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Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by on 2009-04-03 09:06:50
whatchoo mean :c

Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by yamimori on 2009-04-04 08:21:06
Im a depressed person......

Nothing ever seems to go right for me...TT.TT

I think Im ugly, but yet my mom tells me Im not, my friends tell me Im not, and this one boy that stalks me tells me Im not, yet I only have 1 stalker and no other guys like me...TT.TT

Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by Thanks DFly~ on 2009-04-04 10:15:40
-_-'' Samme..."watchoo?!"

@Yamimori: Well...if your friends already told you you're not...why you're feeling so depress?
I never had someone that say i'm not's only my family that say it...
and i havent got that word from another person... :(
And...why you ask more person to stalk on you??? It's more better to have one person but he could loyal to you, than a lot of person that just want something from you!! :(

Gawd!! DFly work is so...Beautiful~

Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by yamimori on 2009-04-04 16:51:09
I'm a very odd person, very insecure, too :/

Theres a physcological word for it, I'm sure....insecure, definately.
Even in anime I can't watch anime thats a reverse harem or harem, I get jealous.

If I don't have guys liking me, I'm not a very happy person, and the boy that stalks me...-.- I dont really like him, I'd rather have someone that didnt like me and never would. ' . '

Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by on 2009-04-04 17:06:01
Jow: I'm just playing since its april fools. Sorry girl. But that's just life seriously. You should be happy you got into one.
A lot of people can't get in any since they don't have the brain to do so even how hard they try.

Yamimori: Who's not odd in this world? And if you don't mind me asking how old are you?
You seem to be self conscious. And why do you want guys to like you?
Would you be 100% sure that you'll like that guy back if he does like you?
Its not easy when it comes to liking someone and you'll confused yourself all over again.
I don't think ugly is the problems, it just you need more confident in yourself.
And if people tell you that you're not ugly, well obviously in most cases we'll denied that fact.
But if its your parents and friends they said it because its true that you're not ugly.
No parents or friends would lie about things like this.
Its not always about the looks, its the personality that counts most.
And most important things don't compare Real world to Anime world, it'll get you nowhere.
Most cases about harem I have yet to see one in real life unless people are dreaming.
I'm real anime fan but I know how to separate both world even if its hard.

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by Wolf on 2009-04-07 09:44:14
Holy hell I remembered this website and by god I remembered my user/pass. It's been a whopping 2 years since I came around here. It is good to see everyone is still helping each other out with their issues.

Two years has done a lot to me. If anyone remembers my story about the dog down at campus, I found it again and adopted it for myself, I named him Bear. The past few days I've felt like crap and this thread popped into my head. Eerie right? I finally got accepted into pharmacy school at the college I wanted so I should be happy right? Wrong. I realized I am failing physics and may not get in because I have to bring that grade up to a C. Being the introvert that I am of course that opened up the bottle of insecurities I have tightly packed behind the facade I call my mask. After getting into a fight with a wall and losing I felt a little better but I realized I wasn't depressed because of my predicament. It was because I didn't have an outlet to express myself(hence why I'm back here).

We are all puzzles with a single piece missing and we frantically search for the person holding that missing piece. My endeavor to be entirely altruistic has walled my own emotions from the people I want them to reach. I feel as though I am wading through a sea of faceless individuals. All the scars I possess and all the hurt I feel everyday tells me I can't reach out and find someone else who could just end up hurting me more. Is it selfish to keep myself to myself? I think I'm a good enough guy to know how to treat a girl well and love her like she should. But I always pass by letting each flame extinguish back into the sea. It's ironic that I've helped many get through their relationship problems but haven't had a stable relationship since high school. Am I just that much of a hypocrite? I guess I'm just never satisfied with myself and that vehement hate will not allow me to love anyone else. I am such an idiot...

Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by yamimori on 2009-04-08 06:57:53
I just turned 16, and I understand where your coming from, but I've always been self conscious like that... :/

And no, if that person liked me, I'd most likely lose interest because I only like the ones that don't like me, because I have [i forget the name of it] and Im afraid to be happy :/


Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by Wolf on 2009-04-08 07:36:34
yami: From the little detail offered from your post and the general nature with which you forwarded it, I'm thinking the word you're looking for is narcissistic(sp?). You have a general need to be wanted but find gratification from yourself. Meaning you want others to like you but only accept praise from yourself. At your age I guess it's alright to be a little self-centered. Hell I think I joined these forums when I was around your age and I was nothing but a meathead.

You are going to have to take a step back. Get out of your shoes and see yourself as others see you. If you can do this, and it can be hard, you will see that the admiration of those who truly love you is...well...true. In this realization you will see yourself as important to those in your life but not the center. We all rely on one another to live you can't do it all alone. You have to find your empathetic nature which might be hard because you are so hard on yourself. It may just take time or it may take a concerted effort from you and your loved ones but you will wake up. Life is everchanging and so are you. Let yourself live it.

Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by yamimori on 2009-04-13 12:10:53
Wow, thats deep O.O

And that big word you said, yeah, thats me...n.n'

But your right, I am a little self centered, but thanx for the advice ^-^

Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by zparticus27 on 2009-04-15 23:15:46
welcome back wolf

Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2009-04-20 13:54:54

@wolf Welcome back!! ^^

Hey guys. I hope you've all been doing well. I'm a bit sad randomly...but maybe I can finally get over this with a bit of help. My boyfriend doesn't seem to be able to help, he thinks I should just get over it.

Well a year back I had this best friend named Helen, I loved her with all my heart, and we would hang out everyday almost, and then this girl named Jennifer came in to the picture, and she changed her little by little. We became more distant, and she shared more things about her life with Jennifer instead...then there was one last thing that finally stopped our friendship.

What happened was that I was hanging out with Helen's boyfriend's best friend.
And I was only 13 then....I was in a stage in life in which I hated myself really bad, he played in to my insecurities and had me sleep with him, and he was in his 20's. This put me in a whirlwind of emotion and confusion, because not only did he have a girlfriend, and when Helen would mention her I'd wince.
What I did was horrible, even though that girlfriend wasn't exactly faithful herself...

Then one day, Helen and her boyfriend broke up and Helen started to date the guy I slept with's brother. But then, she cheated on him with her ex.... She trusted me with that information, and when the guy I was in love with and lost my virginity to asked me what happened...I was speechless, and he guessed it. Ever since then........we're not friends...I lost one of my best friends because of something so stupid, and it makes me indeed feel suicidal, it just amplifies my depression...Because she would never believe me.

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Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by Wolf on 2009-04-20 20:16:49
It's good to be back. ^^

GC: Just because your paths have diverged from one another does not mean they won't intersect again. A lasting friendship is formed when you recognize the similarities and differences between you both as individuals but are mature enough to enjoy each other's company regardless of circumstances.

You aptly called this situation a whirlwind because the events that led up to your fall from faith has left nothing of the original relationship intact. The sheer amount of infidelity in this story is a little is a 20 year old guy goin' after a 13 year old girl but, hey, it is not for me to judge. Misunderstandings happen all the time but it just so happens that, in your case, it was a pretty big one.

You cannot guarantee the reconstruction of your friendship by intent alone. Friendship is a two way street. You are going to have to make it known to Helen that you still want to be friends and you want to know why she pulled away from you. If she appeases your plea then you will know exactly why your relationship dissipated. If it is for the reason you believe it to be or she does not want to hear you out then you are going to have to make your side of the story known to her. After that, it is out of your hands. It is all for Helen to decide but at least you will have peace of mind knowing that she has heard you out. You should be able to move on from there, friends or not.

Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2009-04-21 10:18:43
Yeah I actually did try, but she seems pretty distant, like I can never get close to her again no matter what I try.

Thanks for not judging....I do regret doing that though, alot.

I do know why she pulled away from me, her best friend Jen told me herself, even though she swore to Helen she would not. She said I couldn't be trusted after what had happened. I've tried making my side of the story known to her, but she doesn't believe me.. But then not all stories have a happy ending I guess..

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Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by Wolf on 2009-04-21 19:50:19
Honest intent usually finds the heart of those worth befriending. However it takes a vast amount of maturity to hear out and reconcile with someone who betrayed your trust, or at least percieved to have done so. If there was anyway to get the boy you liked to admit he ascertained the secret without your explicit help then it would add validity to your argument. Short of throwing his ass in a headlock and dragging him to your friend, I do not know how this could be accomplished.

Time heals all wounds and experience changes everyone. There is hope that you could reconcile with your friend in the future. If you do plan to wait, you must remember to be uncompromising in your innocence and earnest in your want to rekindle the friendship. You have to walk the straight and narrow if you hope to accomplish that. Push too much and you will come off as desperate and in the wrong, too little and you come off as uncaring and equally as guilty. Try to use Jen as a mediator between you both. She may be able to soften Helen's heart if only by a little.

Simply put, you are in no way out of options as long as you stay true to yourself and the friends you care for.

Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2009-04-21 23:18:10
Well...the only reason why I would NEVER do because Jen's not a good person, nor is she nice. She twisted words around to Helen to make it seem like I was a bad person. Which is why I would never go to her, because she's a really bad influence on Helen and if I could change things, they wouldn't be friends because Helen deserves so much better.

