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Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-07-06 04:19:53
@Rixena: heh?? shouldn't I know about what's going on this club?? O.O; and.. I sent you a PM ^^

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-07-06 04:48:51 (edited 2007-07-07 05:58:36)

~yo.. mr. president~ness... teh vice~president~ness ish here to report..^^
well what happened in recent posts is that me is trying to put up a colorful
1st post w/ the html.... I am still trying to figure out what is wrong with
the updated version for the first post. ^^ There's this registration form
I put this...


~wanna join the KARAOKE CLUB?~

~fill up this form by clicking HERE!!!
~post a shoutout in the thread if you like.... you're welcome here... =^^=

engel said it "floats"... TT.TT
I will try again...anywhooo... i will email you the html codes~ness of the first post.
Please help~ness... rEi~chama...chama..chama...
Sorry.. *bows low*

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-07-06 07:02:08
@rEi-chama: well~~~ Mizuki~ness answered you, so... 8D and yea. I replied your PM. 8D

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by Terror on 2007-07-06 07:44:39
Eh, more help here...

Try this URL for the form.

@rEi: Try like using a brush with white or gray and slightly adding a cloud effect or something to the background. :3

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-07-06 07:46:44 (edited 2007-07-06 07:47:01)
hahahaha~~~ everything seems alrighty here~~ >_<
so I'm off to post my scary song in the other thread~ be sure to go have a ear~~

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-07-06 08:53:06
phew im back! finally got that disturbing tooth sorted out, i was in AGONY these past few days *sighs* well, with the root extracted itz now as good as new..i think^^ ugh i hate dentists! treatment was for 2 hours!!!

***Can I suggest a THEME SONG? how does School Rumble 4 Ever by Yui Horie sound? ^^ it seems to me like a lot of fun
+ i hav the instrumental version^^ ~ with a guy's voice in the background#

Even if we're not using it, im thinking of recording this song i love it so much lately ^^

~wah~ gotta crack my head on the mottos too..*thinks* these things take ages to get it right

- Sing it cooL, sing it Loud, sing it with aLL your HearT
- Craving to sing from deep within
- A stress~free relief...?
- Show~off what you have. Right here, right now.
- (Got what it takes?) Be Heard. Get noticed!
- ...a chance to get your voice heard
- In for some extreme singing?
- Singing? It feels ReaL, it feels Right, It feeLs like magic...

some ideas i thought up in the last 1/2 hour...sorry if they sound silly..
will do some improvisations later on


@Rei-kun: nice membership card^^ i like the 2nd one more it does look better with the border :P kawaii pic too^^ do we hav to fill that in?

@Mizuki: cool graphics + card!! we hav an expert here eh *nudge*

@Engel: *pokes* form that floats?? what form? *lost...*


Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-07-06 09:06:28
OMG!! this moves so fast!! >_<

I want the song to be... Ike Ike!! fromIChigo 100% by Hinoi team =P

and i'm still thinking about the motto

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-07-06 09:57:17 (edited 2007-07-06 10:00:12)
U don't see it floating coz i've amended it~~~ hahaha
Nice mottos and song... i'll put them up~

is great that this thread is moving faster... gambatte on the motto~

Hmm... i've not heard these 2 songs B4 *goes d/ling at Gendou~~*

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-07-06 09:59:58
So you guys I'm bacl from thE Anime Expo...and I'm happy again!! Wohooooooo...

I goy second place on one of the karaoke contests over there...I had a blast! ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-07-06 10:01:55 (edited 2007-07-06 10:15:06)
congruts on ur victory~~~ did u recorded it down?
Yea!! pics too!! ^5 Rea~ hahahhaa

Oh!! nearly forgot... u came back from ur trip already??

eeee... need to go to bed... have to wake early tmr (and is a sat... I wanna sleep in~~~~~) so off I go~~ *whoosh*

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-07-06 10:02:25 (edited 2007-07-06 10:08:23)
@Engel: argh i misssssed it *T_T* does the floating not look cuter? seriously? ur using those mottos? w-wait!! chotto mattedayo!!
:P click on the "Re: What are you Listening To RIGHT Now v.2!! " now :P:P if ur here

@Mizuki: i love MAta Ashita!! is there a karaoke version available? Haruhi!!Tamaki!!^^


@Engel: not yet!! itz on the 11th!!^ :( couldn't move it back to 7th :( have to pay some sort of cancellation fee darn! i'll be back on Sunday..nitenite Engeliz *hugs* ttyl!

