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Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Aoi Azzura on 2005-10-19 22:21:07
Miko Mido's hair from La Blue Girl. Definitely effective and deadly!

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by khat on 2005-10-19 23:03:57
Touya's dagger in Ayashi no Ceres mmm... and swords too

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-10-19 23:12:01
GaoGaiGar's Goldion Hammer or Genesic Crusher, goldion hammer turns your enemy to light while the Genesic Crusher? he takes a space station and crushes everyone, cool enough?

I'll eat you.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by animezsuki on 2005-10-19 23:42:31
ten commandments(Rave),

Touya's dagger(Ayashi no Ceres),

Cloud's sword(FF7:Advent Children),


Tidus's Sword(FFX),

Himura Kenshin's katana,Aoshi's katana,Sanosuke big sword(Samurai X),

Sora's Keyblade(Kingdom's Heart),

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Urahara_Kisuke on 2005-10-20 00:33:08
your mind is your most dangerous weapon

hahah.....who can beat that quote?

If anyone disagree,draw your sword and prove you are true

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by T3 on 2005-10-20 01:36:44
mind.. i think it's not your mind.. it's you tongue hahah..
you can insult somebody without you know ha...with the tongue..
wait.. it should be words..

lots of em cool..(and out of mind)
mecha : all gundams, SEED/destiny,X,DX,V,Turn A etc
katana : like everyone in rurouken like sakabatou, kodachi, original japannese katana etc
sword : yeah, cloud's rocks..

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-10-20 01:48:07
Togemura-san from Green Green

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by nukeman on 2005-10-21 00:48:34
ya ur tougue is very is fatal if u misuse it...u might get it too....other than that can i say money....ok back to the topic.......still zangetsu better

just nuke it

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by xenphRAGEum on 2005-10-21 01:57:49
Not considered a weapon ,but a weapon of a road warrior nonetheless!

Oh, and Akane's Interdimensional hammer. Imagine a weapon of contained destruction and easily concealable.


Nasci Misrum, Vivere Poena, Angustia mori

It is a misery to be born, A pain to live, and a trouble to Die.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by on 2005-10-21 03:41:03 (edited 2005-10-21 03:42:11)

Tamahome's Fist from Fushigi
although not a weapon at all... but powerful..^^


Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Aria on 2005-10-21 12:01:27
The last post I said Rave's Ten Commandments...NOW it's the Clow Cards from CCSakura!!! ^_^


Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Tifa on 2005-10-22 02:13:36
Gun Blade

Final Fantasy...the World of Dreams

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Rhapsody on 2005-10-22 02:36:33
Bleach and Saiyuki reload not to mention Inuyasha


love I Love Kurosaki Ichigo!

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Kouichi on 2005-12-14 11:56:59

Cat Cat Cat

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by ShadowKitten05 on 2005-12-14 11:57:32
Randomly appearing hammers!

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by kagome_j on 2005-12-14 12:01:03
well I say kenshin's sword oh yeah ^_^ yeah and his eyes too I bet that could kill anybody if he tried hard enough

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Zetseui on 2005-12-14 12:12:47
chise ^.^

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by DamnitsCloudy on 2005-12-14 13:23:58
Time to strut my n00bie-ness again.....

The Epyon from Gundam Wing had that electric whip thing, and I swear my jaw dropped when I saw it because its the coolest thing I ever seen so far lol. And the only reason I had Quistis in FF8 was because of her whip. And I do like Ed Elric's knife arm, its stealthy like a ninja!

Anyway, I need to go on record saying that the worst weapon is "Shining Finger" from that one Gundam series (can't remember the name of it). There are too many bad thoughts when someone's finisher is a Shiny Finger lol.

Marse Hughes

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by 2 fyne* on 2005-12-14 13:39:48 (edited 2006-09-08 14:39:37)
jin's swords are the best. and the fact that he is so good at using them is also cool

“There are three things that I hate... kids, animals, and women with attitudes. So tell me, why are all three of them neatly gathered on our ship?!”:COWBOY BEBOP

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by ultimafirephoenix on 2005-12-14 13:48:51
Mmm the paper sisters...using paper as a weapon, can't get any more handy then that.

I also like the Wind Tunnel it's old fashion and not as fancy, but it gets the job done damn it! A black hole in the palm of your hand... :)

Oooo ANGEL ARMS from Trigun! I almost forgot about those...they owned.

Masamune :/ how can you not like a sword that's like 7 feet long...not to mention Sephiroth is weilding it. :)

Last one, hopefully, uh ummm Raiel's Magical Golden Piano from Violinsit of Hamel and Hamel's Violin, and Sizer's Scythe because her Scythe was also a flute, woo awsome, and Raiel could summon Spirits by playing his Piano so yeah that's cool. XD

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