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Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-11-28 05:15:16
The release pof the second season sucks ¬¬
What the hell is this people thinking??

Good that I read the novel (twice already, planing the third).
So, for the ones who haven't read the novels, here is a though.

If Emiri Kimidori only appears like... 5 minutes in all the anime,
why is she in the opening, and why does she have her own song? o.o


have fun with that =P


Haruhiism is powerful, we have almost the 3rd part of th world now!! XD

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-11-28 10:12:56
Yeah I predict one of those "worth the wait" type releases.
Though I hate waiting so I hate it right now anyways, haha.


Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-11-30 11:01:48
Here's a couple more points to ponder about..
What's Kyon's real name~?? And why doesn't "Kyon's lil' sister" have a name~??

Some Haruhi-related pictures from a con I attended in Singapore last weekend..

Haruhi blanket, anyone? (Plastic wrap + fluorescent lights = really bad glare on pics T_T)

I so wanted to steal this.. it wasn't secured XD

It's a cosplay of Konata cosplaying as Haruhi~! XD

Mikuru gets caught by Deidara..

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-11-30 18:15:13
Y'know, Konata's one of those nearly impossible cosplays to execute probably.
I haven't really seen any good ones, but trying to is pretty darn good the effort.

I would've stolen that Haruhi board. :D

More on Christmas, I'm going to set up the tree soon.
Been trying to find good images to use as a possible Christmas themed avatar, but nothing yet. :/


Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-11-30 20:10:08
is that the AFA con? did ya get to meey May'n?!AWESOME!

i want that haruhi blanket!hahaha
and yeah konata's pretty hard to either have to look like a loli
or be a loli to pull it off properly and sometimes even that is not enough >.<

you should have waited till the gates started closing..then steal that board!hahahaha
i remember one convention where my friend suddenly grabbed a Rena (higurashi)Tarpaulin decor near the
entrance and ran like there's no tomorrow from the guards!XD

whohooo haruhiism X-mas Tree!

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-03 04:30:07
Z, I saw the May'n concert, with the regular tickets XD. Those that bought Diamond VIP tickets got a handshake and an autograph. Although.. some of them screamed MURDER cos it was a 'PRE-AUTOGRAPHED, LAMINATED WHITEBOARD', which I'm told, was quite the norm in Nihongo for artists to give away.
Still, for SGD 100+ (about 72 USD i think) ticket, one would expect an autograph on a personal item of the fan's choice. I feel their pain >_<;

And, I think I missed some other Haruhi cosplayers that were there, cos I saw a cute Haruhi cosplayer in someone's blog. Now if only i can find back that link.

Well, this is totally unrelated, but if you want to see my pictures from the AFA, I put them up here. It's under a spoiler tag, for the convenience of 56k users XD

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-12-04 03:42:56
that's a lot of pics bkno!hahaha
may you got to see MAY'N LIVE!thats awesome hahahaha

yeah for 72 US dollars for a pre autographed whiteboard which is not that rare...well
that kinda sucks T.T i mean watching May'n LIVE is a rare opportunity and all but
having a common "give away" for paying for a VIP premium is kinda not worth it..and
May'n is not even that popular abroad (ok she is popular but not like Aya right ^_~)

its like getting swindled by a pop star or something XD

but wow..that sure is one HUGE Convention! i wish i can attend something as big as that ^_^

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-12-04 07:09:15
I'm sorry for being so ignorant but...
who is May'n ??? O.O

gomen >.<

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-06 03:35:23
yeah, watching 'Sheryl Nome' perform live was surreal. 0_0 And you're right, May'n is an upcoming artist.. I don't think May'n's a seiyuu like Aya though.
And yeshu.. AFA was by far the biggest one I've attended so far XD

Hey no worries, I only got to know who May'n is cos i googled her. XD Well, I would say most Macross Frontier fans would know who she is. I think she's only been in the business for a couple of years (professionally), and she was picked to be the singing voice for Sheryl Nome. Her songs aren't half bad.. a bit Gundam Seed-ish, without so much techno beats. A couple of 'em are kinda infectious. XD

sumimasen~! just replying to some off-topic matters, but are we doing anything special for a Haruhi Kurisumassu~?

