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Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-13 19:16:19
the fact that they don't understand each other fully and get into arguments makes the relationship all the more realistic. most romantic relationships have such conflicts, and the people in question don't always seem like they belong together, but that's part of the fun of love. i like how Soul and Maka show how they care for one another in the littlest of things, and even better, neither of them (or anyone else) seems to realize it *laughs* they aren't all lovey-dovey with one another, and frankly, i'd almost gag if they actually were canonically (fanfics and fanart on the other hand...)

it's downright adorable how Soul always tries to protect Maka. and see, it's interesting because they seem to be one of the only female meister-male weapon pairs in the series (compared to male meister-female weapon or same-sex pairs). the whole "weapon protects meister" thing doesn't appear to apply quite so strongly in other pairs (maybe same-sex pairs, more likely). Tsubaki and the Thompson sisters don't really push the issue like Soul does, which leads me to believe it's something more than just obligation to protect the meister.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-13 19:54:35 (edited 2009-01-13 20:35:14)
Soul and Maka seem right for eachother, but when Kid was being introduced, I though "what if Kid fell for Maka...?" It was dumb, but I though it would've been funny.

It is true that Soul is more protective of Maka, and she him. So protective that she was risking herself to stop him from injury. I think with Black☆Star has the same relationship with Tsubaki, except reverse. Like in episode 11, It was amazing how he was willing to be struck repeatedly but as soon as the little whelp was about to hit Tsubaki, he stops him.

I saw that picture you linked, Insanity. It was absolutely adorable. But I don't think Shinigami-sama would look so similar to Kid. I agree with Mokona4modoki on Shinimgami's appearance

I was watching bits of the RAW episode, but only the beginning and end [so I wouldn't ruin too much]. I have to say I'm loving the new outro song...

I'm waiting to finish finals so I can start the manga. I'll probably make a day of it like I did the anime, but there are so many chapters ;3; make that three days.

pump~pumpkin pumpkiiin~! Bounen no Xam'd, watch it now!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-13 20:39:43
actually, you'd be surprised how many Kid/Maka fics you can find. not quite as common as Kid/Black*Star, but still not uncommon to see. Kid/Chrona is also a common one, but whether or not it's a het pairing or a yaoi one depends on the writer. personally, i don't like yaoi, but after episode 6 with the whole Soul and Black*Star moment, i'm surprised there isn't more Soul/Black*Star XD that's some crack i would read because it would be freakin' hilarious. i would write some myself, but i wouldn't do it justice since i couldn't take it seriously.

i can so picture Soul and Black*Star doing this: and Black*Star winning all the time.

ooo, i just searched the new ending on YouTube :D i like! the animation is cool, and i like ABS's music, so bonus! i've found i really like the music in Soul Eater. go BONES!

eh, it's only 57 chapters <.< could be 300-, 400-some odd chapters like Naruto. if you're internet's fast enough, you could probably finish a chapter in 15 minutes at the most. good luck on finals D: my own exams are coming up soon, even if i only have one.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-13 21:16:57
Woaah, I must find these fanfics, though I'm not a fanfic reader. Soul/Black☆Star would be funny. That video almost made me wake my parents with laughter XD.
I have to admit though, I didn't like the second opening for the series [Paper Moon]. I just miss Resonance. I always love the first openings for series the best.

I read very slowly, (I spend a little to long looking at the pictures) but I will do it! I have the motivation. I want to be in the know about all the things that "haven't happened yet." Good luck on your exam coming up as well.

pump~pumpkin pumpkiiin~! Bounen no Xam'd, watch it now!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-14 06:20:04
^ that's the place i always read 'em. i check almost everyday, sometimes several times because new fics and chapters don't always update at the same time.

the only one i didn't really get into (in fact, the only one not on my mp3 player) was the second ending, Style. i didn't mind it, but it's not something i'd listen too often. i kind of agree with you on Resonance; Paper Moon doesn't seem to have as much power to it, but i still like it.

XD i read fast, but that's a mix of both getting into the story/action and years of reading manga to the point i can finish a normal-sized graphic novel in 20 to 30 minutes. although i can't seem to read anything i find anymore; i've been getting bored of simple romance series. ah well.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-14 08:03:16 (edited 2009-01-14 08:30:55)
Stel : I thought about Kid liking Maka too, but i liked the idea of Maka and Soul more...

