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Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by Maiku on 2011-09-21 16:05:20
I'll be waiting on Revelations until its cheap enough to grab.
I'm a college student, but I do have money trickling in through entrepreneurial
work, which is nice.

Battlefield 3 beta on the 29th. I'll be downloading it for the Ps3. I bet I'll
see at least DA on; anyone else plan to play?

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-09-21 18:02:32 (edited 2011-09-21 18:03:17)
@Maiku - I may, I'm not sure. I was reading in the new Game Informer today and it mentioned things like the co-op mode having a story of sorts that tied in with the single player, and I also saw that it will apparently support squad chat. I'm still on the fence about it, but the squad chat is definitely something that has made me reconsider (seeing as how I hate speaking to strangers in online games, as you all know).

I still need time to think about it. Ace Combat comes out that month and Uncharted 3 is only a few weeks after B3. There's also school, so I'm not sure how much time I would actually get to play with you guys since my time zone is off from yours.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-09-21 21:47:49 (edited 2011-09-22 02:13:38)
Yeah of course I'll be on the BETA, PSN is going to be super slow the day it updates cause everyone's going to dL the beta.
I think beta testing is going on for the MOH LE orders and yeah next week (I guessed) would be for the public beta.

Hopefully it doesn't only last like a week like previous betas have been thus far (AC3, Resistance, etc.).
I also find it weird that betas when open publicly are only available for a short time. Just a curious thought.
In Resistance 3's case, the game is out or would be out shortly after public beta,
however AC3 doesn't come out until like November, so not sure why the beta was only a short one,
although it didn't really bother me cause it's the same exact multiplayer as Brotherhood.

About BF3, there is squad chat. You [always] play in squads of 4 (out of 24/32 player games).
You only talk to your in squad members although you can assign yourself another squad if you're not liking your current squad.
Not sure if you realize Jon, you can mute people who bother you or don't like and they can't hear you (from what I've researched).
So it's not like you don't have to be totally close-minded about playing online, online is where the fun is.
Even say you and me are playing in a party and two random people come, you can even mute them whether they're talking or not
and you and me will be the only one talking so you don't have to deal with anyone that talks sh** and whatnot like on COD or KZ.
And yeah I just mute people like those anyways, there's no point in talking to them if I'm using my mic or not.
But I've played games like that online a lot and I can tolerate them cause it's funny, I've played with them and watched youtube videos. It's funny.

Also another thing I want to add, when I played BF:BC2, nobody really talked a lot.
Since it's mostly squad based, or should I say although it's mostly team/squad based,
most of the time people do their own thing, maybe half the team goes for the objective while other members kill.

BF3 though, is no way a single-player run 'n' gun like COD or less of KZ.
It's team based and tactical so yeah it's good to play with some friends at least, but not all the time anyways.
I honestly think it's a game you might like to play, you did like Operation Flashpoint right?
BF is a much better game with successful and unique online experience and gameplay mechanics.
Just another thought if you're even the slightest interested in getting BF3. At least one person on here is getting it (me). :)

I've been bored lately though, if the BF3 beta does only last a week, I might buy another game, not sure what.
Since NFL season is back I might buy the new Madden even though I'm pretty against Madden (cause of it's repetitiveness).

Not sure what other games are out right now that'll last me until BF3 (which I already have pre-ordered).
Since the Team Ico bundle is already starting at 40$ and no special pre-orders, might get that later next year.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-09-22 14:42:00 (edited 2011-09-22 14:45:39)
@DA - Multiplayer online isn't my thing, I get far more enjoyment out of co-op or single player. I just don't see the appeal in competitive online. I also don't like the idea of having to mute people every time someone new joins, it's a pain.

As for the being funny part, I don't find amusement in other people being idiots or getting angry. It usually just gets me irritated.

