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Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-08-01 23:04:19
nice blog Eria!hahaha

@Gmeis either way your enjoying it and having fun!and that what counts!
plus your earning enough right? that's what matters most!your living!hahahaha

i was raised with one well in elementary and in High school so you can enter a decent university and get a diploma and get a decent far it tough as hell..hahahaha

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2008-08-01 23:11:04
XD lol, wrote this right when we hit the 50 post limit.
"the best chance to hook up with someone is highscool no doubt"

T__________T Nuuu~! My chances are practically blown then!
>.> Too bad I go to a relatively small school and all the guys are d**che-bags...
*Jow is having fun venting her troubles. XD*

And on the random subject of gas prices, everyone elses' gas seems so cheap. T_T
It's like $4.25 here in CA.
>.> My family should switch over to mopeds or something.

@Eria: Wow, the blog looks really nice! ^____^
I like the layout and the Honey & Clover stuff~

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-08-01 23:12:09
omg! i just cheked out the blogs! pfft and the weird quote was there!
i dont think that was appropriate xD so im gona change it
that quote was supposed to be for playgirls/boys
pls change mine to => "happily single with no commitments"
arigato! D=

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-08-01 23:19:44 (edited 2008-08-01 23:20:00)
Yo, who cares about finding a gf/bf when you're not even outta school yet.
I mean personally, I hate to see girls and guys get a new partner every month... every week sometimes. :/

I mean I've changed throughout middle school, Jr. high, and now high school I'm finally myself.
Like if I was searching for a girlfriend, I'd want her to be like the future wife, y'know?
But it's not like you just go outside and find her somewhere,
the moment comes to you, and it comes at different moments in every persons life.

To make it simple, you just follow your parents, though I don't wanna sound so old fashion... and outdated even, lol.
I'unno, I can't really explain it since my words and thoughts are all mixed up,
and I don't wanna get all spiritual and deep here, so we'll save that for another time or for MSN or something, I'unno. :P

But like, don't even worry about it.
I mean I flirt around and I know a lot of girls, but I'm not gonna ask anyone one of 'em out.
You just gotta feel what's right, plus I have a certain criteria, so yeah (not to sound so conceited, but everyone has this, it's natural).

And about gas, DANG! I'm surprised Gas went down over here,
people were like it's gonna be 5$ by the time I get my license, so thank god for that,
but without a job yet, I'm not gonna be hanging out with friends or anything soon,
and I gotta get work early before it gets too deep into the new school year,
cause I'm nowhere in hell riding the bus, I hate the bus, it's so annoying...

Well, that's my only nonsense rant about school you'll hear from me in a bit.
Oh one last thing, how lame is this: first day for me is a Monday... GROSS!
Though two days before the "SHINE" single release from Laruku,
thoguh that might not be enough to brighten up my day week, lol.


Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-08-02 00:33:26
@Z: Yea that is very true. :)
But I need to get a job after my vacation is over. T-T

@Jow: My post on the last page I typed when it hit 50 here too. lol
so I did a copy and paste on it when it was allowed again.

Wow, DA put out a lot of vent. :p
But I can understand where hes coming from. XD

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2008-08-02 01:34:18
Hm, I agree with you on some points DA.

There a few different types of people that view relationships differently, especially in the adolescent age group.
This is what I've come to conclude after observing the wild "teenager," if you may. (Wait. I'm one of those...)

There are always those people that just flit around with everyone and delude themselves everytime that it's, "omg! True love!"
Until 3 days later they realize that maybe it wasn't all they built it up to be so they have to find someone else.
Then there's people who just want to get in other people's pants. >.>
That usually doesn't end up so well either.
Then there are people who are sincerely looking for a stable relationship.
It'd be nice if everyone had one of these.

I guess everyone's kind of a mix of all of them at one point or another.
But the main reason I'd really like to start getting into a relationship is because of the fact if you've never had any prior experience with one, you're not sure what to look for.
Once you actually figure out that, "Well ok, that last guy was kind of arrogant," you can discover your own preferences that maybe you didn't know existed.

But it basically all comes down to what everyone says.
Time will tell. :3

D: I've ranted long enough. This is what happens when I stay up late-ish with getting 4 hours of sleep the previous night.

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by H on 2008-08-02 04:10:24
argh today is hothothothothot.... I'm all sweaty even in a full aircon bus -_-'

ah... flirting around....
flirt around with girls here and there, expanding my communication system with them and their friends and maybe their friends' friends, and finally, pick the best from all of them ^^v

I too have the same view as you DA, but it's getting more lonely and we'll feel empty after a long period of being single you know. Friends can comfort us, we can have fun with them, but they couldn't give us the warmth of a lover. Even if we flirt heavily with a girl or someone else's girl, they're still not our girl....

but then again, there's so much fun being a single.... so yeah it contradicts pretty much, have to endure the feeling of emptinessssshhhh for now T-T

and that's so true Jow, without experience, you couldn't tell if that guy is bad or good
On the other hand for guys, without experience, we couldn't handle certain types of girl ^^

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-08-02 06:09:22
wow, this topic REALLY fits this club!hahaha

i agree with most of what you guys said...
why rush with falling in love right?
and there's nothing wrong about being old fashioned...
i think its even better if your first GF becomes your future wife!
a relationship is meant to be taken seriously and not just a thing to past the time...

and about experience,well you can experience the various kinds of people without having to hook up with them right?

well,we'll find our soulmates...eventually!hahaha

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by sadako_amane on 2008-08-02 06:40:16
*pops out of nowhere*

Hare hare yukai!

