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Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2008-11-05 15:31:01
Hahaha, Yes Gmeis, I am Backs.

And, if no one worked on a banner, I could reopen that little project of mine >_>

I've got new inspiration to do a small little thing for Signatures that invovles maybe a couple letters and two cahracters - one male, one female. One has a certain color glow that matches a letter behind them, and then the other character has a color that amtches the letter behind them.

Then, if I have the time, I could personalize it further by adding in the members names of thsoe who want it - but that woudl take alot.

Anyway, what do you guys think? :D

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-11-05 17:28:58
@Kira, I kinda want to fight you in Critic's bar, but your fight isn't over yet. Critic won't let up lol I don't think you can win. XD

@DN: Lol posts are long because we talk about everything here.

So there

@Vina Welcome to the Talk About Anything and Eveything Club/Single's Club. XD

I was gone for about a day... I"m lost o.O

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-11-05 21:26:40
Good luck Faellie for your Science Quiz~~~~~

Hahah~ Gmeis... for fun systems like Photoshop... who needs to "learn" it? You'll just know it after hours of fun and frustration with it~

Arh~ Z~ the good old fighting games. I guess mine started off with SNK (chun-li and all) and KOF~ Miss those games but then again... i seriously suck at those. When shake the whole machine with my violent moves cause I can never get my character to do the moves I want... >_<
and wow... you have a game with your name on it?!

Actually... kirakira is somewhat a name usually used by girls... since the name is kinda cute... >_<
or would you prefer... blink blink? muhahaha!!! >_<

Yup~~ Congrats to Obama and his supporters. Let the world see what change he is capable to bring upon~ Good ones hopefully...

Hahaha juvixty~~ I only noticed it wasn't as VK (vampire Knight)-ish when I didn't get to see the buttons and lines that was suppose to be there. Either way... those were some nice pics~

I wonder if anyone will ever see engel's pics on Gendou... No... those who have seen it else where are not allow to post without permission.... XÞ

H and I have the same concept about GIMP... is Free!! Hohoho! *ebil laughter*

Long time no see Vie... seems that alot of people are returning back to the club~ Yeah!!
We haven't sung the song... yet.....

Wahahaha!! Kira #1 vs Kirakira~

*Random cheers with DN*

Nope Shuyin... the club's banner is not up yet. The only activity that is currently active is the posting by members.... I'm up with your idea~~ just slap us works~~ muhaha!

I was gone for 2 and now i've got approximately 1.5 page to read through.... man this club is active!

And really... where's DA?

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-11-05 22:47:53 (edited 2008-11-05 22:51:01)
hahaha yea this club is so active XD

WB!!! XD
wow banner? that'll be cool! XD
btw is ur sig scrolling? if so fix it ok?

lol weird...hehe XDDD
/hi5 indeed FTW!!! XD
oh thanks for the's lovely :3

wahhh you like chun li? she's hawt! >_<
i haven't play KOF ever since i lost almost all my PS1 cds...DX
lol just destroy the machine! >:D

lol girly name...XD
wha? blink blink? sounds weird rofl

wait me versus my twin of??? XD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by H on 2008-11-06 00:16:04
finally I finished all of my assignments -_-;;... now just waiting for exams, 3 weeks again, studying can be done in the last three days ^^v

gets boring? maybe you've got a point there kirakira... I even feel lazy to post replies for the RPs ^^;;
chat? When I entered chat, my firefox suddenly restarted, and it's three times in a row so yeah... dunno what's missing -_-;;

lol Z, hell yeah SRWZ features your name! You must find that game no matter what, its graphic and layout is very improved compared to the previous SRW installments ^^ It's second in terms of number of series involved (after Alpha 3) and its story is quite unique, about the earth that has become a wasteland, just like "the future world" in Alpha gaiden! Too bad my PS2 is in Indonesia... can't play it yet T-T
And rumors said that it will be another running series like the Classic timeline and the Alpha trilogy so we'll be seeing SRWZ2 and SRWZ3 in the near future ^^ Cheers for Z!

it seems like we've got lost people here xD

I'm in for anything shuyin, look forward to the banner ^^b

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-11-06 02:26:05
@ZPARTICUS "stop posting here and get back to studying!" XDD... i always study hard(once in a long long while) and rarely surfing the net(chat, play games,blogger and stuff).(not even 1% sure!), but still this time science(bio) quiz is not that difficult but anything can happen?!(maybe)

use your own head to believe me :p

@KK-KIRA huh? wah?!

@ENGEL thanks, XDD im free again after that science(bio) quiz, flying around through the net!

@H "now just waiting for exams, 3 weeks again, studying can be done in the last three days ^^v" you sound like me, i always study for the exam when it has few more days left and everythings come in my head at the same time(ex; physic, bio, chem, english, science lab, geo, math) and i cannot accept it all, going to school for the exam with BLANK head XDDDD....

seriously 99.99% true!! :p

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-11-06 06:42:39
you know what they say
"a great pilot is not based on how hi-tech his mecha is"
or something like that hahahaha

as for PS well i never even dared to touch photoshop hahaha

wow you must one strong idol! to shake an arcade machine like that!hahahaha
its all in the timing of the moves.. be one with the joystick...feel every swing,
every button,every stroke and victory will be yours!hahaha

i was never bitten by the SNK bug in the arcades since very few play em..except for
samurai showdown and KOF but i was a more of an haduuken kid so SF and the VS series (marvel vs capcom
x-men vs street fighter) was more of my forte. but once i got hold of KOF for the ps1, a new
world opened up, but was quickly forgotten thanks to tekken 3 and soul blade!hahahaha

btw you cant summon DA like that.. in fact we need a LOT OF MANA and a few living sacrifices to
summon the big boss of the haruhiism club...(dang i want a "big boss" title too hahaha)

