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Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-05-27 16:06:01 (edited 2013-05-28 19:56:33)
@Haseo - That was my thought process behind it. I didn't want to pull a self-sacrifice and leave my guy's family heartbroken. I'm even more glad that I didn't do this after looking up the other ending on Youtube and seeing that your Avatar's family characters don't even make an appearance in that one (during the after-credits scene I mean).

Besides. If Chrom finishes it then it leaves open the possibilities of another Fire Emblem set in the same universe. :)

As for the pairings, it seems like me and you were on entirely different wavelengths outside of the Avatar/Olivia and Chrom/Sumia pairings. I have entirely different pairings across the board it seems. I will have a look at the Cynthia/Gerome pairing that you mentioned though, it sounds interesting.

Edit: I didn't notice it right away, but you married Owain and Lucina by mistake? lol I didn't notice the problem with that at first until I remembered that Lissa is Chrom's sister, meaning that you married two cousins.

I was bored today and decided to throw together this image for my pairings (you got me into gushing about Fire Emblem again so I got the idea to make a family chart as opposed to just listing them). I will put this in spoiler since some characters might possibly be spoilers for those who haven't played or finished the game.

Note that I just used default pictures for pretty much all of the characters in this chart. A lot of the children characters as well as my Avatar character have different hair colors than what is shown in this chart.
Jon's Fire Emblem:Awakening Families (Possible spoilers for those of you who have not beaten Fire Emblem: Awakening!)

@DA - I'm excited for it, but I don't have the extra money to buy it at the full price. My sister plans on buying it though, so the likely outcome is that I will be borrowing her copy when she loses interest and stops playing (which she usually does with just about every game).


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by stash on 2013-06-04 09:33:12
I finished Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch and the ending was sub par at best. Honestly, I was expecting a more exciting ending. The good news is that you get to continue "post-game." or the battle before the White Witch. You still have a few side-quests left including one that lets you obtain the most powerful wand the game which is a bonus. In the end, I'd give it a 8/10. The music was good, the battle system was fun, but you ended up having more field spells than battle spells, nothing in the game was particularly too hard.

I plan on getting Tales of Graces and Tales of Xillia this August which gives me plenty of time to get some time in before my classes start up again.

Is anyone looking forward to E3 this year?

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-06-08 08:20:08
still need to beat Ni No Kuni I'm at least 25% on the story line since I've
been taking my sweet time enjoy every moment of it I'm expecting that they will
make another game and yes i am looking forward to seeing what E3 has to offer this year

and this is when EVERYTHING is going on all at once and I'm hoping that a hored of
Infections will be like randomly joining in the middle of battle

got my reserved and will be getting the pre-order bonus. not too sure
if I'm am going to get BF4 for the PS3 since the PS4 hasn't been revealed yet

I hate to admit but the way the Xbox ONE is going, i would have to say that the
1st and 2nd generation of Xbox were much better and i can sort of list of what
i don't even like about it and I've played some xbox and 360 games and i don't
even own them, how did i even play them well got a couple of friends who i hang
out with that he had. Although what I'm or most of us are expecting is the PS4
and what it's going to do and what it actually have

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by stash on 2013-06-08 11:45:07 (edited 2013-06-08 11:45:42)
@JC: I took my time as well and didn't beat it until a few months later. With all the bad rep the Xbox One is getting, the expectations for the PS4 are growing higher and higher by the minute and from all the articles and forums I've come across, the Xbox fanboys are pissed at what Microsoft has been doing. It's a perfect time for Sony to hit back and become the one of the main consoles of this new generation. I'm honestly looking forward to what Sony is going to bring to the table and I hope I'm not going to be disappointed.

As for you Tales of fans, a new Tales of Symphonia called Tales of Symphonia: Chronicles is coming to the PS3, basically it's a HD version of the original Tales of Symphonia and the Wii's Dawn of the New World. And yes, it will be localized and expected release should be around next year.

There's also rumors of a sneak peak of Final Fantasy Versus XIII at this year's E3, but I seriously doubt it. That game has the Duke Nukem syndrome. I am looking forward to Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns which hopefully will be the last game featuring Lightning.

