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@Jon ...a Heist...every man's DREAM!!! you have convince me to try it out although I'll DL the Demo when i come home from work heheheheh. @DA actually it was as surprise cus he told me he'll get it for me when i was caught off guard. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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[@Jon] Hmm, the Heist, haven't even been on PSN for quite a while. I'll check it out if I remember to this week. Gotta love demos that have online multiplayer with friends... And yeah if it looks good and I see enough to buy it, I might but I wouldn't bet money on it. Forget if Confrontation was the new Socom they recently released or the one before, however I wasn't a big Socom fan before and the latest releases on PS3 were incredibly lacking and frustrating. I gotta check the market and see what other titles might interest me. [@JC] lol well your birthday isn't until next week. XD How old are you going to be btw? Do you have a mic? ![]() ------- |
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@DA well I'm going to be 24 and no i don't, not yet but i get the feeling i might get one so that i can start communicating with everyone else since most of the games that are coming out are going to need one. @Jon dude Heist is crazy it actually let you experience what one is especially if you delay any longer. ._.; at 1st when they mention "Bulldozer" I thought they were gonna bring one out and do it all in one sweep. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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[@JC] If you get a mic, I recommend the Sony Playstation Mic 1.0, don't get the 2.0. I have the 2.0 version and for some reason they limited the leveling input to only 3. -_____-" Not sure what is better with the 2.0 version actually, but get the 1.0 one. I haven't personally tried it myself but my friend who does have it says it's better (and he tried the 2.0 one, too). I'm sure there's even other better mics, I got the 2.0 with a deal so if money is an issue, look around before investing. I also dLed the Heist demo but I haven't tried it out yet. Btw, they keep uLing a TON of Street Fighter avatars, where are the other games?? D: About one more week until BF3!!! [EDIT] Played that Payday demo, seems fun but the mechanics suck. I wouldn't buy the game at this level. Not sure how much it cost but if it was remade under a better company/budget it'd be better for sure. Also my one friend already has BF3, FAWKKK!!~~~~ ![]() ------- |
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@DA yea too many avatars of Street Fighters I want a Valkyrie Chronicles set considering it is my 1st PS3 game and look how many of the games are already made 3 of em. Only thing I didn't like about is the AI's and i know why Jon said it's best with Co-op, and i'm surprise that a few have already gotten BF3 and U3 early than what i expected. 2 more days till BF3 comes out +_+ kukuku ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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[@JC] Yeah like, wtf, honestly they could pay me monthly, I could make them the BEST avatars!! With all these new games coming out, I think there should always been avatars to accompany them at least after a few weeks/months. Also they should have a feature that let's you preview the avatar and your name before you actually buy it, because I've been fooled into buying an avatar or so where the background was not transparent (and those avatars suck). It sucks you can't refund or ask that you bought it accidentally but still I think Sony likes to chip away at some easy purchases... And yeah the AI in that demo sucks so bad, they don't do what they need to do, but I blame the mechanics as well. Well my one friend got it at a local game shop in our area, so that's a bit different, though honestly I'm not sure how they got it early, however it's NOT the "LE" version, so he doesn't have the map/weapons pack!! I'm trying to tell him to return it quickly for a real pre-order so he can get it because the game comes out this Tuesday or so. I'm not sure what the Uncharted 3 "Subway" thing is all about, I saw you playing it. What is it? Some promotion? I'm not even sure if the game is out already or not, though I don't think it is. You know what game looks really good and is getting praise, Arkhim City, though the trailer on TV makes it look too good. XD And yeah BF3, UGH cannot wait, everything looks so good man. Can't wait to try out those BF2 guns and maps!! I'm sure multiplayer is going to be excited early on, looking to rank up and figure out the classes and try the stuff I couldn't use in the beta. I hope, and I can't tell for sure or not though I'm not too gun-hole about it, is that I hope the campaign is actually good. They revealed so many good parts in trailers and teasers already that I hope that's not all there is to the campaign. I'm just curious about the stuff you can unlock, they said there's like so much more to unlock compared to BF:BC2. And I wonder for the pre-orders, if the code comes with the game itself to redeem the map/weapons pack. I think that'll be the case. ![]() ------- |
