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Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-08-20 16:14:13
My buying plan is:

Disgaea 4: Premium Edition
Resistance 3
White Knight Chronicles 2
Persona 2: Innocent Sin

Batman: Arkham City (Maybe. I'm not sure if I will be able to afford it since it's launching at $69.99.)

Uncharted 3

Picked up my copy of No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise as well. Currently at Rank 9. Graphics look good, although the environments seem empty and the controls on the motorcycle are disgustingly bad. Music tends to get really repetitive, as well as slicing through the same group of enemies all the time (death animations/quotes from enemies are also incredibly repetitive and irritating).

It's still a pretty fun game, but it definitely needed a lot of polish in a bunch of different areas.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-08-20 17:47:29 (edited 2011-08-20 19:37:54)

Are you planning on getting it yourself? I'm a bit stumbled on what pre-order to get,
but I might just pre-order at Amazon because at Best Buy it'll be like 5-6$ more just to pre-order skins,
but since it'll be like an extra 2$ after the full price for on-game day release shipping, it's better.
Everyone gets the map packs regardless so I don't mind getting skins (you do get dog tags ^_^;;).

I'm just tired of talking about MW3. If people are willing to pay 60$ for the exact same game, heh, then that's alright...

[EDIT] Just pre-ordered on actually, which is a site I used before and is good.
If you want to pre-order BF3, do it there, you get no pre-order bonuses other than the maps,
but you get BF3 for only 47.99$ though you gotta wait three days to get it. ã… ã… 

Maps + 1943 is still a good deal though, so hopefully everything is okay!!


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by Maiku on 2011-08-20 23:13:50
Yeah, I've seen all the BF3 footage there is to see, but I'll be getting MW3
first. BF3 just doesn't interest me as much as it maybe should. I'll probably
pick it up in like March for the campaign and MP with whatever friends of mine
hang onto it. Like I said before, maybe I'll grab it for Christmas. It doesn't
help that BF3 will not have split-screen co-op, and I don't think there's going
to be any split-screen whatsoever. FPSes without split-screen have a habit of
slipping down my wishlist. Besides, I'm bigger on CoD than BF, which seems to be
a crime these days. Honestly the BF3 fans who just bash CoD get old fast. Why
can't everyone enjoy their own games without acting like snot nosed squirts?

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-08-21 00:37:39
I always thought split-screen co-op was a needed feature for all FPSes,
but the past few years I've found them really useless unless it's different from campaign.
Yeah it's fun to have a friend over and play some missions, good for dorms especially, but it's a so-so feature now that I don't mind.
BF3 will have online co-op and it will be different from the main campaign, although I don't know much other detail,
although the main focus that fans will be swayed by is obviously the awesome multiplayer and on PC the much larger capacity of players.

I don't mind people arguing over which is better or what to buy,
it's a debate that goes on just like which is the better console between PS3 or XBOX 360.
BF isn't a game most COD fans can get used to because of it's more tactical style and realistic logic thinking.
COD fans have been bashing DICE as well as other shooters and GAMES for years!!!
While it has the largest fanbase in the gaming industry today, COD fans assume COD is the best FPS out there when it's not
and when a huge competitor steps up to the plate like BF, all guns blazing.

Honestly COD fans are the most delusional when it comes to their own games...

** Just trying to save my buddies 60$. :)


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-08-25 18:39:02 (edited 2011-08-25 18:40:17)
@DA - Split screen co-op is a needed feature in just about every game in my opinion.

Disgaea 4 and Resistance 3 both hitting on the 6th, one day before I go back to college. >_>

I picked up Fist of the North Star as well, since it went on sale for $10. Taking a break from No More Heroes to play through that, and judging by the trophies that are in it, I may actually go for Platinum (I'll most likely get a Platinum just from playing through regularly). It plays a lot like a Dynasty Warriors game, if a bit slower, but it has such over the top stuff in it that I still find it pretty entertaining. Me and my friend are also playing through the Dream Mode, which supports split-screen co-op, and that is almost identical to a DW game.

Other than that, I still have a growing backlog of games that haven't even been touched. I picked up Phantasy Star Online for GC, Phantasy Star Universe for PS2, and the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time disc that was put out for the GC (although I have already beaten that game on the N64 and GC).

Finally, just to check in one more time. Does anyone else here plan to get White Knight Chronicles 2 on the 20th? Nobody has been talking about it, and my friend's PS3 died on him, so right now it's looking like I won't have anyone to quest with until he gets a new one.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-08-25 20:07:13
[@Jon] You're probably right, and it's such an easy thing to add as well,
but you and me are different I guess cause I don't mind playing with people online and talking to them.
For BF3 example, I'm going to love every part of it online. Do you plan on checking it out?

I think it'd be a nice FPS to have for your tastes cause it's way better than Operation Flashpoint,
and also it's squad based so if it's just you and me in one squad (of 4 members), there's at least 2 guys you won't know,
and most of the time a lot of people don't even use mics; and if they're annoying mute their butts.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-08-25 20:14:28
@DA - I probably won't. I tend to avoid FPS games, since they are all about the competitive online, which I'm not a fan of. Besides that, I have enough games coming out at that time.