Even though they fell out during the team resonancing thing, Black Star and Maka get along fine too, though it seems like all his fighting was so that he could prove himself... ( to her )

aww haven't heard the new ending yet T_T ....

Insanity: I loved the part where ( ep 11 ) he stopped the kid hitting Tsubaki- love that ^^

LOl would love to see more of Black Star + Soul fighting, though it's not serious, if they really got going- i think it would be really good !

EDIT :::: Watched new ending on Youtube !!! WOW !! I luv Abingdon Boys scool !!
( innocent sorrow, nephilim ) aww i like when all of them were posing on the rocks ^^ ( woo hoo ! Kid looked soo cool !! )

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-14 13:12:06
Black*Star and Maka clash because of their personalities, but they are fairly good friends despite this. if you remember, Black*Star got angry and attempted to get revenge for Maka when she was paralyzed (even when previously he had been drawing on her face with magic marker). unfortunately their personalities clash too much, so they aren't compatible at all as more than friends (and apparently other fans realize that, so you don't see fanart or fanfics of the pair).

it really is interesting how Soul says that he's protecting his meister, but with Black*Star and Tsubaki as well as Kid and the Thompson sisters, the meister protects the weapon(s). so i'm under the impression that it may be a guy thing rather than a weapon/meister thing. then again, there's the teams like Ox and Harvar, or Kim and Jackie, where both are the same gender, and the weapon (in the manga) tends to act like Soul does. i dunno. i'm looking too much into things again XP

you know, i find it kinda funny that first T.M.Revolution does the first opening, and now his band, abingdon boys school, is doing the latest, and likely final, ending.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-14 15:37:54 (edited 2009-01-14 15:38:48)
well, i just enjoy the song ( well, both the songs ^^ ), but by his band- do you mean T.M.Revolution used to be part of Abingdon Boys School ?

I guess the protection thingy is a guy thing- they just think they have to lol

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-14 16:48:23
actually, no, T.M.Revolution was originally solo, but he formed ABS a while ago. he's still part of the band, but i think he temporarily went solo again for Resonance.

what's also funny about that is that Maka is such the independant tomboy that she complains (so to say) about being protected. come to think of it, Stein once admonished Spirit for confronting Medusa when she was talking about abandoning Chrona; "a weapon can't be too reckless." makes one wonder where Soul got the idea that the weapon protects the meister with their life...

...i just keep compounding on the same idea, and i need to stop >.<

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-15 10:28:03
Well, firstly he's a boy, so i guess it's a guy thing.. and they've created such a bond that's it's not really about status ( weapon v meister ) and even though Maka complains, it's just that they're friends - so it's all the same...

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-16 13:38:35
yeah, i guess you could say that. seems we're in need of a new topic again >.< i'm out for now, since i haven't seen the latest episode yet.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-16 15:24:50
i know i know !

if you scroll down the page, ( this page ) our signatures make a nice contrast of colours !! :3

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-16 16:00:16
ha-ha, they do! it's funnier 'cause it's Kid and Soul XD (although, on the colour scale, red and blue aren't really opposites, but whatever).

still haven't seen the episode, but from pictures i've seen, it's odd that it's still somewhat on plot from the original manga. i love this picture: Shinigami Shinigami-chopping Medusa? priceless.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-17 10:07:43 (edited 2009-01-17 14:14:52)
lol- funny picture ! shinigami- chop works on so many different levels :3

maybe if i put on my Kid avatar as well, we can see even more contrast.... also, on some level, it looks a bit like Kid's actaully pointing the gun at Soul and Soul's looking at it, no ? yh ur rite :(

anyways, will be catching up on all episodes- monday ? or tomorrow depending T_T i'm so bad at catching up- stupid shared computer, stupid computerholiky siblings ¬¬

EDIT: one of the youtube vids of the soul eater ending hads DL ( download link ) on it, so i checked it out and some of the comments from people are so deluded. lol they have their own forum thing going on, but the info seems to be so wrong, although i could be wrong... what episode does Soul Eater end at again ?