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2013-06-11 01:51:09
I just pre-order TLOU, so l'll get it on release which is Friday. I might be getting PS4, not sure, cause I might be getting BF4 to continue with my BF3 friends competitive.

Saw a bit of the Sony press conference and yeah, no doubt PS4 already won the console war (if there was ever one to begin with).
Sucks you need PS+ to play online but I could've saw that coming eventually (on a financial level, they needed it).


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by Maiku on 2013-06-12 19:05:45
Getting XBox One and PS4 both! (XBox for the exclusives, Ps4 to play online with
my homies). Going to be nice owning all 3 consoles :)
Best games of E3 were without a doubt SSB, Titanfall, The Division, Destiny and

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-06-13 10:38:27 (edited 2013-06-13 15:23:48)
to those who have Playstation Home on their PS3 best that you go the E3 even
at PlayStation Home they're giving away a few free stuff including PS+
(edited) if you complete a certain amount of quest plus i read that they're
TWO more ps+ if you happen to find them

by the way those who are planning to get the Last Of Us are the season pass
worth it? cus the way i'm seeing it those should of been unlocked after you
beaten the game i know one of them for sure is an extra story chapter or something
like and new muti-player modes and who's getting them on midnight release? and
to let ya know ahead I'm not getting it that night perhaps some time after i get
off of work.

sweet Tales of Symphonia: Chronicles that includes two been meaning to play
Dawn of the New World for the Wii but never got around to find it

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-06-13 10:57:35
@JC - Cool. I'll take a look and see if I can grab something. Thanks for the heads up.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-06-15 13:53:25 (edited 2013-06-15 13:54:54)
It's a few days late, but there's a new trailer for Tales of Xillia that aired at E3. Shows off some of the voices, mainly Milla, Jude, Alvin, Rowan, Gaius, Musee and a couple others as well as some of the cinematics.

And to those of you who got The Last of Us, how are you enjoying it? I give it a 10/10 would bang. The game is everything that I hoped it would be and was definitely worth the wait; it's so gritty, yet so beautiful. The game even opened up with an emotional heart-wrencher, and continued to deliver the emotional connection through the game. Even the small things about the characters are so fleshed out and the writing is top notch.

I've taken more of a sneaky play style than aggroing a mod and taking them out in a firefight. I guess that's how the game was intended to play, but I find myself using molotovs, bombs, and the bow more than I actually use my bullets--gotta keep those for when I get jumped by a gang of Cordyceps and I don't have any molotovs left.

The game is really deserving of all the praise that it's getting. According to the loading screen, I'm about 50% of the way through the game in Pittsburgh. This game never ceases to amaze me.

@JC: You're not missing much with Dawn of the New World, it was very poorly written. I could say a lot worse things about it, but I should probably stay classy. It wasn't all that good of a sequel; nonetheless, I'll still probably pick up Chronicles at some point.

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-07-01 19:32:58 (edited 2013-07-02 18:35:06)
I'm currently playing through Project X Zone for 3DS, although it's going pretty slowly due to me feeling kind of messed up lately and my work schedule. I like it overall, although the fact that you can't grind levels in the game is kind of frustrating.

Me and my friend also tried the FFXIV Beta for a bit, although we didn't get the chance to actually try the combat. We spent a while trying to get a voice chat set up since the game doesn't have one and eventually decided to finish up the Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina DLC instead. We were going to get Skype running on Sunday to play it but found out that Phase 3 ended at that point. We'll probably try again in Phase 4.

We went into the Behemoth 'World', but I'm interested to know where everyone else plans to go once the game releases. I saw two or three people on my friends list playing it, so I'm wondering if any of you have a World already in mind for the actual game.

We have also been playing a lot of Gods Eater Burst. It was given out free for PS+ members, so we used Ad hoc Party to try it out together. I have to say that I'm pretty hooked on it. I'm not a fan of Monster Hunter style games, but the story and the fact that me and my friend can play through said story together has me loving it. We've only reached Difficulty 4 so far in the main storyline, so there's still a ways to go yet.

Other than that, my release schedule remains basically the same as last time. Next on the docket is Shin Megami Tensei IV on the 16th, then Tales of Xillia and FFXIV. Ys seems to have been pushed back to November from what I can see, so the way things stand now my September is looking pretty empty (except for Killzone: Mercenary). Probably for the best though since I'll probably still be on FFXIV during that month.

