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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-01-03 21:36:33
thanks guys n gurls..
i will sure enjoy my stay here..

surely ive met u too..
but too bad i cant on9 alot..>.<
din have a comp actualy..hav to go c.c
im now waiting for my spm result.. from kl..if oni i can meet u..m

Yup,seen u b4 prof is correct..but something is secret for sure..x.x
umm,during merdeka??
ha3,no ne..its 31/10..where the nx day ill be my befday..
merdeka for meh though.

congrats in ur pmr..result.
its gud..

hope to see u all..
im doing a part time job now..phew

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-01-03 22:51:08
lol sheena is me! XD
hmmm then i'mma haunt you +_+

right now i'm playing eiyuu densetsu: sora no kiseki the 3rd. eiyuu densetsu isn't that popular...but i want the english...i can barely understand the story actually >_> but i like it. xD

what work you do now?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by vincentyuahyu90 on 2009-01-04 03:42:01
etoooo i'll skip all the previous reply except for kira n jo

@jo oh my god... i always wanted a part time job.. ;_; maybe a cashier in 7-eleven... or maybe even careffour... i heard it's RM750 full time... oh my i always wanted a PSP..... how envious...... oh my btw.... i though school is opening soon? or.. u have finished form 5 i presume?

@kira ohh hey buddy... gimme a huggie. it's being a long long time... remember the sig? hahha i still use it.

It's being a long long time. here i wanted to greet all of ya happy new year.. and happy chinese new year too. This year chinese new year is just around the corner! ^^ how cool is that.
Here's my latest condition. I just finished my pre-u in college and well hmmmm i sure did get my result and let's just say that it's not soooo satisfied... and i have been watching, eating, sleeping in my mom's condo for about a month+ xD i know it's kinda unhealthy, but what can i do? :D
I can't surf internet for that month, even i can well i have to go to the nearby starbuck+careffor to use the free internet, now imma waiting for my dad to come here and decide my future.. T.T how sad. if i can't repeat, or well continue my study, i have to go out and work... ;_; god bless me.
Btw i didn't watch any anime in the holiday, the only latest for me will be jugoku shoujo season 3 ( ep.1 and 2) sad isn't it?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by ayumiuchiha on 2009-01-04 09:02:49
=.=" lol

@kira: bkn pelajar contoh lah..saje g tuisyen..supaya otak ak x balk bile masuk form 4

@jo: thx..hehe..and welcome..

@vincent: wow..didn't watch anime..i can't life without anime..hehe..^^

today's the 1st day at school..boring..ade orintasi utk pelajar form 4..speech all along..haizz..hay at least i didn't fall asleep..zzzZZ


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2009-01-04 18:01:17 (edited 2009-01-04 20:02:42)

yay.. ur finally back.. missed u soo much.. *hugs*
....fai-tan.. i kinda got the feeling like ur more "malay" than "chinese" la sometimes.. *poke poke*
wahh.. u got ur tuisyen.. no wonder la.. so didja change school this form 4..??

@kero-kero chan
/sweat err.. pink wig on 1st day..?? i tot it was green.. lol
rin's college starting soon..?? so.. does dat mean she's on holiday during the CF..??

@kira2 chan
im quite safe & sound.. i really HATE traveling by bus to KL, my body almost went numb & its not comfortable to sleep in bus too.. :(
now dat im back here.. it "limited" free surfing again.. XD

hmm yeah.. im taking degree in software engineering now.. now still choosing wat type of specializing i shud take.. (Java / .NET / Oracle / Open Source)
i shud tell you earlier, this course is REALLY hard.. u better prepare urself..

