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Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-05-26 17:14:51
@Jon & Toyumi:Gah,sorry 'bout that.

@frozen:Good thinking.Since the war takes place a century after WW2,technology have advance quite far well enough,though I`m thinking of taking a few from other source.Ex.Red Alert 3.And well,the RP is made with huge amount of cast in mind,so basically anyone can join in anytime.Even civilians ;D

Freedom's the power of everything!! Usual RP characters

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-05-26 19:24:36
@Red - If you have any graphic design ability, then I would say yes to the offer. This is just an idea I'm floating right now though, so I'm not sure if it will really need much graphical design stuff.

@Haseo - I keep telling you not to worry about things. I know you're life is a little chaotic right now. You let me know about your absence, and that's all I ask for, so don't worry about it. Your spots are still open in both RP's, and I am more than willing to provide brief summaries if you want them.

I've got no problem with people being absent from my RP's for a while, as long as they let me know that they will be absent for a while.

@Toyumi - lol. No, that's not my intention at all. I'm speaking about ribbons in the, I guess you could call it, 'military' sense.

I understand your point about people joining just to get the ribbon, but I don't really think it will be that much of a problem. I mean, I don't see that many people joining to get the ribbon, mainly because it doesn't really provide the user with any benefits. Plus, it's not like has an 'achievement' system in place, where people would be doing anything just to get the points.

I do appreciate the feedback though, from you and Red. I'm just trying to come up with ideas for RP related things. Honestly, I can see how this would be considered entirely pointless.


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by Icarael on 2011-05-28 10:12:47
First off, I'd like to apologize to Jon for not being in the Pokemon RP for so long. I kinda ran out of inspiration and I'm not sure how to go about the Gym Leader battle. Plus, I've got multiple RPs to deal with elsewhere.

Again, sorry.

And now, an idea for an RP that I just came up with.

Cyber Sphere

It is the 22nd Century, and it is a time of great technological and social upheaval. Virtual reality, once regarded as an amusing toy, has become a crucial part of human lives. The Internet, a tool of war turned tool of communication, is no exception. An ambitious company named Connect, taking advantage of this new technology, has turned the Internet into a simulacrum of real life, dubbed the Cybersphere.

In the Cybersphere, a human could take on any form, shape and role as he or she wished, so long as he or she had the data, the skills, or the connections to do so. The result was a society where the important things were the accessibility of data and one's own ability.

However, not everything is good in the Cybersphere. Viruses and monstrosities built from corrupted data rampage on the outskirts of the Web-citadels. Search engines like Google have become like the seas of old, turbulent and unpredictable places for explorers of the Internet. And in the darkest recesses of the Cybersphere, there are rumors of glitches in the system... and ghosts in the machine.

You are one of the many denizens of the Cybersphere.

You have a whole new world to shape.

Good luck.

Basically, .hack meets The Matrix and Shadowrun.

How does it sound?

Part of the New Breed of Gendou RPers: Haseo, Fenris, Roxas, Zero, Toyumi and Kyosuke.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-05-29 10:50:35
@Jon:What,Gendou ranks or something? XD

Either way,my RP's ready for casting,and as mentioned before,everyone's invited aboard.Even to those with little to no sea experience.

@Roxas:Especially to you,my friend.I wanted to show you the awakening of the Japan's most powerful battleship ever made.And thanks for the invitation.

Freedom's the power of everything!! Usual RP characters

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-05-29 19:59:17
@ Jon- Still, there are people who go to other threads, like the claim thread(s), just because they want a picture of their favorite character with their name on it and then never post anywhere else again (Or rather, there used to be people doing this, I don't think that there have been any recently). It's just something to consider if you want to have a ribbon or some type of image for your RP's, especially since your RP's are usually popular even without something like that to draw people in. Even though people do tend to drop out of RP's after awhile, the number of people joining and then dropping out might increase with a ribbon.

Like I said before, some people might see the ribbon as an incentive for joining the RP and just not take the RP seriously only because they want the ribbon for it. There are people who can be greedy like that.

