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Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-01-31 17:17:44
Yay yay, Sammeh-chan's gonna join!
Just state which fruit you'd like to be, and you're welcome to join!

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-01-31 17:19:04
@Darky - Can me be a Coconut or Raspberries?

Tell me what works for you :D

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-01-31 17:30:15
YAY! Could I pleez be a plum? :D

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-01-31 17:31:22
Certainly! Welcome to Teh Fruits Club!~ *hugs*

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by Image and video hosting by TinyPic on 2008-01-31 17:54:49
Welcome to the Clubb!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-01-31 17:57:05
YAYYUH!! Shankyoos very much ^_^

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by bakit?! 0.o on 2008-02-01 00:46:47 (edited 2008-02-09 12:53:37)

welcome, new members!

to samantha the plum,


you guessed the fruit right (just in the nick of time)!!! c",

the fruit pic i posted last last week was: Sideroxylon dulcificum

commonly known as the miracle fruit or magic berry, this has the ability to turn bitter and sour-tasting fruits sweet. there's nothing special as you eat it, but try to eat lemons afterwards to taste the difference!

i haven't seen nor tasted this fruit, but i want to try it!


clue: "puff!"

i think this is pretty easy for you fruits to guess.
i'll just give it a week or less. have fun! ^_^

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by Dark on 2008-02-01 07:25:10 (edited 2008-02-01 08:23:44)
@yance: I know that one again!

@Inx: coconuts i guess.. the brown one if it's okay with you?


just some notes I'll take down here (do not mind)

Yance's Fruit Guessing Game
Samantha gets 1 merit for guessing it right!
Thanks Yance for making these games!
As Vice President I give you, a merit per game you make!

*Mike, the cherry has been booted*

Yance +4 merit *promoted to Amateur Member* /
Samantha: +2 merit
Ukissa: +1 merit

Plum for Samantha

Fruits club members Fruit takenMeritsMerits
Apple Apple♛♛♛♛♛Queen Apple, President
Dark Peach♜♜♜♜♜Rook Dark, Vice-President
Yance Blueberry★1-star Contributing Amateur Member
Neon Mangosteen▐▐▐
Shizue Strawberry▐▐
Eon Zalacca Fruit(?)▐
Senna Orange▐
Kyo Grapes▐
w00t0s Lime▐
MyLove Pear▐
Rin Durian▐
La La Pineapple▐
Empo Lemon▐
Sayuri Lychee▐
Samantha Plum▐
Ukissa Guava▐
JC Starfruit
Vie Kiatkiat
Alexandra Tomato
ZParticus Green Mango
Inx Coconut
DA Watermelon
Sheril Honey Dew
Yat Longan Berry
Quack Pomegranate
Mizuki Yellow Mango
Blur Banana

Fruit of the Month
January: Neon, the Mangosteen
Febuary; TBA

Merits System:
1 Merit = 1 strip (▐)
5 strips = 1 star (★)
5 stars = 1 badge (✶)
5 badges = 1 medal (TBA)

Merit Colors: (I will not post what each means to make you just find out for yourselves)
Blue - Contributory Merit
Red - Activity Merit
Green - Frequency Merit
Violet - Morale Merit
Orange - Fun Merit

*Applies to Stars and Medals only
*There are a special badge-only-colors not listed!

Max is 5 medals! (which is 225 merits!)

My sig to do list:
  • REDO Mangostein for Neon (?)
  • Blueberry for Yance
  • Yellow Mango for Mizuki
  • Guava for Ukissa
  • Durian for Rin
  • Banana for Blurrie
  • Zalacca Fruit for Eon
  • Lime for w00t0s
  • Pear for MyLove
  • Lychee for Sayuri
  • Coconut for Inx
  • Plum for Samantha


Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by bakit?! 0.o on 2008-02-01 08:47:13
tnx darky! love being blue!!! can you please make it bluer? because that is so sky blue, not cerulean blue!
favor~! can you change amateur to "proletarian" or "recreational"? [joke!]

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-01 13:19:09
Yayy Thanks for the congratz i luv little games n stuffs ^_^

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-01 16:20:15

Ya the brown one is fine :D
And thank you for your hard work x3

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-01 16:26:59
Yeah, Darky does work hard, doesn't he? =0
Hmm, we need to celebrate Darky's work in some special way that lets him know that he does well in this club. I think he works a bit harder than me too! xD

Well, What should we do for him? We do need to celebrate! Tell me what me must do!

NOTICE: That part of the post is Darky-Proof. He may not respond. I say so.

Anyway, we need new activities for the month of February. The month of amore, chocolate, gaining 5 pounds and snow. I'm going to let you guys think up something for a new activity. Make it really good so I can play along too!

Have fun with coming up with ideas and I hope that you will have a wonderful day/night/whatever.

Teh Club President,
Teh Apple

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by Image and video hosting by TinyPic on 2008-02-01 19:36:44
We should throw darky a party for his hard work!!!! XD

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by Dark on 2008-02-01 20:16:41
Uhh alright sure.. uhh *this feels abiut awkward*

some new sigs:

*norice: this are uploaded on my personal server~*

Mangosteen Puprplelized:



Yellow Mango:

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-01 20:53:27
@vice-president-sama: thanks for the "purpulized" siggy.
You ish very very hard-working! //hails~

Anyways, it's February now...
time to give up the crown of "Fruit of the Month" to.........

well, let's wait for who it will be :)

I wanna guess the fruit that Yance posted.
(I've been away for some time) so I dunno if I should post my answer here or just PM Yance...

I guess, I'll just PM XD

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by Dark on 2008-02-01 20:59:11
last "Hail!" to Neon! Fruit's Club's First Fruit of the Month for "January 08" !!

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-02 07:20:26
@clairvoyance- That fruit is Dragonfruit!

Heya fruitz~!! ^_^

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-02 07:42:22 (edited 2008-02-02 08:01:44)
my last hail to neon!!!! the fruit of the month for january ^_^



eloe my fellow fruits ^_^

and for the hardwork of our vice president darky ^_^ here is teh

peach ice cream recipe ^_^


3 each peaches ripe, peeled, sliced or peach halves can do ^_^
half cup milk
half cup whip cream
1/3 cup sugar (refined)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract


>Puree teh peaches and place in fridge ^_^
>Combine milk, cream, sugar
>mix until sugar is dissolved
>Stir in vanilla extract.
>Add peach puree
>Chill, placed in a pre-freezed container ^_^

T_T wootos and i have the same answer T_T

i guess dragon fruit toooo ^_^


a little something about strawberry ^_^

our town here in the Philippines is the strawberry capital of our country

we hold a strawberry fest here every year in the month of march ^_^

this is the strawberry cake from our place,

this tasted really good ^_^

this is our town's strawberry farm

currently, you can harvest strawberries

as many as you want for only 5.00-10.00 PhP (philippine peso)


Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by bakit?! 0.o on 2008-02-02 09:08:29 (edited 2008-02-09 12:54:20)

to neon the mangosteen, wootos the zalacca, & shizue the strawberry


you guessed the fruit right! haha, told you that it was easy.

but i still regard wootos for the common name, the dragon fruit

ok, now guess this fruit!!!


i have no idea if you know this, and i won't give any clues!

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by Dark on 2008-02-02 09:29:34
@yance: maybe it's just coincidence but I know every fruit you asked the members to guess XD

just some notes
(organized by what kind of merit ^^.. only I can understand don't mind these)

yance +1 merit (new guessing game)

w00t0s +1 merit (guessing game)
neon +1 merit (guessing game)
shizue +1 merit (guessing game)

shizue +1 merit (for posting some interesting stuff)

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