I guess over time, I will just have to fight an uphill struggle to try and be her friend. ^^

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Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by Jomunga on 2009-04-22 15:59:38
I just wanted to pop in to say hi to Wolf.


I can't really offer advice now because I feel like crap and can't think strait. But I'll try to get back.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by Wolf on 2009-04-23 17:51:49
Yo yo yo. It always does the soul good to see familiar faces.

GC, at least you realize there is no quick fix to shattered trust. Even though the future is lit with uncertainty, it certainly is pretty bright. Always keep that in mind.

Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by hOnEy' kO on 2009-04-29 20:43:20
GC, I would listen to your bf, get over with it.

You are still 15, you can get a better BFF who would share laughters and all that and who wont make you sad.

and its all their problem to begin with. dont burden yourself with their crappy personality.
they dont trust you, then fine!

I got Best friend from when i was 13 years old and we do not talk anymore now. Although it wasnt due to any misunderstanding, but just so you know, people change, especially during your age where permanent personality has yet to formed. you'll know what i mean

good luck. and dont be sad anymore ya!

.....hA-n|-k0 ======== yOu'Ve bOuNd mY sOuL tO uRs bY aN UnBrEakAblE ChA|n.. <3 .. I lOvE U fOrEvEr ... MY HONEY ISH SOO CUTE

Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by Jomunga on 2009-04-29 21:02:26 (edited 2009-04-29 21:06:16)
GC, your story is kinda infuriating. The guy should be in jail and everyone else is at fault too. This isn't advice on how to win friends back, but rather my opinion on the situation. I think you shouldn't try to be her friend anymore. I think she was a bad influence on you to begin with. With Jen it will only make being her friend worse. She is one who cheats on her bf. Why did she let some douche in his 20s make an advance on you. If your only 13 there is no reason to be near 20 year olds. If she hanged out with them to begin with, I'd doubt she was innocent enough to begin with. It seems to me that you both were trying to be more mature than you were ready to be. At 13 your brain is not near fully developed enough to handle situations like your own, which is why you let others take advantage of you. If you didn't hang out with the crowd that is trying to date and have relationships at 13 years of age, you probably wouldn't be in this mess. At your age and already talking about who sleeps with who and who is cheating on who is disheartening. Find new friends who just want to hang out and have fun like normal.

I actually was in a similar situation to you when I was in 9th grade. I had a good group of friends in middle school. I would always hang out with them in school and on weekends. My best friend and I were even planning to try to get into the same college together, we thought we would be friends forever I guess. Then in high school they turned into douches and they were turning me into one. I started smoking pot, picking on kids, and being an ass myself. They were now selfish and uncaring "friends" and I started feeling isolated. So I realized they sucked and moved on. I gradually moved into a different group comprised mostly of Asian video game players and anime watchers. Even though one of my new friends would be the worst friend ever, it was still a good move. I think it shaped me into a better person. So today I am more of an otaku than a partying druggie douche bag.

Here is another free life lesson. The guy who I said would be worst friend ever stole over 3000$ dollars from me. The whole time he acted as a good friend and I trusted him a lot. I should have seen it coming because he was a good friend, but a terrible person. After high school he stole my credit card info and moved to where I can't find him. The banks, courts, and police are all worthless when someone does that. So as a word of advice, trust no one unless you are sure they can't escape your wrath.

I had many terrible experiences with friends. Now I just stick with my gf and give the cold shoulder to anyone trying to be friends with me.

I just hope you know what your doing with your current boyfriend. Rather than address the current problem, I'd try to avoid what could be a future problem. I wanna know how you are with your current boyfriend. You still may be a little naive and I hope this one won't take advantage of you. Can he be trusted? Is he nice, kind, honest, etc?

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Re: The Depression Thread V4
Link | by Wolf on 2009-04-30 18:20:23
Ya, really, when I think about it...I had a lot of childhood friends that drifted off into obscurity over the years. Hell I hardly talk with many of the kids I went to high school with. Everyone has growing pains, it's just how it goes. If I were in your situation I'd probably take their advice.

The only reason I, myself, wouldn't kick a friend to the curb is because I've had success in a similar situation. My friend got addicted to some bad shit not too long ago. Almost overnight he turned into a completely different person. But, honestly, the only way I got him to admit his problem and reconcile was to drag him out of a basement in north philly and beat his ass in the street. But I've always picked my friends carefully; I knew that kid since 6th grade. I wasn't about to let drugs ruin the life of an otherwise really great guy.

But, you, you have years before a situation like mine should, hopefully, never arise. Remember fondly the moments you shared with your friend as you kick her ass to the curb and find someone worth your time and effort. Hell when I was 15 I was thinking about football, football, and uh how I was gonna cheat on my next math test.

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