Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
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Yo Maiku, been a while. Did you ever get NSGen? I see you on CQ in BF3 occasionally. How do you like the new patch? Speaking of BF3, I just played probably my best game... ever, check this out!!! ![]() ------- |
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@Maiku : Hey, yeah, it has been a while. @Jon : I'm watching a play-through of Xenoblade and it's pretty amazing. So, I hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to play. Dunban has to be on of my favorite characters and Riki too. I finally picked up Final Fantasy XIII-2 and I have to say I'm impressed. I can't say I find anything wrong with it. Well, the time hopping can get annoying. I find myself back tracking somewhat. I have no idea what kind of ending I'm going to get at this point. ![]() ![]() |
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@DA Dayum haha how many tickets was that metro match that you got 196 kills? I play BF3 Thursday and Saturday nights with some friends, but that's mostly it. I didn't get NSGen, since the campaign wasn't quite what I was looking for. I may still pick it up when it drops in price, but I'm not making any more purchases until E3. @Jon My brother and I beat our first run through of Tales of Graces F a few weeks ago, during my spring break. The combat took me some getting used to, but it was fun. How is Hunted? I was thinking of getting it for a co-op romp a while back, but never did. I've heard you won't be disappointed with Xenoblade- my brother has it at home (can't wait till this semester is over and I can go back and play it) and has been thoroughly enjoying it. I'm preordering Mario Tennis Open for 3DS, and hoping to get Dragon's Dogma, but otherwise nothing until I know what the rest of the year is going to offer. ![]() |
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@Maiku & Yuna - That's what I keep hearing about Xenoblade. I have to say though that I wasn't wholly impressed with my first hour of gameplay (I had to try it at least a bit), but RPG's usually take a while to get good. The world and the visuals look really good though and I am liking them (in terms of artistic style anyway, the graphics are obviously pretty jagged and dated since it's on the Wii). It will probably be a little while before I get at it though, since I have a lot of life stuff happening over the next month. @Yuna - From the little bit I have played, I so far think that the blond pirate looking dude is the most awesome (not sure about his name). He's rocking that handlebar moustache that makes him look like a roadie for some rock band. lol @Maiku - Hunted is alright. Pretty much everyone at work warned me not to buy it for any reason since it's apparently a bad game, but me and my friend decided to get it anyway (it was only $10, I mean come on). We both said "Hey, we played through Haze, so Hunted can't be any worse than that". The only complaints I have with it is that even the lowest difficulty is pretty unforgiving. The game tends to throw a large number of enemy archers into every encounter as well as a few melee guys who will go straight at you. Since the enemy has great aim (and the ranged chick's aim is kind glitchy) you'll end up getting torn apart by archers in pretty much every battle. It's annoying. Also, I DO NOT RECOMMEND playing with the computer. I can see that game being incredibly frustrating with a computer controlled partner. Maybe that's where most of the hate for Hunted comes from. Other than that, it's pretty average. The story is nothing special and the characters are not all that likable (the banter between the two main characters is pretty bad at times, especially when they complain about their irrational fears every 10 minutes). The game is pretty lengthy though, so if you want a co-op game that will last a while then this might not be a bad deal if you get it cheap. I don't know how long we have been playing it, but it must be at least 6 hours by now, and we still have 2 chapters to go. In short, if you are looking for a co-op game and are running out of options, then get Hunted for a laugh. I wouldn't recommend paying any more than $20 for it though. Our deciding factor in buying it was that we have just about run out of affordable co-op games to get. The only co-op games we have yet to play are mostly still in the $45+ range (which isn't a huge deal for me, but is a big deal for my friend who does not have a part-time job like I do). |
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@Maiku I think it was full (1750 I think?) but the game lasted almost 2 hours! (1 hr 55 mins) however I joined a bit later so I think I only played maybe 70 or so minutes of it or so, plus we were down by like 400 tickets until I joined... XD Yeah NSGen is NOT worth getting full price, is the price down by now? I haven't checked recently. Yeah they f#cked up story mode I was so disappointed. Honestly I'm keeping it cause it'sa good multiplayer friends, not only cause people are lame, but to play with friends, of course you need people who have it to actually play with so yeah I haven't had an opportunity to play with anyone else yet. My one friend is taking forever just getting through the story mode so I don't know if he'll want to verse me plus I started playing Bf heavily recently with some clan mates. ![]() ------- |
Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
I have to ask if anyone is willing to continue on the E3 threads. Since the next one is at June 5-7. I'm not sure I can watch and keep the forums updated from the live conferences due to my work schedule. ![]() Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow! |
Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
