Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-04-26 16:05:40
Have you ever considered a "Random" button in the music pages? Maybe like random song, artist, anime? |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-04-26 16:47:33
I don't see the point of sorting the songs in random order. |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-04-26 19:47:16
I mean like choosing one of the "unique anime title" or a "unique artist" and showing the songs related to that category. Example: I choose "Random Artist", and it brings up all the songs by "Yui Makino" lets say, or I choose "Random Anime", and get "Death note", I'd gett all those songs. (I dont know how hard that would be though....) |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-04-26 20:33:12
this is not an intented use-case for my website. |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-04-29 09:41:21
Question to Gendou: I have seem other website posting their donation figure, either monthly or total. Have you thought about doing that? |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-04-29 12:15:43
thats a good idea. i have added it to my to-do list. |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-04-29 12:32:36
Here's an easy one that never happened to me yet. Say you posted ten times in the W.O.T. (waste of time) section which is the limit. When a user tries to post again, their 11th post, a screen and whatnot comes up preventing them from posting there again for a while. Would the same thing come up if a single user posts 100 times in a single day? The screen comes up if a member tries to post 101 times, but that can't happen since the warning pop up thing, wouldn't allow you, right? :D I mean before, before I posted on a given day, I had to remember 100 posts from where I would start, then use the calculator in between if I posted, say 56 times or something. The warning pop-up thing, might be easier and a user can post as much as they want, until they'll be forced to take a break. ------- |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-04-29 12:46:02
I'm not too sure what DANGEL is trying to ask, but if I'm correct, there's a limit of 10 posts per 12 hours in the WOT forum and 100 posts in 24 hours in Gendou City (I've never heard of a "overall" limit of daily posts.) My question is is if it possible to get a counter somewhere which could tell a user how many posts they have left in WOT/GC? |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-04-29 12:59:02
Ok, here's how to make it easier for you. Post ten times in the W.O.T. section then try to make your 11th post. You won't be able to anyways, because a messages comes up saying you can't for another 12 hours or so. I'm asking if that messages comes up if you're trying to make 101 posts, which also can't happen. ------- |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-04-29 13:10:06 (edited 2007-04-29 13:27:16)
The only thing I've heard that is limited to 100 posts a day in the Gendou City forum. If there is a limit on the overall posts, it most likely would have a message if the WOT has one (and I know it does.....). Edit for below: Well, I wouldn't know that... |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-04-29 13:14:27
A user can only post 100 posts a day. I know that rule... very well... ------- |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-04-29 14:44:28
having an explicit check for 100 posts per 24 hours would be too processor intensive. |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-05-03 15:28:46
In the history of this site, was there ever an official idea of a "Gendou Get-together"? Also, could a "text dump" (a text box not used for anything and only shows up in "Edit Profile") be added to profiles to be used as a place to either place notes or place coding not in use? |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-05-03 17:36:06 (edited 2007-05-03 17:39:14)
1. no. it's a fun idea though. 2. this is a novel idea. however, your own hard drive is the ideal place for this stuff, you know! i guess in this day and age, it's sensible to be mobile beyond any physical device, what with the internet and all. i want to, as a rule, avoid redundant functionality when there is no need to. so, if you have code snippets, store them in your email. i feel this is slightly out of scope for this site. |
Re: Q/A, all about
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by micro_code
on 2007-05-09 08:39:24
gendou-san... I have q's here: 1. will change it's main theme to differnt theme later? 2. what feature did you release sometimes later?
Ai strike back! "Ippen Shinde Miru?" |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-05-09 14:29:10
1. could be. not planning on it. who knows! 2. if you mean, "what features are you planning to release in the future?" the answer is: karaoke system, gendou city morpg game, improved chat using synchronous connection. |
Re: Q/A, all about
Is there by chance that is accessible through WAP? |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-05-09 22:53:25
The site uses XHTML and should be viewable on any WAP 2.0 device. Some of the Javascript probably doesn't work, though. If there are any critical-use features not working on your WAP 2.0 device, please let me know in the Report Problems topic and I'll see what I can do to fix or work around the problem. |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-05-10 17:07:20
Is there a limit on how many PM's we can have in our inbox? On other forums with PM systems there's a percent bar and a limit on PM storage. (Although these are freely hosted forum sites) |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2007-05-10 18:14:03
There are no current limits on inbox or sent messages. Should it become necessary to limit either of these, due to performance or storage issues, I will add the limits to the rules and FAQ. |