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Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-12 00:23:45
I just spent an hour and a half reading The Dojo RP. I almost cried.

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-12 07:23:16

Well the originality wise of a polt, many tend to create the same type of polt
over and over again. There have been some good RPs that only use the same type
of polt once, but nowadays they just create the same over and over.

As for the overpowering characters, I have to agree with Kay. All of us at at
one point have done the overpowering chacter but wasn't aware of it at that
time. But now that we've been rping for a while its seems more natural to us.
I've done it truthfully, but that was when I was starting. I looked back
through my past RPs and frankly, I've changed since then. ._.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-12 18:17:01
i think the only time i would join an rp is that it doesn't involve too much
activity or if it's like happening so fast that a few of the people don't know
what's going on or haven't been caught up from time to time due to the fact all
of our time zone is differnt

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-12 20:27:22
Sort of starting a new topic if anyone wants to contribute, I don't mean to interrupt anything though.

What tends to annoy me, is when people make their characters in an age frame where it just doesn't seem logical. For example, some of the war rp's I've seen, there's always that one person that makes the child soldier. Sure, they can get drafted after all, but I think the draft only applies to 17 (or was it 18?) and up. Having soldiers younger than that just erks me. Also, what's even worse, teenage girl soldier. I'm not trying to be sexist, but I don't think woman are even eligible to be drafted. Like, some rp's the character age doesn't really make any sense.

Also, another thing that annoys me: attention drawers. I've also observed that sometimes randomly, a character will try to draw attention away from everyone else, and onto them. Like a case I've seen recently, is a person being fine, not showing any signs of fatigue at all, then suddenly collapsing onto their knees, unable to get up. To me, that sounds like someone trying to grab attention, and all of it too.

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-12 20:48:01 (edited 2010-08-12 20:50:12)
@Haseo - That's why it's good to set age limits. 17+ seems to be a pretty widely accepted age range for characters. I haven't seen many people make a main character under 17 myself.

Of course, on the opposite side of the spectrum, I rarely see people make a character in the 40+ range either (the only one that comes to mind is El during the Gundam Seed FATE RP, his main character was 50 or so I believe). Just about every character I have ever made has been between 20 and 25. I have a habit of doing that.

I'm also guilty of the attention drawing thing. I have done random stuff on occasion to draw more attention to my character. ^^' Not so much anymore, since I'm content to just follow the story, but I can think of a few instances.


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by zen on 2010-08-13 06:51:15
@Haseo_I don't think that there's something wrong having a female soldier. First I have a female soldier in Immortal Machina. Even an anime tolerate a female soldier so I don't think it's wrong to have a female soldier in an RP. Of course, age is an important factor in a character but a female gender being a soldier? I don't think so.

Gendou RPer's United~!

Keiko Kubota (窪田 啓子)
Homura Akemi (暁美 ほむら)


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-13 11:21:02
@Zen: I'm not trying to be sexist here, it's not the part about being a woman soldier at all. But being a young girl, teenager, being drafted by the military to fight in a war. If I remember correctly, woman and children were exempt from drafts unless a woman had dressed up and pretended to be a man. When an rp, as close as this is pretty close to reality, I think you should keep most parameters within reality as well. Children soldiers are inexistent in most civilized countries.

@Jon: We've all had times like that, but as we grow as rp'ers we learn to share the spotlight and work together to make the rp as best as we can. However some people don't have the concept down yet. ^^;;

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-13 11:23:45
Haseo: Its true children soldiers are inexistent in most civilized countries,
but in other countries there are children as young as 8. But I see your point,
I guess it just depends more on where the RPer wants their character to come

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-13 11:56:55 (edited 2010-08-13 11:59:36)
@Haseo - Children, yes (for the most part), but whether or not women were allowed to serve/volunteer/be drafted depends on the country and other factors. There are/have been countries that draft women.

Besides, RP's are fantasy, so you don't need to be historically accurate. The child soldiers thing on the other hand is a different story. I don't really agree with making RP characters under 17 in certain RP's, but it's up to the RP master and the person creating the character in the end.


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-13 13:21:47
Haseo: Hey in just about every anime series there is a teenager involved.
Besides i don't know about other Rp'ers but i usually like to play as some one I can relate to and I AM a sixteen year old girl.
I feel I don't have the maturity or experience to write as someone who is forty and am most comfortable with my own age and gender.

The idea of woman being unable to be soldiers is ridiculous.
Although it is scientifically correct that males are stronger than females, in most wars all you have to do is hold a gun and run fast, and with a bit of training even the most delicate female can do that.