I did like Operation Flashpoint, but I wouldn't compare the two games by any stretch of the imagination. I used to be a huge online player of Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, although that was years ago. You can talk up the 'tactical' aspect of any game all you want, but it almost never works out that way online. Metal Gear Online, BF2: Modern Combat, all of them are supposed to be less 'run n' gun' and more tactics, but outside of MAG I don't think I've ever seen an online shooter work out that way. There are always people out there who get matches like that, but more often than not, everyone is simply content to run off on their own and get as many kills as they can.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-09-22 16:42:28
[@Jon] I'm so used to people talking trash and whatnot that I can tolerate it,
and most of the time it's just idiots or little kids trying to talk big.
I remember on KZ3 one time this entire party was talking smack on me while in the game I owned them like 60-3 or something.
They weren't talking much after the match was over (if I didn't mute them already ^_~`).

lol muting people is a pain or more in other games cause of the way it works I guess.
For KZ3 for example you can mute everyone in the entire game in like seconds while i other games you have to do more scrolling.
Since BF is squad based you really only worry about three other people if you stay in the same squad,
but mostly when I played BC2 nobody really talks that much and even when they do they're pretty friendly.
BF is different from the CODs and KZs cause those games are a lot quicker paced I guess,
but honestly I've never had a major issue or hardly any with talking to people online.
I like making new buddies online and adding them on PSN, and I want to use my mic more often. I barely use it when playing. :(
Also the BF community is more "mature" compared to your idiotic COD players and such. It's not a game kids like playing anyways.

Yeah I meant the concept or maybe slight play style of BF is similar to OF, though if OF had online it'd be more MAG like.
But honestly you can't really run and gun in BF cause you'll get sniped or killed by a tank or helicopter.
Yeah most of the time people go for kills to try to level up, it's always been more 60/40% or vice versa on who wants to win or get more kills.
The thing with some of the matches though is that there's no real time limit which I always enjoy,
but there's "x" amount of kills before the other team loses say if you're defending,
so yeah if you're defending maybe in a game of Rush, you're only real objective is to kill as much as you can.
While on offense yeah you'd want to kill a bit for maybe another squad or group of players trying to get the objectives.
There's really a lot of ways to look at BF but it's definitely different from your current trend of run and gun style FPSes these days. Just saying.

Though I don't really care about winning or loosing when I'm having fun.
While in one game I'll take care of the objectives myself or just sit back the entire game killing people, I can still have fun,
I'm not one of those people who get bent out of shape when it comes to winning or loosing really (like people I've played with in KZ3).

Oh btw, sorry if it seems like I'm attacking you, which I'm not. I know we're different when it comes to multiplayer so my bad if I came off strong. I tend to do so when discussing anything.

I just ordered another dual shock controller (MLB) and got another usb cable since new controllers don't come with one, got it for only 4 cents!!

BF3 beta starts next week and ends on the 10th next month, which is fair cause the game will come out 2 weeks later.
Still thinking about the Team Ico bundle, might be something to pass the time or something, but we'll see.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by Maiku on 2011-09-29 16:55:28
BF3 beta let me play a single match (where it didn't even put me on the same team
as my squad mate). The lack of vehicles and toppling of buildings made it kind of
underwhelming. There must have been a better level they could show. This isn't
the first time I've felt that DICE/EA has made poor choices as to what they show
the gamers (like their tank footage at E3).

Now BF3's beta won't even let me connect at all, which is too bad. It isn't
leaving strong initial impressions on me. I'll grant that it is just a beta so it
should be fixing its problems in the days to come, though in a few days I'll have
Uncharted 3's multiplayer, which left much stronger impressions during its beta.
Thanks subway!

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-09-29 18:02:23 (edited 2011-09-29 18:04:12)
@DA - It's no problem. Competitive online simply isn't for me. I need co-op or a main story campaign in order to be really entertained. Oddly enough, I used to play Battlefield 2: Modern Combat on the PS2 non-stop online. I was a General in that game, but for some reason I completely fell out of the online thing with the PS3.

@All - Looks like there are only three of us left. It's just been me, Maiku and DA for quite some time.

Haven't gotten access to the BF3 beta yet, or at least I haven't seen it anywhere.

I got a code for the Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One demo, but it isn't working at the moment, so I'm not sure if it's over with already or if it just hasn't started yet.