Edit - Just a heads up to PS3 owners. Battlefield 3 is up for free for PS+ users. I started to download it to play through the single player campaign and possibly the co-op if my friend is interested. I'm not one for random online matches though since I dislike chatting with the random strangers. I wouldn't mind a private match if there's enough people around here that want to get one together some time.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-07-08 15:13:36
As fate would gave it, Tales of Xillia 2 is coming to the West in 2014. That's going to be 2 (Technically 3) Tales titles that we'll be getting next year. I'm quite surprised Scamco has had a change of heart regarding Tales games as of late, because last I heard, they had "no intention to release Tales of games in the west" after Tales of Graces f.

It makes me sad though, since I'll be starting college around the time Xillia comes out, so I'll have to pass on that, and I'll probably have to pass on Symphonia Chronicles because of college finals and such.

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-08-07 09:25:45
from Level-5 International America Inc.
BREAKING NEWS! Nintendo has just announced
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney for Nintendo 3DS,
coming to North America and Europe in 2014!

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-08-09 19:05:12 (edited 2013-08-09 19:06:59)
@Jon: I was going over the last page of this thread and I saw our discussion of the characters from Tales of the Abyss and we never finished that discussion. I'm curious, do you still feel the way you did at the time of writing your posts? Or has endgame changed the way you saw the characters? I don't know about you, but everytime I watch the ending cinematic, I'll call it "Homecoming" for spoiler's sake, it gives me the chills. I just love that cinematic.

Since you messaged me about Tales of Xillia on PSN yesterday, I thought I'd bring it up here. How far are you into the game? I'm at Xian Du, which is a little ways into the second chapter after meeting your last party member (I'll keep their name secret in case you haven't met them yet). And what do you think of it?

I'm fairly impressed with it. The voice acting is some of the best I've heard in a Tales game, although something about Elize's voice irks me. The battle system is also refined as well. It combines team Symphonia and Destiny's two systems, TP and CC and it surprising makes comboing really fluid. Link artes are also a nice addition to the series, and moving portraits in skits is something I missed from DotNW (which is my least favorite title). All in all, the game is a pleasant surprise, considering I went in with low expectations. Surprising for me to do that since I herald the Tales series so much, then again, I'm still a little steamed since Namco admitted that Xillia is an unfinished and rushed product.

EDIT: I feel the need to defend my avatar, I dislike Ivar as a character, I find him unbearably annoying. I just really like his character design :P And for my signature, no, I don't ship Alvin and Milla, I just really liked the image xD I wanted to find a good image of Alvin since he's my favorite character and Milla was in it, so I said why not haha

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-08-09 21:02:38 (edited 2013-08-11 15:00:13)
@JC - It's exciting stuff, although my excitement is being saved for Ace Attorney 5 first. We'll talk Prof. Layton X Ace Attorney after AA5 hits in November.

@Haseo - Today was my first chance to get a good session of ToX in. I was working at various times during Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I put in about 12 hours today, which brought me up to around 17 hours of game time. Currently, I'm slightly behind your location. I just arrived in Lakutam(?) Seahaven and watched all the scenes/picked up all the quests there, so I'll be on my way to Xian Du in about an hour of game time when I pick it up again tomorrow (I want to take the opportunity to clear out the quests and do a quick run through all the previous towns to look for any others that may have cropped up. Depending on how much far you have gotten in the past few hours since you posted, I should be at about the same place as you by the end of the tomorrow (again, assuming you get some play time in tomorrow).

I'm going to use Jude, Milla, Leia and Alvin for the time being and see how that works, but I might swap out Alvin for Rowen since I think he is a little more versatile.

The only problem I have with the voice actors is the girl playing Milla. She either has a lisp or bites her tongue whenever she uses an 's' and for the life of me I just cannot ignore it. It gets me every time I hear it. I don't know if it's just the way she is playing the character or if that is just the VA's natural voice. Her only voice credit seems to be for this game, so I don't have any other roles to compare it to.

