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Re: Soul Eater
Link | by kirbowshi on 2008-05-19 16:23:29
I gotta say I read the manga and watched the anime and liked them both. I definitely recommend this.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by kirky-chan on 2008-05-20 06:55:06
i love patty! >.<

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by imppy on 2008-05-20 07:04:33
I watched the anime :D it was one of the most awesome action animes I ever saw.
I don't mind the comedic feeling there XD Maka's voice has that kind of tone which I find different from the others.
However I'm kinda pleased hearing it lol.

Also, I'm quite attached to Black Star, despite his idiocy I'm always into assassins and ninjas d:

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by HK on 2008-05-20 07:26:47

I'm still only at teh 3rd episode but I am now looking for teh manga of this title. Teh shinigami and teh scythes
held me captive, animation is what you would expect from something of this time.

Still waiting for teh game to be released for teh Wii... I might be able to play it.. XPP

I still dun know whether teh plot/storyline would go as it is, I'm still looking for something that is quite not there... x.x

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by taichokerorogunso on 2008-05-20 14:06:06
I like Patty too! small and funny and bigger boobs than her sister liz. if i was Death the Kid id be feeling up on them everyday. SYMMETRY!! i want 8 not a 7! hahaha that was funny. i just dont like how he shoots his guns with his pinky.
Black Star is funny and stupid at the same time but i like his courage even though hes powerless. and Maka looks like harry potter for some reason with that cape on. She was soo cute when she took it off and another time when she had reading glasses on.

ive seen maka and kid's soul resonance so far, i wonder what black star looks like. it might be really strong cause he has a high frequency.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by imppy on 2008-05-21 06:57:29
yeh, I'm also a little bothered with Kid's way of shooting with his pinky, but I like seeing him crossing his arms though! XD

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by pervertfox on 2008-05-21 08:22:34
chrona will appear later.. she's on the opening though..

"The fox is actually looking behind you right now"

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by kirky-chan on 2008-05-21 12:51:32
i love the black star and soul moments, mainly in episode 6 i think. haha, it cracked me up. i've yet to read the manga, i may start it as it's always interesting seeing what they've kept in and stuff.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by imppy on 2008-05-22 05:29:21
@ pervert fox

Chrona's first appearance on episode 7! At first I thought He was a girl though D:
I love those bizarre eyes of his!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by kirky-chan on 2008-05-22 08:14:17
just downloading no. 7 now. can't wait!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by pervertfox on 2008-05-22 10:03:34
wow im downloading that ep7 right now.. got work gonna watch it on the weekend.. woohoo... ^^

"The fox is actually looking behind you right now"

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-05-23 01:24:45
ep7.. that's fast.. well for those who's following rumbel subs, they just came out with ep6.. gonna watch that later tonight XD

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by kimusabi on 2008-05-23 01:52:34
Soul eater is a great anime, really original. It probably also explains why it got licensed so early into the series... I hope those few fan sub groups that are still going on with subbing it are blessed with not being noticed by the license owner.

~roll away!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by kirky-chan on 2008-05-23 02:49:07
woah i didn't realise that it was licensed already. that is damn fast! i'm really loving it. i said i'd download but i ended up watching Tadashi's vid for it. i think i'll wait for AEN's sub. i think i prefer them for this series.

i still love patty. she rocks!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-05-23 05:07:49 (edited 2008-05-23 05:12:50)
yup, somehow it was sorta wide spread news that it'd be licensed, just no one knew exactly when. It's not a surprise, seeing the quality.

*Crosses fingers together with kimusabi, hoping the subbers cont. their work*

why..what's with kidd's pinky-shooting? I think it's a nice touch XD since the others have such cool weapons.. it's always cool for a girl to wield a death-scythe, and B*S has several different weapons.. Kidd would seem kinda boring if he shoots the normal way XD

But..but.. the way Patty and Liz change intermittently and shoot each other is way cool.. i wonder if we'll see that again XD

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by pervertfox on 2008-05-23 12:01:57 (edited 2008-05-23 12:22:26)
haha.. if kidd starts with his problem in the middle of a fight it may happen... xD

chrona is A guy! OMG!!

anyway at first I thought partners between meisters and weapons are by gender... then i remembered stein and spirit's team up.. then if ever stein is a special case because he can shift his wavelength at ease...

edit(chrona gender in manga chapter47(really far off)):
click this spoiler at your own risk(i warned you)

"The fox is actually looking behind you right now"

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by kirky-chan on 2008-05-23 17:43:12
haha. i love that symmetry business.

well i hope they keep subbin too >.< i really am enjoying it.

and to bkn. i loved that part in the mummy ep. where patty and liz fired and swapped over. it was soo coooool.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-05-24 06:59:59
*still waiting for episode 7*

kidd's death cannon was awesome... Totally cool! And i love the BG playing over that scene. I wonder what's the name of that song..
Aside from the good action in episode 6, this episode was totally hilarious. I kept on laughing watching Black Star and Soul getting mushy. lol!

I had a strong feeling that soul eater was licensed. I kept on checking animesuki for soul eater updates but can't find any torrent release. The fansubs should continue! just look at soul eater's strong seiyuu cast. ^_^

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2008-05-24 09:51:31
OOh, 7 was awesome too... I can't wait for 8. +3+ Stein looks so awesommme.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by bloodynuki on 2008-05-24 10:49:24
i guess all the people who post them into this thread are very impressive to this anime. im not sure if i watch this series but if i finish some series that i watch now.. i want to watch it. right now ^___^v

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