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Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-08-10 08:24:35
@ SRT- Like Haseo said, 5 years? Haha, I'm not sure if I'll still be on the RP scene in 5 years. Although I can see myself sticking around Gendou for the next 5 years, I might have to quit RPing when I get to college in two years. Depends on how insane college will be for me.

@ Haseo- So I guess you've noticed how I update the avatars on the first post every few days or so huh? XD

Regardless, thank you for the compliments (Even though you're flattering me too much, I'm sure there are others who could do just as good of a job as I do >.>).

@ Naru- What do you mean by 'random RP threads'? Do you mean having more lighthearted RP's?

If that's what you mean, then honestly I'd have to agree with you. Although, it's kind of hard (At least for me) to make lighthearted RP's and RP effectively in a lighthearted RP, because I've been so used to RPing in serious RP's. I want to try and make my next RP more lighthearted, but we'll see how that goes. I may end up failing with making it lighthearted. >.>

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-08-10 08:47:16 (edited 2011-08-10 09:04:12)
Happy 1st anniversary everyone! I know I'm also one of the inactive RPers here, since I'm quite busy with RL. Then again, I'll always try my best to squeeze out more posts with as much quality as I can. Then again, I thank Toyumi for starting this thread xD (although I was absent all the time >_>)

Regarding Toyumi's question, I started RPing just for fun though. For me, it felt like playing a game, only that the plot outcome could be different. Like Jonathon said, I can RP in various kinds of characters and is one of the mediums that I can express my imaginations.

If I don't RP, I might just waste my time doing something else eg. playing videogames etc, which might make my brain even more dead than now xD Then again, RPing is quite satisfying too, probably more than other activities. Gendou is my first RP site though.

Under the Pale Blue Sky - I think I can post on tomorrow night (my local time), then again, I can't be sure.

@Naru: Good for you Naru, longer posts are better xD About random RPs, I haven't experienced it. Then again, it might help, as you won't be needing detailed character profiles etc. By the way, OC means...?

@Haseo: Aww 2 years? Then again, I wish you luck for your future plans. Until then, let's RP as much as we could xP

@SRT: 5 years? I don't know I could achieve that though, especially now @_@

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by Lando on 2011-08-10 13:59:50
Happy 1st Anniversary! I might be not quite as active here and in the RPing action, been quite busy since its my last year in high school, I can't quite believe that I'm going to be in college next year. I still haven't decided which major/program/faculty/whateveritscalled that I really want to enter.

Anyhow, how I started RPing was because I heard from my friend how fun it is to RP. The fun of building a story together, developing a character, and many more. He explained it all, well I was kinda bored at that time so I decided to try it.

Had my friend didn't told me about RPing I would've just spend my day in this boring cycle of eat->play->shower->eat->sleep->blahblahblah

Well, thats just a heads up from me. I might be really busy during the first year of college and then slacked during the rest of the year, or vice versa.

@SRT a whole 5 years seems to bothers me so much, you know... same reason as everyone.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-08-10 14:30:34
@SRT and guys:5 years?Heh,sounds like a real journey has begun.But hey,it's good to go for a long term plan.Just take it slowly,yeah?It could be one or two of us ;D

@Emiya:I guess Naru means original characters,no?

Freedom's the power of everything!! Usual RP characters

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-08-10 18:38:09 (edited 2011-08-10 18:39:19)
@Under the Pale Blue Sky members: Don't worry too much about posting. As long as you all still plan to stay in it, then you can take your time with the post. As I said, few other RP's are getting many posts either, so it's not as if UTPBS runs the risk of falling to page 2.

Another 5 years? Yeah, I don't really see a problem with that. As long as is here, I'll be here. Even in the very unlikely case that I have a girlfriend/wife and full time job at that point, I would still like to RP here. College didn't stop me, so I doubt those would either. Personally, I expect the site to shut down (or at least the RP section to die out) before I quit posting.