As for me, I went into this game the opposite of you. I actually had quite a high level of expectation for this game in the weeks leading up to it and I can't say I am disappointed so far. It's still too early for me to tell where it falls in my list of favorites (I probably won't be able to decide that until I'm just about done with it), but it is looking good so far. At the very least I have a greater interest in what is going on in the story compared to Tales of Symphonia. The cast is also a high point for me. I love all the characters so far for different reasons and even Teepo (who I still find irritating at times) I find myself liking more than I thought I would. That last one alone is a welcome surprise, since there is always an annoying 'pet' character in these games that I just cannot stand.

Now, there is one thing that I am expecting to be a downside in terms of characterization, but I can't really talk about (even though I don't know what is going to happen in the plot in relation to it). It has to do with Alvin and the way he acts in the plot. You might understand what I'm getting at based solely on that. I am desperately hoping that they don't do what I think they are going to do, but with the way things have been going so far it seems incredibly likely that they will. All I can really say about it right now is that if it happens, it will be a serious strike against this game for me.

Other than that, in terms of what you were saying about the battle system, I'm kind of on the fence about that part. It is really fluid when it comes to linking things together, but I find that there is almost too much to remember at once. You have basic attacks, Artes (which I can currently assign 16! of at one time), combo-linking, arte-linking, linking abilities and overlimit which leads to chain-linking across possibly 3 other characters in one go. Not to mention that each character has a special ability (such as Jude's Pivot move). It's all a little much in my opinion, although I'm sure a ton of people love having all that to remember. I can barely ever pull off a Chain Arte though, because I can never remember which arte is tied to which button in the split-second you have to pull one off. Then there's the fact that only some artes can be combined with the person you are linked to, so it's not like I can just pick any old arte at random, I have to hit certain ones based on individual pairings.

Also, yes, moving portraits are awesome for skits. It adds much more to the humor and life as opposed to static images that flip between pre-set emotions like most other Tales games.

And FINALLY (I rambled for way too long on ToX there) I'm afraid my position on ToA still stands. Yes, I did enjoy the 'Homecoming' ending right at the end. It was a nice scene. However, none of the characters really grew out of the issues I had with them. Like I said, most of the characters in ToA had a morally superior attitude when it came primarily to Luke, despite the fact that a lot of them are equally bad for creating most of the conflict in the game. Then, in the few instances where the characters ARE called out on their BS, they essentially get a free pass (I'm looking at you Anise).

For god's sake, Jade freely admits to all the crap he has done from the start of the game right up until the end and a lot of the game's problems even stem from stuff he is at least partially responsible for, but the rest of the characters seem to show him nothing but respect for it and find it all fascinating.

The moral dissonance and selective use of shunning is more than I think I've ever seen in any RPG I've played. The story of the game was alright, although I didn't find it particularly memorable since I don't recall much of it at this point, but that aspect of the characters just brought everything down for me. The fact that they spend so much time lecturing other people while pulling a complete karma Houdini is so frustrating.

And I'll say it again, I found Natalia to be the best character in the cast. She was the only one that I didn't have a problem with. She had to grapple with a lot of issues in a short period of time. She had personal demons to overcome while simultaneously dealing with an emotional conflict involving two people (technically three if you want to include Tear's dynamic with Luke), not to mention a bit of an identity crisis for a period of time. This is why I liked her. She had a lot to deal with and had a lot to work past, but she didn't take every availability opportunity to jump on a soap box and lecture Luke or others about it as if she was an expert on all of it. I found her 10x more interesting to watch than Tear.

So after all that is said I feel like I have to apologize, because I know quite a few people who loved Abyss. To tell the truth, if this wasn't, I never would have given my personal feelings on Abyss because I know a ton of people love it.

On my personal list of Tales games however, it falls at the bottom (well, not the very bottom, that spot goes to Tales of the World: RM). Gameplay, sound, all that stuff was fine, but the characters and story were letdowns.


Edit: I'm at the temple now, just after Fezebel Marsh. I'm about 26 hours in I think and just after the big 'reveal'/plot-twist. It doesn't really feel like there's much left to the game, which kind of disappoints me since things seem to really be picking up.

Also, don't you think it's a little late to be introducing Mystic Artes? I don't recall when the other games introduced them, but it feels like Tales of Xillia introduced the Mystic Artes at like 3/4's of the way through the game.