I know BF3 has a co-op mode, but I'm highly skeptical of how much depth it will actually have. They tend to be misleading in terms of how much there is to do.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-08-31 10:15:46
BF3 Beta comes out next week (I think), ugh, cannot wait. >.<;;


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-09-01 16:23:56
Alright, I've finished both Fist of the North Star and No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise. I've got a few days before Disgaea 4 and Resistance 3, so I'm playing my import copy of White Knight Chronicles: Origins.

I also pre-ordered the Strategy Guide for Disgaea 4, since I had the chance. I won't bother consulting it for story related stuff, but I would like to have it as a collector's item and for stat related stuff. WKC2 is a week after that, but I'll probably hold off on that for a while since I doubt I'll be finished with D4 by that point.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by route66 on 2011-09-01 18:13:18
getting gears of war 3 who with me?

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by Maiku on 2011-09-01 23:16:18 (edited 2011-09-13 14:09:25)
My Disgaea 4 finally shipped (my brother got his today).
I also imported the Legend of Zelda: Windwaker CD to go with my OoT CD and the CD
that'll come with LoZ: Skyward Sword. I'm planning on eventually picking up the
FF: Crystal Chronicles OST at some point too, as, next to WW, its probably my
favorite game soundtrack.

EDIT: Nintendo's conference yesterday threw my hype through the roof. The new Fire Emblem looks amazing, and Mario Kart, Super Mario 3D Land, Animal Crossing, Mario Tennis, Monster Hunter 4, Luigi's Mansion 2, and all the others are as near to day one purchases as I can financially manage.

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-09-16 18:24:42
Anyone getting the Team Ico bundle this month? IGN made it seem boring cause of Ico,
but I'm very tempted to start slaying those original monster giant bosses like the old days of PS2.

Also more news on BF 3 beta, I read private testing for the MOH LE orders are starting and last week of this month is when it's open publicly.
I wish the damn game just came out earlier though, EA's teasing us too much. :(


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-09-17 15:51:55
@DA - I am hoping to, although I don't think I'll be able to get it at launch.

I'm currently on Chapter 5 of Disgaea 4, it's a really big improvement in my opinion. I'm kinda too tired to go into specifics of how it is better though.

I also picked up White Knight Chronicles 2. I'm waiting for my friend to get his new PS3 before starting that one, since we want to do quests online together (and no-one here at Gendou seems to have bought it). We did play an hour of it, and I have to say, they really improved on the gameplay side of things. The Avatar also seems to be at least part of event scenes now, although I'm not sure how long that will actually last. I am a little worried when it comes to that masked character in the opening however (the one you see during the first parts of the game). Those people that have played the first one probably know where I'm going with this. I'm just hoping that they don't go for the same plot twist a second time.

I'm nearly done White Knight Chronicles Origins, which has been a pretty good game overall. When I finish that game, I'm going to do up a little fanfic style thing for my Avatar, since I had a fun idea.

Finally, I will be getting Ace Combat: Assault Horizon when it comes out in October. Not sure if anyone else will be getting it, but it will apparently have co-op, so I'm always up for that. Every time I see the trailer at work, I want to play the game more and more. The demo was great, although the helicopter mission was kind of frustrating due to the controls.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by Maiku on 2011-09-18 09:49:44
I've been playing Disgaea 4 nonstop since I got it. Finally getting to the point
where my levels and damage are bouncing up exponentially.
I spent some hours yesterday looking at my funds and buying plan for this year and
next, which gives me just enough for CoD and Zelda. I'll also be grabbing the
new LEGO Harry Potter when it comes out, and then Ni No Kuni next year. Beyond
that, I'm prioritizing 3DS games and the Wii U.

My brother is picking up BF3, Skyrim, Dark Souls and Uncharted 3, so if you guys get
any of those I'll be in for some multiplayer come December. Don't trade them in yet!

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-09-18 14:30:37
@Maiku - Are you still on my friend's list, or do you just not sign in to the PSN? I don't think I have any of your senators registered. I do have Izumo's.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-09-18 17:38:41
[@Maiku] Is your bro pre-ordering it? If he's getting it, I recommend pre-ordering it,
cause the free map pack you get with all pre-orders (pre-orders=LE copies) are "FREE", and will be released later for like 15$!

And yeah you're gonna be so broke by next year man. XD


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by Maiku on 2011-09-19 08:33:17
I haven't been signed in, but I will once we get our new wireless this tuesday.

I think he's pre-ordering it. But yeah, I'm going to be so broke, buying 2
consoles in 2 years. I just hope they don't announce a Ps4 at next E3 because
I'll never be able to afford it.

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-09-19 16:01:27
lol, you're nuts, PS4 isn't coming out for at least another 4-5 years.
2 consoles? What are you buying? Are you buying that Wii2? Trade in your old Wii for some cash at least.
And if you have an XBOX trade that in, too. Or maybe buy some games next year?


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by Maiku on 2011-09-19 23:51:40
The 2 consoles are the Wii U and the 3DS. I'll be hanging on to my Wii, since it
has a butt ton of VC and Wiiware games on it, as well as a lot of memory I don't
want to lose. It'll be nice for my roommates to Brawl on when I'm hittin up the
Wii U for some singleplayer. I'd sooner give it to a friend than trade it in.
Just feels better to pass it on, ya know?

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-09-20 00:10:43
I guess so but money's money, what do you do, do you have a job?
I'm not even sure if you're in college or not, cause buying all those game would be insane if you were I mean. :O

Are you getting Revelations? I'm not sure if I'm getting the final AC or not.


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