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@Lu Bu - I would like to commit to it, but I'm not sure if I will be home for the conferences and such. I almost always miss at least 1 of them every year due to school or work. It will probably be worse this year since I'll be out of school and into the working class, as well as working part-time elsewhere. I will definitely watch whatever conferences I can though, and I always edit or make posts in the thread as things are revealed/announced. @Maiku & Yuna - I've had a chance to play more of Xenoblade over the past couple of days. I have about 13 hours put into it now and am at the Homs Camp outside Colony 6 (I think I'm on the Bionis' Leg). I'm supposed to be chasing after Juju, but for the time being I'm just doing side-quests. I am starting to see why people like it so much, although the rough parts I noted when I started the game aren't getting any better. The battle system still remains a problem for me because of how much is going on on the screen at any given time and all of the things your expected to keep track of or respond to. The camera is also pretty bad in battle. Is there any way to have it auto-adjust? The battle system relies heavily on character positioning in relation to an enemy and yet the camera does not support that playstyle whatsoever. The setting is getting better though, as well as the environments. It's been a while since I've played an RPG and was truly awestruck of my surroundings (specifically, I got that feeling upon seeing the Mechonis' glowing red eyes in the distance at night while a thunderstorm caused flashes of light around it). I love looking out over cliffs or hills at the landscape and knowing that I can go to just about any location I look at (including the various parts of the Bionis and Mechonis I can see above me. Looking forward to getting to the Bionis head or arm). Other than that, I may not be fond of the battle system so far, but I will sing praises about what Monolith Soft has done in terms of some of the game mechanics. Being able to fast travel between landmark points makes exploration and quests so much more tolerable. Most fetch quests are automatically completed as soon as you collect the required items, which means that you don't have to bother going back to track down the person you got the quest from to get your reward (the game just gives you the reward on the spot). If you need an item for a future fetch quest, the game gives you a little vision from the future showing you completing the quest and letting you know that someone will be looking for that item soon. I'm very impressed by all of these features. Finally, I do have to make one last personal complaint. The game starts out on an incredibly depressing note. >.> The point at which the main hero starts out on his adventure (leaving the starting town in other words), I truly did not feel motivated to go on due to the events that had transpired about 10 minutes prior. I don't want to give spoilers (although this does happen in like the first 4 hours of gameplay), but I was seriously bummed out. To be honest, I'm still kind of bummed out by it, and I would probably be enjoying the game a bit more if it hadn't happened. This is a personal complaint though, as I am a self-confessed lover of cheesy romance stuff and happily-ever-after scenes. |
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@Jon : I'm glad you're enjoying the game so far. As for the battle system. Just looking at through play-through videos I can tell it's tedious, you have so many different options that it seem like it can get confusing and frustrating fairly quickly. And yes, the views of the Bionis and Mechonis are great. As for the story in the beginning. I know what you're talking about and yeah, it is depressing, but you'll be thrown for one heck of a plot-twist later on in the game. No spoilers! ![]() ![]() |
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@Yuna - Confusing and frustrating doesn't even begin to describe it. Some enemies can only be hit by the Monado unless you have Shulk use an Enchant skill on the others, status effects are popping up on enemies and allies alike, 'Future Sight' visions can be triggered by major enemy attacks which causes you to scramble to try and find the skill you need to stop the upcoming attack, and everything in the battle is moving around to different positions for the best attack opportunities. So far it's only been a real hassle with the boss fights, which can just turn into a confusing mess after only a few seconds. Maybe I just don't play enough Action RPG's, but I simply cannot follow what is going on in some cases. I also find it difficult to tell if I am at a proper level to be taking on certain enemies. I'm at level 21 where I am right now, and I plan to be about level 24 or 25 (mainly because of all the side-quests I get hooked on) before I actually get to the upcoming boss. 9 chances out of 10 I will have a very difficult time with said boss. That's what the game has felt like so far: No matter how strong I think my characters are, I still seem to only be at the minimum level needed to skim by the next section. *sigh* Finally, I also need to go out and buy a classic controller for the Wii tomorrow. Playing X Chronicles with the Wii-mote and Nunchuck is terrible. >.> Anyway, that should be it for my ranting on the game for the time being, at least as far as 'wall o' text' posts go. Oh, and as for the story, I kind of figured something would happen related to that considering the promotional images for the game and everything, but I still get an uneasy feeling that it will be one of those 'bittersweet' moments. I hate those, moments that are supposed to be happy or relieving but still have this air of depression around them. |
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Hey guys! Excited for E3? Like 5 days away! I broke down and purchased Dragon's Dogma, which means I'm very low on cash at the moment- darn! But I figured summer started and there was no way the last week to E3 was going to pass without a little something to help it along. My brother and I have also been playing Mario Tennis Open and LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7. Both are a lot of fun. I'm home now for the summer too, which is nice. I'll be doing nothing but beach, gaming, and writing my book :) How's everyone else doing? E3!! ![]() |
