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Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by on 2008-09-15 07:32:52
Can I join??? I don't wanna miss the fun XD
I wanna claim:
Name of character: Kratos Aurion
Series: Tales of Symphonia
Type: Anime and Game
Banner by: Jaydel,Dfly or Inx

link of image:

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by ve_krin on 2008-09-15 07:49:14 (edited 2008-09-15 08:32:24)

name: Clare
series: Claymore
I was thinking of this:
as the front (right) pic,

and this:
as the smaller pic.

If its good, put this symbol of her somewhere:

Any designer listed will do~
I <3 the ones look like manga cover
took them by googling instantly, so if there's better pics or idea, please do as designer wish ^^

Thanks a bunch!

Dream ends when we wake up and life ends when we die.
What's the different?

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by hime197 on 2008-09-15 18:05:14
I hereby relinquish my claim on Asougi Rin-chan. Byebye, bubbie! :')

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2008-09-16 19:32:22
Has Jaydel not been on or something? It still hasnt been updated for my claim on Zidane Tribal from FFIX. :(

Though, Im sure jay may be busy and the such - but, could anybody maybe work on a banner for me? I jsut want to put it in my profile page. I suppose I could make myself one, but I would love to a graphical work from someone else! :D

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by on 2008-09-17 20:01:24
Lol, so many yummy characters have been claimed during the time I was gone. :3

I become obsessed with a new character every few months or so...-_-;; Should I change again? Nuuuu~~

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Wanoooonie on 2008-09-18 10:11:50
gawd, seems like the banner-makers are too busy.

I make banners too, if you want me to make you a banner, PM me the details because i can't check on the thread much.

WARNING: the banners i made might not be so good, be aware of it

hurry up and request while i still got free time >.>

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Mr. Eria on 2008-09-22 01:28:26 (edited 2008-09-22 01:33:07)

I see.. Teh banner-makers is busy :c

Well.. I can help, if I have enough free time. But this year I still do. ^^; Next year... Not so perhaps.. D: I can help in making teh banners, but the banners aren't so good though~ And saving this thread from disappearing..

Click to view the sample banner >_<

Bai~bai~ I hope I manage to save a thread again. *sigh*~

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by hikarisoul16 on 2008-09-22 20:30:26 (edited 2008-09-23 18:43:15)
EDIT//Sorry. I edited the 2nd link. =) And do you think you could do my banner Eria? :D Yours looks pretty.=3

Nickname: Hikari
Name of the Character: Mogami, Kyoko
Series name: Skip Beat!
Type of series: manga
I was thinking of these two images...(they're the same character)
It's the girl on the right...
What she normally looks like. (Again the girl...=])
Anyone can do the banner. If no one has time, I'll just put something in my sig. =) The first pic is the one I like better, but I was wondering if both could be added...
Thanks! :D

"Just watch me, I'll become the God of Death once again. But right now... I need some sleep..." -Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by tomoyo! :3 on 2008-09-23 02:47:49 (edited 2008-09-23 02:49:51)
Sigh, Tomoyo is claimed. ;_;
I'll claim Kyou then!

Name of Character: Kyou Fujibayashi
Series Name: Clannad
Type of Series: Manga, Anime, Game

Claimed @ sig ;3

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Mr. Eria on 2008-09-23 23:31:16 (edited 2008-09-23 23:32:35)
@ Hikari~~~

Your banner is donee~~~

I'll PM you teh banner~ ^^ -It's ugleh sorryyy ;~;-

But I only used the first pic... Sorry neh~

And yeah~ Following teh rules, teh banner is for profile~use only~


Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by hikarisoul16 on 2008-09-25 20:16:02
It's so pretty! X3 <3
You don't mind if I directly link it do you?

"Just watch me, I'll become the God of Death once again. But right now... I need some sleep..." -Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Kazuki on 2008-09-26 22:43:33
Name:Kururugi Suzaku
Series: Code Geass
Gender: Male

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Mr. Eria on 2008-09-27 18:21:10
Oh okay, Hikari. I am glad that you liked it. ^^;

*bumps this thread*

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by on 2008-10-02 16:35:33
Yo guys~ If Dfly and Jaydel, and everyone else making banners
is super busy, I have plenty of free time to help out. o3o Plus,
I look at this thread like... every day. :3 So yeah~ It wouldn't
be a problem? :3

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by on 2008-10-03 06:21:44
you think you could make mine? XD

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Wanoooonie on 2008-10-04 06:43:51 (edited 2008-10-05 07:37:05)
:0 Let me make Kira's instead xD


done, here lol:

<img src="">

the third banner i made. the design is simple this time Dx

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by on 2008-10-04 09:19:16
hmm well whoever wants to do mine then do it lol
maybe from there i'll choose or somehing rofl
i'm not checking this thread often tho XD

@wani sure do it then XDD

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by on 2008-10-15 20:54:23
Name of the Character: Hyuuga, Natsume
Series name: Gakuen Alice/Alice Academy
Type of series: anime/manga
A link to the Image of the character: Piccie
And Um.. if either Jaydel, DF, Key or Wani wouldn't mind if they do it

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Kaguya on 2008-10-21 08:38:15
Name of the Character: Sumeragi, Kaguya

Series name: Code Geass

Type of series: Anime

A link to the Image of the character:
Gomen.. Can't use to upload any picture..

Please make me the banner.. Thanks..

Re: Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread!
Link | by Fortis on 2008-10-21 08:45:50 (edited 2008-10-21 08:47:45)
I would like to claim....~
Name of the Character: Stadfeld, Kallen
Series name: Code Geass
Type of series: Anime
Image: (Either one or both)(The image is clickable for larger size)
Pic 1
Pic 2
I would like Ren to do...:D. If he/she is busy then Jaydel or Key please..
Thank you very much!!!~

P.s. Tinypic banned my ip address...-,-

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