Not sure how I feel about the Alvin thing. I still really like him as a character, but I feel as though the cast are a little dense when it comes to their handling of things.

Also, I didn't mention this above in my big rant, but I agree with you on Ivar. He looks kind of cool, but other than that he's a pretty big douche.

Agria is really irritating too. I don't know what point you are at, so I'll keep it vague, but I can't believe that she's actually a member of that group. She's pathetically weak despite acting like she's some kind of big shot. She doesn't have much in the way of speed or long range attacks which makes her stupidly easy to snap-pivot. She also can't defend worth squat so I spent the entire group battle scene slapping her around in the corner with all 4 characters. I really wish someone would just kill her so that I don't have to deal with her anymore. >.>

I also never really realized how fast Jude actually is. I tried playing as Alvin in the Arena and he's incredibly slow in comparison. I haven't messed around with playing as any of the other characters yet, but I'll probably give it a try later.

Anyway, I'm going to be taking a break from the game for the day. I've been playing almost non-stop for the past few days, so I better lay off for at least tonight.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-08-13 11:38:44
@Jon: No need to apologize for your opinions on TotA; just because your opinions go against the flow doesn't mean you should feel sorry. You do bring up valid points and rejecting your opinion because it differs from mine would be stupid. It's nice to hear different opinions every now and then.

I just reached the temple after Fezebel Marsh last night and stopped before I went inside. So I'm right around where you are. I haven't had much time to play lately so I'm surprised I'm still at pace with you. I have about a week left to really play the game, so I need to start powering through.

I don't think it's late to introduce mystic artes, personally. They usually introduce them around level 40; but what IS late, are the arcane artes to set off the mystic artes. You normally learn your first arcane artes around level 25; they waited a really long time to give you access to them when developing your Lillium Orbs.

Agria is a mixed bag for me. Her insanity is a bit refreshing from the characters one-track minds, but at the same time, I feel like her voice actor can be TOO insane when playing her. As for her position in that group, I think it's fairly obvious she's supposed to be the weakest member (she also seems like the newest), in the hierarchy Wingul is the strongest while Presa/Jiao are kind of on the same level.

Speaking of Jiao, that particular scene made him really stand out for me. I'm a sucker for the characters that stand for atonement trope, like Kratos, or Asch, and how they make up for their actions in a blaze of glory. You can really tell that he earnestly wants the world to be a safe and peaceful place.

One of Jude's strongest stats is his speed, rivaled only by Leia, so he is quite the bullet. I normally use Alvin for random battles just so I can take advantage of his strong artes and end the battle quickly, but I use Jude for boss battles just because he's so good at juggling and avoiding damage with snap pivot.

As for Ivar... he's probably equatable to your opinions on Agria. At this point, I just want him to go ahead and be killed off. Despite all of Milla's orders and whatnot, he still goes and does stupid things at the mention of Jude's name. He brags so much about being Milla's handmaid but he doesn't even listen to her. His entire characterization makes me mad whenever he pops up.

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-08-13 12:56:01 (edited 2013-08-13 13:13:00)
@Haseo - Well, you were at pace with me. As of last night I have probably gone 1/3 of the way into Chapter 4. There's a new area open, but it's hard to tell at this point how many locations there will actually be. I can't imagine I have that much left to go in the game, seeing as how the climax seems to be building up. Then again, I said that 10 hours of game time ago and was proven wrong. Anyway, I haven't played it at all today. I have to pick mom up from work in about an hour, so I'll probably end up taking a break from the game for today altogether and do some RP related stuff tonight. A huge amount of story stuff happened last night since it was the end/start of a chapter, so I'm a bit worn out on the game as it is. I'll pick it up again either tomorrow or Saturday when my upcoming work days are done with.

As for Agria, I just hate the antagonist characters in RPG's that always act as if they are going to curb stomp you during every encounter, but in actual gameplay terms are stupidly easy to beat. That was a major issue I had with ToA's antagonists. They acted like and were made out to be a major threat, but when it came to actually fighting them they were absolute garbage. I guess she is insane though, so I can't really expect her to act rationally.