Hell, I'm not going to be in an RP where my character has to stay at home and mind the children! :D

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by Icarael on 2010-08-13 14:31:19 (edited 2010-08-29 23:47:14)
User Name icarael
Nickname: uh.... Icarael

RPs (from latest to earliest):

> Immortal Machina
> The Aventuras of Latino IN SPACE! (A nonsense RP)
> Valkyria Chronicles RP
> God Child: The Sons of Fate
> Our Days Under The Sky
> Vagabond Survivors
> Phantasmagoria (one of my personal favorites)
> Age of Destruction
> Steel Tyrants: Blood and Iron/Dawn of War
> City of the Dead
> The Magical Apocalypse
> Creature Cure (Books 1 and 2)
> 13 Days Later (very first RP)

Quote on RPing: "The limit of the willing suspension of disbelief for a given element is directly proportional to its degree of coolness."

So far, most of my RPs have been none too popular. Although with Immortal Machina (hi to all the players!), I'd say things are looking pretty good. I'd eve go so far as to say I'd like it to be the next Phantasmagoria or Free and Dream, but I guess only time will tell.

As for the death of RPs, I can tell you from experience that one thing that kills RPs is a long lull in the action. Vagabond Survivors never got to the actual dig since it got stuck at the diner, while my own RP God Child ended up losing steam at the Realm of the Gods and the accompanying plot dump.

Part of the New Breed of Gendou RPers: Haseo, Fenris, Roxas, Zero, Toyumi and Kyosuke.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-13 18:27:45
@ Zen- With the invites I don't really feel like I have to join the RP. It will increase my chances of looking at it and such, but still if I don't find an RP interesting, nothing will change my mind about it and I won't join it.

@ Haseo- I always thought the drafting age was 16, hahaha. Well anyway, I do think that having a solider younger than that is really bizarre, the last time they had soldiers that young in real life had to be WWI (Or at least soldiers that young in mass quantities had to be in WWI). And with the woman thing, the military nowadays hasn't been sexist for awhile, like maybe in the older days they exempted woman and children from drafts (They still do as far as I know), but now a woman can enlist herself (Or something like that). Like what Jon said, if the RP was a historical one, then sure a woman soldier would seem out of place unless they were in disguise, but in Sci-Fi or fantasy or even an RP that relates to modern day, it can't really be considered 'out of place'.
As for attention drawers, they annoy me as well, especially if they're not going anywhere with it. If they just get tired or get super powered up for no reason and it has no significance other than drawing attention, that really annoys me. If there is a reason behind it, then it can sometimes be excusable, but if it's just for attention it's a different story and annoys me. People need equal amounts of attention in a storyline, and they can't hog it all the time.

@ Cloak- Highfive for sixteen year old girls! (I just turned 16 XD)
And I agree with you, I like to RP as someone I can relate to. I think I've only made two male characters out of all the RP's I've been in, and even they weren't my primary characters in those RP's. All of my other characters have been female, and relatively young too so I can relate.

@ Icareal- Yeah we really got held up eating in Vagabond Survivors. XD

@ All- This club is getting pretty popular, so I'm putting up a 2 post rule (Just so we don't have any back and forth conversations occur here, like Person 1, then Person 2, then Person 1 again, then Person 2 again. That won't work too well here). Edit your post if you have to. I'll add it to the rules on the first post.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-13 19:22:54 (edited 2010-08-13 19:33:04)
@Toyumi - I'll say, my character was bleeding out for like 3 of my posts while you guys kept talking about stuff. (That was partially my fault in the first place since I didn't join your group right away, but I expected you to get on the move quicker).

It's good to see that it's popular. I enjoy having a place to talk about RP related matters outside of RP's (up until now the only real talks I had about RP's were with other people in the RP's I was apart of). There's a lot of things to talk about, such as the problems plaguing RP's and it's good to have a place to work through them with others.

@Icarael - Which is a real shame by the way, I liked God Child. That one, Vagabond Survivors and 5 Seeds Project are the 3 RP's which I'm most disappointed about at the moment due to them dieing off. I loved the premise of 5 Seeds Project especially, but it never really got off the ground. I liked God Child mostly because of the fact that it reminded me of this cartoon that used to come on called Class of the Titans (which wasn't that great in my opinion, but it had pretty cool ideas behind it, taking the Clash of the Titans thing a bit further). I liked Vagabond Survivors mainly because it was the first time I was going with a girl as my main (and only) character, but I also liked the. . . time period I guess I should say. It wasn't too technologically advanced, it felt like a typical RPG setting.

I'm a little surprised that Free and Dream has lasted as long as it has. There were times where it looked like it was dieing out, there hasn't been a major plot driving force for quite some time since the RP Master (Ken) kind of dropped out and tossed away his characters, and honestly I don't think the plot that Ken started with is being even remotely followed. It's almost like an entirely different RP now.


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-13 19:38:53
Username: kirafreedom16
Nickname: Zero
5 RP's you have been in: Vongola DNA, Immortal Machina, God Child: The Sons of Fate, Creature Cure, Dawn of Dreams:A Modified Naruto Rp
Quote?: I can't do anything if I don't do anything

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by zen on 2010-08-14 01:33:57
Jon_hahaha...i feel sorry for your character in the Vagabond Survivors. XD Well, I think we need to revive that RP. XD Sorry, I just laughed when you say your character is bleeding while we are discussing and feeling comfortable in the club though my character there went ahead of them.

