Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
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@Jon: It turns out that monster I mentioned wasn't a Devil's Beast. Although it is a sort of optional boss that is needed for the Mysterious Jewels sidequest. I'm back in Rieze Maxia now before what I assume to be the final dungeon and I went around completing the Aifreed's Treasure and mysterious jewels sidequest with one more Devil's Beast to go before they're all vanquished. Then it's off to the Arena and finishing up any loose sidequests before I go take on what I think is the last part of the game. And about the Hot Spring scene, they're generally pretty lighthearted with just a tinge of sexual content. Going from past Tales games, I can imagine that a Hot Spring scene with this cast would go something like: Teepo commenting on Milla's "bazongas," causing Elise to ask what they are again, with Leia choosing to avoid the subject. Jude, being the protagonist (the male lead always takes the heat) is going to check up on the girls and see if they're alright, but Alvin stops him and accuses him of spying on them, but then gives Jude props for becoming a man. But the girls overhear them, Alvin runs, Jude trips, and then gets pummeled by Leia for being a "peeping tom," while Teepo cheers Leia on. Meanwhile, Rowen makes some general comment about his younger years and how they were full of fun. Yeah, that seems about right for a potential Hot Spring scene. And there is indeed a Devil's Beast outside of the Lava Tubes and Temple. It's a mare-like creature that give's you Alvin's Devil's Arm. It's only a few points weaker then the Brute Masher in terms of physical attack, but is a couple hundred points stronger in A. Attack; definitely warrants a use over the Brute Masher. I agree with Xillia being really good despite its lack of content. I really haven't had a Tales game hit me as emotionally as this one has, not even Abyss, which, as you know, I find the pinnacle of emotion in a Tales game. Alvin's past is quite dark yet he still tries to do the right thing, even if that means he has to wage a war on himself. Elize's story strikes me as the most emotional. I don't know if you've seen this scene yet, it's optional and it's at the Labari Hollow where Elize talks about Jiao and such and it packs quite the punch. It's definitely exceeded my expectations but a lot in terms of gameplay and story. I do enjoy Rowen's little quips as well. His humor is pretty refined, and he isn't afraid to take a small shot for the sake of humor. I haven't been using him much in combat since it's generally Jude and Alvin as brawlers, Milla as a mage fighter, and Elize as a caster/healer hybrid, but I do enjoy the small tongue-in-cheek comments he makes, it contrasts Alvin's blunt humor quite well. EDIT: I mentioned Abyss earlier in my post, so I don't see how this escaped my mind. But the Tatalian Abyss seems to be an homage to Tales of the Abyss, not only in name, but in dungeon exposition and even boss. It was nice to see that type of nod to a past game. |
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@Haseo - It's kind of sad that we're at the point where you can pretty much lay out the entire scene based on past games. I'm sure what you just said would be exactly how the scene would have played out. They really need to try and shake things up. It sounds like you are almost done. As I thought, I won't get a chance to get back to the game until Saturday due to work. I'll hopefully wrap up the game over the weekend (before I get stuck in another 3 straight days of work) and then I'll get back to Project X Zone. I need to try and finish that as well before FFXIV starts up on the 27th. I'll still check out that monster then. I'm interested to know what it is, since I didn't see it during my trips through there. I think I have seen that event. I've gone back to the Hollow before so I'm pretty sure I know the one you are talking about. I use Rowen a lot. His Link-Ability creates a Magic Barrier around you when you are about to be hit by magic, so I find that really useful. Prevent me from being stunned a lot. He's also a really strong magic caster but still has a little bit of physical skill. I usually use him in place of Elize (or sometimes along with Elize so that she can focus more on healing than attacking). |
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@Jon: I would really call it sad; it's more of a Tales tradition. There's just certain archetypes that persist and are modified in some ways. Each cast is essentially the same if you think about it. I would use Rowen more if there were more encounters with enemies that have more than one mage. Maybe in a group of 4 or more, but if there's any less, the AI is competent enough to crowd control the mages and not let them get any magic off. Plus, my elemental resistances are so high that it's not really a threat, and I even absorb some elements. A combination of Milla and Elize and cover for his magic while still filling other roles on the battlefield. I've finished the game now, and I'm quite satisfied with the ending, it brings closure to things well. I'm a bit disappointed in the final dungeon though, well all the games dungeons in general. They're all really short and really linear. There really aren't any puzzles you have to solve or anything like there were in the past tales