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Re: Where are you from?
Link | by on 2007-06-23 02:29:39
me ish from the Netherlands it ish in europe ><


Re: Where are you from?
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-06-23 06:02:46
i moved! i live at far far away kingdom XDDD

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by stickdude on 2007-07-02 20:09:36
im from Australia

woah! no way!

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Midorikawa Arisa on 2007-07-08 02:53:00
I'm from Jakarta, Indonesia.

Anyone from Indonesia? :3

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Judgement on 2007-07-08 02:59:56
Also from The Netherlands.. ^^

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by ryolover618 on 2007-07-08 03:50:00
I'm such an outkast....................

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by on 2007-07-09 07:40:21
Minnesota, U.S.A
Wah~ I feel more like an outcast T.T

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by maddog on 2007-07-10 22:28:01
Born in Phillipines. Don't remember anything of it and I think I spelt it wrong. Now living in Australia's hermit city.

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by kresnik04 on 2007-08-01 10:36:17
hi everyone i´m new here, and i´m from mexico

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by on 2007-08-01 11:35:18
Born Cundinamarca, Colombia
Living in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-08-01 13:30:35
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Que viva Colombia!!!


Re: Where are you from?
Link | by lady of the fluff on 2007-08-01 19:09:33
well... i'm from Uruguay, south america!!!

sudamerica rulea mal!!! jajajajja

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Cravez on 2007-08-06 12:46:44
Im from Ireland..... Top of de mornin to ye!

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Lelouch on 2007-08-06 14:46:20
Northern Ireland where sectarianism is a major problem, and it is really annoying!

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by on 2007-08-09 02:24:18
Slovakia ^^

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by pheyth on 2007-08-10 20:06:44

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by on 2007-08-11 07:25:02
Somewhere in Malaysia.

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by baby on 2007-08-13 22:55:30
i am vetnamese,can i make friend with all of you?

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by yelitza_mayte on 2007-08-15 15:20:18
I was born in Texas but raised in Mexico for 6 years

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Zaiah on 2007-08-17 17:14:56
From the U.S, up in good old Maine.

Part Greek, French, English, annnnnd Irish. -pretty evenly split-
I'm a European mutt living in the middle of no-where, but I love it.

Lost in the void of my own mind... with cupcakes!

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