As far as Wingul is concerned, I don't really care for him that much. It's not that I have a problem with his character, it's just that he kind of hangs around and not much else. He tries to look cool and threatening, although I never had any trouble fighting him (his Mystic Arte can only hit 1 person at a time I believe, so he's not all that dangerous from a gameplay view). I always go straight for Presa at the start of those battles and he rarely offers anything in the way of interference. As far as Gaius' group is concerned, the target order whenever I went into a battle with them has always been Presa -> Jiao-> Wingul -> Agria.

I also liked Jiao's scene. I have a thing for the big guys that do stuff like that in games, or as you said, the ones that do the blaze of glory thing.

Chapter 3 makes me hate Ivar so much more. He is such an irritating character despite being (as far as I can tell) the comic-relief. What's even worse is that HE of all people is actually more of a threat in battle than half of Gaius' group. I had more trouble fighting him in the game as well as in the arena than Agria or Wingul. He's ridiculously fast when he starts an attack combo, so you have to time your snap-pivot well. If you try and snap-pivot too early then he hooks you into a combo that you can't really break free from and even when you do successfully snap-pivot him I find his attack range is so wide that he still manages to clip you once or twice if you attack immediately after dodging. He's even more frustrating when his attacks start to stun you or arte-seal you. He would have been a way better fit for the Chimeriad than Agria if he wasn't such a tool.

One last thing. When it comes to Alvin, I am having a very difficult time figuring out if I like him or not. Despite everything that has happened so far, I still can't really bring himself to hate him. I find that he's a really likable guy and I still get laughs from his dialog, but at the same time he does a lot of bastard level things in this game. At the very least, I am glad to say that they didn't handle him in the way that I was fearing. They thankfully made his reasons for doing the things he does rather complex. I can't really explain what it was that I was fearing, since that may spoil a different game for some people.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-08-14 13:52:07 (edited 2013-08-14 13:52:40)
@Jon: It seems I caught up to you a bit, since I just got to that new area as well. The game certainly turned dark there for a bit after the battle at sea and that scene between Alvin and Jude with honorable mention to Leia certainly was quite emotional; Alvin's voice actor did quite the remarkable job there in my opinion.

I was mainly talking about Wingul and the lot in terms of strength from an exposition standpoint. Wingul's hits aren't that damaging, which is why he isn't that large of a threat, whereas Presa's magic can be quite the problem. I will agree that Ivar is much more of a pain to fight though; his fights are the only ones that I've had trouble with; the timing window is so small to evade and if you guard, he just pops up behind you where you can't guard.

This far into the game, Alvin still is pretty cryptic despite all the information that became present about him in the last couple hours of the game I've gone through. But I guess that's a good thing, it makes his character endearing and leaves an impression. On the flip side, they can't keep his mysterious for so long otherwise it just gets old, but so far, they've been doing it right.

Once I get back to the other area, I'm going to start hunting the Devil Beasts depending on how close to end game I am. I accidentally fought one in the Old Vicalle Mine when I was doing a sidequest for Leia's dad and I seem to be at a respectable level to be able to fight them reliably.

I don't think I asked this yet, but what difficulty are you playing on? I'm playing on moderate since normal would be too easy, I think and moderate really hasn't proven itself to be a challenge except in special cases such as Ivar. I don't think hard would be too bad either, but I'm hoping to go straight to the hardest difficulty for Milla's tale once they become unlocked and I can get my 10x EXP bonus from the grade shop after I farm titles and such at the endgame.

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-08-14 17:51:48 (edited 2013-08-14 17:54:12)
@Haseo - You made good progress then. I'm hoping to pick up the game again for a bit tomorrow before work, but then I'll have to leave it until Saturday since I'm working all day Friday. I've got to wrap it up by next week because me and my friend are going to start on FFXIV on the 27th. I also still have to get through the rest of Project X Zone, so hopefully I'll finish up Xillia early in the week.

And yeah, it did get pretty dark there. Those were tense scenes. I was positive that they were going to kill someone off.

In terms of Devil Beasts, I've currently defeated 3. I beat Folzam or whatever her name is, the one in Vicall Mine and the one in the Floodplains. I don't know where the other ones are, although I'm probably not quite strong enough to take them on anyway (I only barely managed to beat the Tiger-like Beast. That thing is so damn fast). I search every area I go into completely, so if I haven't run into them yet then it probably means that they are in areas I haven't been to yet.

