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Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-12 19:09:02
Trust me, if you are the center of attention all the time you will crave to be alone,but if you don't cheer up you could teeter on the edge of cheer up dude. Don't worry i've been alone for a long time and i have no regrets or wishes to be the center of attention,in fact i'd rather be alone then to be loved 24/7. So I guess the only thing left is...........

MARRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-12-12 20:12:17
I think there is a difference between being alone and being lonely. There are times I like to be alone, the same with Ranger. We even have places we go to be alone to get away from the other. We know the value of this and sometimes it's important to do something like that.

We also like being alone together. Just the two of us. No children, no friends just us. We have few visitors other than very close friends and we don't go out a lot compared to many our friends, besides Ranger hates crowds.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by nightmare on 2005-12-13 17:24:22
i think Rin understands this best...i know how it is to be alone...sometimes its the best thing in the world!

but somtimes i just want someone near...someone to love and talk to
i hate being the center of attention, but it would be nice to have just one me, maybe its just me, but i yearn to be loved 24/ sick of being alone...

i wouldn't worry TOO much about Ketsuki...hes a tough guy...but ill try to e-mail him just to be sure...

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-12-13 18:33:10
Here's a good example. It's Tuesday night and Ranger teaches a trail safety class and doesn't get home until a little after nine normally. last week I was very lonely, this week I'm alone but not really lonely. Of course the noise will increase as soon as Ky gets home in about an hour. then I'll want to be alone again because it was quiet.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Seculi Terminus on 2005-12-13 18:35:05
To add more on the personal definition of depression... there are a lot of things that can be called "depression." A lot of it can be like apathy, like the feeling that no matter what you do or how hard you work, you'll never get what you want or are trying to get.

Or it could also be the sense that, for whatever reason, you're going to be living in pain and it will never stop.

I know what it's like for me to be depressed, but others might have a slightly different view on it. And as for getting out of it... the best thing I can tell you is to believe. Force yourself to believe that there's a chance. Maybe it's just a statistic. Maybe it's totally crazy. But there is ALWAYS a chance that you will be able to pull yourself out of it. There is always a chance that you can do something to change your life, to fix it into what you want.

The first thing to do, IMO, is figure out what is making you feel angry or sad or apathetic or whatever. If people are picking on you or something, then you can make new friends. Hold out until you can get away from your current situation. Just stick in there. If you're upset that bad things happen to others, then do what you can to fix it. Focus that energy into learning what causes the problems and how they can be fixed. Maybe you, by yourself, can't forever fix it once and for all, but you, by yourself, CAN help to make a difference. Again, just force yourself to believe.

And on the lonely-isn't-being-alone thing, I gotta agree with what's been said. Loneliness is caused more, IMO, by feeling that no one loves you or knows you than actually being alone. It's completely possible to feel very lonely even while surrounded by others.

That's my $0.02. Plus change.
AKA Home-Dog Ass-Masta' The G-Unit

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by nightmare on 2005-12-13 18:57:05
yes, thats kinda like rarly parents see to that, but i hardly ever feel actually LOVED.

a chance, yes, i know theres a chance...but im not that optomistic...for instance, i am alwayse saying how i will never get a girlfriend...but you all keep saying "there is someone for everyone." then i say to myself, "well what about all the single people...the people who are not really single by choise, but single because there was never anyone for them...i keep thinking that i will end up like them, and it scares me to death. i don't think i could live alone for the rest of my life. because even if im making alot of money with my computers...computers are still machienes, they cannot love you...i have descovered that i NEED love to survive, and when i dont recieve the love i need, i get depressed, then lonely, then suicidal...thankefully, Alyssa and you guys have been there to pull me back before im too far gone...but...i just cant be alone forever...i need...someone...

