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Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-22 17:35:54

@asd: ~hmmm.. i remember.. he was not feeling well when he sang that..uhh.. err.. maybe that's why..
or..i am wrong..~tee hee hee.. the song~ness ish old... a few months back...^^

this is my fave song from him... he sang it the time when i am not feeling well... ~tee hee hee...
~woah.. why i am blah~berring~ness on this stuff...~nyu! ^^
~garu posted a song before in version 2... ^^ here it ish..

byakuya true light by garuuuuuu

~woah i just found out he's gone for some time.. TT.TT

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by kali-chan on 2007-06-22 19:26:01
Sorry I've been away. School, plus I've been doing things at my native site. Gomen! ^_^

OK!! >-( Getting down to the business *listens intently*

Erkun: Wahhh! You sound so cool! ^_^ Always always love to hear your songs. I almost sound like a fan girl XDD. You should be a pro *hugs*.

Engel (Sakura Biyori): I tried to record that the other day! *huuugs* We have the same taste it seems ^_^. Well, I loved it, and you definitely sound way better than I XDDD. The other song doesn't work! T_T... About the duets. What I should have said was that I want to hear a duet with you and Pame, then another one with you and ICD lol.

Mi zi ki (Go Dream): *huuuugs* Haven't been here in a while! This song is cool! Kinda back in the day rock vibe. I bet you had fun recording it! Almost sound a bit like Asder in some parts of this cut o_O. lol You did great!
(Ebil ike ike)OMG! Go ahead on that crazy fast song! @__@ You got much farther than I eber would ;_;. I am staying clear of those things :P

Asder (Taiyou): Wow that's a low start O_O. I suddenly feel like having a coconut XDD. That is a total beach beat. I like it Asder! ^_^ *hugs*

EHMZ: OMG XDDD You posted a song! Awesome! *taps foot* Oh it's quite good! I hear some vibrato eben! AWESOME!!! XDD You'd better come back and give us some more! *huuuuuugs*

Engel (Catch me): *dances* So cute! Though the fast parts were a bit fast your chibi voice was still so adorable.
(Life Goes On): Interesting. Neber heard this one before, but I like it! ^_^ Pumped up song, and you sang it well. It suited your voice *hugs*

Mizuki(Sakasama): Nice skipping melody. You bring all kinds of music to us. Wonderful! ^_^ *hugs*

ICD: Greato! *sings with ICD* Nooooo! Sing the hwole thing! T_T That was fun!

Engel (Danzai)See right there you sound like you'd mesh ICD! You guys would blend perfectly! ;_; I hear it now! *trails off* Oh and the song was good. Mad powerful and dark, but schmexy! XDD Mah dream is very possible! *glomps*

WY: Oooooo. That was nice and smoky! I think you lost your key in the entry, but you found it again a little while after that. I liked the duet better. The second verse was killer *nods* Awesome job dude! I would love to hear you cover some songs from GITS (Ghost In The Shell) *hugs*

TOD: Singing Motherland? O_O *listens closely* O_O You came out strong, then she drowned you out! Next time low her down as low as you can, but you sounded good lol. Harmonizing with the original is an option too ^_^. The scond one was cool! You sure got those twisty tied tongue words down pact. I wish I could do that :( *huuuugs*

Pame and Eve: Whoot! *dances* Smooth and silkay. You both sound awesome as usual. I'm so jealous T_T *huuuuuugggsssss*

Mizuki (Motteke): WOAH @_______@ *spins around* I'd die lol if I was singing that too! Not because it's funny, but b/c I'd be amazed at how I made it through a part! XDDDDD So adorable you are!! Kyahhhhh! ^_^
Get Along): Try agaaaaaaain! I love this song! XD Mizuki you sure are getting better and better everyday. You sing so many songs that's why! ^5 *huuuuugs*

Yinzhao: Wow! So crisp and clear! You sure are one cool chic lol. Sing some more soon girl. *huuuugs*

Mizuki: OMG @__________@ ROFL. What in the world? X_X I can't keep up with that. You did a damn good job though XDDDD

William (Chance): Your voice sounds a lot more manly in the rap part of this one ^_^. I like it very much! *huuuuugs* You can rap and sing so well. That's just too cool! lol

O_O *ish scared to click it eben* -_-' It can't be THE Dame right? Ha! Ha! Hahahahahaha ahhhhh >_>. *clicks* >_<

Mizuki: @@@@@______________________________@@@@@ XDDDDDDDDDD The other ebil voice!! Hilarious! It's so scary how you kept up ;_;. This song ISH TOO SCAARYY!! T____T You did a good job with it hun. How many times did you bite your tongue? XDDD

Asder: So many versions to choose from ^_^. That was interesting, but they were very good Lala's XD.

