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Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-11-30 20:58:07
Kouji is you fault for being good XDDDDDDD I'm using you twice! XDD Okies...That's competely fine *Huuugs Kouji

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by Terror on 2007-12-01 03:28:17
Please email me when you have Mata Ashida ready *Unless I missed something* cause I'm not on enough.

But nonetheless, why don't we make a Christmas Album? xD

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-12-01 17:36:50
@Pame - Is there still time to put in my hey say singing thingy ^^;;, i downloaded audicity to a new working computer and gonna sing it from there XD Gimme a week to 3 days and i'll be able to get it up.

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-12-01 17:52:01
@TOD:: I was thinking the same... ok... at least similar. Thats why I proposed the posting of Xmas carols... but it seems that the plan didn't work out very well... :(

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by Terror on 2007-12-01 19:32:20
Well, I was considering making my own "Christmas Album" (xD), but then I'm busy ( and lazy) and thought that I might "share" the idea. Something like we all take a song (are pair up on one) and make it available somewhere. :D

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by Sakurano Kurimu on 2007-12-02 07:28:42
Oooh so much has happened I hope I can keep up. Now that Singing Idol Season 2 is up I want to participate in it. I just I can be as online as much as you guys cause I certainly want to get to know all of you. I'm gonna have a blast at season 2 so I'm gonna join! Banzai!


Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-12-02 12:52:06
Mr.Tie yes: Please send it ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-12-02 16:38:38
@TOD:: I see...

So everyone out there! In continuation of the Xmas caroling previously, shall we continue and make an album out of it?

@Choco:: wuuu!! you are joining too!! The competition is gonna be a blast!! Better sign up early if you are joining cause there is a maximum number of people who can join (due to the high sign-up rate)... or have you signed up already?

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-12-02 18:35:41
oh dear.. is been so long since i post in here..
I'm sorry >_<

What's going on??

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-12-03 09:16:09
^-^ DN: You need to record your Hey Say ^-^

Choco: Welcome aboard! ^-^

Engel: Wooohooo Christmas carol!! I have mine already!! ^-^ All I want for Christmas! I'll record it soon! ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-12-03 11:06:30
Oh yeah.. I know..
But i havenn't had time.. maybe today i can.. if not the saturday if there is still time

Prepare for the SOD!!

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-12-03 16:44:00 (edited 2007-12-03 16:56:08)
sorry i've been away~ i guess things are okay for meh here too~ soooo i'm back once again~ nyaha~!

*beary hug~ness to you* omg~ i receive ze cute postcard.. it makes meh want to go
to your place~ *________*
nice idea on ze xmas carol album~ ^^

meh wanna hear more songs by you~

*glooommpaggee~ness attack*


*goes to pm teh hare hare yukai group~*
note: no pressure on this group~ xD

i can't find kurodragon and kai's prowfey.. TT_TT

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-12-03 20:57:53
*jumps around with excitement*

SOD!! SOD!!!

@Mizuki:: yeah!!! finally it reached you!! that took very very long!! T_T

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-12-03 21:31:09
Hello everyone ^_^ Thanks for all the info Engel. ^_^ So, what kinds of songs does everyone sing?

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Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by Sakurano Kurimu on 2007-12-04 01:02:51
yeah I already signed up woooh! I'll do more songs ok! I just wish my studies would go easy on me so I can at least be here more often but anyway I'm gonna sing in season 2 oooh yeah!

Thanks for signing me up ^^ I'm gonna try my best this time. We're gonna have a blast this time around!

Ooooh I'll try more songs when I have time ok ne~ I'm gonna look for some songs that I can sing ^^


Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-12-04 09:48:06
You guys...

the competition has reached...44 Contestants...and #45 will be taken by my friend from's it!

The Gendou Singing competition has 45 contestants! ^-^ Wohoooo

Groups will be divided in 9(5 each)

I'll post the division sooon!!

Please all the karaoke members participating...check your group number...and make sure to send me your 1st entry before dec 20 (Specially if you are in group 1-4)


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-12-04 16:33:47
@Pixi:: Glad that I could be of help~ =)
Basically most of us here sings anime songs most of the time but you can actually sing any song you like (need not be anime or even Japanese) and post it for all to hear~

@Choco:: I'll see you in Season 2 then~~

@Pame:: 45 ppl!! 9 per group!! OMG!!!! *seriouslyt worried about even getting pass the 1st round*

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-12-04 16:35:28
samw here pame...prelims is comming so it might take time to record the hey say song ^^V

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-12-04 17:03:01

THE GROUPS HAVE BEEN POSTED....SIGN UPS ARE UNOFICIALLY CLOSED XD Since there is one more person to add...

Anyway...go check what group you are in!!

REMEMBER GROUP 1-4 I should have your 1st entry by Dec 20TH!


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Karaoke Club ver 2~
Link | by on 2007-12-04 18:08:02
Mehhhhhh!~! I WILL get the Hey say done sooner or later lol ><, I could always send in my first copy when i posted it up really, lol, but i sorta don't wanna do that ahahahaha

Good Luck everyone in the competition XD And you first groupers!!


I'm going to get knocked out first round XD nyehehehe

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