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@DA well yea and it lets you play some of the stages that will be release and from what i heard or read about it is that once the game does come out it will let you keep whatever level, power up, and missions you have and done. Arkhim City...I...FREAKING LOVE IT!!! played it at a friend house last night most of the fighting are brutal. As for BF3 classes I love the Scout cus you can make SPAWN points HAHAHA and the funny thing is that while i was playing it NO ONE seemed to notice that, although there is one thing I'm worry about the Trophy/Achievement is those "Dog Tags" I'm hoping they won't tell us to collect around the hundreds. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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[@JC] Yeah it looked like I unlocked like new guns but I guess not. Arkhim City looks so beautiful, I'm like so close to buying it for myself though might wait for a price drop. Another game on my list of interested games though. Yeah, that Spawn point thing is SUPER effective, people don't even realize. I hate how it's with the Recon class, however if you have a sniper in your squad, than it can be pretty useful as well. Though with the universal guns, I can probably make a combo with that class. The Recon class also has the UAV thing, but it's not the ball like you could throw in BF:BC2 though. What's bad about that is it only can be used on the ground and can't even track people who prone or crouch (which is odd). I'm someone who moves a lot, I honestly don't see me sniping a whole lot when multiplayer comes around. However since I pre-ordered it, I get the better snipers that comes with the map pack (I think) like the Type-88, which I think was my favorite in BF:BC2! There's a limited of sidearms but I think it's balanced though. I read there's this auto-matic gun which basically lets you nube-tube people at will, but it takes like 170K assault points to unlock. About the trophies, it's already been revealed what they are (check yourgamercards or so). The trophies seem so~so, some seem really hard though, definitely harder than BF:BC2's trophies (which I almosted platted!!). There's only one trophy about a dog tag, and basically it's only one, so just stab someone. What I don't like about that is they took away the simple stab from BC2, and now they have this full animation for stabbing now which can be costly. I tried stabbing like 4 people one time on the last level of the Beta rush map, and because there was some bug (of course there were many in the beta), it showed that I hit them but didn't kill them so I ended up dying. However I did read that if you pull the knife out and run around with it trying to stab someone, it's paired with commando. There was a video I saw on youtube of someone testing it and it worked! Of course when I tried it it failed most of the time... D: So I decided to give up stabbing people lol. Though I'm sure this is another bug they've fixed for the full game. The trophies though, are mostly obtained through campaign, so it's fairly manageable since people complain about online trophies. And thank god they didn't have some stupid kill "x" amount of people with one grenade. I can give you a link if you want to read it later. ![]() ------- |
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@JC - I liked it as well, it's definitely fast paced, but $20 is a little bit steep for it at the moment. I'm hoping it will go on sale at some point during Christmas. It seems like a pretty fun co-op game with quite a few upgrades. @DA - I know what you mean. It's an interesting game, but the actual mechanics could use a lot of work. The shooting isn't bad, but it becomes a pain once cops start running into the place with no regard for their own safety. Also, I'm not sure how fast police could actually respond, but roughly 4 minutes seems a bit quick for SWAT teams and Juggernaut style police to be busting in, not to mention the snipers that have set themselves up at every opportune spot. Anyway, if any of you guys want to give the demo a shot together one time then let me know. I finished White Knight Chronicles 2 last night. I'm just waiting on my friend to get a copy so that we can get into the post-game content and quests. I liked how they focused a little bit more on the Avatar, but it my opinion, it still wasn't nearly enough. The Avatar character still barely gets any acknowledgement from the other characters and only once or twice in the entire game does the camera even focus on them. Overall I thought the game was weaker in the story department, and I was still very disappointed by how little attention the player character gets (especially since Leonard gets a bit less screen time in this), but the gameplay itself was greatly improved overall. The difficulty was amped up so that the entire thing wasn't a cakewalk, the battle system was sped up and moved faster, and the core mechanics were a bit more solid and polished. I really enjoyed both games overall, and I would say that it's even pretty high up on my list of favorite RPG's, even if everyone else (namely critics) seemed to dislike it so much. Here's the Death Lord by the way, my Ark Knight from the game. He doesn't look that impressive yet, since I only just beat the game and the good Avatar Knight stuff comes from quests (which I need my