as bk-san say earlier, hes a lecturer, but technically not one YET.. you can say hes like.. umm.. u know.. in practical.. i guess.. ^_^'

haha.. i currently live at wangsa maju.. (nyahaha.. i dont mind telling where too, not like theres anyone wana stalk me..) XD
im free on MOST weekend, so, if u wana met me in person, i think im available on weekend.. ONLY if ur ok with that.. XD

yo.. issahiburidessu~ huhu.. don worry.. there's still many place for you to choose from even if ur not doing so well, jz.. next time.. choose ur course REALLY carefully.. :)
i also like u la.. for me, definition of holiday = sleep + eat + surfing + play games + watch anime + read manga.. (jz like wat NORMAL otaku would do.. lol) XD

i jz finish my 1 week new year holiday & now there's almost 1 week CNY holiday coming.. i wonder if i shud go home.. (going to Fai's house during CNY doesnt sounds bad too..) XD

or maybe i shud jz stay & linger around kl & see if i can find "someone"(s) house to visit.. XD
sorry for the long post again.. jz cant helped myself to post long each time.. lol

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-01-04 20:34:51 (edited 2009-01-04 23:32:11)
lol..japanese game..i want to play that also..but now my psp is all being used by my little brother..guess i only can play ps2 game..
emm..or mayb i will buy another psp for myself lol..>.>

really..?gosh..i will be deadmeat in no time if that true..
i now can't even handle properly my basic c++ program this year..
guess i hav to study hard eh..
u live in wasang maju..,right..?in KL..
That's really sis also live in there..mayb u really live so near with my sis lo..

hi..fai-chan..nice to meet you..
that's a really nice sasuke avy..^.^

emm..minna..i jus installed the skype..too bad i now only have very very few contacts only..
If u guys wanna add me can pm or give me when we meet in chat room..
not only skpe..msn is ok too..^.^


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-01-05 01:20:49
lol go buy one for yourself! :D
i'm stuck actually...but i wanna complete that game err...completely but the problem is i can't read kanji and i have no idea who do i have to bring to open the doors (sidequest, actually XD)

chan? O.O
lol i just got back from a journey tired i wanna sleep in the car but can't DX

limited stuffs always like that >_<

lol i was lazy to go tution because i thought...hols after pmr=rest b4 concentrate. xD

/hugs i missed you~ xD
haha i never thought somebody else use it xD
soooo now what have you been up to?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by ayumiuchiha on 2009-01-05 06:12:08
ehh..since when my nickname change to fai-tan..?=.="

lol..everyone said that..i'm more to malay cause i grown up with malay neighbour are malay and thai and also chinese..i'm half thai and half chinese..but i don't understand thai language..weird..=.="wanna come to my house ehh..?O.o

ceh..i'm lazy too..tapi kene pergi jgak..utk persediaan..bak kata pepatah..sediakan payung sebelum hujan..haha..=.=

ohh..nice to meet u too..and thx..^^

hari ke2 kat sekolah..boring lah..cikgu bagi ceramah yang panjang berjela-jela..=.=" almost fall asleep..zzzZZ


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2009-01-05 07:06:41 (edited 2009-01-05 07:10:55)

Lately,I'm quiet busy with this and that.Sometimes I couldn't notice my PC's existence.o_0 So,to those who start schooling or working,hope y'all do your best and get what y'all wants.

So long and good night.
(P/S:I'm busy continuing my side project that have been abandoned since last year.I have to recall and analyze everything to make me understand and make it perfect(duh!).)


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2009-01-05 20:57:12
hmm hmm.. schools start already.. so dat means it'll be hard for me to "track" other malaysian at the chat now.. i wonder if anyone here (esp YOU kira2-chan..) can help & bring em' here, to the forum too..?? XD

@wifey fai-tan
well.. the suffix -tan is mostly used to express very cute things & umm.. showing affectionate..?? ^_^'

dont worry you dont understand thai.. i also dont understand the language usually use when im going back to my kampung (Jawa & deep Negeri sembilan dialect).. ^_^'

well.. i got another 1 week holiday for this coming CNY.. even if im back at t'ganu, i dont really have much to do.. XD
so i guess 'visiting' ur house & 'maybe' mel house to get some 'collection' is rather fun too.. XD

btw.. wen i help myself & keep looking at our avy.. umm.. it feels like im the wifey & ur the hubby.. -_-||

well duh.. i think that quite suite you la.. the -chan.. XD

hoho.. my definition of "limited" here is actually "time limited".. i can onli on9 in class.. :(

and yes..sleeping in car/bus really not that good.. its not comfortable at all & it make ur body arch all over.. :(