Just a question, does anyone plan on getting Dead Island at any point? One of the guys I work with plans to trade his in next week, so I was thinking of buying it off of him when he does. I know my friend will want to play it at some point in the future (when he gets some money back together, since he was recently drained of it after buying his replacement PS3), so I might as well get it now. It seemed like the kind of thing that one of you guys would be into.

Other than that, I started playing WKC2 a bit, just to see how it has improved. I will be returning to Disgaea 4 now though, since I'm at Chapter 7 I believe. After finishing the main story mode in that (hopefully by the end of this weekend) I'll continue with WKC2 (and try to finish up WKC Origins while I'm at it).

The only games I'll be getting this season for sure are Uncharted 3 and Ace Combat: Assault Horizon.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-09-30 11:26:58
The BF3 beta had issues initially but I've been able to play it fine with the every now and then disconnection.
PS3 betas lately are weird, in a sense that they're extreme short.
I remember betas used to last nearly a month until the game came out but lately betas have not lasted long at all.
Well, publicly they only last a week and with another two weeks or so with PSN+.

The BF3 beta only lasts two weeks, I doubt they'll release an update,
although they did announce that they made several "hundred" changes since the alpha on PC (which is more like the real beta).
I do agree though, not the biggest fan of the map (at least on certain areas especially when playing Rush).
It's safe to say that this two week beta is only for more addition tests for the real game late next month.

I couldn't connect at all when the Revelations beta came out and I just decided not to bother since it was similar to Brotherhood's.
Overall, I hope they do fix the occasionally freeze/lag and the damn annoying clipping when you prone or walk up a hill sometimes.
I'm sure they'll get their act together in a month so we'll see...

My thoughts of the game though, is that is looks good, plays smoothly despite the bugs and glitches,
however this is only a small taste of the Frostbite 2 engine has to offer, I'm anxious for the campaign actually.
EA/DICE did show a cool yet not to intense video at E3 or whatever of the BF3 footage,
but if you follow them on youtube, they've uLed more videos as well as their main site which shows a lot more.

I'm glad they're aren't vehicles in the Operation Metro map though (BETA map),
cause the vehicles would cause severe havoc, it would make the large field look like a bathroom.
In the alpha they did have vehicles which is weird that they don't have them in the beta? PC fans only?
There's a crap tons of weapons and the later stuff you unlock you can't use (like I just unlocked the Mortars recently >.<).

But yeah other than some annoying issues that I'm sure they'll at least dim down let alone remove entirely, it looks good so far.

[@Jon] Yeah I wasn't that real big online as well, not sure what got me into online in the first place. Hmm...

The beta's been up now, in case you haven't checked. There's a squad bug problem so even if I invite people and they somehow join outside of the game,
while we start the game we most likely will be on opposite teams... BF:BC2 had a similar issue as well, like not keeping consistent parties?
I don't remember if it did or not, I might be confusing it with another game.

If you'll willing to try it out with me sometime just join whenever I'm playing cause inviting won't work, lol. XD

How'd you get that code? Does Canada get like exclusive stuff? I remember you had the Brotherhood beta, too though I think it was from some other pre-order game.
Aside from the Sly Collection, that's actually a really good PS2 remake bundle. Sony's sure releasing a lot of them lately aren't they?

I've heard about Dead Island, maybe if I still had GF I'd rent it to play with you.
I'm probably holding off the ICO/SOTC collection for next year as well as AC3.
Cause I've already pre-ordered BF3, and luckily I got 13$ off for it (^_^),
and in January I'm definitely getting UFC Undisputed 3. lol I'm so depleted on games now. >.<


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-10-01 19:19:57
@ Jon- I'm still around watching the conversation that goes on here, but I don't really have much to say since I don't know/don't have much interest in the games you're talking about. XD

Well, that and I haven't been gaming much at all lately since school's started. Then again, I wasn't really gaming much before then. I should really get back into it again sometime soon. >.>

Lately, I've just been keeping an eye on the games that are coming out for the 3DS (Mainly the Luigi's Mansion 2 that supposed to come out in 2012 and the Paper Mario that's going back to being an RPG instead of being a Platformer like they had in the last game of the series). I plan on getting the 3DS when Christmas time comes around, so you might see me posting here more often at that time.