games. It takes the frustration factor out from things but it also takes the exploration out of things. Since there's generally only one place to go at any given time. While at the same time, the final dungeon in Tales of Graces f was over convoluted, I found the ones in Xillia way too simple. ***SPOILERS FOR ANYONE NOT AS FAR IN THE GAME AS JON AND I*** While going through the credits, I saw that a few other Tales of titles were referenced in Xillia's creation, but Tales of the Abyss wasn't mentioned. I find Xillia to be extremely similar to Abyss. It focuses on a juvenile young man who eventually learns what it means to be an adult and taking responsibilities for his own actions, the two worlds factor (I mean Yulia city and the whole underworld in Abyss), the main antagonist is also an ally at some point and has a group of elite soldiers that would follow their leader to the grave if that meant their vision would come true, a war between the two major countries of the game. There are probably more similarities than this, but these are the most obvious examples of similarities. |
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@Haseo - I will hopefully finish the game up tomorrow, or at least sometime during the weekend. I don't really have much else to say on it. We have pretty much discussed everything there is to discuss on the game. As for the Abyss similarities, I don't really see it as much as you. I mean, there are other Tales games that have had basically the same premise as Abyss. Hell, look at Symphonia and Graces. Asbel fits the exact same Juvenile Young Man learning to become an adult thing. Graces also has an ally that later becomes the main antagonist (as well as Symphonia), Symphonia had the two worlds and Graces had warring countries. Those are just examples from the other games I have played, there's probably more examples further back in the series. Also, we could get into how Luke and Jude are juvenile in completely different ways (I don't even consider Jude to be juvenile. He's leans more to the smart-but-naive side). I love the Tales series despite not playing the majority of them, but they seriously do recycle quite a few ideas. |
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Beaten the game as Jude and will be playing as Milla but not yet since there are side quest i have not yet finish and haven't finish the coliseum yet to see if there are other tales characters in which might be in like the others but it's sad that most of us don't know who the others were since they weren't release in other places around the world I'm just hoping that Bandai/Namco will re-release them in HD or Remake at the very least I'm already loving just about every skits with Rowen as a comic relief some of the Devil Arms sub bosses are a PAIN to deal with like the one in the mines that calls for help (embarrassing enough i was playing it on hard when i realize cus you know when you start the game it asks you what level of difficulty you want to start out) Jaio has earn my and well i bet some of ya highest respect Spoilers Alert after you beaten the game you get like an golden key and hidden skills I was hoping that you can get Volt as a summon to help you in battle as well I wonder if they are other hidden summons like they do in other Tales games like Phantasia where you have to obtain certain rings to fight/get them and there's a hidden level too in the marsh all the way at the end of it and the golden knight boss but however there are shops expect the ITEM which means you have to to rely on food for healing and buffs oh and they'll be lots of save points before you fight him i would highly recommend Lv 80 with lots of def and Omega Heals Potions well basically all healing thing and MP/TP found out a quick way to LV 99 although it may take an HR depending on how PATIENCE you are in battle i can tell if ya want me to. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
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Been a while since anyone has posted here. What kind of games have you guys been playing since August? I played through the campaign quests in FFXIV, but I didn't find much content beyond that (except for raid dungeons, but screw those), so I let my subscription run out. I'll probably go back once an expansion pack or something gets released. I went through Pokemon X and Y and I'm now playing Killer is Dead until Ys for Vita hits at the end of November. |
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I played through Pokemon X and enjoyed it, currently trying to hatch a shiny Larvitar and Beldum in the post game with a JPN Ditto, so hopefully the Masuda Method will be on my side. I also picked up Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies yesterday right when it launched and I'm still on the first case, but I'm loving it. The humor in the Ace Attorney games is something that I missed. |
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@Haseo - You did? Damn. I'm hopefully going to download it tonight, although me and my friend will probably go back to playing Dead Island: Riptide (we bought it off the PSN since that Halloween sale is on) since we've only played about an hour or two. Not sure how much AA I'll get to play. As for Pokemon, I did enjoy it, but I was also left really disappointed by it. They did a great job with the 3D transition, but everything else clearly suffered for it. The story was pretty weak and didn't seem to have any idea as to where it should go, the friend characters were a nice idea, but you didn't really talk with them enough for them to matter. Anyway, I've got a lot of stuff to say about Pokemon X and Y. I'll edit this post with a spoiler tag containing the rest of it though, since there are probably still people who haven't played it yet. My thoughts on Pokemon X and Y (Big spoilers) |
