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Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-11 22:05:57
well...i think only shu and mei are those not from the east so yea...when i hosted last night there's only adel and someone i invited XD

yea...well my mom still cares but just said was it ok? and stuff...not me your papers!
so yea i'm pretty grateful...or else i'm toast XD

lol i'll never go to a bar...but still...older women? lol

it's not's natural (for some)

keep on posting too! XD

lol yea i was thinking of that...finding one for him too. lol

yea gotta agree...

well i only eat if i'm too hungry or feel uneasy. but usually i don't. XD i can stand it's over at 1pm now so maybe until 1.30pm or something. XD
last year school time was longer by 1 hour...but iunno how i did survive. XD
to be honest i only ate a bit during breakfast XD

now my appetite's much...more than i thought. last night i ate so much when dinner even when the rice already finish i still want more. hahahaha

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-11 23:33:18
you are in the gathering?! DD: our bad.. hosts are always there but not much people entering,so we close it earlier.. T___T sorry...
maybe we should make a 24 hours there

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-01-12 00:11:46
Bad timing I guess. ._.
I hosted from 2pm to practically almost 2am on Saturday.
I think that would be your 11pm to 11am I am assuming.
But yea like Kira said, me and Shuy are the only 2 that are in the U.S.
Though I would like to know where Shuy is.

lol Be happy as long as she just asks.

The bar will be the only way to go. lol
Malls you get lost too easily. At a bar I can find you again when I come back after the ditch. XD
Well, older to you, not to me. Its only like a 4 years difference anyways. lol

Adel wants to make it 24 hours? o___o
Though something weird happens when we host too long. ;_;

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-01-12 03:33:19
[@GM] I went to a salon one time and this lady completely f'ed up my hair.
I wanted to have my sides like a triangle shaped, sort of, and she just made like long stripes... -___________-"

Overall, worst hair cut ever and for sure people and family made me know about it. >_>;;

[@Kira] I sometimes can go one meal a day, like dinner,
but then later I have to eat again, and it's usually later at night, so I call it "dinner #2",
though eating at night is usually bad, though only it depends on what time you sleep after you eat again.

Like, when school is going on, I eat lunch everyday in school, then eat dinner later at home.
What time do you usually start school from? I wish I got out at 1 PM! >_<;;

On another note, I got a letter yesterday from the college I want to get into, and it seems like they're going to accept me.
They said they'd fully accept me if they receive my final school transcripts but that's later in the year of course.
I'm not sure if I'm in 100% though, but I think it is, and it seems pretty exciting.
Also, I love how my parents open and read my mail before I even wake up in the day to know about it... -_________-"

Anyways, the only thing left I gotta do now is do the friggin' financial aid thing,
but omfg, that is so confusing, and there seems to be so much!
I also gotta start applying and doing some scholarship stuff, too. *sigh, stress*


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-12 17:02:04

If a same host is practically hosting 24 hours,then it will have some 'weird things happen'..(you know..)
but if we take turns,i don't think it has problems


Congratulation~~:D hope you enter the college successfully

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-12 22:54:11
yea i am XD

lol i prefer malls food outlets XD

4 years? noooooooo

eating late at night...i always want to (well, in holidays when i sleep late) but then i can't go downstairs...because the others never know i sleep that late. XD

ahhhh i see what about breakfast? skip?

well my school starts at 7.15 am >_< so i wake up around 6.
yours? since you eat lunch at school i guess pretty much later /hmm

whoa nice...congrats, hope you will enter there ^^

well try not to stress yourself.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-01-13 01:02:24
I don't think they hear it correctly sometimes.
Sucks she f'ed up your hair. I take it you never went back to that place again?
Usually if the cut is not how I like it in the front, I will fix it myself.

Congrats on the college!
Good luck on getting scholarships DA! ^-^

I see.
Basically we shouldn't just let one host the whole time.
We actually do need to keep on a switch on a regular basis.