Besides, I've been RP'ing for 5 years already, so what's another 5?


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by red_13 on 2011-08-11 09:24:44
@Emiya OC = Original characters, like the profiles you make. I prefer to play with characters from anime/games, etc. 'cause that way you can try to see how they are in your own eyes without going too far past canon. You should experience a "random" RP as I call it, it's basically do whatever the situation allows for, but don't break the rules of it. In layman's terms.

@Toyumi I can handle that, I'm used to making them. They can be awfully short sometimes, but if done right, can last for about a month alone. It really depends on how you play it out, basically.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by misanouta on 2011-08-12 15:45:54
Ahhh.... Guess who? Hi!

I came back to check on everyone, just to make sure you were all still living. I'm so sorry that I haven't been around lately, but I've betrayed Gendou for another site, and besides that Kyou-chan now has a girlfriend to look after.... Not that I can look after her from two hours away, but the point is still there. I'm going to try to get back on Gendou more often. I know, I know, you've heard it before....

Well, now that I'm getting my own horse, I'm going to have less and less time for everything, but if I can only keep a few things, I want Gendou to be one of them. Oh.... I'm getting my own horse. I'm going to meet him next week, and I'll put up some pics if I get them. He's beautiful!

Now, off to work for me, because I've still got other horses to take care of for now. I'm leaving to go back from vacation tonight, which should be fun. I miss the horses, just like I miss all of you!

I'm working on a new RPG, For A Dead Girl, which might take a little while, but I want to get back into things here. I'm not sure what inspired it, but I know it has a few elements of Pandora Hearts and Loveless, and when I put it up y'all can tell me what else you see in it.

That's all for now!

Love, Kyou-chan!

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Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by karuzo on 2011-08-12 20:32:51
Hi guys...

one year already???!?!?!?! thats fast...

I apologize for not being active in the RP world, i just remembered the time that when I started RP... i was unprofession by that time

until i was stuck with AWP an ADW... hehhe

also... maybe I am the remaining Filipino Rp-er here

I started Rp-ing just a part of curiosity.... that fueled my imagination.... hehhehehehe

at the mean time...

Immortal MAchina: I am only waiting for the intro of the latest chapter then lets have a blast


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by roxas678 on 2011-08-13 03:40:55
*pulls hat over eyes* heh, one year already. Seems like just yesterday that I joined in. it has been a great run and I'm still planning on going. I'll swear here and now, that I'll still be RP'ing for another 10 years at least so I'll probably be mentoring the new ones when everyone else is gone. We've lost many members alone the way but I've seen some new ones just that just joined in.

I've spotted only Mistress have a new RP out. I cant post in most of the current RP's due to being stuck until others do so (especially in UTPBS). I've got a massive RP idea coming up (probably will post in 2-3 days). It involves mixing Bleach and the World of Warcraft universes. Here is a minor preview of it, of course, it will be more detailed when posted.
Earth had suffered thanks to Aizen's war and now, 10 years later everything had changed. Whatever leftover citizens of Earth had become spiritually aware and declared themselves as the Quincy. The races of Earth all had formed an ironclad alliance with each other. Quincy, Magicians, Hollows and Shinigami all work together now to protect their world. All was peaceful...until they came.

The Burning Legion, beings from another world arrived in a blaze of glory. They attempted to subdue the denizens of Earth but were beaten back. By exploring their point of origin, the Earthlings discovered a portal to another world called Azeroth. Eventually, a girl stepped through and was taken in for questioning. As she detailed her world, her stay was marred by a tragedy. The girl carried a curse from her world. The Worgen Curse brought by her threatened to destroy the peace by infecting 28% of the population but the spiritual energies of their world mutated the curse into something else. A fifth race had joined the Earth alliance made of the infected now called the Worgen.