wangsa maju is technically still inside kl.. if u ask me, id say its around the outskirts of KL.. (omg.. did i jz say SKIRTS..??) XD
ur sis also here..?? well.. maybe she's VERY NEAR if she live somewhere near to Wangsa Maju Alpha Angle/Jusco.. my place is Alpha Villa jz beside THAT Jusco.. XD
u really shud come visit meh if ur going to visit ur sis then.. XD

umm.. im pretty good with C++ (if i shud say so..) but i still have a hard time with this one other programming, that is Java.. ~_~||
(im TOO BUZY wif my anime & manga & games.. something like dat.. so dats y im not doing very well in java..) ^_^'
hmm hmm.. programming is REALLY HARD.. u really need to study hard then.. but considering my salary wen i work after dis.. id say its worth the hard work.. :)

last year is jz 1 week past.. XD ok enuf jokes.. XD
well.. u really shud concentrate in your studies, but remember to drop by here sometimes..
we cant do much to help, but getting along wif friends would help you relieve some of the stress u build up doing ur work.. :)

@mikuru *meepie* rinrin
*i think i've jz saw ur neko-chan last sunday u know.. but then again.. maybe that jz someone wif the same face..* XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-01-05 23:13:30
chan doesn't suit meh XD

lol those chatters...they're actually a bunch of chatters and some never even go foruming or just stopped. /tries to force shirayuki though >D

in class? i see DX what about at home?

i still feel stiff T_T i barely slept though. actually.

what side project actually?

bagus betullah XD

lol sini dah belajar >_<
belum beli buku lagi...buku teks pun belum dapat...tapi dah kena lecture lol

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-01-06 03:20:01
Yoo it's school time again. And once again an elementary school sprang to life. At their 1st day of school, I wake up early because I heard the Negaraku song playing in their school and I thought that I was late for school. After a few thinking, man I'm still in holiday...until March xD Anyways I'm wishing for those in college/university/high school a best of luck in your studies. Heck, I'm having Ar Tonelico II "fever" >.>

@kira How's school lol? I was kinda curious why you didn't go to school at last Monday. Oh yeah speaking of JRPGs, have you tried Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth? It's similar to the ones in PSX. Mana Khemia Student's Alliance is gonna release in Jan 09 too, same with AT II >_> Lol Buku Teks belum dapat lagi. Bekas sekolah saya sudah dapat buku teks dah xP

@DT Track eh? Well it might be good since the more the merrier xD Hmm I'll try finding someone too...and hopefully smart ones >_<

@Iryu Errr side projects? Well it's good for you since you can get busy with something else. For me, I'm just at home but yeah I need to start cleaning the house since after few weeks it will be Chinese New Year.

@Fai Fai-tan, hmm sounds cute xD Well it sounds cute so people started calling you Fai-tan xDD Orientation eh, hmmm yeah it's boring too but in turn of no homeworks. Lol xP

@Serge Hmmmmm just joined Skype eh? Add me xP just search my username. And speaking of games, do you tried Yakuza 2 by Sega?

@Vincent :o Lol thats the effect of honeymoon semester xD causing your results to be like...that. Well just keep studying dude. If your dad asks you to work the usual style: half work half study /xP and runs

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2009-01-06 19:02:15
umm.. my back still arching.. and in the bus (that im in), they have that "automatic" perfume-thing that "automatically" sprayed out every 15 minutes..
that thing makes me dizzy, having headache & feel like vomiting.. and i have to endure it for the whole 7 hour.. (1 hour less than usual since the bus using the new highway.. lol)

hehe.. i know most of the chatters in the chat NEVER been foruming b4.. even if they come here, they may be lost on the topic, like.. "jz wth is they talking about..??"..something like that.. ^_^'

well.. ive given up on the broadband.. need to change my glasses & need some to buy UPS for my pc.. :(
so now im onli can on9 if im surfing in class OR if im going to cyber cafe.. D:

yeah.. the more the merrier.. (jz hope i wont get lost la if the thread become too active.. like.. i missed the weekend & the thread moved 2 page..) ^_^'
ill be in trouble if it becomes like dat.. XD

and btw.. wat do u mean by "smart ones"..?? XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-01-06 19:09:30
>_> unfortunately,i dont have much money with me..
and now the pSP set is so expensive..almOst cost RM1000 over..
why don't kira give me yours one..?hehe..