Malls or fastfood outlets? lol
Hmmm.. me thinks Kira can attract girls while stuffing his face too then. o.o
We only have like 2 malls where I live.
Outlets, I am not so sure about. If we do have some, I don't recall hearing about them.

lol I thought the difference in our age was about 4 years? o.O

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2009-01-13 04:14:39
@DA: congratulations !!! =D
ganbatte on the papper work ~.~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by koy+ on 2009-01-13 07:44:00
woah havent been on for so long..
ver3 already? o__o

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-13 09:55:06

welcome back you missed alot of things

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-01-13 13:59:26 (edited 2009-01-13 18:14:30)
[@Adel] Yeah, all that's left is the financial aid part, which is kind of confusing, though a friend who did it already said it's easy.

[@Kira] I never eat like around midnight on weeknights, that's dangerous.
You can never really eat then sleep closely following because your stomach will seriously ache after you wake up, especially if you eat at night.

I don't have time to eat breakfast in the morning, I'm too busy snoozing... XD
I can't eat that early in the morning, for some reason during school days, makes me sick or something.
Or maybe the last times I've eatened something for breakfast, which was like forever ago during like Summer or something,
I eat like stuff I had for dinner, and that really made me sick or so, haha.

I usually just chew gum in the morning, spit it out during lunch,
or lately I've been eating cough drops, but yeah that's just about it.

I start school, technically at 753 AM, that's what time I have to be in HR buy.
I ride the bus, no car of my own yet, but I get to school about 730 AM.
I have my alarm at 545 AM, but like I said I snooze, so it's usually about 630-645 AM I wake up,
though lately I've been getting some really bad hrs of sleeping, sleeping at almost 2 AM almost for a week and a half now, not good,
though strangely I wake up at around 6 AM, but again I snooze like always, so about 630-645 AM anyways I'm fully up, though still half asleep. :P

My school has four lunch periods, during 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th, which is mine.
At around my lunch time, starts around... 1245 PM? Sometimes it's unbearable to wait THAT long, cause it sucks.

And trust me, I'm always stressin', haha, I'm lazy as hell. >_<;;

[@DN] Yeah, hopefully... paperwork sucks B4LL5.

On another note, I got my Gatsby today, w00t.
I already tested tried it today, now I'm going to shower and do it again tomorrow morning, ha.
Not really gonna add spray to it, though it looks pretty nice. :D


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by koy+ on 2009-01-13 18:34:02
haha ==;

@devil's angel
yup same no time in morning for breakfast =(

school starts at 8:50 for me =D
ends at 3:10

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-13 20:56:54
@All Lol no wonder... I feel so isolated from everybody... sigh

Oh a brighter yet dim yet dark yet hopeful note,
I'm trying out for the track team in my school, and I realized that there is this girl I liked doing stats for the team. She told me that she really wanted me to make it cuz for one, she'd get really bored without someone she knows well to talk to and stuff. The thing is, I'm certain without killing myself, i won't be able to make it in the track team... Tryouts are in two days, and I want to make it for the track team, and for the girl I like. and it's so stressful when ur working towards two goals like that... >.< so nervous.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-14 00:42:49 (edited 2009-01-14 00:43:32)
hmm maybe not. i'm as thin as a stick XD

lol here since i's a countryside there's no mall and fast food liek everytime i wanna go i have to take a 30km drive...the least.

oh yea i thought you were mentioning the girls age not yours XDD

welcome back! hope you get to our gatherings (if someone hosts XD)

lol the /milk...makes me think of esheh...she said that's soooooo UNNACEPTABLE!!! XD

ohhhhh i never knew that hmm.../stops thinking of eating late at night O.O

lol busy snoozing...same here, just minus the alarm. lol

well i can go on without it but my mom keeps nagging about not eating breakfast blabla...XD

so i guess you better let it empty until a while huh

lol i can never chew gum that long XDD
some cough drops are...yum! but what the heck, i'm so lazy to buy those XDD

ahhh i see...hmm lack of sleep much? XD
lol speaking of which...these few days i keep woke up at 4 am O.O
even when i sleep at midnight...what sorta sign is this hmm..