*I'm slowly enjoying Haruhi-chan 4koma on and off, now on page 70+ or so. It's too funny~! Just finished 'The Mysterious Sign 2'.. @_@ they're fighting a cute bear >_<;

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-12-06 13:49:39
Yeah, maybe, who knows. What do you guys wanna do?
I'm going to put up the tree later. :P


Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-12-11 06:28:44
I see that's May'n..
ok then =P...

This club ish dying...
I balme the responsables of not releasing the second season of haruhi yet ¬¬


Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by Dark on 2008-12-11 06:43:17 (edited 2008-12-11 06:57:33)
yeah dying... I'm not much on haruhi these days since I am busy with school work >_<

anyway on a semi-related note, who-ever-it-was director of SHY and of Lucky Star (until he was replaced because he was not yet fit for the job) apparently is trying to reference the shows he used to direct

The start of the episode was like the Endings of Lucky Star before ep. 13 xD


Back to haruhi-nez!

Haruhi has great fortune for the upcoming year ^^

[edit] one more~

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-12-11 07:59:44
whahaha nice one darky!hahaha

bkno is right.. a quick google search should answer your question on may'n!

cool, cant wait for the tree XD

yeah, as a sheryl nome fan. i cant help but feel jealous!hahaha
i wanna shout "MOTEKKE!" with the crowd too ^_^

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-12-11 13:01:57
The tress up. I always loved the SOS Reef thingy. :D


Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-11 17:08:56
Oohh you should have been there.. It was the first time i heard that song, and she 'punched' the air whenever she sang 'Motekke~!' She was having so much fun, and ppl around all going crazy and shouting Motekke~!! into my ears >_<;

That first pic, what anime is that from? That's an obvious reference to the karaoke sequences of Lucky Star for sure XD Adds piccies to collection. Thanks so much~! XD I forgot how cute Yuki looked..
In the third one, I can see other familiar characters from various anime series as well XD

Yes, but for an anime that finished quite awhiles ago, it's quite commendable XD

Yay~! The tree is back~! XD

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by yukinagato12 on 2008-12-11 18:17:01
I'm actually looking forward to this, too...

Is there a definite release date yet?

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-12-11 18:33:08
Unfortunitely, no. And yeah, the tree is up. Wonder if I'm going to add anything else to it.


Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-22 09:55:40
This isn't thread-related, but what's everyone planning to do during Christmas?
You dun have to be actually 'celebrating' it, it's a holiday in lots of places anyway XD

Yikes.. i went to a local con over the weekend, and HORROR~! I saw a few male cosplayers of Haruhi. NOOOEES~~~

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-12-22 10:22:07
lol, Shiraishi is the original Haruhi male cosplayer. XD

Not really sure what I'm doing. I've been sick since my break started, so that kind of sucks.
Been trying to deal with my computer. Lately it's been slower, doesn't want to install the new ani-virus I bought, ugh. :/

I was going to party for New Years but I always party on New Year's Eve's Eve, lol.
Not sure what I ever do really. If I ever party, it's always unplanned or somebody will just go to my house and like, kidnap me somewhere.


Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by giles on 2008-12-23 01:46:36 (edited 2008-12-24 04:11:32)
Z: YUKI/ASAKURA!?!?!?! WHOA~! Yeah, take my two favorite characters and do THAT...that's actually pretty HOT!

bkno: That Haruhi board would 100% have been stolen over here (by me I hope). Z's post of that 'tarp says it all. '_<

darky: nice pics! That third one with all the dolls has a cute Mikuru/Koizumi in it. ^^

STILL eagerly awaiting season 2!

MERRY CHRISTMAS / HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYBODY!!! (it's evening of the 24th here now)

...and the NOT eye-friendly color scheme of gendou is back...ouch.

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