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Re: Soul Eater
Link | by kirky-chan on 2008-05-24 11:32:41
@jaydel. well enjoy no.7 when ya watch it dude.

and i loved ep. 6 too. that whole bit with black star n soul running towards each other. "we can still be friends right?" hahaha.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-05-25 00:34:27
lolz.. i also thought the same thing.. why are meisters and weapons different in gender?? maybe it's supposed to be like that. XD but then again, yeah stein and maka's dad used to partners as well.

I also noticed something else, since maka gained the ability to see souls. In the shibusen, (meaning for meisters and weapons), guys have blue souls, girls have orange souls. Kishins have red souls..Blair's soul is purple (not sure whether this applies to witches, since technically, Blair's a cat) XD

the only exception is that kidd's soul is red, patty and liz's souls are purple.. either bcos kidd's a shinigami, or bcos they're totally in sync.. i wonder if this is all random though..

human souls are blue, too..

oh well, so now we know that meisters can't just swap their weapons.. lolz at soul and black*star co-op..

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by pervertfox on 2008-05-25 09:49:02
lol on the team up.. -_-

hands down on b*s though.. he didnt have any sign of doubt when kidd charged that cannon.. xD

i rolled on the floor on label those who can see souls and those who cant.

"The fox is actually looking behind you right now"

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by kirky-chan on 2008-05-27 01:56:59
if any of u guys have got a Wii check this out:

soul eater game :) no details tho..just stuff about square enix.

could be good tho..

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-05-27 11:37:11
Oh gosh! A Wii game for Soul Eater by Enix? That sounds cool~ X3

Loool, Black Star calling Soul's name in Episode 7 was the best.

"Soooouurrrrrruuuuu" Haha~

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by kirky-chan on 2008-05-28 11:10:08
looks like it dude :)

i'm very attached to this anime, it rocks!

hahaha. i loved that bit too key.


"black starrrrrr"

rolling the r's and sounding like l's. amazin.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-05-28 21:40:07
their accents are funny too... i'll never forget that scene.

Watched episode 7... Finally, the story is starting to roll! The first 7 episodes for me were kind of an introduction to the main characters of the story.
Now, a villain has finally shown up! ...the evil witch medusa and the psycho chrona. Chrona is a unique character because of the fact that she's ambiguous. o.O is he a boy or a girl?!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by yuan on 2008-05-28 22:44:53
Chrona is a He.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-05-30 10:43:30
Chrona.. that guy is sick~! O_o well, as it was explained, his name is a play on 'kuro na' or 'the dark one'..
omg.. his blood freezes on command and his sword cut thru Soul like butter..

Maka and Soul are in a 'dai pinch'~! as they like to say.. arghhh.. the suspense.. I wonder if B*S comes to their rescue?

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by kirky-chan on 2008-05-30 12:20:42
i'd love black star and tsubaki to come to the rescue.

8 should be around soon shouldn't it?

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-05-31 00:11:08 (edited 2008-05-31 00:12:14)
Subs are out from less known groups like AEN, Black Lotus and Tadashi. I'll wait for Rumbel's relase.
There's no preview for the next episode, we can only guess as to who will save Maka and Soul. I think it's gonna be Dr Stein or Maka's Dad.

Poor Sou~rrrrrrrrr! (Soul)

edit: oh... so he's a guy. His voice seemed that of a boy and girl.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by yuan on 2008-05-31 01:47:45
His seiyuu (voice actor) is a girl.

and the rescuers are none other than who Jaydel suggested.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by kirky-chan on 2008-05-31 05:10:03
I can't wait to see what's gunna happen. I'm downloading ep.7 now. There's just soo many intersting characters in this show.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by pervertfox on 2008-06-01 06:49:56
i still believe chrona being a girl mainly because it chrona and not chronos.. and she wearing that dress...

pretty lame yeah huh.. =)

spirit and stein still can resonate well even though spirit is pretty much spooked with stein..

i like chrona's blood though.. its like defense and offense in one..

"The fox is actually looking behind you right now"

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-06-02 05:41:28
I'm also waiting for Rumbel, so.. no ep8 yet. Yeah, I should've guessed the saviours to be Stein and Spirit, since they were momentarily shown in between Maka's fight with Chrona.

And Chrona is just a play on 'Kuro-na'.. well, I guessed it was a he, cos he says he doesn't know how to act around girls when he first saw Maka. A girl wouldn't be shy among other girls, would they? XD

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by Kumiko Reika on 2008-06-03 00:00:57
Ouh so I'm hooked to the anime!
Can't wait for the upcoming episodes. So for now I shall start reading the manga. woots~
Sourrruuu (Soul) rox luh!!

I've resigned myself.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by kirky-chan on 2008-06-03 08:03:34
i think everyone loves that "sourruuu" "black starrrrr" moment.

i particuarly enjoyed it when Maka's dad (can't remember his name) was talking about getting the nurses to treat his heart. just his face when he realised he was cuddling Stein! classic!

i too am waiting (not-so-paitiently) for rumbel subs. they do a good job!

what was with that lil fella doing the jumping about in the break bit of episode 7? "un deux trois" and "you're an idiot". it had me chuckling.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by hime197 on 2008-06-04 17:24:48
Ooooh~! I love it especially the show's opening theme.

Started reading the anime and the manga at the same time. The anime has been following the first chapters of the manga faithfully so far. So, I'm happy. (^_^)

I thought I wouldn't like this show since it had such a common shonen plot, like Naruto. But after I saw Death the Kid's OCD-ness in ep 3, I knew it was meant to be.

(When I first heard about this series on LJ, I thought Kid was the main character. He has such a HUGE fan base. Not that I can blame anyone; I mean, he can shoot with his pinkies!)

Waiting impatiently for the 10th episode to be subbed.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by pervertfox on 2008-06-05 09:22:20 (edited 2008-06-06 10:24:34)
lol yeah.. pinkies ^_^

very true on episodes following the manga.. i like the start of it very much.. xD

kidd and b*s got owned! you guys gotta agree with me.

"The fox is actually looking behind you right now"

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by hime197 on 2008-06-06 12:21:11 (edited 2008-06-06 12:25:37)
Uh... (O.-);

Are you talking about Ep. 6 when Kid comes to school and fights Black*Star and Soul? Or, are you referring to Ep. 9 when Black*Star and Kid meet the great sword Excaliber? A recent chapter in the manga, maybe?

(X_x) <= has become such an avid fan she needs to find out if she's missed something.

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