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so how many of ya saw the ULT bundle pack which also includes Add-ons on the psn? pretty good deals but seems like well to me bad timing they could of at least tell us ahead of time like a week, L.A. Noire, and Mafia II are probably the only two i would want but most of my paycheck is already going to the bills X_x oh wells. anyways RE: Operation Raccoon City pretty decent although the game is short but long depending on what Lv of Difficulty your playin on 7 Stages altogether 4 player co-op, 4 modes on versus+ one or two free DLC modes or extra story mode and for those who are Trophy hunters and wanna earn a Plat best to get a team of 8 people if your gonna get it since you can play private games although i don't know how's that gonna work. btw how many did buy "The Walking Dead" game and played the demo or the 1st ep? Love the artwork since it has that Comic style and met two of the people from the series in the game. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Not sure about anyone else but I thought about looking into ME3. Demo looked fun but it was more of a regular shooter, though I know ME is about the RPG elements and responses in conversations, etc. Right now just trying to get to Lv. 100 in BF3 and re-arrange my Top5 a bit but yeah no games really interest me right now. I still want to try the Dragon Dogma demo myself, just saw my little nephew play it and I saw the trailer anyways a while ago which looked great. ![]() ------- |
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@DA : Dragon's Dogma is indeed a good game. Unfortunately, I don't have a HD TV and I could barely read the damn words :/ Managed to get through it and you should give it a try :D On another good note. Another Zone of Enders has been announced! I'm so excited. No real details about it yet though, but I'm looking forward to it nonetheless. ![]() ![]() |
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@Yuna - Which is awesome news. Unfortunately, from what I've heard, Kojima won't actually have a large role in this ZOE game. So ZOE3 will happen, but Kojima's involvement could simply be limited to slapping his name on the cover. @JC - I saw those bundles, 4 days after I had already bought Just Cause 2 on disc. >_> I broke down and bought a Vita about two weeks ago for my birthday. I got Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention and Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen for it, but I'm mainly looking forward to Gravity Rush which comes out next week. I'm also going to borrow Uncharted: Golden Abyss from one of my co-workers when I get the chance to play it. As for games, these are the current titles I have pre-ordered. Lollipop Chainsaw - June 12th Gravity Rush - June 12th The Last Story - June 19th (I think) Pokemon Conquest - June 24th (I think) Borderlands 2 - September Pokemon Black 2 - Fall 2012 Persona 4: The Golden - October (I think) Zone of the Enders: HD Collection - Winter 2012 |
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@Yuna How far are you into it? It looks better than Skyrim and has that classic SOTC feel to it by climbing on the beasts. The trailer I saw looks deep and you seem to have multiple powers and whatnot, typical RPG elements. Saw some E3, and I gotta say some games look amazing. How are games looking better for the PS3? A brand new AC, AC3 looks sweet, The Last of Us seems like another NaughtyDog classic, which I'm very tempted to get if I find out a date. Some other games looked nice too like the new Splinter Cell, which I was never a deep fan of, though not sure if it's just for 360. I think there's gonna be new releases next year for Sony too like possibly new KZ or something like that but a pretty decent conference. Anyone saw Playstation All-Stars? lol a dumb title but I called it a while ago or talked about, Sony making some sort of SSB for Sony. Gotta see more characters though. Right now I'm buying Premium for BF3 so I'll have to really put thought into another game. ![]() ------- |
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so how many of ya saw E3 games and what did ya think so far? how many of ya are going PlayStation Plus to get those Free Games? although i may just get only a few games and to tell you the truth some of the games can be pretty pointless if you already beaten it or not interest it ones I will or might get are LBP2, RAC: All 4 One, Just Cause 2, Saints Row 2 and haven't check out what the other few are and the whole story behind it I might read more about it and see if any of em interest me. Virtua Fighter 5 inFAMOUS 2 Little Big Planet 2 Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Just Cause 2 Saints Row 2 Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light Hard Corp: Uprising Choplifter HD Zombie Apocalypse Never Die Alone Sideway NY @DA hmm PS All stars well to be honest they could of done a BETTER job on it I mean sure the Smash Bros series was epic but PS All Stars just didn't hit me and yea AC3 THAT SHIP "ALL CANNONS READY,.....FIRE!!!" and the creators of Heavy Rain just BLEW MY MIND Beyond i just want to see more game plays of it. Brought my Premium on the 2nd or 3rd day it came out. and about Splinter Cell it's also coming for the PS3 as well @Yuna another ZOE eh could be interesting played the 1st ZOE and Mission to Mars on the GBA and on the GBA it felt like it wasn't finish due to the two endings i saw. okay about the Wii-U did it caught your attention? well it did somewhat hit me. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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@JC Damn all those games are gonna be 'free' for PSN+ users? LAME! AC3 will be nice though I won't get it if I don't read/play through Revelations first. No special bundle though so I'unno. The Last of Us I'll definitely get if I read more info about it and whatnot. It seems like it's just solely a single-player game without necessary multiplayer which I like, though it better have an epic storyline and whatnot though knowing its creator it most likely will. The game play looks solid enough and that demo they showed will most likely be the very first thing you even do in the game, so it's not even on the border of what the game will actually turn out to be but yeah I'll need to know more info on it first. Splinter Cell looks good, better than that Ghost Recon to be honest though I gotta check if you can play with friends and whatnot too. The slow motion lock-on action sequence makes it so easy to kill people lol. Beyond looks like a random idea to try something new but I'm mostly interested in The Last of Us for now, and BF3 Premium. I'm also interested in that Tomb Raider. That girl is hotter than Lara Croft. AND WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED WITH THE LAST GUARDIAN!!? WHEN'S IT COMING OUT DAMMNIT!!! I thought about getting Mass Effect 3 a little before I saw these great titles from E3 for PS3. Might pass on it now. Also about PS All Stars yeah it looks like a cheap knock off, but if they have a good character line-up it'll be a nice fun game for friends and whatnot. It also has multiplayer though I wish it had some sort of storymode as well, y'know? Like SSB you could do a lot besides the action, they had those other modes too and fun record events. Now that UFC signed with EA I bought UFC Undisputed 3 for nothing....... ![]() ------- |
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@JC - That was the best announcement throughout E3 in my opinion. Me and my friend have already started playing Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One. I already own Just Cause 2 (which I only bought like 2 weeks ago). Me and my friend are also going to play Space Marine co-op and maybe Lara Croft. I also can't believe that they're giving away inFamous 2. I got inFamous last year for free because of the network outage, and now I'm getting the second game for free as well. I never understood why I passed on buying inFamous, because I ended up liking it, and even then I passed on buying inFamous 2. I guess it's paying off though. As for the other games, I either already have them or don't have interest in them. I may download LBP2 again though, just because it's fun to pick at every so often. If there were enough Gendou users around here with PS+, I would suggest that we get four people together and have us a game of Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One, but I think there's only 1 or 2 people that have it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As for E3, I don't really have anything to say about it. It was overall pretty boring from what I've been reading. Nothing that was announced excited me enough to even go look at a trailer as far as new games go. (Beyond is like Heavy Rain, I probably won't be interested in it until I'm actually playing it) |
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@DA : I've only played the demo. I don't have a HD TV so it was really hard to read and I'm blind enough as it is. As for the Last Guardian, maybe they'll show something at the Tokyo Game Show this year? Hopefully I'll hear something about FFXIII Versus, but honestly, I'm losing hope about that game. @Jon : Yeah, I was hoping Hideo would participate in it, but it looks like he's not. I'm happy we're getting another ZOE regardless. E3 wasn't that exciting to me, but I enjoyed it watching it. Here's the games I'm looking forward too. Kingdom Hearts : Dream Drop Distance - Hopefully the last spin-off Resident Evil 6 Ni no Kuni : Wrath of the White Witch The Last of Us. Beyond. Assassin's Creed. ![]() ![]() |
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I'm kind of bummed about that. I beat inFamous 2 and Jon you're going to LOVE it. The endings are good and the second game really adds more than the original from what I remember. They're giving these games to PSN+ users to probably show regular PSN users that PSN+ is actually good. Most of these games if not all are really old like LBP2 which everyone has mostly tried or beat so it's not really a big deal but free games, especially ones like inFamous and whatnot are good. I almost forgot about MOH, the new one looks good and I HOPE they fixed the issues with online. Frostbite 2 engine so it'll run a bit smooth and the campaign for the previous installment wasn't that bad at all and much longer and deeper than most FPS storymodes. Online was solid too minus the few bugs and flaws but it was quite addicting, just didn't have enough support from the fanbases. I bought Premium for BF3 though honestly I don't care about the CQ maps. Maybe the next DLC in Fall or Winter will excite me but I might have AC3 by then, MAYBE. A huge maybe. It's after my birthday so maybe I'll buy it for my birthday I'unno, we'll see what happens. Anyone know of The Last of Us' release date? Ni no Kuni looks fun and decent but doesn't seem like a game I'd pick up though it's not technically tradition turn based. It's also cell shaded and cut scenes were animated by the famous Studio Ghibli! Anyone a fan of them would pick this game up instantly. lol they showed some trailer at last year's TGS but then later released news that it was being pushed back even more. Are we going to see some gameplay actually? I know the trailers and whatnot are real in-game footage and all, but we need real fluid real time gameplay. I'm starting to loose hope in them now, pissing me off. I'm forgetting something else, too, but I might remember it later. Nothing from Steam this year for PS3 though there is that Portal-like game from the same people. I can say L4D will be on PS3 soon and if announced during E3 it'll be HUGE. I really want that game on PS3 finally. ![]() ------- |