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Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by Roy on 2006-12-26 18:36:04
Trinity Blood is a really good anime, I recomend it to anyone that is old enough to view it. You should however do your homework first!!you could always catch reruns of tv shows and it doesn't matter, but yu don't want to get counted off for not turning in your homework!!!

There is no such thing as perfection. This world itself is imperfect.

Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by captaincrunchy on 2006-12-26 18:42:32
i didnt mind the show just like everyone said the ending was kinda abrupt. But i thought there was gonna be a movie coming out with telling the true ending to it. Dunno guess i should actually research that, but i was for thinking there was a movie in the works for it

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Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by yedijoda on 2006-12-27 09:21:20
I actually like Trinity Blood. I picked it up when I heard that Adult Swim was going to start airing it.

I have some issues about the plot, but that's mostly (as has been said) because the original writer died just after they announced the anime. However, there are some good mini-arcs. For example, the plot arc that starts with Aeon acting as an envoy to the Vatican is *very* good. But there are a lot of things to like with this series: the animation is simply beautiful, the music is gorgeous, the concept is interesting, and the characters have some depth. Although naming the Kruzniks Abel and Cain was a little cliche.

Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by captaincrunchy on 2006-12-27 21:03:00
Hey i guess i was right there is an actual movie that did come out in theaters called Trinity Blood: Genesis that is so far the only place i found a trailor for it at. I wonder how come i havent seen it yet.

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Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by Jedi'm the only man that can walk both worldsJed on 2007-02-08 21:33:23
it's a really good anime...seen it twice and it rocks!

"those who wonder...are not lost"

Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by Advi on 2007-04-11 05:01:26
Trinity Blood is a good anime and it is so not a waste of time. I love it! The ending was abrupt and left a lot of people wanting more and I'm sure everyone when they saw it when WTF? But the original author of Trinity Blood, Sunao Yoshida passed away from lung blockage before the anime debuted in Japan. It is sad really, but no matter how the anime series would have been made, whether they followed the novels or the manga, Trinity Blood doesn't have an ending because the late Sunao Yoshida-san, died before he could write an ending for the final battle.

It is sad but true.

One must wonder what would have happened if Sunao Yoshida did not die?

Trinity Blood is an amazing anime with characters that are deep and an addictive story. The artwork, whether in the anime, manga or novels is very detailed and elegant.

Trinity Blood is and I stress, Not. A. Waste. Of. Time.

Abel Nightroad is claimed as Advi's anime husband!!!! Motto in life - There is always hope in darkness.

Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by Username on 2007-04-11 05:44:38 thats why..

abel and cain never finished their battle
properly .. i liked the anime though..

i wish to bleed for you

Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2007-04-12 19:00:33
u should watch it~~!
i love that is so cool
i love the characters,the designs and everything
but unfortunately,it doesnt have an ending..i'm so pissed off when i watch it
but seriously,
this is the best anime i've watch in my life~!
i love the song too..
and another unfortunately
the writer died before he could finish it.. disspointed

Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by HK on 2007-04-13 02:28:35
>this anime is so cool, I have watched it before and I'm never gonna get tired of watching it... too bad it only has 24 episode... *sigh* but anyway, it's good! Now, I'm trying to get my hands on a copy of the novel since I wouldn't really understand the WHOLE story if I only watch the anime and read the manga...

And here's what I have to say to you: It's NOT a waste of time unlike not doing your schoolworks... understand?

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by sekaisin on 2007-04-13 02:47:53 (edited 2007-04-13 02:48:54)
It's good...but not one my favs...

Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by blueanime27 on 2007-08-27 05:04:12
I really like this anime..
but yeah the ending is just a so so

-what is found here might be found elsewhere but something not found in here may also not be found anywhere-

Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by on 2007-08-27 08:08:36
It's a good anime,but the ending suck!

Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by on 2007-08-28 07:13:02
i don't think it's a waste of time... it's good
it'll remind you of trigun. abel is like vash! so goofy and silly

Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by karuzo on 2007-08-28 07:18:13
i agree with Advi...

Trinity Blood was a vey nice a

nime but the author died before he coud finish it

but the plot was nice interesting....

a vampire that drinks vampire's blood

then Krusnik form was awesome...


Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by on 2007-08-29 11:36:04
I've only started watching this a few days ago...I think it's pretty good x3

Lots of blood o.o

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Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Trinity Blood...waste of time??
Link | by gant on 2008-02-06 03:04:29
Are you crazy???? Trinity Blood is like, one of the best anime ever! It's awe-some! I haven't missed even a single episode.


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