@kira the chat guy

i see..well good luck with the hunt! i know how hard it is to find the old games...(took me ages to
find suikoden 3) dont lose faith and you'll find that game!Hahaha

@kira the arena guy
well that works too...but what i do is i check the status bar to distinguish which kira is which!hahaha

yeah i saw the youtube vids and i want to see the mechas in action on my TV!hahaha
well im not well verse in the mythos of SRW..(still playing the translated version of SRW 3) but the
main draw is to see my beloved mechas kick ass!hahaha

wow 2 more sequels!dang i bet it would be for the ps3 by then T.T
but long live SRW! and the letter Z!hahaha

viva la procrastinator! hahaha

so you study hard first,then you post hahaha
my bad, i was going for the "tough love" act!hahaha

if that's the case then you'll definitely pass your exams!
BELIEVE IT!XD because my head believes in you who believe in me,who believes in you!
(confused? blame tengen toppa gurren lagaan!hahaha XD)

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-11-06 15:09:19
@Shuy: Oh, dude I have a request for you.
I will talk to you in the chat about it.

@Engel: I was told that Photoshop takes more of an understanding.
Not as basic as the Paint I keep using. Which is why I am lazy on using it.
omg.. Where is big bro DA? O_O

@Onii-chan: Glad you like it.
I'm gonna reveal all 5 of the gundam avys here. :3

I think I did better than I though. ^-^
Oh, like I said Kira, there is a #6 and ES has it. I forgot to copy it last night.
And I made the sig I have myself.

@Z: lol Nice metaphor!! XD
Its not the suit that counts its the pilot inside it. ^o^
Photoshop has more stuff to click than Paint does. =.=

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-11-06 15:57:26
@ZPARTICUS i will study hard if the exam/quiz coming very near

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-11-06 16:00:39
@L: I'll gladly take u on. Ive seen a few of your battles and i must say im impressed. But whether or not i lose, ima take a tiny break from the arena to focus on making new Character...and lol i hope me and Ronin could win (even though i badly want a rematch with him xD)

@Twin: Lol! your debut match in the arena...Kira vs Kira xD. Its coming soon

@Gmeis: Nice avys jealous of ya! I hate the win xp version of paint!

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-11-06 22:36:34
LOL! but i dunno how to rp like that XD

haha the set! go go go gundam girls!!! XD
/clap nice work!

lol mana and sacrifices...XD
/gives the title tokusatsu big boss rofl

thanks! i'm actually desperate XD
i wish i could copy my games to another dvd without having to search DX

wha? ok i don't get it T_T

good luck! haha same here...when it comes to exams...XDDD

haha laziness...i get that a lot XD
use IE or something else then...i don't even use firefox now when coming here DX

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-11-06 22:45:33
those are freaking AWESOME!
and you created that in paint?!
nice!good job pal!hahaha

well i was thinking of a similar saying that
an artist should blame his skills not his tools...or something
i cant find the right words so...hahaaha

hahaha same here, i usually cram er study a day before the exam hahaha
unless it is a major subject i usually study 2-3 days ahead hahahaha

@kira the chat guy
yeah, i tried summoning DA once..but failed...hahahaha
so maybe living sacrifices would help hahaha

thanks for the title! sentai "big boss" huh? hahahaha
come to think of it..i do have a "big boss" like title..SOD KING!hahaha

same here..if a can only dl the games hhahaha

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-11-07 01:02:56
XDDD.. new hair cut after the quiz made my happy~ - 1 month left until big exam coming!!

@KK-KIRA nah... nothing :p which part of Malaysia do u live?

@ZPARTICUS i usually do bad when it comes to physic(my worse subject) im not good at remembering the formula and there ia also is GIFTED subject(extra subject each person got one, my class have 3 gifted) it made my wanna cry "why do i took that damn exam in the first place, if i didnt took it then i wont have this extra subject" unlike other class has no this GIFTED!

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-11-07 07:12:10
*random hug attack*

I don't know what to say cause all your posts are extemly long >.<
so I'll just dor andom things =D

*random dance*


Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-11-07 13:36:41
@Kira: The Windows XP ver. of Paint is what I am using. o.o
Kira what do you use?

@Onii-chan: Thanks!!
I am out of inspiration now though. =.=
I don't know what to use now.

@Z: Yep, all 5 including my sig was made in Paint. ^o^
Each one took about 20-30 min.
So I cut down my timing a little.

Hmm... I think I get the metaphor Z.
lol Yeah I get it. :)

@DN: Just jump in anywhere. XD
*random hug attack back* :3

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by H on 2008-11-07 13:51:12
ohayooo~~! 5:40, truly a good morning, dunno why but I'm feeling energetic today ^^v

lolz faellie, that's quite bad, but it's better than not studying at all, like me when I was in highschool ^^;;

omg translation of SRW3?! Where did you get that Z? I thought only OG and OG2 that have been translated >.<

uwaaaah..... *drools at gmeis's gundam musumes* I definitely have to learn gimp....

*high5 kirakira* laziness ftw xD
IE? but I wuv firefox~~ maybe later in the day I'll try to enter chat, let's see if it will crash again or not xD

*random dance with DN* ^^

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by koy+ on 2008-11-07 14:26:45
oh i mean photoshop

lol i would never be skilled enough to make an avy on paint xD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-11-07 16:18:21
@H so you mean that in high school you was like me? XD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-11-07 16:18:58
Woots for being continually lost...

@Faellie, If you want, I could probably help you with physics. I'm in AP Physics C right now, and it seems like cakewalk to me... No idea why but... ^.^;;;

And since I'm lost about everything else...

~does random dance with H and DN~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-11-07 16:52:24
@L wow! really? i would really need your help, this year my physic is about ELECTRIC

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