Engel (Generation): It didn't sound weird in a lower key. Once you don't skip back and forth in a song, to me it's fine to change the key. The song was cute btw ^_^

Neon: Nice new avvie sig combo. Nana rocks!! *huuugs* I like your wake up voice lol. You must have felt especially good that morn, cuz you sound awesome V_V.

Ader: Wow! That was pretty cool. Mizuki is gonna infect everyone now isn't she?! ;_;. The bug voice! XDDDD So many different sides. I eben heard some choking and Smeigel from Lord Of The Rings! XDDDD Oh man, that was greato! *huuuuugs*

Yinzhao's bro: Awesome! XDDD Oh I'm gonna have some great abs listening to these songs back to back! He sounds so cute! >_<

Mizuki (Mouichido): Where are you going?! T___T Wherever that is, hava a safe trip and come back to us soon, K! *huuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggssssssss* ;_; Sucha cute song. This was posted before I believe.

Ehmz: *glomps* Very good ttebayo! You have so much energy when you sing, and I can hear it! ^_^v

Mizuki: Cutenesss!!! *huuuuuugs* I'm glad you're not going anywhere, but you had me going girly. Whew! -_-' Mizuki radio should become a reality! I would listen for sure lol! The second song was nice and flowy.

Yinzhao (Mermaid): Cute! *huuugs*

Tanakacchi: That was a good attempt to use a broken recorder.You sound so lovely. I bet your voice is so clear. Hopefully you get things worked out and we can hear the real you, ne ^_^ *huuuugs*

DN: Go DN! You did a wonderful job. Don't get too close to the mic now ~_^ *huuuuuuugs*

Mizuki's Garudo tehehe: Very deep voice he has. Wow. Good job Garudo! *huuugs*

OMG I'm done?!?! O_O... XDDDDD I didn't eben notice. Wow that was good exercise going back and forth between doing things, and then posting.

I have one thing to ask you guys though... DIDN'T ANYONE SEE PAME'S SONG POST?

Pame "Kiseki No Mukou soba e

In this order..Pame first, then Eve...same in the first chorus...Pame first then Eve ^-^ Hope you all enjoy it!@"

As for me...
I am done with Will's request, but I wanna record it again. After listening to it w/o headphones, it's way too low and it sounds off. I haven't posted anything in ages! Grrrr. I feel so unmotivated, but you guys help me out. Thanks!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by tanakacchi on 2007-06-22 20:36:37 (edited 2007-06-22 20:37:21)
@rEi - Yep, I'm a girl XP soon to be 15 =P
@Asdertygh(Did I get that right? lol) - Hmm..I was playing the song in the back listening while singing XP (Using headsets XP my friend's lol)
@Kali - XDDD thanks for you comment XP

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-22 21:50:09
@Mizuki: The recording wasn't smooth, but I like his singing. I might be able to comment more if I can hear it more clearly...

@Kali: Welcome back! Do post something soon ^^

@Tana: Headset? Use the speaker (if you haven't known). And you can shorten my name: Asder, A, Asd, or anything you want :P

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-23 07:39:45 (edited 2007-06-23 08:57:42)
hahaha... nice spanish song~~ though I've totally no idea what you are singins! hahahahah! Hmm... but do take extra care to sing a bit further from the mic cause you are blowing into it every now and then. Nowdays I'm singing far away from the mic and and adjusting the volume control (up) so that I reduce the amount of mic blowing sounds~

Hahaha... you drool blood?! thats scary~~~~
Nice Believe in Heaven from garu... but somehow he sounded tired...I miss Loki tama~~
The byakuya true light did sound abit muffed but it was good! ^^ but short ><

hahaha... thats a veryyyy long post!
Thanks for your comments~~ Like they said... great minds think alike! mugagagaga!!
Hmm... if you wanna hear my duet with the 2 divas... u'll have to ask them if they are OK with it... and perhaps choose a song (slow ones plz~) u'll like for us to sing... I'll be more than glad than to sing with the divas~~~~ (though stressed ><)

ack! I missed that out! Pame & Eve... PERFECT COORDINATION & VOCALS!! You 2 matched so well!!! omg! *Astonished* Hope to hear more of ur duets in the near future!!

OK... here's a song I wanted to do badly but when i previousl recorded it... it was awful.... but though this one is good... I feel that I sounded... I dun really know how to explain it... but it sounds strange... like... I'm using my nose to sing =X
Maybe I'm gonna fall sick soon... my throat feels sandy.......