@de-tea,i can pay u a visit when i go KL eh.. too been very busy with anime and game stuff,neglecting my studies..
If you say so,i mus really consider about it..
by the way,how much salary we will get when working...?
i am so greedy..

@emiya tonolico 2 is going to be released in this month..
i been waiting eagerly for that..
and thanks..i hav added u up in skype..
Yakuza 2..?i have heard that game many times but unfortunately i didnt try it it good..?


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-01-06 22:26:52
mine was a present so no :P

kumpul sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit XD

perfume...ewww XO that's...choking

lol yea exactly XD

i see...DX
so not everyday now?

LOL! you dah merdeka lorh XD

so liek...i guess we can't wait for ATII xD

you know the reason /shutsup xD

school is kinda boring...but at least i'm happy because...the same cute teacher who taught maths last year still teach us! she's a nice teach and cute too! just my type ^-^

yea i did. i got psp version tho xD

wait mana khemia 2 or what? O_O

lol baru jer dapat hari ni...berat giler...dahlah tangan kena balut T_T

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by vincentyuahyu90 on 2009-01-07 04:22:53
@fai if you can imagine days watching dubbed anime. more over it's malay dubbed =0= it sucks. what to do? don't have astro don't have animax.. T.T even the english dubbed anime is better then their. =P i wanna gone back to school lol. i wanna gone back to form 4 or 5. i missed the life. i miss the school teaching nagging... and i miss the laksa in the school canteen. lol

@de tea loli if i can study then sure is better lor. ahahah who knows, normal otaku will watch anime, but i ain't already. haizz how sad would that be. maybe i'll continue my carrier as an otaku next month. hahhaha. Wow nice maybe i should visit your house, ^^ remember big ang pao. didn't celebrate new year last year.. i mean chinese new year. i didn't gone back to home town. celebrating alone. really it's alone in my rented house. hahahaha now thinking back i think i am kinda pitying myself hahaha.
ohh ya about the chat room. i can't gone to chat room cause i haven't installed the java in my mozilla. :p lazy and also i can't online too long.

@serge ohhh skype imma onli have one contact. and i used it to contact that only friend of mine once only. loli.... add me in skype if you want. vantoria
oh ya my msn will be
everyone is free to add hor.. lol

@emiya ohhhhh i would wanted to half work half study... but not enough money lar i count liao... one month if part time only 500+ one month rental fee already 450... how can support myself lol... but that 's kinda of you...
@kira imma good.. waiting for my dad to come here and decide my future. xD how sad...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2009-01-07 06:29:44
I'm back.

Today,my right arm feel like kinda sprain and of course,it's way too pain if I try to bend it.Looks like I have to cancel my driving lessons for tomorrow.I think the same symptom would occur on my left arm.Gaah...I can feel the pain now~ T-T

About my side project,it's not a big project.It's just a novel.XD I started the novel when I was in form 4 and it stopped when in the middle of 2008.Now,as SPM is finished,I continuing it.

Well,'til the next time,minna-san.^^


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-01-07 06:53:24
Woooooooaaaaaaaaaaaawwww...........hello guys whhhat i didn't even knew that there is malaysian threads here...(i gueeesss i'm the only one who does not know bout it..)but anyway nice to meet all of you and i hope you all welcoming me here....

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-01-07 08:42:31 (edited 2009-01-07 08:46:04)
Hmmm I'll just make it quick cause it's midnight xP Chinese New Year is only 2 weeks left...

@dean *acts as a welcoming recipient* Welcome to the Malaysian Thread. So, errr could you do some intros?(minor or major that's up to you)

@DT Errr ignore the phrase btw xP So still have a busy schedule DT?

@Kira Hmm I see you tried VP: Lenneth. Yeah AT II is scheduled to release in 21st Jan (what that's my angpau? lol joking btw) in stores.