whoa that long? yea it sucks especially when there's no breakfast...hmm here recess is around 10.30. which is cool but...since i save money i just go sit at one of the stone benchs at the assembly grounds, doing nothing but just gazing like some sorta bored kid....XDD

speaking of laziness...there's a ton of homework for me...but luckily tomorrow and the day after we won't study XDD /sparks laziness

good luck with that! ^^

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-01-14 01:02:56
Welcome back Juvixty!
Long time no see. ^-^

So I had a job lined up. And they told me if I was to be hired, they would call me Monday or Tuesday.
Apparently I am not hired. It seems not even fast food is willing to hire me. ;_;

Just give it your best. Practice makes perfect.
Who knows, maybe she will be attracted to your willpower. =D

Even if you are thin as a stick, you still have the capability to stuff your face with food.
30km... how much is that in miles.. I need to check that out. But I think thats about 20 miles. o.O

lol The girls will be my age, BUT FOR YOU!! XD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2009-01-14 03:57:12
@DA: sorry for being so ignorant but...
what's a Gatsby?? o.o''


wow... this seems to be the most active thread nowadays

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-01-14 13:06:19
[@juvixty] Yeah, that's just about the same as me, 'cept longer (753 AM - 300 PM).

[@L] Haha, reading your post I thought you were a girl, so I was like "yuri!", but in a good way...
Started to think of this one drama I saw a long time ago with my cousin and all her girlfriends. Forget the title though, but it was pretty nice.

Good luck with tryouts, track is friggin' rough.

[@Kira] Yeah, my parents buy that type of stuff so I don't have to trouble them at night to get 'em for me the next morning.
I can chew the same piece of gum for hours, depending on what type of gum it is anyways.

Like, with a piece or orbit, I can chew that for hrs. Like with gum, I eat the thing til there's no flavor whatsoever left.

Next week's going to be a rough, weird week for me.
Off Monday, holiday, and at the college I hopefully got into, they're having an open house, not sure if I'm going though cause you need to reserve your spot or something.
I'm also taking mid-terms next Wednesday and Thursday, too, so half days on those days.
I'm trying to find out the order of which I take 'em cause I leave early or come in later.
These are times I wish I had my own car, cause there's no way if I don't find a ride after a first exam and don't need to take the second, I'm staying at school. -___________-"

[@GM] Where'd you apply? Sometimes, fast food sucks B4LL5, like service sucks not to mention the low ass pay.

[@DN] The Gatsby is a hair product from Japan that kicks butt. :D

Speaking of that, it held up pretty nicely today.
I had to fix it so it would stand up taller, but overall, it held up pretty nicely anyways.
It doesn't keep the mohawk part up entirely, but the stuff near the lower side is held up non-stop.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-14 17:47:24
@DA O.o you thought I was a girl in that post? lol... and Gatsby holds much better with hairspray... but still, amazing stuff isn't it? lol

How is there yuri in a good way?!?!?!??!??

@Gmeis Lol... she told me today that she'll be there rooting for me tomorrow. THe thing is, she also said that if I failed, she'll be disappointed in me. i hope she meant that in a jokingly way >.<

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-14 18:24:30
what unacceptable?

what is it? the rooting?

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-01-14 19:01:15
[@L] Yeah, I remember we had some post where you mentioned curves or something.
I tried to remember if it was another member or something... but I don't remember, but you appeared in my head, haha.

It's hard to using it and NOT wear a hat, cause it's not like I wanna wear one,
it's just that this week out here has been one of the coldest weeks in a long time, and it's expected to get even colder,
and I'm not wearing a hat or even ear muffs cause my hair is in a faux mohawk. XD

Yuri, in a good way, meaning not offensive, and I always enjoy yuri love stories. ^_~`
Let's not get too detailed with that now... :P


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