@Pame-chan!!: ur back!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! *hugs*knew u could do it! but when u said one of the karaoke contests...does that mean u entered a couple?^^ so u had great fun nee? tell us all bout it^^ oh yeah :P piccies!!


Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-07-06 10:13:58
Yup!!!! There were variopus karaoke contests...but I only entered this one and got 2nd!! Wohooo

Yes yes ye yes I recorded it!!!! I have to upload it on youtube and then post it here!!!
Rea *Hugs!! Nice to see you again! ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-07-06 10:14:46 (edited 2007-07-06 10:18:26)
eeee... i think i'm having somekind of time lag (more like date lag)... though I'm thinking u were to go on 11th... I keep thinking that today is a day aft the 11th... omg... OK... I think i really need to slp soon... but B4 i do that~~~ *go reads mail*

hahaha... if u wanna see it float... it'll mean that we have once again failed in creating a perfect pg 0 1st thread... T__T
erm... wait... this "Re: what are u listening to now v.2" is not a mail u sent me... what is it? whr do I click?? anyway I'll go check it out tmr~ nitz~~~~~ *hugz*

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-07-06 10:22:08 (edited 2007-07-06 10:23:39)
@Engel: ^^eh ur not asleep yet :P:P wah dont go *pulls sleeves* ok ok u need more rest^^ nightz! i got my tooth sorted out today i feel much better now *phew* finally!!+also went to the orthodontist to get the bonded retainers back on behind the teeth..what a long day! going to the mall later :P

@Pame-chan: *excited* yes yes! video pl-please!!^^ which song did u choose to sing? there was a backing track right? *can't wait*
u see, i thought i was gonna make it for the Japan Expo(France) on the 7th :(:( but no...can't alter the flight booked for 11th:(:( ~wah~ :(:( karaoke contests!! me wanna try too! (dont think i hav the guts tho lolz, but itz nice thinking bout the possibility of it)


@Engel:o h sorry: i was talking bout the thread (if u go to the forums' page)it isn't a mail :P nvm nvm!! :P:P


Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-07-06 15:13:07
@Moshino-san: woaH~ it's been a while,, nee?? xDD

@Pame: woW~ awsome ^^ waiting for the vids and the piccies :]

@ToD-san: i'll try to fix that later ^^

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-07-06 15:36:35 (edited 2007-07-06 17:31:11)

*updates are noted*

~oh.. oh.. thankies.. i was like feeling dizzy when i do teh linky thing.... =^^=

~well... time for me to go to teh dentist... my tooth hurts these days... TT.TT
it ish my turn... TT.TT *ish afraid of dentist~ness*
*noted rea's suggestion~ness* *nudge* *me no expertness* O________O

~congratulation~ness... wooooooooooooooottt... ^^

~send yah PM... please check it out... TT.TT

i'm out.. i'm out... TT.TT

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by Terror on 2007-07-06 16:04:14
@rEi: An example or something to use just to get an idea of what I meant.

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-07-06 22:19:07 ish teh karaoke club~ness...? got new registration for new member~ness...

~nice...nice... for teh background~ness...
oh btw..i got teh script~ness... *prays and hopes not to mess up* ~nyu!

~brb.. to check on the club~ness.... ~phew.... chores~ness... see yah all... ^^

*pokes engel in teh darkness* ~checkkk teh pm~ness... ^^

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by kattdesu on 2007-07-07 02:29:45 (edited 2007-07-07 02:30:08)
@Rea- aww poor Rea ne!! I hate the dentist too! *hugs* I am glad you are feeling a bit better now ne!

@Pame- Wow!! Congrats!! You are such a good singer! :D

@Mizu~ness-nyu! :P:P- haha, I sent you teh form filled out because I don't think I gave you my info or anything when I joined ne! O.o

Re: Karaoke Club
Link | by on 2007-07-07 03:32:18
@ToD-san: yep.. edited.. >.<

the second one.. cropped.. not really good cropped actually xD loLz~

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