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Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-01-21 09:58:45 (edited 2008-01-21 10:14:01)
Hello again. I haven't finished drawing anything yet. These days i take really long to complete anything... haha.

@TM - Go wiki odex- its like the riaa of anime in singapore. Basically it used legal blackmail to extort money from anime fans downloading unlicensed anime fansubs. And suceeded, even getting money from a 9year old's parents. Everyone hates them now. But anyway...

Everyone i recognize has become moar awesome it seems.. and other people who i dont recognize. Man, I can't keep up with the improvement in drawing skillz in this thread. *waves to gackt* Your L looks leet.. ._. hmm. chrono kira is a pro?

Okay.. I rather liked senna, gackt, ich and red's works. I can't really comment on them, since they're drawn better than what i could do. And i'm always jealous of people who can color well. like.. imppy (where IS imppy). And i guess, looking at this thread, like ich. I guess i'm not so used to darky's style. But no lines is better than with lines, although her arms have disappeared.......... ._.;;
for kate... something seems a little odd. i don't know why. but you have win coloring, too.

apple and blur.. fighto!

i haven't been completely stagnating though.. so i'll post somethin i did in.. march? last year. i gave up coloring a long time ago though... photoshop is such a drag. And its impossible for me to do it nicely. It looks better in b&w than in color. which is quite stupid. quite very stupid.


Nevermind. My next work will be in black and white. I'll complete it soon enough. hm. i have an obsession with flames.

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-01-21 10:05:31 (edited 2008-01-21 10:15:14)
@miky : woooh!! do you just using pencill!! good job!! ilove it^^

@DArky : i prefer no lines^^

@ich : you are in japan!!! ooh iam the one who must envy with you^^ wahahaha^^

@Red : ooh that is your room!!.. huhuhu just wait before you see my room hehehe*ebil laugh*

@ blur : wooh you are improving^^ good job!.

@apple : wehehey...
pic 1 : cute!! ilove this very much^^
pic2,3,4 : nice^^

@mp4c: ooh...yup i see ~after read it on wiki~
pic : whataaa!! who is he? vampire? good job^^

awwright.... thi is my character candidates on Red's Rp(spell war)
i do some modification to roa and kohaku^^
Kohaku Fuuji
Eiji Roa

what do you see there?^^
@ red do you agreee if i ue this character?

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-01-21 10:08:27
What do you mean by "apple and blur.. fighto", jovinrox?

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-01-21 10:13:05
it means, um. FIGHTO!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-01-21 10:16:38
ok then, whatever that is. sorry

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-01-21 11:41:38
darky>>>> heya... thanks. uhmm.. yeah i only use pencil and i'm left handed! hehe
uh! i prefer with lines generally but in this i think withou is better! ^_^
TM>>> sankyuu! i really like your work too!

uhmm.. actually it's been a while that i'm not drawing i really miss it
but i must study and finish my final graduation thesis... ç_ç tasukete!!! yaaaa!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by melanie1993 on 2008-01-21 22:43:30
hi!^^i'm new here at this thread.
u guys drew awesome pictures...wish i can draw like that.../sigh
here is a pic i draw,it's sakura from doesn't look like her^^"
please give me some comments so i can improve^^


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by rin8 on 2008-01-22 02:29:21 (edited 2008-01-22 02:30:30)
Hi! Everyone's drawings are so amazing! Anyways, here are some of my drawings
Guilt-na-chan from Vampire Doll by Erika Kari
Dark from DNAngel
Abel Nightroad as the Crusnik from Trinity Blood
Zetsu from Naruto Caramelldnsen (If you don't know what that is, look it up on YouTube.)
These are all the pictures I have for now. (Sorry I don't know how to put the actual pictures in my posts.)I might post some more later.

Photobucket Gackt が 大好き<3! Manaさま も 大好き<3! MALICE MIZER が 大好き<3! Please visit my deviantART!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Dark on 2008-01-22 02:37:45
@mp4c: it's just a wip ~.^ thanks for answering~ well your work is really great~ I love that flame thing XD

@TM: thanks for your answer..
wah! guns! I can't do anything like those XO
great works as usual

@Miky: left handed! waa! I'm a right handed XD thanks for answering

@mel: Sakura? her face somewhat distoreted.. maybe you placed the eyes and moith in the wrong place.. hmm

@rin8: I'm gonna comment later ^^ sorry I'm just off to get some dinner XD

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-01-22 04:27:06
Oh sorry...i failed to read your avy -____-
Anyway, thanks it need some wide imagination about perspective (some of the things are looks weird)

@darky's not as cramped as it looks. If i do cleaning properly, about 6 person can sit in the floor and there's still a little space to spare.
*another nose bleed* naughty naughty naught -splurrt- *fainted due to loss of blood*

Pict1&2 = Both are good !!! Chibi rules !