friend for). I also played RAGE for a few days as well, since we got a store copy in. I think I'm going to be bringing that back to the store for someone else to play though, since I wasn't too fond of it. Don't get me wrong, RAGE was a solid game, and it looked really smooth in terms of animations and such. My problem with it is that it feels exactly like Borderlands (which is also not a bad thing really). I played Borderlands to death only a few months ago, so RAGE just feels a little boring now since I seem to be doing the same routine of accepting missions from townspeople and running off to a nearby dungeon to clear out the entire place of bandits (some using guns and others just hitting with with whatever) and loot every nook and cranny. I don't see myself playing it very much, so I'm just going to give it back. I'll be getting a loan of Batman: AC off of someone later in the week anyway, and I know that I will want to play that all the way through. |
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I got Batman: AC, but I won't be playing it until this weekend when I've got some work out of the way. I'm interested in WKCII; I may pick it up for Christmas. I enjoyed the first one, but with Reckoning, Ni No Kuni, and Skyrim coming soon, I kind of forgot about it. ![]() |
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[@Jon] Yeah definitely, though it's one of those almost indie games since it's also on the PSN and not commercial. I love the idea, it's simple (yet cliche, but every FPS game almost is, so no biggie), just probably not enough support or a budget to give it that boost. Four guys robbing a bank seems simple enough, but the very beginning is something I'm not a fan of. You just walk in with your other three members, and from what I understand you already have the masks on? So wouldn't the cops already notice that? Also you have your gun in your hand as well. Note if you walk close to a guard or too deep in without starting the heist, it says you might get noticed by a cop. No, really...? Also the civilians are pretty daring to actually try and escape, which in real life is never the case. And logically no police would dare enter the scene if you have someone as a hostage, let alone killing someone... Killing a civilian only takes like ten seconds off the clock of the swat team or other waves of useless police officers to arrive? I agree with you about the time of when they actually arrive, and random snipers on roof tops and even guys jumping down from helicopters? All this to take down four guys yet they absolutely have no regard of the safety of the civilians. And you're pretty under equipped since you can only tie up two though I'd imagine my other useless AI members have more. And yeah, endless waves of cops arrive without checking their corners. Those juggernaut guys are annoying especially the one guy who seemingly had some sort of shot gun INSIDE the bank. :O I do like how you can tell people to get down, the ability to tie them up, but yeah just the fundamentals of the game they ruined. And what, 20$ you said for the game? There's no way I'd pay that much for this game. You don't usually see price drops for a while or if PSN is having one of those lame PSN+ deals. [@Maiku] Awww if we lived close I'd ask to borrow it. Hell I'd almost get it alone cause of Bat Girl's hotness. :O I completely forgot about that Ni no Kuni game, if Studio Ghibli makes more games (maybe not so turn based RPG) I'd be more interested. Damn Newegg, ship my BF3 copy already!!! >_<;; ![]() ------- |
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@Jon : Your own Knight? Really? It's about time! How do you like WKC II? You have to search for Knight upgrades through quests right? It's been a couple of weeks since I even touched my games, so I'm kind of out of the loop right now. Everyone seems so excited about Battlefield 3 I'm not too much of a fps fan. So have fun with it is I really can say ![]() ![]() |
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@Yuna - Like I mentioned in my previous post, I thought it was overall a really good game (even if critics didn't like it very much). Again, I really wanted them to integrate the Avatar into the game more. It's obvious that they made some small effort to do this, but the Avatar character is still barely acknowledged or the focus of attention, and that is despite the fact that Leonard seems to have much less attention cast on him. I don't want to spoil anything, but the last boss fight provides a perfect example of how they could have given the Avatar a true moment in the spotlight. That's all story related stuff though. I found gameplay to be vastly improved over the original. And yeah, you are able to collect the 'Elder' equipment set for your Ark Knight before the last boss, but the next step up (the 'Rex' equipment set) only becomes available after you beat the main story. All of the other parts you have to bind once your Guild Rank gets high enough. GR is a lot easier to rank up in this game though, so that isn't too big of a concern. There is also a post-game dungeon that seems to have a rather big relation to the main story, so upgrading your Knight does seem to be worth it (along with getting together people to help you in those quests, since they are like level 80 or so). My only real complaint with the Avatar Knight customization is that the color options are very limited and it takes forever to get more of them, and that the weapon choices are pretty limited. You can only really pick between Sword, Spear and Hammer. They should have had Bows or axes available in my opinion. |