@ Icarael- I really like that idea! There's just one thing I'd like to comment on. For the whole 'the player can take on any form, shape and role' part, the have to be some exceptions to that, right? If there weren't, then some players might take on the role of the God or ruler of that world and just God-Mod everything. XD

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by karuzo on 2011-05-30 01:46:41
@Snake- I am joining your RP, I just finalizing my ships profiles... i will send you the profiles after its done

@Icarel- Its reminds me of one of my stories, will tr to retrieve my character in similar RPs


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by Icarael on 2011-05-30 10:40:57 (edited 2011-05-30 10:46:34)
@Toyumi- Well, the limit is that you need specific types of data to remake yourself. It's easy when you're changing your hair color, hair style, clothes or accessories (including weapons): you can easily get pre-fabricated data for that, or craft your own if you have the skill. Changing eye and skin color is harder, but not impossible. However, full-body modifications, such as the aforementioned "God Mode", or transformation into a werewolf or robot, either requires a lot of data or requires data and tools that are either off-limits to most denizens of CyberSphere, dangerously unreliable, or buggy and corrupted with viral data. (If a game-breaker like the Twilight Bracelet shows up in this RP, it's almost always going to be a plot point and never in the possession of a player.)

Anyway, I'm still thinking if we should have some sort of class-based system like .hack, or if we should have a pool of abilities to choose from or some sort of skill tree.

Part of the New Breed of Gendou RPers: Haseo, Fenris, Roxas, Zero, Toyumi and Kyosuke.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by roxas678 on 2011-05-30 20:20:26
*Shrugs* As long as Icarael is in charge then I'm in. Also, my RP is still open to candidates.

@Haseo - I kinda agree with Toyumi on this. But Cliche's are not always bad.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by misanouta on 2011-06-01 20:13:29
Well.... I'm writing a new RPG, hoping to be able to be a little more active on Gendou. That's all I can say though, other than the fact that it includes Lock/Key type relationships, Zodiac signs, and perhaps the use of magic, but I haven't decided the last one yet.

In other news, one of my mice died. I had two: the one that lived is named Noodlebot Niccals, after Noodle and Murdoc from the band Gorillaz; the other one was name Nikla Johansen, after Norway from Hetalia, whose human name is Niklas Johanson. My cat tried to eat Nikla after she managed to escape from the cage while I was at work, but she survived that. She just died last night.... It was the saddest thing EVER. I buried her next to our pea garden in a strawberry Jell-O box.... I'm going to get another one to keep Noodle company, and I think I'm going to name her after another Hetalia character, but I don't know which one yet.

In other, other news, I have new horses, and they're awesome. Which is awesome. I've started work again; we did two trail rides in two days that I had to walk and two out of two trails I ended up soaked up to my butt walking through a creek. The water's gotten really high with all the rain we've been getting.... Luckily it hasn't rained in about a week, so the water level should be starting to go down.

What else...? I downloaded a Shimeji of Russia, and it's the freakin' cutest thing ever. I want to get one of Sealand and one of Latvia now....

And I'm going to (possibly) be cosplaying Seborga or China at the next con I can afford to go to. Maybe. Dunno yet.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-06-03 10:44:46 (edited 2011-06-03 12:19:21)
@Icarael - It's alright. Do you still have any interest in the RP, or do you plan on dropping out? If you still want to take part in it, then he gym battle can simply be skipped. As I stated before, the gym battles aren't supposed to be the main focus of the plot.

@Pokemon RP Members - What are we going to do guys? There's only four of us left (Myself, Toyumi, Lndn and Fenris). jlsniper joined, but hasn't signed back on in nearly three weeks. I'm also skeptical that he/she will work out, since his/her post in the Warfront RP consisted of a single line.