I'm also playing on Moderate, but I don't see myself replaying the game at all, let alone on a harder difficulty. Milla's scenes won't be different enough from Jude's to really warrant another playthrough for me and I have other games coming out that I want to move on to (such as FFXIV, Hitman Absolution which I got for free from PS+ and Ys, which is out in early September I think).

I'd like to add that I'm disappointed in Muzet. I was really hoping that was going to be a permanent addition. I don't really get the point of showing off the tethering thing for Jude since you only get to use it for like an hour or two.

And that's something I didn't bring up with Ivar. You are right about that. You pretty much have to dodge his attacks, because if you try and guard against it he just appears behind you and stuns you. I freaking hate fighting him. You basically just have to get a 7 or 8 hit combo (whatever your AC is) on him, then back off and wait for him to make his move so you can snap pivot and then repeat. God help you if you need to heal. I had to run in circles and wait for him to do an attack with a long recovery period, then run as far away as possible and get an item in. Even then I would only have like a second to react because he would be right on your ass as the item animation was ending. He's such a pain. >.>


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-08-14 18:42:17
@Jon: Touching an Muzet staying in your party longer: her and Gaius were originally supposed to become party members and be controllable in battle when the game was in development, but they cut the two out. A hot springs event was supposed to be included; an area similar to Tales of Vesperia and Tales of the Abyss‘ Nam Cobanda Isle; and secret missions similar to Tales of Vesperia‘s are just some of the initially planned features for Xillia.

This is what I was talking about earlier with my impressions saying that Xillia is an incomplete game, especially when comparing it to other Tales games and even Namco says so. Another thing that bugs me is that we get 2 costumes for alternate appearances in game whereas the past games have had at least 2 for each character. Instead Namco decides to make costumes paid DLC at $5 per costume. Quite a rip-off if you ask me, this is why I often refer to them as Scamco Scamdai.

I also always play Tales games at least twice. Once vanilla and a second time with grade bonuses. I played Symphonia 3 times, Abyss 4 times, Graces f 3 times, and Dawn of the New World (ironically) 6 times. It's my second favorite series of games so it's no surprise that I'll play them so much.

And Milla's scenes might not be much different from Jude's, but she will have exclusive scenes for her tale that warrant a second playthrough, at least for me.

There's a Devil Beast in the Highlands (the first section of the second area) in the middle section off to the right. It looks like a bug, but I avoided it. I plan to go back and deal with them all at once. I kind of wish I didn't defeat the one in the Old Vicalle Mine just so I could go on my crusade all at once haha.

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2013-08-14 18:55:32 (edited 2013-08-14 19:01:50)
@Haseo - Yeah, it's kind of disappointing to know what they had cut. The hot springs scene I think I'm actually okay with not being in the game. I mean, Milla is the only one over 17 (Leia is 15 and Elize is only 12). Given that Alvin is like 26 and Rowen is over 60 (and knowing the kind of topic that always crops up in the Hot Spings Skits) I would probably feel pretty uncomfortable with a hot springs scene myself.

Still though, even as an incomplete game, Xillia is still really good. Of course it's a shame that it couldn't have been as good as it had the potential to be, but what can you do? Even incomplete, it still feels really fleshed out. The costumes are a letdown though, I'll give you that. The accessories are really nice (I've got Jude wearing shades all the time, like a boss), but the game could have done with more costumes.

I'll search the highroads probably tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know. I don't recall seeing anything like that around there, but they don't spawn 100% of the time to my knowledge, so I could have missed it.

Now that you mentioned that though, I do recall seeing what could have been a Devil Beast in the tundra area outside of the Lava Tubes. I'll have to go back to that area and search it again since when I first tried to fight it I ended up getting caught in another encounter and it disappeared. I think it looked like a Dragon of some sort.

Oh, and speaking of Rowen, I have got to say that I love him in this game. He is downright awesome. I really wish more RPG's would have older characters in the playable cast. I can't think of many RPG characters over the age of 50 that are actually part of the playable cast.


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