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Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by h4xordude on 2007-01-30 14:41:28
@Michiyo: Oh, sorry, I didn't know that capitalisation was a british spelling

(thinks to self*....why do they spell color and armor with a u?)

I usually don't ever use txt speak in real life, and even when I'm online I only use basic ones like brb if I'm instant messaging someone and my phone rings or something.

@Beatrix: seriously, how hard is it to spell out the word really for gosh sake, I totally agree.

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
(small signatures are sooo much cooler since they don't annoy people trying to read through posts!)

Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by imppy on 2007-02-04 02:22:50
@ h4x0r dud3

The colour and armour are British-type spellings...I learned that from my English subject (I think that's the only thing I'm listening at) the British terms are actually not that far from the American terms dattebayo~

Like, instead of saying diaper, you say nappy XD

Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by -KuSoJo- on 2007-02-26 02:22:48
maybe you could use a little..and ofcourse..not so Much...cause really..txt language..would make you wont know what the real spelling of a certain word is...


Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by on 2007-03-13 14:02:19
@h4xor- "why do they spell color and armor with a u?"

Why do you spell colour and armour without a u?

I just can't understand why people would ever use it, it takes longer to write, longer to read, and longer to dechiper.


Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-03-13 14:30:50
Nowadays for me, it's not the proper way to spell the word.
More like using them in a sentence.

Also, my friends for one thing on AIM, MSN, etc. never use periods for some reason.
I wonder if they know what they're talking about.
I'd bet if you ask them to read what they just told you, they wouldn't have the same thought as they did writing it in the first place.

I haven't changed the way I type since the last time I was here.
As long as they spell it right, use periods, etc., aka if it's valid to read and if it's understandable from the person who wrote it in the first place, then it's fine with me.

*Note: I just thought of a recent post from Michiyo last night, and she said something about how she likes to type in all lower case (sometimes) like the "godfather [Gendou I think]."
I type like that in AIM and MSN most of the time, but my style will still be the same.
It's just at times, I change/add small things like I'm the only member to have like Side Notes/Notes after a certain post, like Michiyo has her -michiyo- after she posts.

We all have small things that people recognize.
I think if I showed stuff to my English teacher, he'd say I use the comma too often; even in one sentence. ^_^`


Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by on 2007-03-17 13:44:31
I usually keep using caps and proper English when chatting. It's a habit. I don't mind all lower case, but it looks a little strange.


Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by angelmi on 2007-03-30 17:57:23
HI Everyone, I agree to your comments. At first I thought the GENDOU language ur gone teach here was about shorcut for words, abbrevations or something. HA! good to know I'm wrong, and its nice to find it here on the internet. Because of the changing technology, people tend to find ways where life could be easier, but to the contrary, life didn't get easier, it became more complicated. I try to complete my words whenever I send sms. I try to avoid shortcut as I can, and I think its Okay to use abbrevations sometimes, but not on every chat or every conversation we are on. Like on emails on forums and other stuff, because as you guys said, we are not limited to 160 characters here, nor are we in hurry to reply or type the things we want to say. So nice rule for us. More power to you and this website.

Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by on 2007-04-13 09:13:25
aw cool, michiyo's a filipina?? ^_^ So am I... and I can relate to her very much... seriously, it's weird seeing our languages so... integrated in our phones here in the Philippines... here's one I received from my friend: "8s not as if ng.cheat aq sa knya, eh wir not evn d8tng kron... hallur.."

translation: it's not as if I'm cheating on her, hey, we're not even dating now... hello...

And that's in three different languages. Sheesh, why make things complicated??

~signature pending~ ^_^

Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by waruiyume on 2007-05-03 00:15:36

Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by Korhal on 2007-05-08 12:05:51
I think what I find most appalling about 'txt lnguage' is that schools are considering, or have started, implementing classes to teach this crap to kids and teens.. sad state of affairs. :(

Something wicked this way comes...

Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by Mochi on 2007-05-18 13:24:27
First off, I have to say that I love the topic of this thread. Hilarious. I totally agree that it does get rather annoying. It's even more annoying as TyPiNg LyKe ThIs. I can see how "txt language" can save time if you're taking notes. I believe someone noted that before; it's like shorthand. It's notes that probably only you understand. I also have a friend that refuses to use punctuation, claiming that I know what he's trying to say. It throws me off really bad.

As far as mixing languages, I have to admit I do that a lot myself. However, it's because I can't remember how to say a word or phrase, and so I switch languages to avoid a ridiculously long pause as I try to translate in my head. Also, I was raised in a household where a conversation usually starts in Cambodian and ends in Chinese (Cantonese or Mandarin, or sometimes even Chuchou), and has English words thrown in every once in a while. So it's not so strange to me.