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-17 14:50:51
Heehee, you two. I'm sorry but I'm back to break the nice pattern you've made XD. But if you think of it, red and blue makes purple O_o
I put the Shinigami chop pic as my desktop background. I finally watched EP 40. Stein nooooooooooooo! I'm about to start the manga. I wonder how the little girls body that Medusa hijacked is going to be returned. Her poor mother T_T. Also, I don't think I've seen Maka so angry.

I just had a thought: how could they have been mistaken that they defeated Medusa if they didn't see/retrieve her soul? wouldn't that be the most important thing to look out for? I went back and looked at the episode [24] and Spirit said "what a woman, she was destroyed with her soul." How could they make such an assumption?! Also, why did they release Medusa so soon. They should've made sure that her facts were straight before letting her out. For all they know, she could be lying [though, I doubt she did]. I should stop scratching my head and read the manga already.

I didn't much like Style either.

pump~pumpkin pumpkiiin~! Bounen no Xam'd, watch it now!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-17 14:59:16
maybe if us threee posted at regular intervals, it will look more impressive: red, blue, purple, red, blue, purple, red, blue, purple, red, blue, purple LOL

or, blue blue blue (kid, kid, kid ) lol- but ur not allowed double posting T_T

anyways- yh didn't much like style, but the other songs were bang on.

It's true what you say about them guys should have taken her soul or summit- lol that's exactly the thing Insanity would say- well done ( don't know why for the congratulations ) but yh, i just guess cuz she was so mashed up ans stuff..

poor kid- dont think her mum will be seeing her ever again ( i'm so pessimistic )

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-18 08:56:16
:P too bad only us three seem to post here; we could potentially have a whole rainbow of colours and characters XD

what's weird about Style is that my brother liked the song more than i did O_o i truly have ruined him (he listens to the Lucky Star songs with enjoyment). hello hell.

about Medusa, i think that they just kind of assumed things, and their mission to stop the Kishin from awakening had failed already. there were more urgent matters than to make sure Medusa was definately dead.

XD glad to hear i'm known for looking into things too much. you should have seen the forum i went on before; there were people who wrote essays analyzing series and that! mind you, the majority were for pairings, and those got a tad too...err, obsessive (thank heavens i'm pretty much done with that...)

aw, i think Medusa will give her back...eventually, when the body has fulfilled its purpose. whether or not it'll be in one piece is kind of a toss up.

i personally respect Medusa; she's so delightfully evil, cunning and manipulative.

<.< why hasn't someone uploaded the TV version of Strength yet? i really like that song, and would upload it myself if i could...

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-18 15:53:01
According to the release date list, Strength is set to be on the site on February 25th, but I already have it. I found it somewhere on the wonderful internet *coughcoughyoutubecoughcough*
My favorite villain would have to be Arachne. She can be just as manipulative as her sister, as you can see with her recruiting the Kishin. I almost regret that she may be defeated in the future.

pump~pumpkin pumpkiiin~! Bounen no Xam'd, watch it now!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-18 16:44:16 (edited 2009-01-20 20:06:03)
the full version? i know that it comes out later, but i was looking for the TV version, because that would tide me over until the full one comes out. but thanks to Mokona, i have the TV version :D i uploaded it because i thought it wasn't fair no one else could download it.

the only reason i wouldn't like Arachne is because i don't like spiders XD but she is very manipulative. i like how she and Arachne seem to have strategy battles. it's cool. and then we have poor little Shibusen stuck in the middle. it is sad when good villains get taken down, but part of the fun, i find, is how they go down. do they leave a wake of destruction behind, or is there finally an end to their terror? wonder i want to go into the writing field, i like looking into things too much XD

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-03-31 12:55:35
*hits self hard, drops onto floor*

wa?!~ oh yh >< I hate myself for letting this thread die !!!

I just wanna say: OMG!!! Anyone watch episode 47&48 yet? AWWWW Shinigami-sama soooo my favourite!!!

Everything is working out nicely and it's all coming together for the anime!!! I don't wanna ruin it- so just ending on- is it just me, or does some other people have hots for the Kishin-Ashura? I mean com'on without the bandages- he is cool!

But yh- Awwwww Shinigami!!

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