Toyumi_well your right about it. I think it depends on the RP if they found it interesting or not. and Belated Happy Birthday then! \o/ Sweet 16!

Icarael_-waves- Hello RP master! 8D

Cloak_LOL...who wants to join an RP just to stay at home and mind the children? XD Sweet 16 Cloakie... :3

RP'ers_I thank Toyumi in making this thread for the RP'ers to discuss what our ideas,insights that we can't do in the RP thread. Yay to Toyumi! \o/

Gendou RPer's United~!

Keiko Kubota (窪田 啓子)
Homura Akemi (暁美 ほむら)


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2010-08-14 06:46:52
Might be a bit off the current topic here...but I've realized a certain trend at times. I remember being in a couple of RPs which is fairly good, but when the number of participants dropped till there's like, four or three of us left from the 10 or more in the beginning, the RP master tends to stop posting altogether after a week or two of the decrease in participants without putting up a notice. Made me wonder what's up with that...

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-14 10:39:49 (edited 2010-08-15 08:30:43)
@ Jon- That's what I was going for with Vagabond Survivors, a RPG sort of RP, for the plot and setting. And I'm surprised Free and Dream made it so far as well since Kenji did drop out of his own RP in a way. But it's a good thing that it had made it so far, and the lack of a plot really gave us opportunities to create our own plots for the RP, which was a lot of fun.

@ Zen- I'm glad you liek the thread so much. And thanks! XD
And it would be fun to revive Vagabond survivors sometime... But not now. I actually have plans for another RP that I want to start in mid-September or so, once school starts back up again and my schedule and classes are all figured out and I know what kind of stuff I have to deal with. XD

@ Kay- That's what happened in Free and Dream, I remember a lot of people joined the RP, but not many people actually posted in it, and even Kenji stopped posting too (But then again, I think that's what made Free and Dream get so far). Usually when there's a lack of players, the RP can't continue, especially when it's an RP where all the spots in it need to be filled or are essential to the plot. Then the creator just gives up due to the lack of people posting, since they need people to post in order for the plot to continue (That's actually what happened with Destiny Card Battle, I had to give up on it since people stopped posting in it, and I needed them to post in order to continue conversations and move their character and such).


Alright, seeing how this club is becoming quite popular with around 20 members or so, I decided to make a club icon.

I'll put this on the first post as well (So you can get to it easier).

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by red_13 on 2010-08-14 13:47:57 (edited 2010-08-14 13:54:26)
May I join? I'm a good RPer myself.

username: red_13
nickname: Naru

RPs I have been in:

Elemental Heroes (dead)
The Covenant - New Blood (dying)
Vocaloid RP - Song of life
Tales of RP (The name I forget)
Tales of the Abyss +The Fonic Apocalypse+ (dead)
Latino's Adventure EN SPACE

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-15 15:55:29
@Toyumi - I just hope that Kenji can pull it all back together. When everyone starts their own sub-plots, it's usually pretty hard to try and tie all the characters back together (especially if they have split up).

@Kay - Yeah, when the RP stops posting then it pretty much means that the RP is officially dead since they were running the plot. I'm surprised to see this sometimes, because if the RP master had simply kept posting then the RP probably would have survived.

I just want to try and bring up a few new things to talk about now. So I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the following topics.

-Romance in RP's: What is acceptable?

-Limiting the number of cast members: Helpful or hurtful to an RP?

-Character Archetypes: Kinds of characters that seem to pop up all the time.

-Genders: Playing as a character opposite to your own gender.


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-08-15 16:15:29
As for romance, that's kind of hard to even bring into an RP, because usually, there's not enough time for anything serious, because it's usually constant action in some cases or one character isn't around to pull their side. Although, I think it is acceptable, and as well good for character growth for your character to form crushes on a different character. That way, it makes the story, and your post a little more interesting. But once again, it is a little hard to incorporate into the actual story.

Character Archetypes: A lot of people, mostly new ones, tend to go with a more shady character who has a dark personality and likes to be alone. Honestly, from when i did it, it was a hell lot easier to go about things, no one else to factor in. The personality is easier to replicate too, rather than having real emotions, they character displays anger, hate, and that's it.

And in regards to some players, I've seen them play the same archetype over and over again. There's nothing wrong with it, but it gives you the sense that you've gone through certain scenario's before, which in turn, ruins part of the experience.

-Genders: Playing as the opposite gender is definitely harder. I've played as girls a few times, and I can say, I didn't do a very good job. I gave them masculine qualities most of the time, and if a girl was controlling them, they would've been more feminine. The reason being, men don't know how women think, and vice versa.

I left out the limiting number because I really have no input on it, nothing bad, or nothing good.

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