The Burning Legion made constant skirmishes but failed to grasp a foothold until more scouts arrived from Azeroth. They returned to their world and informed the leaders the leaders of the races there: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Orc, Blood Elf, Dranei, Forsaken, Tauren and Trolls. The leaders arrived through the Dark Portal and met with the leaders of the 5 main races of Earth. The leaders of Earth were reluctant to form an alliance with those from Azeroth due to the extreme animosity between them. The leaders of Azeroth were desperate for the alliance due to the incredible fighting poweress of the Earthlings. The Earthlings were only interested originally due to the fact that those from Azeroth had a longer and larger experience in dealing with the Burning Legion.

After being taken on a tour of the 5 difference race's cities, they were showed that those from earth did not wish for their unity to be broken because of the prejudice. In face of their desperation, One of Earth's leaders proposed a alternative. One member of each of Azeroth's races will spend a year together on Earth. If they can learn to get along and not let their prejudice get in the way, Earth will accept an alliance with Azeroth. They will be assisted by a member from each of Earth's 5 races.

In this RP, YOU are a member of either one of Azeroth's or Earth's races. Your stay will involve simple duties around the different cities you work in while occasionally battling Legion attacks. The fate of both worlds, rest in your hands...

And that is a minor preview. Of course it will be much much more detailed.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-08-20 08:11:52
@ Kyousuke- I'm glad that you'll at least try to come around here a bit more often! Things have been quiet RP-wise lately, it would be nice to see a fellow RPer make a comeback.

@ Roxas- Honestly, I don't like the idea too much. I'm not much of a fan of Bleach, and I'm definitely not a fan of World of Warcraft, so a RP with a mix of the two is not very appealing to me at all.

And like I said to Kyousuke, things have been quiet lately. But, I have a question to pose for all of the members here. Do you personally have any ideas on how to make things more active in Gendou City?

For example, Naru suggested a few posts back that there should be more lighthearted RP's. Is there anything else that you believe would make things more active? And if so, what is it?

Or, do you just think that this lack of activity is just a phase and things will pick up again eventually?

Personally, I don't think this is just a phase because things have been this way with RP's for awhile now. If you're looking at this compared to the activity with RP's in the past month or two, then this has been going on for at least a few weeks now, maybe longer. But if you look at in comparison to the activity of RP's in the past year or so, then this slump with activity has been going on for quite a few months.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-08-20 16:29:22 (edited 2011-08-21 07:49:28)
Edit: @Emiya - It's your call. There isn't a whole lot you need to know about Pokemon to take part in the RP, although it certainly helps if you know the basics of the games or the show. I have a link on the front post for things such as the different kinds of Pokemon.


@Toyumi - It definitely is not a phase. People just don't bother with RP's anymore since they jut stick to Facebook, Twitter, etc.

As far as I'm concerned, there's not really many ways to get people interested in RP's. Variety is not a problem, since there are tons of RP's created with a bunch of different settings and of different genres. Either people want to RP, or they don't, that's pretty much all there is to it.

I tried a lighthearted RP with Pokemon, and that didn't really work out that well. There's only 3 people left, and I still haven't found out if it will even be continuing on. Which reminds me.

@Pokemon RP - I've laid things out in the RP. Whether or not we continue with the RP at this point is up to Toyumi and Fenris, the only two member left. As I stated in my PM to you guys, you shouldn't expect an increase in the cast at any point. So be fully prepared to go through the entire RP with only 3 people. I had a "Looking for Cast" tag in the title for a few weeks and didn't get any response from it, so I wouldn't expect anyone else to join anytime soon.

I've already received a reply from Toyumi, so now I just need to hear from Fenris.

@UTPBS - A few more people have posted, so I'll do my best to get something together tomorrow. I'm going to go with a small time skip that will hopefully jump start the RP again (similar to what I did with the Valkyria Chronicles RP).


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-08-21 02:12:43
Finally have the time and energy to post in UtPBS. Last few weeks was like ugh, either too tired or too busy. Anyways, I'm glad that I still don't have the mental blocks when I did the post though. Anyways, I read about what happened to Haseo in the Pokemon RP, and I guess The Contamination Effect RP is no more then?