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-08-02 07:43:37
*scared by Sadako*
whaaa!!! X_X

btw, i stio coming for a day and nor there is more than a page with a lot of long posts :S
I'm to lazy to read that... is fault of the ones who live on the other side of the world and
keep posting while i'm sleeping XD

I'll give my second Vote do Green day again... I still haven't lsitened to all of the songs,
but so far I only want mine XD

One vote left for me =P

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-08-02 08:40:06
@GMeis: Hahah~no prob.. take your time with the votes~

@Vie: Changed... remember to vote for teh song ya~ =)

Arhh~~~ DA is mature thinking. THats good. I don't agree with changing partners like changing clothes or 2-timing neither... but for those who do it... well, is a personal preference thing.

Like Jow mentioned, having previous relationships might let us know what we do not want (well, usually is more obvious to know what you do not want rather then want for relationships)...but at the same time, it might make us more picky. We might forget we are being picked at... But the strange thing is... I haven't dated much yet people already say I'm picky... =(

Haha... DA...look on the bright side. You'll get to see your friends back in school~ and SHINE is on its way to you!

I think the 50 post limit on this thread is sure getting strange....I get that prompt then awhile later when i post it become OK... strange~

*shocked by Sadako* Sure glad that you din pop out the screen like Sadako from the ring did. I'll flip! And sadako... how many votes are you giving Hare Hare Yukai? 1 or 2? You have a total of 3 votes but there is a max of 2 votes per song.

@DN: Noted!

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by William on 2008-08-02 09:07:41
Wow..the blog thing looks pretty good.

I vote for Hare Hare Yukai or Dango Daikazoku.
(They're the only ones I know, I think.)

I don't know why, but I always thought that couples were kinda annoying.
Still, it would be nice to settle down and have a family of your own..

*too tired to continue* XD

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-08-02 09:36:14
William!!!!! Is been really really long time since I saw you. How have you been?

So i'll put you as having one vote for Hare Hare Yukai and one for Dango DAikazoku...

Well, is probably annoying to you (and some of us single's) cause... is something... well... we'll like to have but don't have. I wouldn't say is envy or jealousy... I personally feel that is something more pure... like a kid's eyes turning red with tears because the parents love the dog more then him. Hahaha... that didn't sound right either.

You go get a good rest and do come back when you are not so tired~~

I think I figured out how the 50 post thingy work... is not according to gendou time but rather, is takes the time the 50th post (counting backwards) was posted and compares it to the posting time of the user at current. If it is within 24hrs... is "reject". But thats just my guess... I'm not sure if it really works that way though.

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-08-02 10:01:23
1 - Yuri the only one for me
1 - Split
1- Colors of the Heart

MY votes! XD
lol. Sorry no Hare Hare Yukai. I do enjoy the song though.

I found a lot of couples to be very annoying as well. Some of them are way too kissy kissy face. Its like they don't see anybody else around them. Like they don't acknowledege other peoples existence.
Come to think of it, my father doesn't really acknowledge my existence. Always spoiling my sister when I was.
Only saw me when I did something wrong.

Wow, so many members and non-members now! :)

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-08-02 16:18:59
Lol, "Kodou" from Dir en Grey played in my WINAMP after reading the posts, lol.

I am mature when it comes to relationships, though I'm not some Dr. Phil here, haha.
I've just developed this thought about the perfect partner over time, y'know?
It's a personal decision I made, so whenever the moment comes, it comes.

You can probably talk to your parents about how your dad met your mom or how your mom met your dad.
...then again, it might be a bit embarrassing, though their story might be how you'll meet your partner.

Sorry, I didn't mean to type as much as I did.
With certain topics that I believe in as opinion for myself, I guess I do rant on more than I should. :P

[@H] Read my first post of this thread, that's how I feel, too.
I only feel lonely sometimes cause they live far from me,
though lately a few girls have drove a few hours just to see me, so that made me happy. ^_~`


Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by William on 2008-08-02 17:26:20 there a karaoke version of "Colors of the Heart"?
I guess I'll vote for that one too!
( I have to be a member to vote?!) XD

Engel: I'm fine, thanks! I promised myself I'd post more until September.
Hehe, why would parents love a dog more than their own child. Speaking of dogs...
(Noooooo!! I don't want to get old with only Blackie by my side!!) >_<

Gmeis: Woahh, that's exactly what I was thinking! Well said..they're annoying by just doing that.

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by H on 2008-08-02 17:39:33
@DA: Uwaaaaaaaaahh!! It's not only me *hugs DA* T-T

@Gmeis: That's daddy for you, most of them are too shy to express their affection for their sons. Deep down inside he cares about you a lot Gmeis ^^

my mom and dad.... they first met through a chat in amateur radio... talk about fate ^^;;

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by Mr. Eria on 2008-08-02 18:37:07
Well XD mind to comment in the shoutbox there!


@H D: my mommy and dad met trough parents' decision. XD

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-08-02 18:52:53
@William: I might be psychic!! lol

@H: Actually he truly doesn't care. I have even been told by him. I abandoned him when I chose to stick with my mother after the divorce.
He still resents me for it and gives me the evil eye from time to time.
He recently bought my sister a 950$ laptop and 250$ camera. lol
He tries to make up for it by wanting to buy me a pair of shoes. o.O
I rejected it of course. :p

@Eria: how often do you pop into the chat?

Singles Club members need to stick together! lol XD

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by H on 2008-08-02 19:28:11
been hot for a few days.... I think I'm going crazy because of the heat... -_-;;;

@Gmeis: omg.... sorry to hear that pal, my bad for talking about fathers -_-a

@eria: that's a good blog! already dropped by and shouted there ^^v

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

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