And this may sound dumb, but wouldn't it be horrible if our children forgot how to properly speak and spell and all that? Can you imagine how bad these things can get? Haha. I think I'd die if my child didn't realize that "gotta" is really supposed to be "got to", or even how "ima" is supposed to be "I'm going to". I mean, there was already that whole thing about "alright" not being an acceptable spelling of "all right", and slang/curse words being adopted into the dictionary. I am guilty of using "alrite" and "tonite" though. Bad me, no cookie. But I don't entirely understand the need to make things so abbreviated that an entire sentence can be reduced to a few letters and number.

And finally, t3h l33t r0x0rz m3h s0x0rz. Fun times.

Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by SCHALA on 2007-05-18 13:43:57 (edited 2007-05-18 13:44:05)
I hate texting. I am ashamed to say I one did it when I first got MSN. I have learned the ways of speaking "propa english" :P haha, yeah. Well, there came a time when I had to write an essay and I couldn't type for the life of me. It took forever to edit it :P I decided then on, I would be a normal typer!



Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-05-18 15:28:52
First of all, I'll be honest. I was afraid of this tread :P

Yeap! English isn't my first language and i know i commit horrible typos... people at chat know that for sure XD

Them i'm here to give a decent text (with all i can give ^^'' ) XD

But i'm happy to say that the gendou's users are quite nice to my typos (that would kill a english teacher for sure XDD)


Thank you for the patience


 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by maddog on 2007-07-10 22:23:53
Here in Australia, I know of a high school near where I live. You're not going to know its name for privacy reasons, but everyone there uses laptops. In fact, they are compulsory for the students. Now, when you put laptops, teenagers and the ubiquitous mobile phone together, what happens is thouroughly amusing.

1. Students start to use their laptops for everything. Talking face to face with a friend? Why not send an e-mail instead. And stuff handwriting! Word is the saviour. Through the gossip grapevine I have heard of students losing their ability to write! That might be going a bit too far, but it's always possible.

2. Students use SMS and instant messaging language. Continuously. Even when they speak. You hear a group of girls gossiping, then you hear one shouting out "ROFL!!!!!!!" Some have even got to the point where they use SMS abbreviations on assignments and essays because that is all the know.

English is doomed, isn't it?

Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by bermudanwarrior on 2007-08-20 20:54:32
It takes us longer to understand "|-|/-\><><0!2" than "hacker", just like I'm not used to Korean and ancient Egyptian characters. We're able to recognize things we're familiar with even if it's a little badly-handwritten. So it'll only take a while to get used to txt language.
As long as it doesn't appear in formal literature, we're fine.

Life sucks. Whoever gives up living because of that, sucks. But without anime I would ...XD

Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by Ayra on 2007-08-22 15:40:51

I agree!

Although, I don't think people spell as bad as that...

Or, maybe they do. xD Anyways, that kind of spelling annoys me too, so don't worry, I will speak properly.

Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by gizmotin on 2007-08-26 08:43:19
I Have to say that those shortened words make reading way too difficult. So I sincerely hope that everyone writes as well as they can, to make it easier to read. Did I make myself clear?

Must be a coincidence that I'm a Gemini too, and hate these shortened languages. Or has it something to do with this love for details that is usually associated with our starsign?

Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by on 2007-10-12 17:57:22
Hi, all ! Honestly, several time I enter the chat room without understand the conversation because of the short sentences they made. Sometimes I thought how dummy I am in english, not understand the conversation at all in the chat room.. I personally do not hate shorthened language but better if they talk in ordinary spelling, so everybody specially who main language is not english like me, can understand clearly.
Geee... I am glad I can talk about this in this thread ! Thanks, Michiyo !!

Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-10-12 18:04:02
Yeah people talk, or more like "type" differently in chatting situations, then when it comes to something like these forums and threads.
I would just keep typing the way I type, which is fully correct (most of the time), so at least I can understand what I'm saying... or typing. XD\

Occasionally though, I would be lazy and type in all lower cased letters (you might've seen this before, I do it sometimes, or a below average common).
So I guess people type like "you = u", what's up = wut up", etc., cause of being lazy maybe. Makes sense in a way. ^_~`

Also note it makes users feel like they can type faster by leaving out a few letters in sentences and words, lol.


Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Link | by skylights on 2007-11-18 06:30:02
What you said was right. Writing properly is definitely better. Imagine a person writing like that for their english test paper. Definitely not a good thing.

-p.s-Hi gemini.

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