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Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by holkers on 2010-11-25 20:46:25
D'awww I was about to say, can I be in the Judging panel.
But then again Toyumi is better.

I'm sort of here to see some improvements and inspiration.
And so shall I say I come to the right moment to see a contest.

Well good luck to those who's entering it.
I'm taking a break from designing since exams are coming like a thunderstorm.

So... don't mind me putting some comments on your works?
Might sounds a bit criticizing to you but hopefully it helps...
Or you could leave it that way and do your way :D

/whispering to self... You lazy butt, you criticizing people and yet you don't improve yourself.

Toyumi's first post: Doesn't the first sig feels to much stuff you've putting?
The text on the second sig could be better x:
Overall it's an awesome piece to the theme.
OH. You could use Zero's second sig on first post font.

Zero's first post: I'll say that's one of a heck signature and work you did.
Even I couldn't do that.
But you can see the similarities on each signature. The combination of colour is good.
You could do better with different styles on each signature.
I like the "fog" around the render and on top of it.
That effect should be used on something that you want the signature to be very mystery.
But I guess it did good on them too.
You're really good at fonts. Try to manipulate them if you could. Translation: Do some effects?

Then again sometimes, simple and normal is much better.
I am so suck.

I like your Halloween sets too :D!

Wunffi's first post: You are improving very well.
Could work with the fonts if you may want.
I do not mean the type, I meant the coordinations.
You did well with "Sayu" on the sig.

GM's first post: Two words. Like. It.
Well my favorite would be Modern Warfare's signature.
I sort think you could use the Modern Warfare's font and then blend in with the signature
But that would do.

I am so damn confusing myself.

Haseo's first post: Lol. Toyumi might be a little right.
Oh and I don't choose sides >.>
Erm. One question what's the beaming thingy behind him? D:

Toyumi's second post: Oh lovely lovely.
The air is now fill with... sparkles...

Wunffi's second post: Okay I'll admitted it. You are improving so well.
Putting 2 colours is also an arse to me. But you did well with the signature.
The avatar might say the other way...

Toyumi's third post: ... Is it me or people like --- It is me.
You're sets are beautiful.
I'm not good with anime characters, but "End in Love" is the best signature of all your sets in the same post.
Hmmm. Yep. Great enough.

Naru's first post: Sorry to say, but the background is confusing me.
And it's more focus than the render it self.
Hmm try something that's smoothing the background and let the render emerge?

So... of all the days that have passed. This is the only signature I did...
For Naru. And was... lazy to do the other request >.>

Problems faced: The fonts, the colour of the fonts, the position of the fonts.
Problems faced #2: The background. I just realized that... it needs to be soften.

Comments are allowed and welcome :DD

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by Aoi on 2010-11-29 12:15:50
Well it's been awhile since I requested a set and it's my first time requesting yeah. I'm on gfx break so I'll be requesting till January lol XD.actuallyjustlazycough

Anyways, here.


Would like Toyumi or Liwen to do it :D

Set. Also if possible can I have 'Galactic Pretty Boy'(anyone who watched the anime will get it, lol), or 'Dazzling the Stage'(likewise) on the sig?


Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by xxxbloodangelxxx on 2010-11-29 16:54:57
Can i have a set made of Sharon Den Adel please?


Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-11-29 17:46:25 (edited 2010-12-01 15:08:58)
Finally, I can post again >.>

First of all, I extended the deadline for contest registration and entry deadlines. I'm only doing the contest if I can get at least 3 people to enter. If I don't get 3 people, then I'm going to postpone the contest until a later date. Either that or cancel it. I really don't want to cancel since it's the first contest here in awhile, but if I don't get enough interest then I might have to.

@ Liwen- It's only one character for this contest (Since it's not couples or anything like that), but you can change your claim until the registration deadline ends (Which is now December 12).
Also, I like your Flandre set!

@ Holkers- I already have 3 judges for this contest. Who said I would be the judge for this contest? XD
Your post is kind of confusing. I had to read through it twice to realize where you were starting from XD
But I get it now. And thanks for your comments/compliments!
As for your sig, the font itself is good, but you're right about the positioning. I think that the text could be bigger as well. Also, the clipping mask towards the center of the sig is very distracting. Still, it's very nice!

@ Aoi- I'll take your request, although it might take awhile since I'm busy with some other things right now. I hope you can be patient XD

And... Made a new set.


@ Naru- I don't think the sig is too sharp, but I do agree with Sayu and Zero that it's too bright. But it's a good sig, it's a major improvement from the last few sigs you posted here.

@ Sayu- I also agree with Zero that your set's too bright. It's not just the bright light in the corner, it's all of the sig that's really bright. Just play around with the lighting to see what looks good. I also think it could be shortened a bit more, since it's kind of empty there (You said there are clouds there, but I can't see them). But you did a a good job with the text in this one!
And no, there's no text behind the render. There is a light circle pattern behind the render, but no text. XDDD

@ Zero- Actually, Haseo taught me how to do that XD
As for your sets, is it just me or do you keep using the same techniques with slight variations? I can see similarities with your sets with some of the ones you made about 4 months ago. It's alright to have a style you're good at, but you really should experiment more, especially if you want to improve. Not to say that you aren't improving with the style you have, but it's becoming very repetitive. Maybe you can look at some tuts and use techniques from them to change your style.