@Toyumi: Hmm, to get people interested in RP. A rather difficult question for me. I say starting up an-easy-to-pick-up RP (does not require any detailed profiles eg. FeaRed. Something like Scarborough HS by Inferno?) Then again, like Jonathon said, most people ended up FB-ing or twitting as these activities are the easiest to do. (You don't need to think much to say something random in FB/Twitter right? XD) Anyways, that's what I have in mind right now.

@Pokemon RP: About the RP, I think I could try my hands on it, but I have almost zero knowledge to Pokemon universe, other than the first Pokemon I had watched during my childhood days :P

@Roxas: Hmm, East meets West idea eh? Nice try, but these two didn't merge pretty well.

About new RP ideas, I actually have one. It is about dogfights, like the game Ace Combat, HAWX and the anime Yukikaze. Then again, I need assistance, as I'm not familiar on RP-creating. I'm not planning to release the RP now, but if everything goes a bit lively, then I might consider.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-08-21 10:46:59
@Emiya:The Contamination Effect is stalled,yes,but not stopped.I was about to post that time when I got hit by the block XP Hmm,dogfight RP,huh? Hate flying a jet fighter for a reason ;P Though my recent RP has them,it isn't much.

@Roxas:Sorry,bud,but I ain't a big fan of either(I have urge to watch Bleach,though),so I'm passing that one.

There's quite a bit of school-based RPs which I liked,but stopped at one point.Ought to revive the military one and see how it go on.

Freedom's the power of everything!! Usual RP characters

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-08-22 11:24:09 (edited 2011-08-29 10:53:46)
@ Jon- Yeah, the best we can do is be optimistic I suppose. Although, it would be nice to see a new RP that's as active as Immortal Machina was in the beginning (That one kept up it's momentum for quite awhile too), or one that will be as long-lasting as Free & Dream was. Or an RP that will actually see an ending. It's nice to be optimistic and hope for something like that. XD

Also, I'll wait for your time skip until I post in UTPBS again (I was planning on posting sometime soon, although there isn't too much for my character to do there at the moment so I might as well wait a bit).

@ Emiya- That RP idea of yours seems interesting. I'd be willing to help you out with it if you need some help making it.

@ Snake- Actually, The Contamination Effect has stopped, since I don't think Haseo's going to be posting around here for awhile...


@ Jon- It could have had an actual ending, but you're totally right and that it went on for too long for that. But still, it was fun while it lasted (I know that I didn't want to see it end while it was active, although in the days just before it started to die out I wouldn't have minded some sort of ending to it so it didn't stop so suddenly).

Then again, I'm still not sure if we're going to go through with this whole ending idea for Free and Dream that Fenris has planned. I have Fenris and Vivian's part of it pretty much done, but I'm not sure if anyone else has been doing anything about it. XD

@ All- Because the school year is going to be starting for me in about a week or so, expect me to be less active in RP's for... Well, awhile, since I'll be quite busy with the classes I'm taking once school starts. I'm staying in the RP's that I'm currently in until they die or whatever, but don't expect me to join any new ones that come out for awhile (Unless they look really interesting to me, and if that's the case then I'll probably end up making some exceptions >.>).

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-08-22 19:02:26 (edited 2011-08-31 18:57:10)
@Toyumi - RP's with endings are pretty scarce. They usually die out long before that happens. I actually think that Free and Dream could have had an actual ending, but it went on a little bit too long.

I'm still working on the UTPBS post. I was waiting to see if the momentum would keep up and the others would post. The time skip is very short. Only about a few hours really. I just need to skip over the talking and get into a bit more action to hopefully keep people interested. I also need to get our new member's character introduced.

Right now, I have to get to work on a post in Pokemon. I know how to explain Haseo's character away, so I want to get it posted before I forget (which is why I'm not working on the UTPBS post until lunch time tomorrow).