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@Jon: It has been a while since a post, right? I haven't really been picking up any new games lately, but I did pick up Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two. I wanted something easy and fun to play so that's that. I'm still playing Tales of Xillia-I beat it months ago, just playing through- I can't wait until Tales of Xillia 2 which is releasing sometime next year along with Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns. I don't really have much time to do anything except school work :/ Good news though, I'm graduation December 2014! Two semesters left! ![]() ![]() |
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@Yuna - That's good to hear. Here's hoping you do better after graduating than I did/currently am. I'm looking forward to Xillia 2 as well, although it likely won't be until probably August next year, so it's still too early to get really excited about it. You're on your own in terms of FFXIII: LR hype though. I've always disliked the XIII series, but now that Versus as reemerged from development hell as XV, I actively hate it. XIII has 3 games put out in like a 4 year span, but the way more interesting looking Versus gets thrown into Square's dungeon for 6 years, re-branded as XV and then likely still has another 2 years ahead of it before it actually sees the light of day. >_> @Haseo - I also now have Ace Attorney 5 and am loving it. I stumbled on the costumes section as well (they are giving out a set free at the moment), so I switched Phoenix back to his classic look right away. I like his new look as well, but I can't resist playing classic Phoenix Wright, especially since Trials and Tribulations was the last time I got to play as him. I'm only at the 1st Day of Investigation in Case 2 at the moment. I got it on Saturday and finished Case 1, but didn't get a chance to play it yesterday. |
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@Jon: I haven't had much time to play it over the weekend since I was quite busy, but you're about at the same spot I am. I just stopped outside of Nine-Tales Vale, so pretty much right at the beginning of the first day of the second case. I haven't changed anyone's costumes just yet, and I'm hoping they'll give us more costume packs for free, especially Phoenix's Feenie Sweater, or even a Fey family costume for Athena. As for FF XV I'd like to think that it's starting to come off of Squenix's afterburners, considering that they're beginning to show things for KH3 which won't even be finished until after XV is released. That kind of makes me feel like it's release isn't that far off. I've also kind of taken a break from Pokemon X, and your post is quite lengthy, so I won't really respond to it directly, but I will say that Team Flare is actually my favorite villainous team from the entire series. I'd say more about Lysandre and Team Flare if I knew how to use spoiler tags, though. |
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@Haseo - Oh, I was only a little bit ahead of you then. I just finished another play session though, so at this point I've finished the first day of court proceedings and now I'm in the middle of investigating again. And yeah, I'm hoping for more costume packs as well, but knowing Capcom and their DLC habits any further DLC costumes will probably cost like $5 for a set of 3. I feel the opposite way on Team Flare. They are right down there with Team Galactic in my least favorite criminal team in the series. Granted, their costumes aren't as ridiculous as Team G, but everything else, from their goals to their resolve is pretty lackluster in my opinion. As for spoiler tags, here is how you use them: Spoilers. I don't expect a response to each point because I tend to ramble a lot and don't expect others to spend like an hour writing up responses, but I would like yo hear your opinions on stuff like the plot and some of the game mechanics. |
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Team Flare & Lysandre Forgive me if my spoiler doesn't work, I'm still trying to work some kinks out in it, but those are my general thoughts on Team Flare and Lysandre. Costing $5 for a set of 3 is better than Namco Bandai and their costumes... it would be at least $5 for only one costume, and they'd release as little as 3 for each character, which can total around 18 individual costumes. I had to post this before I went to class so I'll talk more about gameplay when I get back from class |