I would prefer not to give up on the RP, but there aren't a whole lot of people left in. Myself, Fenris and Toyumi post fairly often, and Lndn is still hanging in there, but other RP'ers aren't signing up. I think I'm going to put this to a vote. Let me know what you guys want. We can either call it quits and simply let the RP go down the drain, or if you still want this to continue on then I will make another post to try and move things forward.

Edit: @Toyumi - Yes, yes. >.< Big apology to Haseo for leaving him out.

@Snake - I think I'm going to be out of your RP. It doesn't look like what I was expecting, so I don't think I'll get around to making a profile (especially the ship profile). Sorry about that.

Why is it that when action scenes start up in RP's, posting seems to go down? I seem to notice that problem a bit. >.> Maybe I'm just not making them interesting.


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-06-03 12:14:56
@ Icarael- Ah, okay. As for your ability ideas, I think that having a class-based system would be interesting (Of course, I'm thinking in terms of Final Fantasy classes since I don't know the .hack classes, but I still think it's a good idea).

@ Jon- Is Haseo still in the RP? Just wondering since you didn't mention him in your post and my character is involved with his right now.

I'd really like to see the RP continue, even if there are only a few of us left in it. Who knows, with summer coming up a few people might come back to the RP scene and join it then. Even if that doesn't happen, I still think we should continue it. Things would go faster in the RP with fewer people in it. And even if it does end up dying sometime in the future, at least we could say that we tried to keep it alive.

Also, sorry for my lack of posts in UtPBS. I'm still in it, I've just been busy with school lately with finals coming up. I need to read through the RP a bit to find out what happened since I last posted there, and I'll make a post there either tonight or sometime tomorrow.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-06-03 12:53:03 (edited 2011-06-03 15:04:12)
@Jon: Haha, it's fine, no worries. I haven't exactly been active lately, so it's understandable. I'd really like for it to go to it's end. I really enjoy this rp and it would be horrible if it died.

@Toyumi: Well, it was originally a prequel to OtherLife so of course there was going to be a strange stone :P And I think the cliched part is having to live in the domes to survive; I admit, that is pretty cliched xD

And, today was my last day of school! So my activity should be up just a bit more, however I do still have Volleyball. I'll have it for another 2 weeks at least, then after that, I'll have to do my summer reading for my AP English Class, then I'll have to do my AP US History assignment after >.> fun.

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by Icarael on 2011-06-04 12:12:45
@Jon: I'll try to see what I can do. It seems the battle between Roan and the Gym Leader is going to be quite similar to yours, so I'll try and go off that.

As for the skill list for CyberSphere: I've decided to adopt a similar system to H's Crossover RP Project, with Traits as the stuff you're good at (like magic, close combat, survival) and Skills as the actual RPG-esque skills (like Fireball, or Swift Strike). I'm still on the fence about letting people craft their own skills (as skills here are kinda like programs you can upload to your digital avatar), since it might end up screwing with the RP as the whole thing degenerates into a god-mod arms race.

Part of the New Breed of Gendou RPers: Haseo, Fenris, Roxas, Zero, Toyumi and Kyosuke.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-06-07 20:43:08 (edited 2011-06-07 20:44:27)
@Icarael - Like I said, it's up to you. I won't fault you for skipping over it and just stating that your character won the battle.

@Pokemon RP'ers - Alright, well I still haven't heard from Fenris, but I guess I'll keep things rolling. I want to see it continue as well, and I sort of agree with Toyumi. Even if there are only four or five of us left, it's still worth continuing.

I will be attempting to post in Under the Pale Blue Sky and Pokemon tomorrow, despite the fact that there have not been many posts in either of them since my last one. I'm not sure how much longer I will continue with the action scene in UTPBS, it's going to start dragging soon unless some other people join back in. Anyway, I'm not sure if I will get time tomorrow for it. I'll be working a lot, and I'm already feeling pretty drained.

@Toyumi - Don't worry about it. That's probably why I'm not seeing a lot of activity lately. I forgot that this is exam time for a lot of people.