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Anybody tried that new Zombie Apocalypse demo? It has 4 player online apparently, and it similar to Dead Nation. I've played level 1, not sure if it was online or not, but it seems pretty fun. I'm honestly about to buy a 50$ PSN card or so, so maybe I'll invest in some new PSN stuff. I thought about getting this new avatar, but I'm "2"cents short!! >_<;; Also my BF3 copy came so F~YEAH!!!! ![]() ------- |
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@DA - I downloaded the demo, but I haven't had a chance to actually play it yet (may not get to until Friday). Is it any good? Dead Nation was pretty fun as long as you had someone to play it with. If ZA is any good then I would definitely pick it up, especially if it has 4 player online. |
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I got BF3 just after the release day, newegg ships fast like always. My friend said he got his pre-order for like 40$ and it came with a bunch of stuff. :O The campaign's been great so far, looks good, feels loose and the animation is great. The only problem I've had (and you can youtube this annoying problem that they need to patch), is that on certain levels later on the campaign, there's this annoying white screen that gets in your way. It disables you to not see anything so it's hard to maybe finish a mission (e.g. Night Shift helicopter evac) when you can't see, cause say you have to run across a parking lot in the open when there are enemies shooting at you. Other than that the multiplayer's been GREAT!! TOTALLY intense, the beta had too many people that probably don't even play FPSes. Been playing Conquest with my friends, though there was some lag starting out. Things can get annoying, it's best to play with friends in the squad for sure. [@Jon] Seems limited, though there are maybe a dozen levels to play or so I'm not sure. It does say you can play with four people (total) since there's four total people (like in L4D). In single player you can switch to the other characters (each character uses their own weapon). I've only played one level so I'm not sure how far it can actually go. The game in total costs 9.99$ on PSN, hopefully more people get it (everyone seems to do their own thing these days or barely sign on :(). Btw are PSN cards more expensive now? They're not the exact amount of their worth anymore. Had to order from Gamestop waiting for my e-mail. ![]() ------- |
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@DA - I'm not really sure what you mean. I haven't used PSN card in a while, but last time I saw one they didn't cost any more or less than before. In fact, at least here in Canada, I've technically been paying less for PSN cards. Ever since March or so the Canadian PS Store hasn't been applying tax to purchases, so it actually costs me less to buy stuff from there (I can buy Zombie Apocalypse for $9.99 as opposed to $11.29). Also, I know what you mean about people not signing in or going off and doing their own thing. I haven't had the opportunity to play with anyone from Gendou since Lost Planet 2 with Ray and Maiku. It would be great if we could get Zombie Apocalypse or Dead Island on the go. (I know that a big reason behind not playing with any of you guys is the fact that I don't play competitive online.) |
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[@Jon] I mean like, I usually go to or have in the past went to Amazon to buy 'em and get the instant code to dL. Fast and quick, however when I went to search this time, they added not only shipping, but didn't have instant availability anymore. :( So I just went to Gamestop and waited a few hours and purchased one, so I'll be good for a while. I keep saying I'm not going to buy anything anymore, but Sony keeps digging into my wallet. ><;; I spend way too much on non-sense stuff, I'll probably save as much as I can for this last huge card. ^^;; If you play it and like it maybe we can join together and try it out. P.S. Tax blows... P.S.2 I wish the US store could bring over better stuff from the JP store... ![]() ------- |
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MW3 in just a couple of days! I beat Batman: AC a few days ago and decided I might as well start ACII, since it's been laying around for so long. I'll probably beat it tomorrow and then pick up Brotherhood from home after Thanksgiving (as well as pick up Dark Souls and Uncharted 3). Then I'll beat that in time to get AC: Revelations for Christmas! Edit: I beat ACII and the MW3 campaign. It's time for some straight CoD MP for the next month! ![]() |
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I've finished up Uncharted 3, so if any of you guys want to get some co-op games going then just let me know. Other than that I've been switching between Luminous Arc and Sonic Unleashed. Still waiting on my friend to get WKC2, but I'm hoping that the promised update and extras are released before he gets it. |