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@Haseo - I can see where you are coming from, I just don't really see it that way myself. Now, I did think that he had a lot of potential to be interesting. He had a lot of moments where I was really expecting the game to suddenly ramp things up, but it all felt like missed opportunities. They never pushed it to the point they should have. Also, like I said, everything kind of came to a head way too quickly. There didn't feel like much of a build-up towards that part of the game. My feeling on it is that it could have been great, but when that part of the story wasn't spending its time holding back, it was rushing ahead to try and slap an ending on it. And yeah, Namco Bandai is pretty crap when it comes to costumes and stuff. The Tales Costumes tend to be pretty badly priced. Apparently they are going to be releasing a DLC episode shortly after the game's release date as well. It's all about how Phoenix ended up getting his badge back. Looking forward to playing that one, although I'll save it until the game is finished just in case. Anyway, I've since finished Episode 2 and I'm only into the early part of Episode 3 right now (the crime hasn't even happened yet/the Attorneys aren't aware of it yet). Not sure if I'll get to play today or not. |
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I don't know if anyone else saw this, but back in October, there was a Tales of Xillia 2 Trailer shown at New York Comic Con. And wow... what a trailer. I don't think I've really seen a trailer for a Tales game done THIS well before. Hopefully this can attract a larger audience for the Tales of series. EDIT Turns out that Capcom released a DLC case for AA5... but it's $6. I don't know about you, Jon, but I'm not really willing to shell out that much for one case. Hell, I'm still on Case 2 since I haven't been playing much because I started building a competitive team for Pokemon X and Shiny Hunting. Maybe over Thanksgiving Break or on my flight back to California in a couple weeks I'll be able to get some time in to play. |
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Happy New Year! I decided to give this thread a little bump. I hope everyone had a decent Christmas and New Year. Here's my gaming list for 2014! Final Fantasy XIII - Lightning Returns Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Thief Tales of Xillia 2 ![]() ![]() |
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Good looking list, Yuna! I'll be playing the new Mario, Zelda, some PS4, and 3DS these early months. My planned purchases for the year include, but are not limited to: Bravely Default Super Smash Bros 3DS Super Smash Bros Wii U ![]() |
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Bravely Default for me as well. I didn't even realize it was going to be out so soon in 2014. I've also got Tales of Symphonia CE pre-ordered and Conception II for the Vita. I'll pre-order Tales of Xillia 2 whenever it shows up and I just pre-ordered Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes two days ago. Now all I have to do is see if I can actually pay these all off. Bravely Default and Tales of Symphonia are only next month, so I have to get on that. I might get FFX HD for Vita when it comes out, we'll see. I'll be avoiding FFX-2 since I really do not like that game and I've been more keen on buying my RPG's on handhelds lately. I'm not really that big on FFX either, but it is still good enough for me to give it another run. |
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I don't know if you guys heard or not, but Namco Bandai has announced a new Tales of Game called "Tales of Zestiria," which has already been confirmed to be releasing worldwide. However, it most likely will not release until 2015 in North America. I've also finally finished Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies. With Winter Break, I finally had the downtime to play through it, and dang, that last case was really intense... I kind of wish we actually would have learned more about who the person was, but I never expected that it would have been him. At all. Although I was kind of miffed at Apollo's characterization towards the end. Considering how he's my favorite character in the entire series, I didn't like the path Capcom took with him. I was glad to see it turned out alright though. I'm kind of tempted to buy the DLC case now... |
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so lately I've been catching up on unfinished games so far P4A, Finished Ni No Kuni, and now been playing Payday 2, Battlefield 4 for PS4, and well...Outlast didn't even bother to play the second chapter cus *BEEP* THIS GAME!!! here I am playing this while friends and family were watching I mean I played some other horror games like the RE series but this This THIS GAME Takes it to another WHOLE LEVEL of HORROR made my heart rate go up to where i can hardly breathe so yea i uninstalled this from my PS4 (was playing it at my brother and sister in law place because this is where our friends hang out on weekends to play like boardgames and such) anyways in case most or a few of ya don't notice Jojo's Bizarre Adventure has been recently localize on the PS3 in case there are any Jojo's Fans here although i heard it's only for a limited time to pre-order a actual Physical Copy of the game. so anyways saving little by little to get either a 3DS or a Vita but from the look of it 3DS is already winning my side consider all these hits I've been seeing. Drakengard 3 seems pretty amazing too bad i didn't play the first two and liking the pre-order bonuses although they should of done that in the first place a DLC to unlock japanese original voice should of had that when namco/bandai fans were asking if they are going to have it. ![]() ![]() ![]() |