Akai Namida

Please come and cast your last votes... official closing tmr (or when I announce it!) Also... Attention all graghic creators for KC! Please get ready to submit your works~

Karaoke Club

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-06-23 08:33:09
Who is Garu?? O__O

@Engel, hahaham, i know that now... those are the clasics =P

@Mizukiness: do you want me to post more clasics?? =P

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by William on 2007-06-23 08:57:28
(Yeesh..I didn't know college would be so hard..I was trying so hard not to fall asleep in class, yet I still.....zzz~)

@Mizuki: "I am so ebil so i am going to post a song from garuuuuuuuuuuu..." Erm...never mind..>_<

@Kali: Noo...can't help but read post!! Thanks for the comments! Can't wait for your song!

@DN: Garu is a friend of Mizuki, I think...

@Engelwings: Remember when I told you that I always thought God Knows was a sad song? I finally did it..

I seriously don't know if it's good enough, but still..
Here's my version of God Knows
I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did while singing..

Woah!! Everyone's really good at this singing thingy. I'm getting an inferiority complex just by listening!! Good job! Oh, wait..

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-06-23 09:02:33
*peeks* im back! exams are over..over & OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

seems to me like i missed an extremely long list of pages..*dizziness*

*hides behind shadow*


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-23 09:22:26 (edited 2007-06-23 09:23:27)
Hahaha!!! you mean blowing in the mic?! Ya... everyone is doing it!! lets hope we all graduate from it

omgomgomgomg!! piano ver!! i wan it toooo!!!!!!!
You did it nice and mellow... just the way it should be for this piano version.... maybe we should do a duet for this!! hahahaha !! it'll be fun! But... you do wanna reduce those "breaks" in between words...give them more "drags" instead. Also did notice that you got abit outta breath at a part... hahaha... thats what always happens to long sentenses in songs...

Welcome back ReA!!! *hugz* missed u sooo much!! how did ur exams went? ^^

OK... I really really wanted a duet so I sung this 2 songs with my current fav~~ But I only did it in 2 recordings... think I'll get too tired if I tried to do anymore than that... then it'll sound worst than what it is now (ie: lifeless)... so please pardon my mistakes in the lyrics


Innocent sorrow <-- think I got abit too carried away while doing this so i somewhat destroyed the song ><

Ack... and just when I was about to stop there...I just had to try out this song. But I dun have have a Karaoke ver so... you can hear my lyrical errors loud and clear~ ><

Blood Queen

Please come and cast your last votes... official closing tmr (or when I announce it!) Also... Attention all graghic creators for KC! Please get ready to submit your works~

Karaoke Club

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-06-23 09:24:27
@Engelizchan: i just casted my votes!! hope they're still valid^^!

hey all i'll try to comment on the songs i've missed....*sweatdrop*


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-23 13:30:18 (edited 2007-06-23 13:55:31)
Here I am, woken up by an alarm set by my aunt but didn't wake up to, listening to the songs and posting in the WoT section to wait for them to load...

@Engel: Wow, so many songs in so few time >_< I've only listened to Akai Namida. I loved it!
Howling: Your voice got drowned in the 2nd voice at the beginning... Not a song I expect from you, but not bad!
Innocent Sorrow: Another rockin' song, eh? Well, you did bring a different atmosphere to the song, but I don't think you "destroyed" it...
Blood Queen: Not that bad, although you do have some little lyrics error and you seem to have some difficulty reaching some higher notes...
And I just have to say it once again... so many songs in so few time?

@William: The piano was pretty! You sang it well too. And well, you sometimes stress words unnecessarily...
(Above comment wasn't worded well...)

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-23 14:08:14
@Engeliz-san: cOOliEs~ nice songs ^^

@William-san: it's nice.. post moreE~

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-23 17:58:43 (edited 2007-06-23 18:00:37)
I'm starting to get better now... (finally...) so I decided to put up a song to make up for lost time! But I don't want to mess up my voice so yeah... Hopefully Putfile doesn't suk here.