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by red_13 on 2010-11-29 18:08:24
Regarding the contest, I don't think I'll be joining. School and stuff will take too much time from me actually doing stuff regarding Photoshop. So good luck to those who are joining.

Anyway, here a sig I use for another site.

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-11-30 18:49:32
Toyumi: I might participate if I can find a character I like enough to work
with. And now your set. I like it including the flower :D! But is there something
behind the render? Like some text? Or am I just dreaming?

NiiNii: That's a nice sig :D! But its either too bright or really
sharpened. It's one of the two.

And so here's my new set. You might not see it but there are clouds behind the
text and to the right of the sig. And as for the blinding light it is distracting,
but it also brings to the sig to show she's falling.


Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-11-30 21:26:56 (edited 2010-12-01 22:02:12)
@Naru; I agree with Sayu about the sig, it is a bit too sharp and bright. The good thing is that the background is not chaotic, I especially like the text.

@sayu; Hmmm. . . the sig is a bit too bright to my liking. The text is good.

@toyumi; love your new set, I notice you started to add effects to your font, which is good. Also it seem you got influenced by haseo's style of the string of light that loops around the render. XD

@mizore; here is the set you requested, sorry it took so long. Hope you like it if you want any changes, please let me know.

Ok here is my newest sets that I made.


I took toyumi's advice and making some changes. Well this is first time creating a sig like this. Please comment.

This one is requested by roxas, so please comment

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-12-02 06:41:53
Sorry ehehe ;x

I see, thanks for explaining. Awwww thanks, your current set is not bad too ;x
I'm joining the competition so we'll need one more person to start it. By the way, I heard coughsSayuwiecoughs said she might consider joining so...*Winks.*

Entry form
- Username: Liwen
- Nickname: Wen
- Character Claim: Rumia
- Series: Touhou

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by ocean on 2010-12-02 07:46:59
woah haven't posted in a while DX everyone's works are seriously super-awesome and professional =P

Oooo a contest! annnnd unfortunately im not going to be able to participate in it since i dont have photoshop on my new laptop yet and i have about 13 exams to deal with in the next couple weeks =( good luck to all participating though =) i'll be joining in the fun again sometime after my exams are done XP


Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-12-04 21:41:58 (edited 2010-12-06 18:13:24)
@ Zero- Both of those sigs are much better. Now, don't overuse that style and make sure to change things up once in awhile.
As for sigs specifically, I love the Calamity sig. The colors looks nice and so does the text. As for the other sig, the positioning and the font of the text doesn't really seem to fit the rest of the sig, but other than that it looks good.

@ Liwen- Added you to the participant list. Now we just need one more person to enter and then the contest will definitely happen.

So with my current set I started with the avy, and then worked with the sig to change things up a bit. For the sig I tried typography and failed since I wanted to keep it simple.

Any comments?


@ Naru- That sig's much better, the background isn't as chaotic looking and fits the render better. Although, I think the colors of the background could be changed up a bit, since the darker colors on the left side of the sig don't really go with the colors on the right side of the sig.

@ Holkers- Yeah, that's why I failed with the typography XD
And thanks for joining the contest. Now that there's 3 people in it, the contest is definitely going to happen.

[Edit 2]

@ Aoi- Your request is done.

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by red_13 on 2010-12-04 22:20:38 (edited 2010-12-04 22:38:41)
@Zero much better, but try to change it up next time.

@Toyumi well I dunno, but it looks good to me.


Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by holkers on 2010-12-05 08:13:56 (edited 2010-12-05 08:17:52)
Toyumi's first post: ... D'awww. Okay then, just checking in.
Oh. They call me Holkers for nothing. Master of confusion I'll say.
Well, you post about 4 to 5 times in a single page.
I had to do "first post" "second post" so that it won't be so much confusing.
Didn't know it would be THAT confusing.
Your welcome. Take it lightly though. And no offense being a meanie sometimes > U<
Hmm. Text placing are not my place to work with. I'll never get good grades with texting.
Well, the concept was to merge 3 different images with different angles and posing.
I couldn't work enough with the sig, not because of the position or the images that Naru had given me, most probably because of the resizing of the images that makes it less attractive.
Why, thank you very much.

Somehow, the signature of the red rose gotten a bit out of tune?

Naru's first post: You know, I don't agree with the brightness or sharpness.
I just agree with the background that had to be ripped off.

No offense :c
Taken out the background, put other stuff into another background.

Wunffi's first post: Reduce the sharpness though.
And I've said my comments on that signature before xD

Zero's first post: Of all the signature you'd put on, the "Calamity" is my favorite.
That signature is colour balance, with the flowing and stuff.
The text could do some work but overall is two thumbs up for me!