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by Maiku on 2011-10-01 22:14:31
I just picked up the Uncharted 3 competitive multi-player experience (thanks subway!)
If anyone else picks it up, hit me up! That's where I'll be putting my hours.

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-10-16 19:27:50
@Toyumi - That's good to know. I know what you mean about not having much time to game with school on the go. I barely get time anymore, which is not good for my already big backlog.

Finally got my Ark Knight in White Knight Chronicles 2, and it's awesome! Well, somewhat disappointing in it's choices for weapons and in having to track down parts for it, but it's still really awesome to have one for my character.

Also beat Ace Combat. Beside that, only game I'm getting this holiday is Uncharted 3.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-10-17 12:35:52 (edited 2011-10-17 12:36:18)
UC3 amazing more stages than ever and even harder missions when you try
to get the rewards and getting those treasures on Hardcore with no
kickback or power up (i think) and without the treasure increase
it's a bish, took me 10-15 rounds to get at least one
of the three treasures sets @_@ you have been doing the mission modes as
well right like the 15 kills with whatever weapons is require and mode they are.

only one of the few problems i had with the beta are the players that camp there
and all of a sudden turn invisible after they kill you while staying in that
one place most of the time unless you start throwing explosive rounds
and well only thing that didn't make it fun is that no Vehicles =/ and
well the engineering class was pretty much useless unless of course you
continue to play em like me since it was my 1st class like on BF2
(fav class scouter and engineering)
Although i can't wait till the game does come out I seen those videos with the
dogfight (looks like those trailers from Ace Combat Assault Horizon)

how many of ya seen the RE Operation Raccoon City Trailer +_+
in case a few of ya didn't see it and here's a game play from it
and from what I seen unlike any other RE, YOU CAN BECOME ONE OF THEM
unless you or one or few of your teammates have the anti-virus
and injected you with it, you will be safe and guess who comes showing
up for the party near the end.

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-10-17 13:34:12
[@JC] Yeah people camped a lot with the sniper, which annoys me in ANY FPS.
It's more annoying because there was a squad bug so when you want to talk to your friend(s),
they're either on the other team or another squad (since you're only limited to squad chad).
But I'm trying to find friends who are getting the game so we can always squad together and whatnot.

Snipers weren't that major of an issue, just occasionally you get into those games where your team absolutely sucks and everyone else is sniping.
I'm sure they'll be more snipers in the other maps (have you seen the Caspian Border map, friggin' huge and ideal for sniping!).

The reason they didn't have vehicles in the console version of the beta
was because they needed to compare results to the PC's alpha, so it had to be similar.
Yeah it was boring after a while but it gave the players a well of enough chance to move deep into the classes and see the weapons.
I unlocked a lot of awesome stuff like C4, MORTARS!!! (which you couldn't use in the beta), rocket launchers, etc.
But yeah the first part of the Operation Metro Rush level is hard enough sometimes with the snipers,
if you have vehicles running around it'd be pretty frustrating as well if you're on the opposite team.
Overall I think it was fair, and Operation Metro is too "vertical" of a map to have vehicles anyways.

Here are a list (but not limited to) of bugs they have/will fix for the real game:

I'm so glad they're fixing these issues with proning but sometimes proning hurts you and only helps campers who wiggle their way through the bushes.
Because of the addition of proning, it makes it hard to smoothly walk through the terrain (since ground and levels of hills aren't full 3D).

One funny thing I did with a bug was when you defend (or attack, it doesn't matter) on the first level,
by the mcom station near the left side (wall) there was a ditch where if you walked to a certain exact point, you fall in,
if you try to run away or climb out you'll keep free falling until you eventually commit suicide.
This angered me a lot at first, and seeing some people fall they deploy their parachutes, lol,
however I eventually figured out a way to use this to my advantage as if sometimes you fall, I wouldn't run or move.
That way you end up not falling and just stay on a certain level and you can camp below the mcom station and defend it.
Shooting isn't as smooth though as it glitches and twitches but it worked for me most of the time.
I don't normally camp for long hours like most losers online do but I was testing out a bug to my advantage. :)

I used the engineer class a lot and eventually ranked up to level 46 (45, then colonel rank 1).
I used the rocket launcher to destroy walls and just to blast people/snipers on the other side of the entire map.
It's also a good back up to your one and only grenade (the damn grenade perk only gives you 2 total...).