Hmmm a cute teacher teaching maths(clumsy or what?) >.> I envy you kira xO Wished I had one back in Form 4/Form 5 so that I score higher marks in maths xDD Well my M.Maths teacher is a strict one. If you don't do her homework, you'll get her nagging and rotan~! And every time I had her classes there's at least there's 2-3 of homeworks from her. I also even have 4-5 I think. But A.Maths teacher, *shakeshead*

Not Mana Khemia 2 btw *double checks NISA Official Website*, it says Mana Khemiaâ„¢:
Student Alliance
and it's for PSP. Betul lah Form 5 punya buku berat tau xD Cuba tengok Add Maths. Banyak tebal ni o_o Eh kenapa tangan balut pulak?

@Iryu Erk you sprained your right arm? No wonder you asked someone to bend your arm in chat o_o I had that before, just minimize your movements on the arm and don't carry heavy stuffs. I do apply some ointments that could reduce the injury.

@Serge If you like 3D Fighting games + a bit of storyline, maybe you should try Yakuza 2. It revolves(well you know a Yakuza but an ex-Yakuza I think xP). I played Yakuza, the predecessor of the game. Nice gameplay and a decent storyline. As usual fight to level up your chars. Oh yeah I just saw Sengoku Basara X and people were talking about this Capcom game and it's designs are originated from Devil Kings.

Are you sure did you add me xP because I didn't see any invites or something when I opened skype. Search for yuuri_45.

@Vincent Whoaa 500 for pay and 450 for rent? :o Expensive lol and how do you live on 50 x_x. No wonder you're waiting for your father...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2009-01-07 20:26:30
waaahhh.... yesterday morning (around 10am..) i come to college & suddenly my classmate tell me there's an exam at 2pm.. and its not jz goody-goody one, its FINAL EXAM..
& even my lecturer doesn't know abt it since were still not finishing our subject syllabus YET.. its too sudden & i didn't bring ANY notes to study..
talk about a chaotic day caused by the college management.. ~_~' (but watever.. ill have my SEM BREAK this weekend..) XD

ok.. enuf about wat happen to me yesterday.. now.. reply.. reply.. XD

yeah.. ur welcome to come over anytime u want.. (as long as im there la..)
and of course i WONT invite u (or any other girls) to enter my rent house.. thats a given.. XD

ohh.. it seems like u have tons of anime collection too.. its been a while since i last restock my collection.. (at end of year i onli manage to get 3 anime..)

well duh.. programming is REALLY hard.. that is, if ur not understand it..
if u manage to understand all the terms & its function, its actually REALLY fun to play with.. you could even make games using it..
salary..?? u really thinking ahead huh..?? hmm.. lesse.. umm.. i onli know the salary rate for DEGREE graduate laa.. ^_^'
fresh DEGREE graduate BASE salary rate (programmer) is around 2.5~5.5k.. depends on programming type & ur (exams/interview) results.. yessu.. its BASE salary.. XD

yeah.. its choking.. i have a headache the whole 7 hour im in the bus & my head still a bit numb because of it to..
(the perfume scent still linger in my head.. headache.. and im having my FINAL EXAMs too rite now..) :(

hmm.. hmm.. i wont be on9 in weekends & public holiday.. but ill be available on9 on most weekdays.. (if no connection problem..)
but u can still contact me through my phone on weekend & holiday.. XD

im STILL SINGLE atm.. so i cant give u ang pao la.. (& im a poor :p
lol.. u still remain otaku even if ur not watching anime for a while la, wat matter is your passion for the anime that counts..

novel..?? its not a visual novel i presume..?? :p ok ok.. pardon my jokes.. XD
be sure to tell us if ur done wif ur novel kay.. i bet theres many ppl here quite eager to read it.. ;)

umm.. this week is more Chaotic rather than buzy.. still have 2~3 more assignment to finish by 2moro..
(i DID manage to finish the other 8 assignment this whole week.. up till 2day..)
umm.. im kinda free (actually.. i WILL BE FREE..) this weekend tough.. its my sem break after all.. XD

hello there.. welcome abroad to Malaysian Thread.. :)
care for some introduction..??

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