*curls into a ball in the corner*

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-13 19:49:00
To not love will not make you insane..........try not to think of what you could of had and try to make the best of your situation and then get to a more suitable position although it may take all of your strenght and determination and "feelings" to get there.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Seculi Terminus on 2005-12-13 20:27:40 (edited 2005-12-13 20:43:38)
T.T **gives nightmare a hug**

That's my $0.02. Plus change.
AKA Home-Dog Ass-Masta' The G-Unit

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by overlordsero on 2005-12-13 23:30:42 (edited 2005-12-13 23:31:46)
Hey nightmare, I have never dated anyone and im 18 almost 19 in 1 month.
Not to mention I am a total chicken when it comes to girls.
I thought my little bro would get a girlfriend before me. hes 14.

But I somehow asked this girl out at work(I still need help lol and I have some posts in "what is love" about it)

So dont worry im sure you will find someone special, im kinda glad I was shy or I might not have "found" her.

Also I have thought about suicide and have tried to do it once, It is not worth it trust me.

Just try to find a good way to deal with things, I like to laugh and I like to spread the joy by TRYING(keyword) to be funny.

It gives me so much satisfaction when I get someone to

^_^ =)

Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-12-14 00:54:47
Dear Sero I am glad what I said irritated you, because it means you aren't one of those men. I should say most men when I say that, I am a man myself and I'm not like that. However when I say things like that, I tend to be talking about people who live near me. I ain't talking about people on this forum. This is an anime forum, if there is chivilry in this world, it lives within anime watchers.

I will go help you out to my greatest of knowledge in that thread.

Most don't need love, but to live, yes some do. I know I won't live to be a old geezer unless I have some one to grow old with me. Some are content with solitude, Kotuso, you are a good example. Some people, like me, want to share our lives with another. It depends on our personality. If Nightmare says he needs love and will go insane without it, its probaly true.

I myself am sick of solitude, love for me is both want and need. I might just go insane myself without it, or maybe I should say I will stay insane until I get it.

I actually correct myself here, I love solitude. I don't want anybody near me except someone I can love. I want no one to break my solitude but that one person. I love being alone, but not lonely.

I started changing my entire wardrobe, all anime clothes from now on. At least shirts anyways.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2005-12-14 04:07:00 (edited 2005-12-14 04:09:02)
@nightmare,i know this is a different kind of love that you're expecting but at least everybody here loves you and you know that^^
i myself am turning 19 next month and i'm content with myself for not having a younger brother and sister probably have someone in their lives already(the phone keeps on ringing all day,and it's always the same guy/gal),and they're just 16 and 14 respectively.just imagine all the money spent on her...for now,i just wanna enjoy being alone.

@lady_rin,i used some of your rin talk for my sound scheme.i hope it's ok^^

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by desertranger on 2005-12-14 06:54:52 (edited 2005-12-14 06:58:13)
I don't think Rin will mind. Yo might let us knowe which ones and what you use them for. I have various Oh's, huh's and what's on mine.

I';m home today, alone. Usually that's not a prob but today it seems to be. Prob cause I sent a ltter to my bro that hwe won't understand and will piss him off.

Rin's gone to work and won't be home til bout 1530. I have no car today, My explorer isin the shop. Ky has the Bronco and the F-250's on blocks while we put a new tranny in. So I get to stay home and be lonely and depressed until she comes home.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2005-12-14 07:47:31
i used oh.mp3 for closing a window,ohmy.mp3 to alert me when my notebook's battery came into 5%,sowrong.mp3 when i shut down windows,welcome.mp3 when i start windows,sigh.mp3 when i close the notebook screen and giggle_long.mp3 when i open the notebook.

i'm alone rite now too.thinking what to cook for dinner later...i keep myself busy to get away from feeling lonely

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by nightmare on 2005-12-14 12:48:30
i see what you guys are saying, somepeople like to be alone, and some cant stand like Jomunga, i love being alone, but i really want someone here that i can love...then "alone" would be just me and her and that would be awesome!...but you know how my situation is.

ranger, well guess what? its 15:46! so rin should be just walking through the door!

i know you all care about me, i never forget it, alwayse thinking about you all!

thats interesting how having younget siblings that have boy/girlfriends does not bother would bug the heck out of me...i guess its just how i am

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by desertranger on 2005-12-14 14:13:55
According tyo the clock here you posted that at 1248. It's now 1413 and we are pacific time. Not time yet, got an more than an hour to go.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2005-12-14 16:57:56
Hello everyone!

