought mero is a girl - freaky histeric mafia girl..)

*sign* dn doesn't have any good girl characters..

Image hosted by tsuzuki asato - yami no matsuei Image hosted by hitsugaiya toushiro - bleach Image hosted by allen - d dray man

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-09-05 08:46:19
What can I say?! those mind games are amazing!!

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