I didn't use the recon class at all, in BF:BC2 I used it so/so but you unlocked the best sniper like really early.
I went pretty well into the other two classes (assault/support) too but I love the UMP-45 gun the best, which is a universal gun.
Mildly quiet, great recoil reduction, low magazine count, but keeps you from using too much ammo at once, and accurate.
I eventually combo'd it with a flash surpresser and that awesome russian holographic site (which is like an acog). Deadly combination and best for me.

There's another awesome list that shows all the BF3 weapons and they're pretty awesome can't wait to try 'em!!

I was gonna say something else but I forgot just now, but yeah. XD What do you mean dogfights?

Btw, that RE game looked cool, though I'm not big into 3D shooters. Is that some demo? Hmm...


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-10-17 13:46:11
well its a term i learned when playing games that involves Air to Air Combat
robot tech battle cry was the 1st time i heard that dogfight = Air to Air combat

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-10-17 14:07:44
Oh I thought you meant like Infantry vs. Infantry related melee/close ranged battle.

lol in one video I saw of the Caspian Border map, these two jets crashed into each other. XD

Btw not sure if I ever asked you, are you pre-ordering/buying BF3?


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-10-17 14:12:06
well my brother said he'll get it on my birthday since it will be on Oct 25 :D

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-10-17 17:46:36
@JC - I'm looking forward to the RE: Raccoon City game, although only for the co-op possibilities. I'm hoping that a few other people here will be getting it so that I have someone else to play with. The last game I really played with anyone here from Gendou was Lost Planet 2 with Maiku and Ray (which we never got to finish, unfortunately).


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-10-17 21:39:15
[@JC] That'll be great! I don't think we were able to play online together (cause of the squad bug mostly)
so I'm curious about your skillz~~ :) But if he is getting it for sure, tell him to pre-order at least for the free map pack.

lol some surprise right?

[@Jon] Looks interesting enough since it seems you can play with three other friends,
though without trying a game first before fully buying it I'm hesitant to really buy any new game anymore.

Other than BF3 which I've already tried myself and confirmed to get and UFC Undisuputed 3 in January,
there's really no other games I'll really invest money in getting. I can always get AC3, Uncharted 3, etc. next year with a price drop.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by Maiku on 2011-10-17 21:42:08
I'll have Uncharted 3 immediately following my thanksgiving break. If you can
hold out on co-op, I think its almost time to put the team back together (minus
Ray, poor bloke).

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-10-19 18:21:50
@All - Did anyone else download or plan to download 'The Heist' demo? Me and my friend played the demo earlier tonight and it wasn't too bad. It's a little difficult to get into at first, but it doesn't take long to get the hang of it.

I was wondering if any of you guys were going to give it a try (or even purchase the game for that matter).

For those that don't know, 'The Heist' is that PSN game where you and three friends do bank robberies and such.

@Maiku - That shouldn't be a problem. I doubt I will have anyone to play co-op with until you guys get it. My friend is strapped for cash for the next little while.

Hopefully we can get one other person together for that. Uncharted 2's Siege and Co-Op Missions were hilarious when me, you and Ray played them.

@DA - Well if I do wind up getting it, then I'm likely to keep it. It doesn't seem like the kind of game to stay up in price very long, so I can always play it with you if you get it at budget price.

I get what you're saying. The fact that it's being made by the guys responsible for SOCOM: Confrontation is cause for concern, but the premise is really interesting to me. For one, it's going back to Raccoon City with the regular old zombies (rather than these fast zombies, Las Plagas and whatever else they're called in the new RE's). Playing as the Umbrella Security Service is also a welcome change. I'm hoping that it turns out to be at least a decent title.


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