Had to work more with your other signature though.

Toyumi's second post: You know what.
With the changes of the competition.
I, hereby, saying I love you so much Toyumi, in a friendly way.
I'm in.

For you set, the black fonts are actually annoying.
but the background fonts are quite good.
You're texting should not be... paragraph'd looking.
Say like. "dksfjasdkfljsd;fklj" <- your text. are ctrl+t to another position.
About less 10-25 degrees. No need to be too 45.
and then try to change some text. Some are big. Some are small.
That's usually typography is about. I'm not an expert but I've seen some of them doing some light and heavy text.
That could balance the whole thing.
Just don't overflowed the signature.

Naru's second post: Now that's is the Naru signature I know of.
Although you still need to know what type of background you need to use for each render you're using.

I'm heading out for study.
I'll be back with something... nice to see?
My designing has gotten weak ;________________;

Entry Form
- Username: holkers
- Nickname: Holk
- Character Claim: Hmm, I'll go by Stein.
- Series: Soul Eater

I'll have to say, Stein doesn't have much colour in him, that's the easier part for me.
Since I do not like colour.
D'awww. It needs text. I might lose some points but what the heck. :D

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-12-07 18:46:01
Here's a set Naru wanted me to do for him. I wasn't sure on what to really do, so
I threw random stocks together... Bad idea really, but it came out nice, I think.

Oh and Toyumi, I am joining the contest. I found a kawaii chibi-chan to use C:
I couldn't believe I didn't think of her in the first place.

→ Username: animegeishaprincess
→ Nickname: Sayuri
→ Character Claim: Ika
→ Series: Shinryaku! Ika Musume

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by Mizore on 2010-12-10 11:23:54
thanks Zero. It's nice. I like it. :))

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by Aoi on 2010-12-10 16:46:14
Whoops, you should've PM'd me about it, didn't notice you were done, thanks! :D

Will use this once Christmas is over XD

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-12-12 02:06:46
- Username: Ayumi_Neyosaki
- Nickname: Ayu
- Character Claim: Hunny
- Series: Ouran Host Club

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2010-12-12 06:37:16
I have shame on myself...
You guys got REALLY good on doing sets!!!
I got all rusty on this

Ocean you kick ass!!
seriously! This lights effects are SO Pretty!!
you deal very well with the composition and everything else.

Toyumi do some incredible stuff!!!
I'm mesmerize by your work!
Teach me some day ToT

Sayu, Zero and Naru got some awesome work too!!
I'm so proud ToT

*go to emo corner*

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-12-12 10:54:14
Alright, so today is the last day for registration for the Food Contest. I'll still accept registration for it as long as I get it before it becomes December 13th Gendou time.

Now with that out of the way...

@ Sayu- That one did come out nice. I think that's one of your best sets yet. The only thing I have to say about it is that the border on the sig looks a bit weird since it's a big border and that it would look better as a 1 px border. Other than that, it's nice.

@ Aoi- No problem, I just posted it here since that's what I normally do with requests. I post them in the thread they were requested in unless the requester said to PM them or something else specific XD

@ Dfly- Thanks! You really don't know how flattered I am to hear a compliment like that from you. My works really aren't that good, yours are much better >.>

And a new set because I'm obsessed with Touhou OST's at the moment XD

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-12-12 11:41:40 (edited 2010-12-12 11:42:08)
Psh, Dfly, stop it. No one outshines you, I still have a long way to go for that as well.

Starting off with the comments:

@Toyumi♥: I see you've got a space effect goin' on there, and with the pen tool line, flow is established. The light source is good, but the text is urking me. Not the font, but the "Manipulator of" is. I think those should be solid like "time" is. that does not look like 30 layers XD

@Sayuri: The planet on the right side of the sig is attracting all the attention. The viewers eyes will always be attracted to a lightsource, which is usually the focal of a sig. That's why when you make a lightsource, you always put it near the character and what you want people to see and darken the parts that aren't a part of the foreground. That sig does the opposite, it darkened the focal and brightened the background. Try and work on your lighting, otherwise, it's a good sig.

For those of you who haven't seen these:

The original version of the sig I'm using now. [the one I'm using was modified to fit gendou's sig box]

A practice sig I made to try out a new style.

Both of these sigs are only made using c4d renders, effect c4ds, bubble c4ds, stocks, renders, and filters.

Tales of FC

Re: A v y X S i g [The 3rd]
Link | by on 2010-12-13 13:17:25
@Toyumi-Nice one, I like it a lot. But like Haseo said, the text for "Manipulator of" should be the same as the word like "time"

@Haseo- Another nice one, though the background for burst angel is somewhat chaotic, but at least it is focus on the render. Two thumbs up.

@sayu; You are getting better, but like haseo said about the light source. You should have your sig more focus on the render. Also the render is somewhat too sharp.

k here is an incomplete sig I made. It is not entirely finish for it looks like it is lacking something. Advice or opinions would be appreciated.

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