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Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2007-11-24 23:46:34
the animation is not bad too... i <3 it.
what i like about the ova is the violence unlike the anime counterpart which was a little soft.

the second part will be released around january...

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2007-11-25 02:17:03
@kaoru~yep that's right~the manga is faster~XD~(me spoiler too??)

*i'm waiting for the second too!!

@jaydel:thanz for the information~

*lol~january!i cant wait lol....

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2007-11-25 05:34:34
General information about Tokyo Revelation:

1.OVA The magican´s message: released on 16.11.07, 3360 Yen

2.OVA The boy´s right eye: out on 17.01.08, 2980 Yen

3.OVA The dream the Princess saw: out on 17.03.08 2980 Yen

Producer: Shunsuke Tada
Charcter design: Yoko Kuichi

OMG we have to wait till March for all the OVAs. TT____TT
Thats too long.~~~

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by Huy on 2007-11-25 06:23:15
March?! oO
That's far too long. T.T

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2007-11-25 21:43:13 (edited 2007-11-25 21:45:38)
wanna spoiler on the story ???
just PM me XD

well the manga is indeed fast

actually i dont like the design in TTR, i like code geass design actually, i just wish CLAMP handle it themselves

which impossible to be done XD

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by ~aozora~ on 2007-11-25 21:55:22
i wanna join this club!!!

TRC should really come out with a season 3 because Sakura has SO MANY feathers and impossible she can collect them all so fast...

But since the OVA is out, guessing there'll be no hope in season 3... OVA songs are quite nice... Looks like I have to wait for kyou kara maou and trc's OVA which is coming out next year... Haiz...

"I hope to share my stories with everyone one day, and that it will bring tears and joy as they enter my fantasy world..."

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2007-11-26 00:11:23 (edited 2007-11-26 01:27:19)

TTR design is gud u know~it actuallt better than the second season of the TRC~lol~now i think the manga is the best n more original right??~XD~

@everyone~XD~:here is my tsubasa drawing.....but it is not nice lol~ahhahah~

*sory~my drawing really nnot nice~

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2007-11-26 02:16:35
Mjia-neechan look at ur drawing its soo nice :p

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2007-11-26 08:45:55
@mjia-chan: Yeah the drawing is very good I think^^

Yeah thats right. The design of Tokyo Revelation is such better than in
Tsubasa Season 2. And also the design of the movie is such better.

This is a pic I draw. i ve already psot it in another threas i think.

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2007-11-27 19:19:10
@likun:thanz and ur drawing.....AWESOME!!very nice really!!

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2007-11-28 02:38:35
omg likun thats too nice ^-^

i havent drawn any characters from TRC but oh well ill try to draw some soon ^-^

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2007-11-28 08:58:45
Thanks. The drawing took me so long. @__@
But its my favorite Picture of TRC so I wanted to draw it.^.^

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by NamelessPlayer on 2007-11-28 13:09:45
I just figured I'd drop by to post my thoughts and comments on the Tsubasa manga Volume 1-3 compilation I just read through in the last two days.

-It reminds me a lot of the IP I'm trying to create, with the protagonists traveling through various worlds, correcting the denizens' problems along the way, and such.
-I like it. I'm probably going to snag the manga scans from that other Tsubasa thread here, as well as search for some anime episodes to compare to the manga.
-I want a Mokona plushie! (For some reason, I've never been able to harden up my soft side for irresistibly cute things.)

At the rate this is going, I might end up in the club myself for all I know...

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by louchris on 2007-11-29 06:40:55
hello im yui makino

nice thred ahihi

im an totally a fan of TC XD

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2007-11-29 07:54:29
Hi Yui Makino!^^

Yui Makino is the Seiyuu of Sakura right? I love her voice o.o It´s soo
cute >.<

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2007-11-29 16:10:07
ooh yes yui makino the seiyu and singer? ^-^ hahaha

welcum here anyways!

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2007-11-30 05:40:58
me also big fans of yui makino~>.<~

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by ayumiuchiha on 2007-12-01 05:02:21
I go some picture for Tsubasa Fans.............
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2007-12-01 05:22:59
@fai:great pic fai~thanz~^^

here is the person who appear in the tsubasa tokyo revelatons:

*who is this??! XD~(OMG!!am i spoiler??xD~)

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by ayumiuchiha on 2007-12-01 05:30:25
Here's another pic........
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


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