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-23 19:33:18
They are still valid! no worries... Go KC to see more of my coments on the voting~

Hahahaha!! actually I love Abingdon Boys School songs (OK... i'm a TM lover too)
Becoz I had to make sure both my voice n the original can be heard... is pretty hard to maintain the same level of sound throughout the song... ack!
As for blood queen... the lyrics error basically come from the "too fast for my tongue" reason... hahaha... thats y u'll probably never hear a Ali Project song from me though I love her songs... unless u can find me a slow song of hers~

Glad that u are feeling beta already~ Hmm... is a very nice and mellow song for my sunday morning. but it seems that... u r less "genki" in this song than ur previous ones.... guess... feeling beta does not equal to fully back to normal eh~ ><
Hope u fully recover soon!!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by tanakacchi on 2007-06-23 21:26:27 (edited 2007-06-23 21:29:48)
@William - Waaahhhh! I didn't know "God Knows..." has that version! XDD I wanna try XP anyway nice singing! XD I kinda got stuck on that mood xP. (Pst, I think I heard you yawning during one of the part =P)

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-23 21:38:28 (edited 2007-06-23 22:19:21)
sigh... lol first post and I got found out. No problem, I'll be up and about soon XD. But I didn't realize it was That bad...

Edit: Btw, I decided not to comment on stuff anymore... Cuz nothing seem to get pass my friggn comp... I will say something about the stuff I can hear, but other than that...

Edit again: I managed to hear William's God Knows YAY!
so here goes,
That was really sweet sounding, but I thought you said the song was supposed to be sad. You made it sound happy! Its a good/bad/uhm/idk thing with me lol... but yeah! Nice singing.

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by on 2007-06-23 22:29:28

~phew.. back from teh beach~ness... and my stomach hurts...too much ~mango~ness ish bad..~nyu.!!!
anywhooo.. yay.. i have the time to listen to new song~ness here...

@kali: *huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggsss* ~mizuki radio? *thinks* ...gaaahh.. i'm too
shy to speak...LIVE~ness.. *ebil laugh* (murmurs to self..still i want to have my own
ebil~ness radio show)

@engel: i /drool at the sight of blood.. after all i am mizuki~ vampire hell girl..
and rEi ish my master~ness... *ebil laugh* ~weeeeeeeeeee... /hail engel~ness song~ness..
forever~ness..~nyu!!!! ^___________^

@DN~ness: *gloooooooommppaggee~ness* ~oh garu ish a close net friend... ~nyu! ^^
~weeeeeeeeeee... i want "ike ike" ~duet~ness with yah.. ^^ *ebil laugh*
yesh.. post more classic~ness.. pweassseee... ^^

@william~ness: *draaaggss william~ness into teh darknesss* *pokes...pokes...
pokes... foreber~ness* "Erm...never mind..>_<" O.O
~weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. i wuv the god knows piano version...
i heard the piano version once... but i am so old..and forgot about it... =P
*nods* *nods* uhh..huumm.. god knows ish a sad song~ness... o.o

*sees rea's post*
*glloooooommpaaage~ness rea~nyu!!!!* ^______________________________________^

/sing ~william~ness...and engel~ness sitting under teh tree~ness~ K - i - S ~chu...~chu.... *sees engel* *hides*

@engel: ~woah... teh other voice~ness of teh ebil~ness... YEAH!!!!!!! WOOOHHOOOO!!!!!!! SHIINNGGG LOUDER~~~~!!! YEAH!!!!! GOOO!!!! WOOOOOO!!!! *head bangs/shakes~ness* YEAH!!!!!!!!! *HOWLS* ~nyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!! @_@
Innocent Sorrow!!!! YEAHHH!!!! GO!!!!!!! YEAH... ANOTHER SONG~NESS!!!!! WOOHHOOOOO!!! /HAIL ENGEL!!!!!! FOREBER!!!! YEAH!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOHHOOOO.....*looks up* *faints*

*gets up*
*sees rEi* */staaaaaaaaaaabbb rEi again..and again!!!! *

*sees mystuhmusic~song~ness... *

@mystuhmusic: yeah.. good to hear you're feeling better now..~nyu!!!!
*glooooooommmppaaggee~ness* ~weeeeeeeeeeeeee...

@tana: /tangooooooooo... can't wait for the duet~ness.. ^^


~try out lost my music



Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Terror on 2007-06-23 23:22:49
Omg, I'll hate this forever...


Yeah, I'm not fast, and this songs jumps volumes, ranges, anything....

Listen for the comments...


Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by tanakacchi on 2007-06-23 23:24:27
@Mizu - XD nice try out! XD but then you still need to get the lyrics there XD *rolls* I see you can get the "Hi!" part to already? XDD *rolls down the mountain* eh..? @.@ lol
@Nikku - XDDD You can sing a duet of "Motteke! Sailor Fuku" with Riceboks XDDD *rolls*

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 3
Link | by Terror on 2007-06-23 23:38:27
Rofl. I doubt it. I can barely do any of it...

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