Whoa...nice drawing !
But somehow, when i see his red worn out cloak...made me remember one of FF VII character, Vincent.

Ehehe.....can't wait to see.
Yup. Both are great character and why should i mind if you want to use original drawing in a RP ^___^ Go ahead !

Uh.....i think the face proportion is wrong. But overally that's a good drawing. Is it sakura from Tsubasa Chronicle ?

Hmm....overally it's good. Need some improvement but keep on drawing !

Right ! That's all comments i made.
Now, i'll show something new. Unfortunately, it's only sketches.

BUt i still find it hard to draw proper perspective drawing and machines.....-___- Any comments are welcomed.....


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Dark on 2008-01-22 05:34:32
@Red: woah nice pics!! I can't do those AT ALL XD


here's a 1mb cute chibi of Banna-chan

kinda skew because I my scanner sucks but can be remidied or not XP
thanks for the answers on my question~

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by melanie1993 on 2008-01-22 05:54:48
thanks darky n red^^
it really doesn't look like sakura from tsubasa^^"(my bad)i'll work hard on the face proportion^^
i'll work hard on my drawing...hope i can draw like u guys 1 day...^^

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-01-22 19:28:33
Waiii~ too many great artworks!

here's one of my characters again. he's an employee of the coffee shop story i was blabbing about earlier in this forum.

Oda Hayato

Oda Hayato - a descendant of Oda Nobunaga, and a very exceptional samurai. actually he is a very allergic person, and most of the time he wears a flu mask to protect himself.


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-01-22 20:37:08 (edited 2008-01-23 05:29:54)
I haven't been posting on the "you draw" thread since the last one...
Like the picture above me.
Here is mine, and I have no idea why the person is holding that ball.

My webcomics:

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-01-23 03:11:13
been gone for ages again >.<
*--well not that long though XD--*

sorry cant keep up with the comment but one
thing is for sure!! NICE ARTWORKS!!
its better practicing rather than laying low XD lol

well anyway just a reply for those person I know well XD


I would rather go for with lines..but if your going to
use strong colors, soft lines are not bad for sure ^^

@Mr. Mushroom

Nice artwork!! love the pose!! XD
its been a while since I saw
your last drawing XD


better clean your room before moms tell
you to do so!! XD joke!!

btw I love your cockpit view!! its amazing!!

no artworks from me aside from my new avy XD
*--busy busy..--*

You can visit me there!!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Hibiskiss on 2008-01-23 14:58:47

My first combo of drawing (paint w/o a tablet) and photoshop. sucky i know but what evs

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by hikki on 2008-01-23 19:16:31

i called this "a girl's" wkwkwkkwkw ^^....

mosho~moshi ^^

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-01-23 20:48:07
My newest art that I'm quite proud of's my first anime piece that I've done completely on computer ^^

Thanks for the 1000 hits by ~suzaku009 on deviantART

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by ヽ(^0^)た(^。^)だ(^−^)い(^O^) on 2008-01-24 20:35:53
ahh soo many pictures its mesmerizing @.@ i don't know were to start.

umm lets see of course apple-san's drawings are with coolness as always (^□^*)

red's always has that total scif feel (the awesomeness thats awesome) ( ̄▽ ̄)

ich's well do i really have to say anything i mean that pics speak for it self

Tm (/-_・)/D・・・・・------ → (;/゜o゜)/ ザク! hail the pictures

kates are sooo kawaii O(≧∇≦)Othey have the ultimatum

darky love the cuteness of your girl ( ^ _ ^)∠☆

cool pic mel and welcome im still new here too

mp4c sweet a dark drawing likes it

ooooh Suzaku moes the picture haha good drawing (^â–½^)

i haven't been drawing alot latley so i decided to draw a skull it's okay and my first skull pic i ever drew

【 TV 】  ( ̄ *) ┳(▼Д▼メ) don't watch me watch TV! ^.^

GazettE Yay! Now Rock out!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-01-25 04:59:24
Here is another old drawing! ^_^ hope you like it!

click the image to zoom it>>>>>

SeXy DeVil by ~miky4ever85 on deviantART

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