I've noticed something strange when I'm's like I think to myself, but speak my thoughts, so it's like I'm talking to myself, but not really...I'm weird like that...Frankly, nightmare's right, it's better to be alone with company than just completely alone. Think about Tom Hanks in "Castaway". In that movie, he was stranded on a desert island by himself for several years. He would have gone crazy...until he found a a volleyball...which he named "Wilson". This just goes to show that no human likes being completely alone and will seek company regardless of circumstance.

BTW, this may be completely off topic, but anyone going to see King Kong? It looks cool...

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by nightmare on 2005-12-14 18:38:35 (edited 2005-12-14 18:40:05)
woops, im on eastern...MICHIGAN ROCKES!!!! sorry...

yes ROQ, thats exactly what im talking about...except a real girl and not a beach ball. i had a strange thing happen to me about an hour ago...i was laying on my parents bed because we were changing out dish network programing cards, i needed to wait like 10 minutes before it reactivated and then i could go back to studieng...but it was wierd, i was laying there, feeling really lonely. when it really felt like someone very lightly put their arms around me. Kinda like how somone would puts ther arms aound your chest if your sleeping and your back is turned to them. i was realy supprised and looked to see if anyone was there, but no one was...then i lay back down and it happend again, it was such a gentle, loving touch. my lonelyness melted away and i just enjoyed felt like i was loved...i liked it alot. even though it only lasted for a few minutes...
i long to be held like that, to have someone close so that my lonelyness and sadness just go away..

then the TV came back on and the feeling went away and the lonelyness returned. i was really disappointed, but i had more studying to do..
i have absolutly no idea what it mind sometimes creates things out of nothing to make me feel better. (i think it is an internal self-preservation mechanism in the brain) or maybe it was an angle that felt sorry for me? or maybe the Blessed Mother? i have no idea...i would dismiss it as an illusion...but ive had too many encounters with spirits to totally disregard it.


p.s. this photobucket badwith is at 78% and its only haf way though the month! i really need a premeium account...but my parents wont let me send my money to any internet places....ugh

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Shin on 2005-12-14 19:02:20
I've felt lonely alot. Especial went my mother ran errons and father work, brother had school. So i was home alone for a while. And i really don't get along with my brother. But, i felt better when my sister finally came to live with us. She's 2 years younger than. Now i have someone to hug me when i sleep. BUt now i beginning to wish i was alone sometimes. My father doesn't work brother out of school now he's home mother stopped running errons now everyones home and it's too crowded. Sometimes i feel torn in my wants but, i really do perfer too many people then just myself.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-14 19:11:24
I am! King Kong looks like it are teh pwnzorz... (someone, not gonna tell who, said that saying w00t! and talking in 1337speak was "SO, like, 2003" and stuff, so I must de-1337 myself...)

Nighty, the first thing I thought when I heard, or read, that you thought you felt someone hugging you in a very soft, gentle, and loving way... I thought "It's an angel." Of course, I have a minor obsession with them (which is partly why Air owns so much)... but seriously, I don't think it was some stray angel that randomly found you, I know it was the angel that's been with you your whole life. And the fact that it disappeared whe you turned on the TV may be that... Your angel wants more attention. Screw watching TV for the moment.

Right now I wish I had my own apartment, or own room for that matter... I'm nearly 16, goshdarnit, and I have to share a stupid room... X_X
Of course, having a nearby friend next apartment over woulsn't be too bad, or having a brother in the next room.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-14 19:15:45
I dont know about yall but when an invisible prescnence touches me-I RUN LIKE CRAZY! By the way that has happened to me before and it was on a Sunday too, but lets just say that I was out of the door and on the other side of town before I tried to figure out if it was an angel or some other kind of presence.

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