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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by on 2006-05-04 23:22:14
Death note...
I love d manga..
sometimes the mind game between L & kira and N & kira made me crazy..@_@
And I did notice that Raito s getting more and more evil..
he's willing to use his own father to achive his dream to build the new world he been dreaming of....
but i cant resist that i like raito even he's evil...
bout d movie and d anime..
of course i want to watch it hahaha
I hope it will reach Malaysia..

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Fuzz on 2006-07-26 14:57:29
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here this is from "FMP second raid" i think that they may be practicing for a death note anime

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by haji on 2006-07-26 18:08:56
shiranai, demo, I keep hearing about it, ready these posts... I think I have to check this out, thanks!

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by dCaitsith on 2006-07-27 05:33:32
Yeah. I like it. I think I still like Raito. hehe.... About L's successor.... I think It'd be Near. that's no possibility that Mello can defeat Near!

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by レン | Ren on 2006-07-27 05:53:16
The movie was awesome XD
Still Raito was a smart git!!!

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Fuzz on 2006-07-29 18:29:40
is there any way i can get my hands on the DEATHNOTE movie. i want to see in so bad.

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-07-29 22:14:06
i wanna see the movie too^^ long would it take to hv somebody subs it?'s already been 1 month!need to b patient..

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Nime on 2006-07-31 05:17:27
No offence, but I think Raito is a creep (kinda). The main reason that I never read DN is 'cuz I know I'll hate the main character. But anyway... I think L's cool

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-07-31 05:20:11
oh raito is a creep alrite^^ but d way i kinda hate him makes me admire him as well.hahaha...i would never ever forget his looks when he gained back that death note after losing his *spoiler* XDXD huhuu..evil indeed^^

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by セイバー on 2006-08-18 07:59:05 (edited 2006-08-18 08:01:04)
Both L and Raito are really smart people, except that Raito is too evil and I don't really like that about him. It's a pity L died early because from that point onwards, the story starts to get boring. The conclusion of Death Note is quite disappointing because I didn't expect Raito to be so dumb. Anyway speaking of L's eyes, is it really that scary/bad? I find myself to have similar eyes as L and I'm a girl -.- If its that way, then no wonder some people are weirded out by me.

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by on 2006-08-18 08:03:54
Dude, there's a movie?!?O.o I wanna watch it too!!! I wish both the series and the anime comes to brunei!

And yes I think L's eyes are scary. In the manga that is since of course I haven't seen the anime.

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by kouji19 on 2006-08-18 20:23:45
and another COOL news for DN fans!!
this manga is goin to be animated? (= = forgive my broken english)
in October!!!!!

the list of seiyuu is also posted out already
if i m not mistaken,
Ishida Akira will be Raito Yagami's VC ~~~~

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-08-18 20:40:36

ishida akira as raito??? mannn!!! his my fav seiyuuu...!!!really???
ooh,im getting excited!!!^^

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by = KAGAMi = on 2006-10-02 02:01:13
i love Death Note too ^.^! soo many smart twists, that manga has!

indeed. *nodnod* my favourite character's L, he does everything so weirdly, but its so cute in a way, huh? ^.~

& i would sooo love to watch the movie... but i missed it when it was on in cinemas.. how sad. -.- o well; DEATH NOTE DVD, HERE I COME!!

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by NinjaFox on 2006-10-04 01:00:35 (edited 2006-10-04 01:01:37)
i want to watch the DN anime very bad!!!!!!!

i thought miyano mamoru is Raito's seiyuu....
and Yamaguchi Kappei is doing for L's voices. >_<

aah...i cant wait to see the anime!!!!!

p.s. the anime start airing in japan starting 3 oktober

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by z3r0c00l on 2006-10-05 01:27:51
I've read the manga and definitely it's one of my faves. I love the battle between Kira and L ... I mean not physically but who outsmarted who. I wish I had their brains. Hehehe. ^_^

And I just watch the first episode in YouTube. So far, it's sooo good. ^_^ I love the animation and songs. Although it's hard not to think Tamaki from Ouran when Raito/Kira speaks. It keeps popping in my head that Raito will pull an act like Tamaki. Heeheehee. ^_^ Anyway, I can't wait to see the rest of the DN anime.

Either because of love, or out of foolish curiosity, human transmutations are attempted ... and when these attempts all backfire, a different life is created ... a being that has its own body and mind, but no soul ... THIS IS HOW THE DAMNED ARE BORN ... ('c',)

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Lucifer on 2006-10-05 03:30:21
Finally saw Death Note anime on youtube.. How I wish that I have the Death book on my hands..

May I know how Reito met L..? : ^__^

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Lulu on 2006-11-13 11:36:48 (edited 2006-11-13 11:37:34)
Raito/Light met with L in their university,when they're going to have a speech together on a stage because they're the top two who have the highest score among all the juniors. That's mean they are studying in the same universtiy.

Hmmm...actually,i dun like Raito,although i like him in the beginning. The reason is the death of L and Watari. L SHOULDN'T DIED!! T__________T

But still,the mind game between Raito and L impressed me,man...they're damn smart! I'm totally impressed.

Where will the wind bring me on my next stop...?

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by kouji19 on 2006-11-14 03:56:34
i m totally addicted to DN ...
whoaaa Raito`s mind is jz TOOOO cOOl

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by sennenkou on 2006-11-29 06:38:13

I like L.
I want to see the 2nd live action movie.

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