@Toyumi - I was still waiting on word from Fenris on what I should do about mine and Anke's character. I told him I would hold off on writing anything until I heard what he had planned out. Anke pretty much laid out what she wanted done with her own character for the ending, as well as my character, to an extent. The thing with my character is that I need to know how the main plot goes in order to come up with an ending.

Other than that, there isn't a whole lot I need to do. I already have the ideas, I just need to organize them into dialogue. I assume that I'll be handling Anke's character, since she seems to have disappeared as quickly as she reappeared.


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by misanouta on 2011-08-30 11:35:19
Alright. This one that I'm working on now is coming along nicely. I know it's taking a long time, but I finally got to go back to work so I can only work on it on my days off. Don't worry, I'll have more time when school starts! I just have to finish the intro and my characters, and then it'll be all ready.

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Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by srt01 on 2011-09-04 00:37:02 (edited 2011-09-04 00:39:45)
@Roxas: that RP sound zoo fun! I am honestly quite excited about it!

Well, for some reason I found this forum on the second page an thought its not a really seeing it like that. It is true that most RPs end without a proper ending, SoMI is also subject to this threat right now due to the long abcense of the creator and the lack of members, which hurts my soul in a way. And the only way is truly what Toyomi says." be optimistic". Since I ran out of plots that the creator gave me, I'm doing a filler service thing of my own(which actualy might work with the plot) and members seem to like it.

I wanted to ask, because the creator hasn't come back for more than 3 months, can I like trash the current SoMI thread and move the story on a new thread that I made?(because the title says"prelude" even though the story is already in chapter 3 and I can't change it because I'm not the creator) that way, I can move the story on in my own way with out really worrying about what the creator is really thinking.

 photo SRTsigver3_zps80ee60d1.png

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-09-04 11:40:43
@ Jon- Okay, although I'm not really sure how the main plot will end myself. As I currently have it planned, Fenris and Vivian's endings don't really go into the main plot too much now (Then again, they don't really have to since they weren't caught up with the plot too much when the RP died out). I guess I'll show Fenris what I have planned for Vivian and Fenris' ending and we can take it from there.

Also, despite the fact that I haven't posted there recently, I'm still in UTPBS. I've been meaning to post there for quite some time, but I've been kind of busy with things recently since it's Labor Day weekend and some of my family is visiting us, plus the fact that school will be starting soon and I've been busy getting things ready for that as well. Hopefully once school starts I'll manage to get back into the RP again.

@ SRT- Why not continue the RP in the same thread? Although the title says prelude, if the players of the RP know it's not the prelude, then you should just continue it on the same thread (Changing threads just because of the title and lack of the RP creator seems kind of pointless in my opinion). Free and Dream was creator-less for awhile, but we still continued it there without any problems. Just PM the RP creator about continuing the RP, so whenever they come back they'll know that you took control because you wanted to continue it.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by karuzo on 2011-09-05 17:01:33
IM Players: IM is stalled again.... I am waiting for Roxas to post the final chapter of IM


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by srt01 on 2011-09-05 21:22:19 (edited 2011-09-06 19:21:02)
@Toyomi: well that is true but I have been sending updates every 2 weeks or so and the last reply I got is still back from 5/30/2011 and communication just died there. With out getting updated on the plot, I might as well be better off making it my RP instead of doing endless fillers....which is what me and big-worm are working together with.

EDIT: oh great! The original assistant-creator just announced he's leaving the RP....what am I suppose to do now...Also, SoMI is always open casting because according to the storyline we are talking about a student huge population, we have 23 characters(including NPCs) and we currently have the story progressing in three different points of so we might need even more people.

Oohh! I'm starting see quite a lot of interesting RPs, even though I have school, I will try and join one that looks the most interesting. But I'm still afraid that the RP I join will die with me being the last poster, that is the worse nightmare for me in my personal opinion XD.

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