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by roxas678 on 2011-06-08 01:46:03
Just announcing, D.M.C. Inc. is now started and still open if anyone is interested.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-06-08 12:32:23 (edited 2011-06-08 18:28:42)
I've just finished the main body for my new RP (Since the previous one seemed too complex and did not attract many players.). However, I will not abandon the numbers game. I hope E.V.G grabs your attention!


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-06-09 12:38:50
@ Haseo- How many summer readings do you have for your AP English? I'll be doing AP English and AP US History as well, and even though we haven't ended school yet here, we already got our AP assignments.

For AP English, we have to read 4 works, 2 non-fictions books (One of which was required, the other we had a choice), a fiction book, and a play (The Crucible, to be exact). Then we have to find 40 vocab words in the play and find another 40 in the required non-fiction work, then write out 16 "essential questions" for the play and have responses for them as well, and we have to pick out 12 "interesting excerpts" for the fiction and non-fiction books of our choice and explain why we thought they were "interesting." Oh, and there's an essay that we have to do for the required non-fiction book that we have to email to our teacher by August 1st.

For AP US, we have to read 36 chapters from our textbook and do an outline for each chapter of the important things in that chapter. This assignment has to be sent to our teacher by August 23rd.

It's going to be fun. I wish you luck with your AP assignments. Anyway, that's enough of my complaining. >.>

@ Jon- I'm pretty sure that Fenris feels the same way about the Pokemon RP, with continuing it and whatnot.

@ Frozen- I think I'll join your RP, although could you go into a bit more detail for the character sheet? Especially for the mecha's, could you explain more about the other weapons they will be able to have aside from the plasma weapons?

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-06-09 12:51:05
@Toyumi: Well, from the description, it sounds like you have more than I do. For English, we have to read 3 books. We have to read A Farewell to Arms, An Eloquent Essay, and The Hunger Games. The third one isn't for AP, but it's a school wide thing. Then we have to make an outline for each book. For the outline, we have to find quotes that express the theme, as well as the main characters, and site them. Then, you have to write a summary on the book as well.

And for AP US, we have to read the first chapter (only because of budget cuts, but chapters are huge in my book), and take notes on it. I don't know to what degree, but essentially, it's an outline of the chapter. Then, there's a list of primary sources on my teachers website and we have to pick one that affected our family in the past and right about it how it did. I'm probably going to do something on the Mayflower Expedition, since my ancestor, Governor Bradford, was the coordinator of the expedition.

Though I'm not going to be able to work on it for a while, because of Volleyball. I have a 4 day tournament next week, so I'll be in Anaheim for those 4 days, and I'll have practice on Monday and Thursday as usual, along with Jump training on Wednesday. Then once the club season is over, my coach wants us to play in a recreational league for the rest of the summer. I want to, but I probably won't in interest of working on my AP assignments. I really don't want to wait until the last few weeks of summer to do this all.

I wish you luck as well. Goodbye summer ;w;

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-06-09 13:31:40

Alright! I've added in what you told me to improve. As well as changing some of the font colors to reduce strain on the eyes.


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2011-06-11 04:51:28
Hey everyone. Wish I could say I am back but sadly I am still on vacation. Manage to come online a few times when I have the time. While on vacation, an idea for rp slowly form.

Though this idea of mine is similar to God-child and percy jackson series. . . .

Well in this rp, the god of old in Olympus will bless the heroes of old that have been reincarnated. The heroes are not demi-god but is only blessed and will obtain part of their powers. The heroes can only use the power of the gods that was given to them if they have the celestial items in their possession. Like all heroes of old, they all wield certain weapons or items. Without the items or weapons, the heroes are somewhat powerless except for the enhance abilities. The heroes of old can be anyone within Eurasia(Europe and Asia). For example, it could be Alexander the great, Joan the Arc or Fa Mulan. . . etc. In the rp, you will be one of the reincarnated heroes and fight against mythical creatures like the minotaur, the furries, medusa and etc.

That is the idea of mine so far. . . please comment if I should make it into an rp or not.

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